Posts I guess

“Next up is a fine young lad of mixed stock – Germanic, Portuguese, and Algerian – aged 18 years, by name of Alec. Alec joined our Home Host Program because he recently aged out of foster care and has no where to go. What he is seeks for his two year contract through the Program is a stable home and a Master to serve under. He ideal for houseboy or fram work – cooking, cleaning, and sexual service. Alec has laid with a woman, but is a virgin with men, and will provide hours of fun exploration in bedroom settings. In exchange for Hosting Alec, he intends to take classes and learn a trade. He is open to considering renewing the contract after two years if the fit is good.

As you can see, Alec is healthy, he vaccinated, and has milky white skin from an indoor life. His penis uncut and is 4 inches soft, 7 hard. He has a strong back, and knows when to keep his mouth shut. A good investment for a newer Master or a Master getting back into keeping after a break. Master Ryes, if you could help Alec strip down to his underwear please? …Thank you. And now we will start the bidding at 400 pieces. 405? 415! Do I see 450 in the back? 450 ..450…475! 500! 510! 550!..”

Text is fictional. In a rush, no source right now.


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