Tag: slut

  • subfagslut: machotesex: I need to please men like that “I seriously don’t know if I can make it to this meeting, but there’s no way I can miss it. I could barely eat today, yet I’m so nervous I feel like I’m going to throw up.”“Do feel actually sick, like you’re coming down with something,…

  • rumpusboom: #Daniel Montoya Cam exhaled. “Wait wait, do it again.”“Again?”“Yeah, pull it down and up again.”Jake pulled the thong down and brought it up. “Like that?”“Yeaaah… do it again.”Jake grinned at Cam over his shoulder. He made a show about pulling the thong down while bending all the way over, making sure Cam could get…

  • langlitzhercules: Colin Wayne Taylor put the lid on his alkaline water, minutes from heading out to work as grunt at a high profile law firm, when a sight made him stop. HE was back again. Taylor didn’t know his name. He lived in the yard behind him, and they shared a fence. Because Taylor’s house…

  • “I…um, I – ” Wait. Why am I panicking? Why is everything shriveled up in fear that I’ve been caught? Isn’t this what I wanted? Isn’t this what I’ve been fantasizing about for so long? This what I imagined, on dark lonely nights, with my cock in my hand. I took so many days to…

  • Getting dressed for Thanksgiving Dinner is taking forever. Your family is probably wondering what is taking so long. You were just gonna throw on any comfy shirt and some nice jeans, but then your sister brought over a friend from college… a male friend. A hot Australian male friend, and not only that, but a…

  • I texted him first: Hey – did you mean what you said on the profile? ‘Dinner and a Dominant Man wanted?’Andre: Hells yes I did 😉 Sooo sick of cafeteria food here at the dorms. I miss home cooked food, and I need a hard fucking to get all this tension out of my muscles…