
Todd could barely look him in the eye. Joe was so intimidating. Todd had been attractive to him the day he starting hanging out at his friend’s frat house. All the guys there were jock-types, even the big bear-ish ones were strong and reeking of testosterone. There was something different about Joe. He carried himself with a quiet sense of superiority. He wasn’t brash and loud and a raging drunk. Despite being the same age as the other guys in his frat, Joe had an aura of wisdom and maturity the others lacked.

Todd just liked being near him. After a couple of times being around Joe, Todd began to think there was something else different about Joe from the others. And it wasn’t just his taste in movies.

After a party one night, Todd crashed on a sofa bed with his friend on the floor . Shortly after dawn he went downstairs for a snack, but ran into Joe going upstairs. And when he saw Joe, Todd nearly tripped. Joe was just wearing his underwear. All skin bare. The curve of his bulge filling his boxer briefs. It was too much. Todd froze and gawked.
“You finding something worth looking at?” Joe asked.
Todd should have apologized and scurried up the stairs. What came out of his mouth was, “Can I suck your cock?”

Joe looked real surprised. Then he looked amused. “I had an inkling,” he said. “Alright. You want it? Kneel and suck it right here.”
“Right here? On the stairs? Anyone could see us…”
“You best be quiet then.”
That turned Todd on something horrible, and he knew right then he was going to do it. He sank to the steps of the stairs and gazed up at this god of a man. After a few seconds ticked by, Joe’s face began to firm into a look of displeasure. Does he think I’m hesitating? Todd thought. Is he thinking that I’m changing my mind? I wish I could tell him what I was actually thinking. I wish I had the courage to tell him that I was real, real glad I didn’t kill myself as a teenager over being gay.
Todd ran his palms over Joe’s thighs and groaned. His fingers sought Joe’s waistband to pull down. Todd wished he could have shown Joe to his past teen self. His eyes would have bugged out past his head  – even further than the immediate erection! Todd wondered if he was hard right now, but he didn’t care to check. The important thing right now was getting Joe’s beautiful penis to full mast and those full balls drained before anyone else saw them. With men like Joe, you service them well the first time, and or you won’t be doing it again.

Captions are fictional.


“You look down at your cock a lot only to say negative things about it. It is beautiful, as are you. The physical appearance of your cock matters little to me anyway. Its function is what I yearn for the most. And it performs so very well. So responsive to my hands. It is almost like it is trained to respond to my touch. Or is it my voice? I can feel its heat right now. But why do you disparage it so much?
Perhaps I need to put your in a collar that prevents you from looking down until your opinion changes. Or maybe force you to stand in front of a mirror? or lock it away from your sight? Maybe not…preventing you from looking at it won’t stop you from hating it. But something must be done. I must somehow teach you to see how lovely you are, boy.”

Captions are fictional.


Mitch was in his zone. He was connected to the music, and his body was warm and elastic. The energy in the room was electric. He went through his routine, improvising here and there, moving up and down the pole, back and forth across the stage. He was trying to keep his mind off the fact that his boyfriend had come to see him at work for the first time.

Mitch had been evasive had been what he did for a living when he met Zach – “oh I work in a bar” – but Zach had some questions. Mostly, why did one man own so many shiny pieces of clothing? And heels. And cosmetics. The truth came out eventually. Mitch was sure Zach would just ghost him, but to his total surprise Zach was fascinated. He wanted to come see Mitch at work, but Mitch put his foot down at that. I mean, perhaps the only thing worse than a boyfriend who is disgusted that you’re a stripper is a boyfriend who thinks you’re his stripper.

It took a couple months for Mitch to make sure the relationship didn’t get weird, and it didn’t…it got, somehow, better. It was nice to talk about his day at work, vulgar as it could be sometimes, and it was nice to have a partner who understood his odd hours. A partner who wasn’t jealous of the attention he got at the club, and was still totally down for romantic snuggles on the couch.
When they hit their six month anniversary, Mitch got his courage up to ask Zach if he still wanted to see him dance. Zach said “of course”.

