
Daniel glanced out the window to check on the boys in the backyard. They’d been out there a while. He was not expecting to see his son Tucker making out with his ‘friend’, that boy Jon who had been new at his school this year.  Daniel was also not expecting Jon to be grinding against Tucker in wet underwear. He drew the blinds back and stepped away from the window. 

Daniel stood there, staring at the blinds trying to process this. “Well, I guess he inherited the gay half of his father’s bisexuality at least,” he muttered. He sat down at his desk. “Oh crap, I gave him the wrong birds and bees talk. He’s probably been looking up gods knows what on the internet…” Daniel rubbed his face with his hand. 

He reached for his cell phone and found the right contact. 
“Daniel! Nice to hear your voice.”
“Hey Nate. Likewise, your baritone is sexy as always, you doing phone sex yet?”
Nate snorted. “Well my stocks are looking pretty bad, but not that desperate yet. Why, you looking to be in a scene?”
Daniel scoffed. “Emma would kill me.”
“Yeah she would. Well you didn’t call me to propose porn, so what’s up?”
Daniel leaned back in the chair. “Sooo Tucker is currently making out with another boy in my backyard.”
Nate bellowed out a laugh. “You sound so indignant.”
“I didn’t need to see that. He’s practically humping that kid while they’re standing up in the sprinkler.”
“Kid? How old is he?”
“They’re both 17,” Daniel muttered.
“Ah teenagers.”
“Yes. Teenagers.”
“And you’re calling me because…?”
 “I need someone to give him the different version of the birds n bees talk than the one I gave him.”
Nate snickered. “Why me? You’ve been through the motions. We had a lot of fun in that hotel room in Cancun. Man, you were so hairy, I loved it. Sometimes I still wonder…”
“Nathaniel, honestly! We were in our 20s. You can’t possibly still be horny for me now.”
“Sweetheart, I’d fuck you in a second if you asked.”
Daniel didn’t respond to that immediately. “Well. That’s some new information.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to make it weird. You gotta gray fox thing going on. Don’t think I didn’t notice. But I know you got Emma, and I had my time, so I’ll be a good little gay boy and back off.”
“Thanks Nate, you were always a gentleman. I appreciate the confident boost at least. But seriously, I can’t give my son this talk. You need to do it. He needs a gay role model. Emma’s family is so… so…”
“Eeyaah. And my family is so….uh….”
“Yeah.” Daniel sighed. “Please Nate. Teach my son before he goes off to college.”
“I would be honored. I will give him the proper education a young queer boy needs. Well start with a banana and condom and go from there.”
“Thank you Nate. I’ll give you some money if you need anything.”

They talked a bit about setting a time for Nate to come over, and then Daniel hung up. Perhaps out of morbid curiosity, Daniel peeked out the window again. The boys were now lying on top of each-other in the wet grass, Jon’s hips grinding down on Tuckers. Daniel quickly withdrew. “Fuck,” he muttered. His face felt warm. “I hate how much that Jon kid looks like Nate.”

Daniel walked over to the bookshelf and looked at a group photo taken at Cancun all those years ago. He picked it up and gazed at the tanned faces. “Man, Nate. It should have been you, but you know that right? I can’t let you fuck me again because it would be the end of my entire life. The sex would be great but not the damage it would cause. But you get a chance to teach Tucker he won’t be forced to pick one side of his sexuality just because he wants to start a family. That’s good enough isn’t it?” The Nate in the picture smiling back didn’t answer.
Daniel put the photo back and returned not to his desk, but to bottle of whiskey he kept next to the coffee bar in his office. He took a swig and returned it to its home. The alcohol relaxed his muscles. Daniel exhaled and returned to his seat. 
He put on his headphones, went back to finish what he was working on. The boys needed their privacy. If Tucker had inherited his dad’s tendencies, he probably also inherited his habit of being loud. 

Captions are fictional.


“God, there you are. What are you doing up …wait, how did you get up there?”
“I’m talented,” Kennedy says.
“Bunch of people are looking for you.”
“Yet you found me. You knew where to find me. You know me better than anyone.”
I run my fingers over my buzzcut. “Bad fight this time?”
“Yeah,” he says softly.
“You’ve been crying.”
“Shut up.” Kennedy says, but there is no sharpness to it. He sounds tired.
“Come on down,” I say. “Come back to my room. My mom will make you tea.”
Kennedy glances at the sunset. “I feel like jumping off of this. Just so hard right now.”
“What? No. Nooo. NO no no you are not committing suicide. This whole thing with your dad is dumb and by the time you’re 25 this bullshit from when you’re 18 will be a distant memory. You’ll be looking to your life ahead in the career you want, not what you dad wants. Not looking behind. You’ll find a nice boy to marry, have a nice life. Christ, you’ll be out of this dump at least.”
Kennedy sighed. “It is a dump. Even if the sunset is nice.”
I wait. He doesn’t move. “If you aren’t coming down, I’m coming up.”
I walk over the pole and kick off my shoes.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna walk up. Like a coconut picker.”
Kennedy laughs. “I gotta see this.”
I grab the pole and then jump up to grab the pole with both feet. But my feet are sweaty from my shoes and the pole is slick. My upper body strength wasn’t the best, and I finally had to drop to the ground. I’m happy to hear Kennedy giggling.
I glance up at him. “How did you get up there?”
“I pulled myself up from the net.”
“Must be nice to be tall,” I said matter-of-factly.
He grins. “It is. The view is nice.”

