Tag: muscular

  • gaygalore: Chase Carlson via Instagram When you’ve stolen daddy’s sandals (again, despite being told not to), you really should be running when he comes across the yard like this holding the hose. But you can’t move – you’re just in awe of what a gorgeous hunk of muscle daddy is. It says “MEAT” on his…

  • omoerotismo: After an hour of playing tackle football in the backyard, Jesse got fed up with trying to pretend Terrance wasn’t wearing a jockstrap under those mesh shorts. He saw an opportunity to tackle Terrance, but this time he didn’t let him up. “Alright, enough pretending.” Jesse yanked down those mesh shorts and pulled aside…

  • You’re both a decade too old to be fooling around in the woods, discovering each-other. But on this trip to the National Park you’ve made an unexpected friend – a friend like you. A friend who looks at you the same way a woman does. He’s now bare in front of you with the most…

  • “Christ in heaven, is it morning already?”“Yes it is.” Frank said. He was standing at the foot of the bed. “It can’t be morning already,” Donovan protested. “We weren’t up that late were we?”“We went to bed at like 2 am,” Frank answered. He stretched and let out a groan as his neck cracked. “Ah,…

  • vallentiro14: Wallace slams the truck door. “BOY!” he hollers. “Did your clothes get baled too?”“They’re in the back of the other truck.” He turns around and grins. “Too hot for clothes.” “Jesus you’re naked as the day you came out.”Leroy glances down. “I’m wearing my boots still.”“Uh huh.” “When I was sent out here for work release, I read those…

  • themancave2o19: I sat down next to Kayden.“So talk to me, what’s with you picking these fights with Jess?”Kayden shrugged. “He bothers me.”“He’s not purposely going out of his way to annoy you. You don’t seem to like being around him.”Kayden scuffed his shoe on the ground. “I don’t know, I just get irritated when he’s around.”“Well we…

  • vallentiro14: Tomás stirred his earl grey that Carl had made for him. He watched Carl in the garden, plucking the newest ripe strawberries and putting them into a cereal bowl. After diligently turning over every leaf and checking every flowering stem, Carl covered the plants with mesh domes to protect the soft budding fruit from…

  • vallentiro14: Tanner sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You knocked over ALL the cups? Seriously – just. Crate. Now, Corbin. Go into my dressing room and lie down on your blanket. Go.”Ryan watched Tanner’s boy slink out of the room. “Why did you bring your pup on this shoot anyway?”“He has separation anxiety.…

  • daddysboy223: The level of control and dominance my stepbrother has over me is increasing day by day. You came home from college for New Years and Christmas, and you were not pleased you finally had meet your new step-siblings. Why did your mom have to get remarried to a man who had kids? Her new…

  • Todd could barely look him in the eye. Joe was so intimidating. Todd had been attractive to him the day he starting hanging out at his friend’s frat house. All the guys there were jock-types, even the big bear-ish ones were strong and reeking of testosterone. There was something different about Joe. He carried himself…