So like that made him nervous, and Mitch was totally sure he was going to fuck up tremendously up on stage. Like, slip, or fall off the pole or something. He tried to make himself focus. He knew he performed best when he felt sexy, so Mitch tried something new. He thought of the way Zach made him feel in bed, the way Zach lavished him with attention and ran his hands all over his body, murmuring compliments in his ear.

Worked so well Mitch sort of forgot Zach was even there. And the moment that fact came crashing back, Mitch paused in pose to glance in Zach’s direction sort of as instinct to see if he was still there. Mitch was not prepared for the way Zach was looking at him. Lips parted, face frozen in awe. Mitch wanted to rub his eyes – did Zach look impressed? Zach smiled at him and mouthed, “wow”. Mitch quickly turned his back to the audience. He could do this strip tease part without everybody seeing him blush.

Mitch had his ass out when he realized he couldn’t remember the last time someone made him blush.

Captions are fictional.


Toby wiggled the cabinet door. “Yeah, this is off balanced for sure. The hardware wasn’t mounted properly.”
“Mounted? That’s the right word?” I ask as my eyes trace every curve of his back and shoulders.
“Yep. It wasn’t mounted properly.” Toby grins at me over his shoulder. “Pretty easy fix. This whole cabinet is wonky though. Who put the spice rack way up there?”
“I dunno, but that’s where it goes apparently.”
“Can you even reach those spices?”
“Not well,” I admit as I ogle the beginning of his crack peeking out from his jeans.
Toby studies it. “Probably installed that way due to the tile backsplash. Who-ever installed the cabinets over the backsplash was a silly person. Who designed this kitchen?”
“No clue, I just moved in here.”
“It’s very silly. Nice range though. Gas?” Toby pulls up his jeans.
“Well that’s good at least. Not a fan of electric.”
“Toby?” I ask.
“Are you wearing underwear?”
He flashes that grin at me. “Nah.”
“That’s not uncomfortable?”
“Nah. If I’m not working, I’m fuckin, and vice versa. When I got a man in my sight, underwear just gets in the way.”
“Man.” I repeat.
“Yep. Not real interested in women. I’mma go get my drill and fix your cabinets ok?”
“Y-yeah, sure. One more thing Toby?”
“Do you take tips?”
Toby cracks his gum. “I sure do. Doesn’t always have to be monetary though…”
“That’s what I was hoping for.”
That perfect grin again. “Fucking excellent. I like you. Welcome to the building.”
“Thank you. Remember my unit number, I have a feeling you’ll be here a lot.”

Captions are fictional.


“Bwuh?” JP rubbed his face. “Where – where am I? Who are you?”
Chris turned. “Oh hey you’re up! I thought you’d sleep through the night. You passed out at the festival. You seemed to be alone so I brought you home.”
JP stared at him. “Is that why I still feel drunk?”
”Where’s my phone?”
”Charging.” Chris gestured.
JP blinked slowly. “Who are you?”
Chris pouted a little. “You don’t remember? We were grinding together on the dance floor for like an hour. My name’s Chris. I was wearing bunny ears.”
“I remember bass music that wouldn’t quit. And I remember a very hot guy with an ass that wouldn’t quit and wanting to be alone with him,” JP slurred.
“Oh you do remember me then!” Chris winked. “Bravo. Here let me get you some water. And an aspirin. You need to sleep this off.”
“I …uh, I should go home..” JP tried to get off the sofa and fell off immediately with a thud. “Ow.
Chris shook his head. “Honey you can’t stand up. Here.” He helped JP back onto the sofa. He was heavy and strong. “Oof, ok big boy.”
JP splayed out on the pillows. “My hero.” He smiled.
Chris tried not to flush. “Just helpin out a fellow raver. Stay there, I’mma go get you water.”
JP just waved at him. The room was spinning. He watched Chris walk out of the room. That ass was like hypnotizing him. He was drifting off when Chris came back.
“Pedialyte. Aspirin.”
JP took them immediately. “I’m gonna go to sleep now. You’ll be here in the morning?”
“Yes sweetheart, I live here.”
Chris waited a moment. JP was staring at him. “Anything else?”
JP smiled. “You’re pretty. And I do like your ass.” And then he rolled over and went to sleep.
Chris blushed again. “Well. What a nice piece of dead weight you are.” Chris hoped JP would remember everything in the morning. His life would feel unfinished if they never got to fuck.

