
“That’s it. Nice and still now. I lock you and restrain you for your own safety. The electricity can make your muscles jolt sometimes. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself in ropes. This way we can minimize risk. Why would I risk breaking my favorite toy?” I caress his thigh up and cup his buttock in my hand. “You have a very easy job. You just get to lie there while I do all the work,” I chuckle. “Now let’s get you up on your knees so we can get started. Ah, you are dripping already. Very pleased. Let’s turn that into a torrent shall we?”

Captions are fictional.


“Oh hey look at this.”
“What?” Luke grunts, walking over to where his friend Sam is disrobing their latest catch. He stands over the two, chewing his sandwich.
“He’s wearing these grocery store sweatpants, yet he’s wearing this Ambercrombie boxer briefs with these stars on them.”
Luke snorts. “Not one for fashion. They’re kind of cute though.”
“Yeah, they kind of are. Not smuggling a lot in there though,” Sam says with a snicker.
“Good. Hate when my property has bigger dicks than me.”
“You hate when anyone has a bigger dick than you,” Sam reminded.
Luke made a face as he chewed his food of begrudging acceptance.

“Well, guess I should cut them off now.”
“It’s kind of be a shame to ruin good underwear like that though,” Luke noted.
“He’s still out though right?”
“Yeah,” Sam replied. “Gave him a good dose. That last one woke up too early and I cut him doing this, so don’t want that to happen again.”
“Well, I’ll help with his feet and we’ll take em off ok?”
Sam agreed.

Luke shoved the rest of his baloney sandwich in his face and helped Sam with the boy’s feet. They stripped his underwear off, then pulled it off his ankles. “There,” Sam said, holding the fabric in his hand. “…God he’s got like two inches soft there. Hope he’s a grower.”
“Not too much of a grower,” Luke noted. “Can I see those a minute?”
“Sure,” Sam said, tossing them to Luke.

Luke caught them. “Thanks for the new underwear,” he grinned, getting up and walking away with them.
“Hey,” Sam laughed. “Your cock won’t fit in there!”
“If it doesn’t you can have them back,” Luke retorted.

Sam shook his head at Luke’s antics. Well, the boy was stripped now and the fun could begin. At least, while it lasted. You could only make a career out of kidnapping boys of the internet to fulfill their fantasies for so long. Sam got up with a groan as his knees cracked, then went over to a small table where he picked up a stopwatch and started it. Hopefully he’d get two days in before the police got up his ass. That Detective Halpern in particular needed a really good lay. 

“Hey Luke, what kind of underwear do you think Halpern wears?”
“Oh, tighty whities for sure,” Luke said with a laugh. “Fruit of the Loom.”
Sam laughed back. “God I can totally picture that.”

A moan came from the floor. “Oh hey,” Sam said cheerfully. “Star Boy is waking up.”

Captions are fictional.


“Inhale it boy. Get nice and aquatinted. Once I blindfold you, you will have to have to identify me by scent. If you mess up, my crop will get acquainted with your cock. This is only the first test of the evening. I will test your ability of taste, of hearing, of touch….of the limits of your arousal…so you best past the first test or you will start out behind.”

Captions are fictional.


“I know you’re both very horny and desperate for male validation, but you two are driving us men insane in the kitchen. Preparing Thanksgiving should be a fun, cozy activity. Your catty behavior is out of control, and you two need to learn to get along. Your Masters are brothers, so you will be seeing a lot of each-other. Maybe this punishment will change your opinions of each-other.” I turn to leave the bathroom. “Oh. I almost forgot, silly me! Where are my manners? Let me go get your vibrating buttplugs.”

Text is fictional.


Wow. That is what real swagger looks like. So macho. So confident. I can’t believe I thought I could pull that off. I was never a real, true man. God, how on earth could I ever convince myself that I could pretend to be someone I am so obviously not? Even if I dressed the part, it would still be putting lipstick on a pig. Everyone had to know I was in denial. My place is at HIS side, complimenting his masculinity. And well, a submissive boy always looks good under the arm of some very hot meat.

I’d be curious to hear your perspective of domspace as compared with subspace.

I’d be curious to hear your perspective of domspace as compared with subspace.



As it turns out I had my most intense dom experience recently, and this has been on my mind a lot.

