Tag: houseboy

  • vallentiro14: “Thank you for letting me know.” Tanner waited for his boy to go. “What is it?” he asked when Braden didn’t leave.“I’m – I’m so fucking horny Sir, I can barely think.”“Good. I want you singing when I fuck you before bed tonight.”“My balls are aching from how full they are, Sir.”“Oh, why didn’t…

  • “I am so rusty, I just can’t get this swing right,” Reginald muttered.“It’s in your hips, Sir.”Reginald and Arnold turn around.“Your houseboy seems to think he’s a better golfer than you,” Arnold said, looking amused.Reginald folded his arms. “My hips?”“Yes Sir. I know your hips well,” Will said. He was trying not to smile.Arnold snickered.“I…

  • thecollectibles: Haunted House by Niccolo Scardino Valentin removed the tray from his Master’s room. He was deep in a writing streak, and Valentin was just relieved he got him to eat. A red glow pulled his attention to the right, where a dark shape was floating in the back corridor.“Asmodeous, if you’re going to haunt…

  • vallentiro14: Blake rests on the bed after his post-morning orgasm. From where he is on the bed, Blake can see into the bathroom. His houseboy Neil is putting a plug in. He usually showers after Blake leaves for work. Blake sighs. He counts the amount of times he had his houseboy service him in the…

  • Michael lingers in the bathroom entrance and watches his boy do his morning stretches. During the week, he doesn’t get to watch this because he’s in the shower. Michael is mesmerized by the way the dawn sun plays over the curves and muscles of his body. Being a houseboy is a young man’s game, but…

  • 1foodporn: Homemade giant cinammon roll with cream cheese frosting RJ studied the beautiful cinnamon rolls his houseboy made, impressed with the golden brown and the perfect scent. It was impossible, however, to ignore the fact that the frosting looked a lot like something else. And there was more than normal.“Morris?”“Yes Sir?”“How horny are you right…

  • maudebently-sfw: I love a man who reads…naked. “Oh no.” “What’s wrong?” RJ looked up from his position on the couch where he was working on his laptop.David sighed. “I gathered all the books laying around the house so I could rearrange them properly when I put them back on bookcase, but I’ve realized they won’t…

  • dadopenyourshirt: “How much longer until dinner, boy?” Dan hollered.“Ten minutes until plates on the table, Sir.”“Good. Fucking starving.” Dan took a sip of beer and burped.Brett knew that statement was rhetorical. Dan wasn’t much for conversation. Dan was a simple man. He wanted his eggs at breakfast, he wanted to go to work and dig…

  • vallentiro14: “I have your tea Sir.”“Oh, thank you Tobias. Set it on the counter.”Tobias did so without spilling a drop. He stood by with his hands behind his back and waited the next order.Andrej glanced around the room. “Where are my clothes to put on after my shower, boy?”Tobias kept a straight face. “I’ve decided they’re not…

  • vallentiro14: Tomás stirred his earl grey that Carl had made for him. He watched Carl in the garden, plucking the newest ripe strawberries and putting them into a cereal bowl. After diligently turning over every leaf and checking every flowering stem, Carl covered the plants with mesh domes to protect the soft budding fruit from…