JP’s phone chimed. Chris went to look at it. There was another message from JP’s roommate Laura. “Is he doing ok still?”
Chris unplugged the phone and carefully used JP’s thumb to unlock it. He responded. “Yep. He woke up for a moment, so I gave him some electrolytes and an aspirin. I don’t think he’s gonna puke. Just needs to sleep it off.”
“Awesome. I’m going to bed now, but you can call if you need to. Thanks beautiful stranger!”
Chris smiled. “You’re welcome. Sweet you care about your roomie.” When Chris had plugged in the dead phone earlier, he’d found Laura’s panicked texts about how JP hadn’t come home after the dance festival ended.
“Of course. JP just went through a bad break up and this festival was supposed to be him celebrating being single, so I’m lookin’ out for him.”
“Oh he celebrated all right!” Chris responded.
Laura texted back: “LOL he sure did. Ok thanks, sleep well, good night~”
Chris wrote back a ‘good night’ message and put the phone back on the charger. He glanced at the hunk sleeping on his sofa in flamingo-printed shorts and digested this new information.

JP was single, gay, cute, and clearly hadn’t been laid in a while. Oh the odds were so very good that he’d get laid tomorrow morning. Chris liked those odds a lot. He did a little dance as he went to his room.

Captions are fictional.


Angel leaned his head against the wall. He’d snuck off for a moment to catch his breath. The afternoon had peaked and sun was on its way down, which meant the heat of the day had finally broken. Angel loved when Sir threw pool parties and being a perfect host, but he was worn out! So many men to check on, cocks to stroke, so many drinks to refill, trash to empty, and snacks to refresh that he hadn’t even been in the pool. Of course, everyone had their hands all over him and his ass, which normally Angel loved. He was an attention whore, and he knew it. But this experiment with staying locked in chastity longer wasn’t working, and he just felt frustrated and sore and sweaty in the most uncomfortable way. He’d have to talk to Sir about it after everyone left.

Angel heard footsteps and raised his head. “Ah, Sir.” He stood in first position, hands behind his back.
“At ease love. What are you doing over here?”
“Taking a breather Sir.”
“Are you alright? Here drink this, I made you a drink with some of that electrolyte powder you keep for club nights.”
Angel looked relieved. “Thank you so much Sir.” He took it and sipped it. “Oh I needed this.”
Master Dameon looked pleased. A smile pushed his mustache up and crinkled the fine lines around his eyes. “Here. Let’s go inside where it’s cool and you can sit down. You’ve worked really hard today. I’m proud of you.” Master Dameon put an arm around Angel and walked him through the side door into the house.
Angel blushed. “I wanted to make you proud Sir.”
“You did great. All the guys rave about you.”
Angel turned red. “I’m flattered, Sir. It’s because you trained me well.”
“Don’t give me all the credit, I couldn’t do anything without your natural talents and extroverted personality. How is your chastity device feeling?”
“Sore. It’s not working, Sir,” Angel admitted softly. He sipped and set the glass down on the kitchen counter. “I think I’ve been in too long. I know we were a little bored with our previous schedule, but this change isn’t working. I feel so uncomfortable and full. Just achy.
Sir cupped Angel’s face in both hands, forcing Angel to look at him. “Thank you for letting me know. I’m sorry you’re uncomfortable. Do you need to be unlocked now? Or can you wait until everyone leaves and I can spoil you with some release?”
Angel perked up. “Oh, I’d like to be spoiled Sir.”
Master Dameon kissed him. “Then you’ll be spoiled. Sit here for a few minutes and finish drinking the electrolytes. I’ll finish up the party, you can either stay in here or have a dip in the pool.”
“Thank you Sir.” They exchanged another kiss.

