Tag: shirtless

  • k-wame: Dαяιυs Fεя∂үηαη∂ + Hεcтσя Dε SιℓvαTнε Wεεкεη∂ Aωαү Pт. 3 Your boyfriend’s on a two week business trip and has put you into chastity for safekeeping so you don’t wear yourself out when he’s gone. A week later and you miss not just him, you miss male company. You crave intimacy. So you go…

  • vallentiro14: “Well, this is going to be the earliest I’ve had to spank you in the morning, so congrats on that I suppose. You have been so bitchy lately, I think I need to get more aggressive when fucking you. You definitely do not benefit from a soft hand, that’s for sure.” ___________Captions are fictional.

  • blogpatland59: “You’re concerned someone’s gonna see us?” Brandon walks over the window. “Baby no one is gonna see us. Look, it opens up to the back of the hotel. No one is even parked here, it’s the middle of the day. Look at this gorgeous sunlight spilling into here.”“But someone could walk by…”Brandon glances outside the…

  • moustache35: FARM After Work Time 🚜🚜🛠🐃🐃🧢🌽💦💦 Coby paused a moment before interrupting John’s rest, although he knew John had already heard his footsteps coming up. No matter how many times he saw John shirtless, it was still amazing. There were some lambs born that did not have as much hair as John had on a…

  • “Look at your bulge. Such a nice bulge…damn, your cock is so perfect for your body size.”“Thank you, Ryan, I appreciate that.”“Mmn. Can I touch it?” Ryan pulled at the waistband of his shorts.“Yeah you can.”Ryan slid his hands down Mark’s underwear. He moaned as skin and skin made contact. “This always gives me goosebumps.…

  • vallentiro14: Adrian enjoys the paper as he waits the last few minutes for the washer to finish. Sir paid to get his favorite newspaper delivered all the way from France and Adrian reads every copy. It was a kind gesture. Adrian was hesitant to go with Sir abroad, away from everything and everyone familiar, but…

  • “Wow.”“Wow…what?” Ari sat back on his knees.“Most of the men I’m sent to sleep with don’t kiss me like that.”“Like how? Bad? Good?”“Good,” Daniel insisted. “It was nice. Deep.” He smiled.“Oh.” Ari messed with his tie. “I just was wanting to do that, but I can’t during sex cause you face the other way.”“Yeah that’s…

  • Jamie woke up smiling. How could he not, at the memory that a man had taken his ass last night? He’d seen Stephen at the bar once or twice, but neither had made a move. By some magic, Stephen caught his gaze last night and understood the desperate lustful longing in Jamie’s eyes. Stephen then…

  • vallentiro14: “This is so strange! The air is freezing but the water is warm. Look at me, I’m shirtless!”Alexei set his vodka tonic on the edge of the hot tub. “You are shirtless, and I am looking. You’ve never been in a hot tub before?”“Not when it’s this cold out. I would have never thought…

  • vallentiro14: “Dude, are you crazy? I wouldn’t take money to sleep with you. I don’t need money, remember we just had this conversation about my dad? Kind of insulting you’d think of paying me like a prostitute or something.”Craig leaned against the counter. “So it’s settled then. You’ll let me fuck you for free.”“What? That’s…