Tag: speedo

  • vallentiro14: “Thank you for letting me know.” Tanner waited for his boy to go. “What is it?” he asked when Braden didn’t leave.“I’m – I’m so fucking horny Sir, I can barely think.”“Good. I want you singing when I fuck you before bed tonight.”“My balls are aching from how full they are, Sir.”“Oh, why didn’t…

  • vallentiro14: Richard watched as some British dude flirted with the really hot Norwegian guy he’s had longing for since he came to this small resort. It was excruciating to sit there and be casual. It felt rude to want something to go wrong, but watching them leave together would have been devastating. The trip had…

  • vallentiro14: Tyler stares at the wall in horror. There’s still a faint smudge of his cum on the wall from where some big bull named Dan fucked him  – three days ago. Good lord, how did he missed cleaning this? And didn’t this place have cleaning crews? Tyler had given the wall a cursory wipe…

  • vallentiro14: Mickey pulls his sunglasses down to get an unfiltered view. The wind’s blown a magazine off the table and John’s trying to squat down to pick it up, but he’s struggling to reach the magazine because his beefy thighs and thick calves are expanding and bulging the lower he goes. What a beautiful spectacle…

  • vallentiro14: “Damn Daddy!”“You’re fucking fiiiiiiiiiiine.”“That white Speedo is showing me the outline of everything I want to see.”“I could wash my thongs on your abs!”“I would eat sushi off your ass!”“I would break something just to be put over those thighs.”“Smother me with them titties Daddy!”“Fuck you take the titties, I want that dick!”"Throw me…

  • vallentiro14: “Hey boy, are you coming in from sunbathing now?”“Uh what?” Carlos swivels his head around until he spots Tom standing in an upstairs window. “Oh. Yes, I am.”“Good. Get your ass up here please, I got a load to shoot into it. Got a mighty need for it.”“Oh! Yes, Tom, coming right now!”“That’s a…

  • vallentiro14: I wipe my hand on a towel and check my phone. “Oh, my boyfriend is stopping by to bring us the cooler I left upstairs before he goes out.”“Oh? I finally get to meet the Slutty Wonder?” Rob asks.“Yep. He’s a gift, I tell you. A little unusual, but man…” I let out a…

  • vallentiro14: Angel picked up the phone. “Hello?”“Oh Sir! You’re there”“Ronny! Good, Christ are you ok? I’ve been so fucking worried about you.”“I’m sorry Sir. I partied too hard last night. I passed out and woke up in someone’s house.”“Did you get roofied?” Angel asked.“No I don’t think so. Just drank a lot, did some drugs. My…

  • vallentiro14: “Hey, Cas, are you alright?”“Huh? Yeah, just tired.”“I’m a little worried about you to be honest. You’ve been pushing yourself really hard lately in the pool. I get you want us to help win the competition, but it’s not worth your health being compromised.”Cas sighs and sets his bottle down. He turns off the…

  • vallentiro14: Derrick can’t help but watch. If they didn’t want him to watch, Royce would have taken Nathaniel back inside. Derrick thought Royce had good technique. Nate was positioned squarely over his lap, on his tip toes, butt high in the air. No doubt Royce had Nathaniel’s cock trapped between his solid thighs. Each smack…