Master Dameon walked outside to check on his guests. Two of them were making out on one of his chaise lounge chairs. The others were hanging out in chairs in the shade, some watching them, some talking amongst themselves and snacking on things. One named Adam came up to Dameon.
“Well, it looks like you’re gonna have some stains to get out of that lounge chair.”
Dameon glanced at the couple. “Well. They’ve had some tension for a while, so it’s nice they’ve cut through that. Angel or I can power wash it later.”
Adam nodded. “Where did Angel get off too? Is he ok?”
“Yeah he just needed a break. He was a bit dehydrated.”
“He was working hard today. Like a hummingbird.”
Dameon stroked his moustache. “He loves parties, but sometimes he forgets to check on himself. So I check on him.”
Adam nibbled on a chip. “You know, we were talkin’ about how your ability to know what’s going on with Angel is uncanny. It’s like you have a psychic connection with him.”
It was Dameon’s turn to blush. “He shows his feelings easily.”
“No, you two just have a bond. It’s a beautiful thing.”
“Thank you Adam. That means a lot.”
“It’s true. You can tell, because you have him strutting out wearing basically string with that gorgeous body on display, but there’s no question he’s not up for grabs.”

As if on cue, Angel walked out of the kitchen. Dameon and Adam looked up at the beautiful sight of a tanned young man wearing only a shiny metal sleeve around his shaft. His balls were full and pink. Angel threw his speedo at Dameon that was balled up in his hand. Dameon caught it. Angel smirked and dove into the pool.
“Woah,” Adam muttered. “That is a power bottom.”
Dameon took a minute to speak and watched Angel do laps. “I am going to do very dirty things to him as soon as everyone leaves,” he said in a low voice.
Adam chuckled. “Well, I guess we should leave.” They were interrupted by a keen from the other side of the pool where the couple making out had been rocking together. Adam raised a finger. “Ok now, the party is over.”

Captions are fictional.


Marshal was starving when he came home. It was almost 2 am at this point and he really wanted to sleep, but his grumbling stomach came first. He winced in discomfort as he bent over to untie his work boots. The stage load-out for that show had been a bitch. Too much truss. Too many over-sized cases. Why did a band playing a venue that size need so many goddamn risers anyway? Gross. Marshal knew his whole body was gonna ache tomorrow. It was a good ache, considering he hadn’t worked a real concert in 18 months due to the Covid-related shut downs, but it was going to take time to get used to the physical labor again.

Marshal shuffled into the kitchen and set his bag on the bar counter. The light over the stove had been left on. Marshal pulled a glass out of the cabinet, and when he went to open the fridge he noticed the note on the handle:
Hey love, figured you’d be hungry. I made some cold ice tea for you, and you have a choice of ramen, a sandwich, or a frozen meal. Sleep well <3 J

“Awwww,” Marshal cooed. He smiled and put the note in his pocket. Inside he fridge he found a picture-perfect ham sandwich saran-wrapped on a plate. Marshal took it out. He turned back to the fridge to pour himself a glass of iced tea. It was only when he went to put the iced tea back in, did he realize something was slightly off. He stared at the fridge and waited for his sleep deprived brain to catch up.

The bento box wasn’t there. Jaime always put his lunch in this special tupperware he used and it always sat in the upper left hand corner of the fridge. Why had he not packed a lunch? Marshal furrowed his brow. Whatever the reason, he decided to return the favor by packing Jaime lunch.

