Tag: washboard abs

  • just-a-pole-sir: Jonas paused mid swipe of the razor and glanced over at his beloved boy who had been sitting quite contently on the floor, staring up at him from behind his leather pup mask. “You enjoying watching huh boy?”Rocky nodded.“You aren’t getting my cock, I have to go to work.”Rocky gave such a loud whine…

  • hotwebdudes: That cheeky fucker. He is loving getting away with his double life. He just went to church with his Mormon family and they’re about to sit down for a meal together. But he’s snuck off to take slutty selfies in the bathroom and send them to me, the 45 year old man who has…

  • Arnold was checking his tan lines when a shadow fell over him. He puts his arm down. “Can I help you?”The boy bit his lip. “I noticed you have an erection.”“So what? Who gives a shit.”“Well, I do. I was wondering if I could suck you and relieve it for you.”Arnold leans back and considers…

  • shirtlessboys: Nú número 1 (by Laerte Késsimos) THIS IS A SEQUEL. PREQUEL IS HERE. I consider my nude torso in the mirror as I scratch my beard and yawn. “Man, I needed that.”“What, the sex or the trip to the bathroom?” Lucien teases.“The sex, you silly boy. I’ve mastered the art of jerking off while…

  • vallentiro14: “Well, this is going to be the earliest I’ve had to spank you in the morning, so congrats on that I suppose. You have been so bitchy lately, I think I need to get more aggressive when fucking you. You definitely do not benefit from a soft hand, that’s for sure.” ___________Captions are fictional.

  • hotdogsfordinner: Every day is laundry day “Goddammit, why is it beeping at me? How on Earth does my houseboy know how to use this machine? He went home to visit his family two days ago, how am I gonna survive three weeks without him?” Lin poked the dryer for a bit longer, than gave up…

  • blogpatland59: “You’re concerned someone’s gonna see us?” Brandon walks over the window. “Baby no one is gonna see us. Look, it opens up to the back of the hotel. No one is even parked here, it’s the middle of the day. Look at this gorgeous sunlight spilling into here.”“But someone could walk by…”Brandon glances outside the…

  • “God, he does have insane abs. Come ooonnn Matt, let me steal your new friend. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase? You’re going to bed anyway.”“Does your brother always do this?” Adam asks.Matt sighs. “It’s become a habit. This is what happens when you’re the youngest child – you get lazy and spoiled.”Zach flips Matt off. “Work smarter, not harder. You’re friends…

  • hadrians-view: https://twitter.com/OMGitsAlphie/status/1455627677105332226 Holy fuck.

  • flexscene: Tony D’AngeloFire Fuckers (2022) “Sit.” Douglas gestured to the couch. RJ sat. His body pretty much did it on its own at this point. “Tell me what you’re thinking right now?”“Well.” RJ folded his hands in his lap. “Curiousity, mostly. You told me this wouldn’t be a normal session, and that someone is joining us. But we’re…