Tag: kept boy

  • “Leave us.”Porter watches his henchmen go, before turning his attention to his new toy. His men had washed and shaved him, before putting him back in his underwear for display. “You are quite a catch. Healthy. Strong. Will be useful at the docks. Now i’m gonna tell you this once and only once. You’re life…

  • “Sir – I can’t wear this! It’s – it shows off everything!” he stammers.I remain firm. “You will wear them because I say so, and if you go against my orders I will spank you in them.”He plucks at the tight denim and screws up his face. “I’m sorry for being stubborn, Sir, but but….why?”“Think…

  • A houseboy enjoys the attention of his Master’s young guest. He never thought about serving the guests this way, but the more Peterson teases his nipples the more the urge to protest ebbs away…. He likes the hand on his ass, likes being held in place in a man’s lap. The houseboy looks over at…

  • mastermikes-slave: After an intense pain-pig training session Master comforts HIS property. Using pain and pleasure to manipulate HIS slave, Master Mike expresses HIS absolute dominance with HIS mental attitude of absolute superiority and control. “You made me very proud today. Master Will told me he was impressed with you, and I’ve never heard him say…

  • “Get up, boy.” Master Patrick pushed the steel tip of his boot into his slave’s butt. He gave him a couple little punts, not hard enough to bruise. “Come on, up with you. Nap time is over. All fours.”“Y…yes sir,” the slave managed, shaking the sleep out of his head. The slave immediately propped himself…

  • “No…sit. Sit. Stay. Stay still. No wiggling. Good boy. Eyes up on me. Eyes. Up. Oh good boy. You look so cute today, puppy. You can lick my crotch after I’m done with my coffee. Not before. You’ve done cursed yourself – you made me such a damn good cup of coffee, I wanna enjoy…

  • I bought the apron for him as a joke. I expected Bastiaan to be annoyed about it, because ethnicity is such a touchy subject with him. His mother was from Spain and his father was Dutch, but he was born in the Netherlands so he insists he’s 100% Dutch despite genetics (and most of his…

  • Noah gasped and stumbled backwards, crashing into the desk and bruising his hip. The vibration surged through his nerves, up his spine, and worked its magic by loosening his limbs. He pursed full lips and whimpered, but the metal cage around his cock held firm. He must not cum. Noah heard a rustle outside the…

  • The buckshot scatter of freckles and bright red hair gave his origins away instantly. I ghosted the back of my fingers over his soft cheek. “Pretty boy, what are you doing so far from home?” He cast his eyes down. “I am not pure blooded. They discarded me. No one will hire me or let…

  • Sebastian knew he was not allowed to touch his Master’s musical equipment. He could only run a feather duster over their surfaces. A lot of it was very valuable, some probably more valuable than he was as a replaceable houseboy. Yet, out of everything, the keyboard tempted him the most. He went to close the…