We talked about the scene a few times. A couple days before, I told him how much I’d enjoyed a brief flogging with him previously, and mentioned that I’d like to repeat that experience but deeper. The night of the scene we talked, over dinner, about what each of us would like to get out of it–I wanted to share the endorphin high with him, the experience of subspace, and the sense of vulnerability and trust. He wanted to be let go and be hurt, to be pushed further than he wanted to go himself–and he trusted me to guide him through that.

To have someone extend that trust to me is both exhilarating and humbling, particularly because I dom so rarely. I think that in many ways it’s more difficult to be the leading partner because the responsibility for safety–and fulfillment–falls on your shoulders. Both in an emotional and a physical sense.

Just before the scene we checked in again: I asked whether I could restrain him, whether I could gag him, and outlined the warmup and apex I had in mind. He asked whether he could pass on a safeword and I told him that for this scene it was mandatory, and we practiced verbal and nonverbal signals.

As I cuffed him, spread out for the flogging, I reminded him where he was likely to lose circulation and feeling, and showed how I’d check in on each hand to make sure he was OK. This was his first time fully restrained, and he was clearly nervous–I spent about ten minutes just reassuring him that he was going to be OK, telling him how proud I was of him, how good he looked in that position, and so on. Just caressing, squeezing, and kissing him, to get him eased into a place where he felt comfortable giving up control.

As we warmed up I introduced him to the flogger–across his face, across his back, letting him smell the leather, and continuing the same physical reassurance from before. When he was ready I started in with light strokes, then a gentle massage. We went at that for… maybe 20 minutes or so. A friend of mine is an excellent impact top, and I try to draw on his technique, his ritual, as it works so well on me.

At forty minutes we were going full throttle–aggressive strokes in varying patterns across his back, and he was moaning and whimpering and… things started to click for me. I *owned* him. I *protected* him. I’d expected him to abort much earlier, to call a stop, but he let me beat him harder and harder until I was swinging as hard as I could, and still he took more. Took more of me.

Our checkins became more and more aggressive–I’d draw my hands gently across his back still, and squeeze his hands, but as that sense of ownership grew I started to growl, to tell him what a good, obedient boy he was, how much he needed this. Fingers deep in his mouth, biting down hard at the nape of his neck, as he rolled his back moaning, just on the verge of panic. I choked him and forced a ball gag into his mouth–and that was enough to break him. His sobbing, his raw heart imploring me to stop, but asking for more… I don’t know how to describe the admixture of ferocity and compassion that rose from me in those moments.

I beat him as hard as I could, more and more amazed at his endurance and trust. I own him. I protect him. When he dropped from screaming to a limp, shuddering, silent hang, I came in again to check. His hands had just given out. In the space of a few seconds he’d gone from checking in to nonresponsive, and I knew that was his time. I’m not sure how many levels of resistance we’d broken through, but that was deeper than he needed to go.

And it’s… in the aftercare, really, that I felt most dominant. I ungagged him, reassured him, unbuckled the restraints as fast as I could, and held him up while he sagged limp in my arms, sobbing. Poor guy couldn’t even walk. I’d poured a glass of juice for him before we started, and had him drink a little to recover. Carried him to bed, and undid the restraints completely. 

And then… I held him, for an hour and 45 minutes.

Kept him warm, kept him safe. Easy voice, calm strokes down his body. His eyes wild as I ordered him to breathe with me–count in, count out. And as he came out of that whimpering, inchoate subspace the most… small, plaintive questions came rushing out, and it broke my fucking heart. I was so worried I’d taken him further than he could go, that he was somehow broken forever, and promised him over and over that I would *never* strike him again, that he had been so tough, so brave, so giving of himself. I didn’t know how to make myself a big enough shield for him, but I held him, and told him everything he felt was OK, and little by little he surfaced again, and laughed, and shivered, and cried and held me more.

Like metalworking, the fire of a scene makes one’s psyche ductile, deformable, workable. Push the wrong way, and people can easily bend out of shape. But fold and hammer in the right places, and the soul becomes stronger. Your bond as partners becomes stronger. In the cooling process of aftercare I feel our annealing; him cleaving to my strength, my cladding wrapping around him. I feel past wounds come oozing to the surface, and hopefully, healing stronger.

That’s domspace for me. The utmost compassion and responsibility for another human being; to see them at their most unguarded, their most fragile, and reassure them that they have value; to accept whatever they feel, whether scary or ugly, and create a space for them to heal. To push them in the ways that they need to be pushed, but can’t see through on their own. To love them completely. To see yourself through their eyes as protector, as guide, as all-powerful and terrifying and merciful all at once; and to give all your physical and emotional reserves to bring them through that experience, and back home safe.