His plans were thwarted upon opening the fridge drawer containing sandwich stuff. It was empty besides a half opened package of sliced cheese. They’d forgotten to get more deli meat when shopping yesterday. Marshal groaned. “Ah crap,” he muttered. He glanced at the sandwich on the counter and had a revelation. Jaime had used the last of the ham for him. The realization made Marshal’s heart feel warm and full. Such a sweet man, his Jaime.

Even though Marshal’s body was begging for rest, he had to set this right. Jaime was really trying to eat out less so he could lose weight, and Marshal didn’t want him to break the streak at work. So Marshal popped a frozen meal into the microwave and set out to make Jaime his lunch.
He found the bento box thing in the drying rack of the dishwasher. In it went the perfect sandwich, some grapes, and some of that bean salad they’d taken home from their friends pool party. He also whipped out the cutting board to chop up some celery sticks which he dumped into another little container, along with peanut butter. The bento box went into the fridge, where it belonged, with the celery container on top.
Marshal also positioned its carrier bag on the counter and added some pretzels and two cookies from the jar.

The only thing missing now was a note. Marshal stirred up the half-defrosted frozen meal and shoved it back into the microwave as he thought about what to write for a moment. His eyelids were struggling to stay open and poetry wasn’t his strong suit. So, Marshall simply wrote: I love you, you can hit your weight goal for sure <3 -M, and stuck it to the carrier bag.

Marshal shoveled the warm meal into his face, drank the whole glass of iced tea in one go, and stumbled to bed. The shower would have to come tomorrow. He was crashing. Marshal slid between the sheets and adhered himself to Jaime’s back. Jaime made a soft noise  Marshal nuzzled the back of his neck and fell asleep in less than a minute.

When Marshal awoke the next morning, he was alone in bed. It was inevitable, but a bit lonely. His emotions were buoyed by a new note waiting for him the kitchen: Oh my god, you’re so sweet, I actually kind of cried a little. This lunch looks amazing. Thank you so much. Love you so much too. Can’t wait until I get off to work tonight and I can see you. Let’s fuck <3″

Marshal laughed. Jaime had a way of making the most vulgar thoughts sounds adorable. And Jaime was not a shy man. Jaime liked his sex. Marshal was pretty smug that he was the one Jaime picked to receive it.
Marshal decided a run to the grocery store was going to be a priority today. He made a mental note to make sure they had enough lube and condoms before he went out. Lord knows they didn’t want to open that drawer and find it empty tonight! Not like they could use sliced cheese instead!

Captions are fictional.


Ryan stood under the cold spray of the outdoor shower and thought. The shock of the water temperature on this summer day mixed with the post-nut clarity lead him to feeling ashamed of himself. Ryan, seriously – you let the farrier fuck you? That guy? He’s old enough to be your dad almost. And he’s not even that hot. That was a bit slutty of you. You don’t need to be laid that badly do you? Ryan ran his hands over his face. Do I? It was two weeks since the last one, when I hooked up with that Grindr guy passing through town. Usually I can last a month. Maybe it’s cause it’s hot and everyone’s shirtless. Ryan was not convincing himself. Mostly because it felt pretty good to get laid, and Ryan knew he needed more of it. He could not deny that.

Ryan turned off the water and shook off the droplets. It would be another six weeks before the farrier came back to the ranch. Is this going to become a steady thing? Ryan wondered. He liked the idea of having a steady fuck, even if it was the farrier. Six weeks was still a long time to be considered “steady” in most places, but out here in the middle of nowhere that was still considered pretty lucky.

Ryan sighed and toweled off his muscles. God, if he could get laid once a week – maybe twice a week! – that would be heaven. Ryan glanced up and realized his horse Marcy was staring at him on the other side of the fence. She’d not seen him naked before. Ryan pointed a finger at her. “Don’t get any ideas. Also, can you go find me a prince? Thanks.” She snorted and walked off.
Ryan sighed. He needed a man. In the old days you could just place an ad in the paper for a “country husband”. “Country slut needs gay ranchhand” would not work. Ryan was gonna have to get creative. Now he’d been freshly fucked, all he was gonna think about for a while was getting his next dick. This was a problem that could not be solved by a trip to the feed store.

