Tag: washboard abs

  • vallentiro14: Valentino lifts his head up at the sound of the back doors opening. “Oh, it’s you.”“Oh guess you’re finally awake huh?”“Yeah, late today. That piece of ass wore me the fuck out last night. I think he may have been a succubus or something.”“I don’t know how you can be with guys like that……

  • vallentiro14: “Sweetheat, don’t eat sand. Jemmy – Jemmy, don’t feed your brother sand. Don’t put sand in his pants! What? I suppose if you buried him in sand he’d get sand in there, so don’t bury him in sand. Please play nicely. Make some castles with moats.” Keagen exhales and we exchange a look.I smile.…

  • vallentiro14: I drink in the stunning sight of Nero reading on the sofa in the buff, utterly comfortably in himself. I love discovering all sides to this complex, quiet man. Seeing him at leisure is just as pleasurable as seeing him thrashing in ecstasy.  When he moved in, it was like getting a new pet.…

  • “I have to say, I normally feel kind of ambivalent when company’s want to send me products, but I was already wearing House Arrest’s brand when they e-mailed me. And these boxer briefs are so goddamn comfy, and no wedg – oh hey everyone, it’s my boyfriend. Hi Jax.”“Hey gorgeous. You streaming for Platform?”“Yep. I’m…

  • shalb258: I sit on the sofa. “Hey babe.”Marcelo tilts his head up and smiles at me. “Hey. How was your walk?”“Productive. I’ve made a big decision.”Marcelo furrows his brow. He reaches for the remote and turns off the television. “Is it about us?” he asks gently.I shake my head. “No, it’s about me.” How could…

  • carnaltraits: Vihaan didn’t quite realize just how much he was staring at the blond guy who was drying off from the pool. He was just hypnotized by the way the water sluiced off his body. He was an enticing mix of cute and sexy. Kind of twinky. What made a twink a twink instead of…

  • Oh my god, I hope he doesn’t notice my boner. I can’t help it. He’s just…sweaty and shirtless. Fuck. I hope he doesn’t notice. I hope he doesn’t notice. Please god don’t let him notice. Oh shit  – he has a boner! Being shirtless has turned him on! It worked, but I didn’t plan on…

  • perdersiperpotersiritrovare: Oh God what is with that guy? Why is he so hot? I mean, I’m hot and I’m jealous. His body isn’t even as toned as mine. But he’s so fucking hot. He should be a model. Or a porn star. Or both. He should be famous for sure. But if he were famous…

  • The duel was over. Centrus had won. He sheathed his sword and strode up to the slave bound to a pole. Behind him, the healers were tending to his opponent left bleeding in the ring on the floor. Centrus still wondered if not killing that asshole was the right thing to do, considering he’d bribed…

  • “Are you taking a picture of my abs?” Ezra asks.“Maybe,” I respond, teasing him a little. “All the pictures of the lake will look the same, but you’re hot at every angle.”“oh come off it!” Ezra laughs, “I am not. I’m just a skinny nerdy, Jewish guy. I’m pre-med even!”“Who says skinny Jewish medical nerds…