This is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I’ve seen on Tumblr.


“Amir! Amir!” The press gather around him as he exits the Theatre, peppering him with dozens of questions:
“How does it feel to win your first Academy Award?”
“Amir, how do you feel about taking the win over Tom Cruise?”
“Amir, what comes next?”
“How will you celebrate?”

Amir freezes, trapped on all sides by journalists, unable to move. The lights are bright and dizzying. For a moment, his anxiety flourishes. He’s still high from his unexpected win and everything is just so over-whelming. However, Amir prevails because he remembers his training. He remembers that the approval of the public and the film industry and his fans comes second to his Dom. Caïn was there first, and Caïn taught him resilience and courage and patience Amir needed to go from a struggling actor to a household name. Caïn also taught Amir that someone would always love him, even if he failed. Amir momentarily closes his eyes and takes a few deep breathes. His fingers drift up to his neck without them even meaning to. He presses his fingertips against the starched white linen and feels for the metal circlet underneath. Amir is aware he is on camera, and that his Dom is probably watching. 

A lot of people were probably watching.

Amir thinks about his collar, and the still healing stripes on his back from their session last night. He thinks about how proud Caïn might be of him.

The press falls quiet. Someone asks if he is alright. Amir turns a little pink and opens his eyes. “Sorry everyone. I just – this is a very overwhelming night for me. I am still in a stupor. Mostly, I feel unworthy because as a young actor, I don’t feel like I deserve it. Well, yet, maybe. I’m still learning, every day. I hope Tom Cruise isn’t mad at me. I really respect him as an actor.”
Light laughter floats up.
“I have two more films in production right now, so I am going to focus on being a better actor and a roll-model for gay men in the film world. And mostly, I am going to celebrate by being not a good Muslim and getting very very drunk tonight.”
More laughter. Amir waves at them and makes his hasty exit to the awaiting car. Inside the privacy of the car, Amir is able to finally check his phone, which has exploded. He scrolls through the text messages until he finds the ones from Caïn:
There’s a few, but a new one pops up at that moment: “So very proud of you, boy. You handled yourself beautifully on TV. I know you are super nervous about live work. Also – when I saw you reach for your collar, it made me very horny. I cannot wait until you come home. Love you, and congrats again.”
Amir smiles and texts back: “I must be the only person depressed that I have to go to an Oscar party instead of being home.”
“Stay out all night if you have to, as I will tie you down tomorrow. I will be here, oiling my leather strap…waiting for you…I think champagne goes well with leather, don’t you think?”
Amir moans and adjusts his chastity device he wore tonight to control his boners, which have a mind of their own. “Thank you for permission to stay out Sir. I think champagne and leather is a great combination.”
“You’re a good boy Amir. You still locked?”
“Thank you Sir. I am, Sir. Happy you locked me Sir, as I am very excited right now.”
Caïn responds again: “So proud of the boy you’ve become Amir. It pleases me very much to know that everyone will want a piece of you tonight, but your cock still belongs to me.”
Amir groans. “I’m going to be thinking of that all night now, Sir!”
“Good. Now go celebrate. That’s an order.”
“Sir, yes Sir!”

Text is fictional. This is Zayn Malik of the band One Direction apparently? Or ex-One Direction member? This caption is not fan-fiction and in no way attempts to personify him or assume his sexuality.


“Good lord, he’s struggling to get out. He’s nearly frothing at the mouth.”
“It’s kind of entertaining isn’t it? He’s stuck. All he’s doing is exhausting himself, which does us more of a favor.”
“Indeed. Justice is pretty delicious. Are you sure it’s him?”
“Absolutely. The tattoo on his shoulder doesn’t lie.” I point to it.
“Oh, indeed. That’s the one on the flier the neighborhood watch put in our mailbox. Have you called the police?”
“Not yet. I’m enjoying letting our little thief realize how fucked he is,” I chuckle. “He’s hit his last house, I’ll say.”
My partner yawns. “Indeed. Did you hear him come in, love? I didn’t hear anything.” 
“Oh, our pup woke me up. He’s gonna get a big steak in the morning.”
“Lucky pup! ..Say, where are his clothes?”
“Oh, in that bag over there. You know, for evidence. I suppose I should go call the cops now, I want to get some more sleep in.”
“Mnn you do that love. I’m going back to bed. See you there.”
I give him a kiss on the cheek. “Sleep well, sweetheart.”

Text is fictional. Watermarked.