Captions are fictional.


Vic gazed out the window. He glanced at the cash in his hand again. Dan had paid him 20% less and hid the smaller bills in the larger one. “Hmmm. Yeah. I’m going to blackmail him ” Vic snapped a photo out the window with his phone that showed Dan in profile and saved the condom from the trash.  “He’s the band’s tour manager…this has to pay well.” Vic felt conflicted though. He loved the Death Arrows – hell he’d driven 3 hours to see their show- and knew that negative PR would impact them. But if that guy was undercutting him, what was he doing to the Death Arrows? Vic wondered.

It had been a fortuitous coincidence to run into Dan at that bar near the venue. Vic recognized him from the band’s Instagram photos. Now Vic was also wondering if Dan was there just to pick up fans… gross. The guy did ask Vic how old he was. Well, Vic thought, at least I got some money out of it at least. Paid for gas and some of his hotel room.

It took Vic a couple minutes to find who managed the Death Arrows, and to locate a phone number for their office. Vic glanced at his watch. Check out time was soon. No rush. He went to take a shower. He’d grab some lunch and place the call before his drive home. He’d spend the shower imagining what to say. Before he got into the spray, Vic snapped a selfie in the bathroom showing his back in the foggy mirror; his round ass cheeks were peeking over the counter.

Vic opened Twitter. “Went to see the Death Arrows, got picked up last night after the show by a tour guy who ripped me off! Been a fun adventure Tacoma. Oh so much fun.” Vic posted it and smirked. Now the stage was set. What was a good Death Arrows lyric for this situation? Hm. Oh yes. “Sometimes it’s little bit fun to be a little bit bad.”


Captions are fictional.


I dress and watch him. He’s stretching, enjoying the sun on his skin. We’re a little late this morning. We had some quick sex before a shower. He’s glowing and energetic. Ready to face his work  – letting the chickens out, gathering eggs, feeding the horse, and getting the newspaper. He’ll make breakfast. I’ll make the bed, put in laundry, make tea, and we’ll eat together. Then I’ll head into my office in the backyard to work, he’ll go into his ceramics studio, and we’ll regroup for a game of badminton before lunch.

He finishes his stretches and moves to head out.
“Reggie?” I say, catching him mid-step.
“Are you happy here? I mean, do you miss the city at all? Your previous lifestyle?”
Reginald raises an eyebrow. “Where did that come from?”
“Cause like you make me so happy I feel sick sometimes, and I just can’t help but feel a bit guilty my happiness may come at expense of your own.”
Reginald smiles. “It doesn’t matter where I am as long as I’m with you, Sir.”
A lump forms in my throat. “But you have to miss things a little bit…”
Reggie thinks. “I miss take out. And I miss the convenience of popping to the store for things. And the clubs. But then I remember I have my own horse, and I can walk around naked without the neighbors complaining, and I’m eating veg from my garden. I can always go to the clubs on a city visit, like we did last month-” he points at me. I nod. “But at the end, I like coming home here. To our home.”
“Ah. Well that’s good.” I manage to choke that out around the growing lump.
“Just good?” Reginald teases me.
“Very good. Great – it’s, it’s great. Better than uh, great.”
Reginald giggles. He walks back up to give me a hug. I sigh in contentment as his bare body presses against mine. I embrace him back tight. He’s even warmer than this morning.
“I love you,” Reggie says.
“I love you too.” I reply
He squeezes my arm and flashes a little smile. “Better not keep the chickens waiting or they will be cross if they’re not let out.” I wave him off. He kisses the corner of my mouth and floats off. I sigh. I stare at the void he left in the room with wistfulness.

Captions are fictional.