I hold out my hand. “Come on down, ok? Let’s go home. My mom will feed you and make tea.”
“Why can’t my parents be like yours?” Kennedy asks me.
“I don’t know…but I’m kinda glad.”
“Yeah, cause you come over to our house and spend time with me when you fight,” I grumble. “I like hanging out in my room with you, playing Mario. When your parents don’t fight you hide in your room avoiding them and play by yourself.”
Kennedy brushes tears away. “Fuck.”
I give him a moment.
Kennedy sniffles. “Tea sounds good now actually.” Kennedy climbs down until he’s hanging off the part of the pole parallel to the ground. He lets himself hang for a moment and drops.
“Good dismount.” I say.
I give him a hug and Kennedy crushes me in his embrace. I pat him on the back and I guide him in the directions of our home with my arm around him. I text another friend I found him, and I know this friend will let everyone know I’m taking Kennedy home. We hold hands the whole way.

My mom fusses over Kennedy. She offers him a miscellaneous assort of things – miso and senbei crackers and onigiri and tea. She offers him a bath. Kennedy is bowled over by the attention. He tries to remember the Japanese I taught him. We sip tea and nibble on rice crackers as my mom fusses around and forms rice around salmon left over from dinner.
“Ah, arigatou,” Kennedy stammers as he is given two giant onigiri. I try not to laugh at how big my mom packed them.
“You want bath? I draw bath.” She’s already shuffling off.
Kennedy looks at me. “I love your mom.”
I smile. “She’s awesome.”
“Can you teach me more Japanese? While we play Mario?”
“Yeah, I can. Let’s take a bath first ok?”
Kennedy exhales and leans back. “A soak sounds awesome.” He sips his tea. “Man. I can’t believe I was going to commit suicide. Seems so dumb now.”

I squeeze his shoulder. “You hit the bottom and bounced. I’m glad you’re here.”
Kennedy smiles. “Me too.” He picks up a rice ball. “What’s the word you say when eating again?”
“Ita-da-kima-su.” Kennedy bites into a rice ball. “God this is good!”

I watch this skinny teenage boy with red eyes gobble up the onigiri with fresh energy. I decide at that moment he’s spending the rest of our senior year with us. This way, I can keep Kennedy safe. Maybe at some point I’ll beat him at Mario too.

Captions are fictional.



via weheartit

Florian watched the shifting shadows of the leaves throw dappled patterns on the wall above the stairs. “I never realized just how beautiful this is.”
Sarah chuffed through her nose. “That’s the mushrooms talking.”
“I like trees,” Florian announced.
“Yeah trees are awesome. They make like a thousand bajillion leaves to soak in sunlight and through these small leaves they grow super tall and strong. Trees should be worshipped,” Sarah says.
“The trees and the sun.”
“Maybe we should condense that and worship photosynthesis.”
Sarah giggled. “Except I don’t think most people can spell that.”
“If kids can spell Mississippi, they can spell photosynthesis.”
“That’s not the same!” she insisted.
“Totes the same.”
“Uh huh, sure.”

They fell into a quiet lull as they watched the shadows dance over the flickering gold of late afternoon sunlight on the wall of the ceiling and the drop wall under the floor above them.

“Yeah Flo?”
“I think I like a boy in my class.”
Sarah turned her head. “Ow…” She took off her hoodie and propped it under her skull. “Which boy?”
“Are you mad?”
“Why would I be mad?”
Florian licked his lips. “I heard you tell someone on the phone that I’m your boyfriend.”
Sarah covered her face with her hands and groaned. “Oh fuck you heard that? I told Courtney that because she’s always riding me if we’re going out. I thought it’d get her off my back.”
“Oh.” He exhaled.
“It’s ok, Flo. I’m kind of glad. Cause now we can be friends and it won’t be awkward.”
He smiled. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. And now we can go meet boys together.”
“Whoa, I didn’t even think about that.”
“Cool huh?”
“Yeah,” Florian said. “That is cool. You want to go outside and lie under the tree?”
“Yeah let’s do that. These stairs are hard.”
“By the way, you think you can tell me how to ask a boy out?”
Sarah snorted. “Flo, I don’t even know. But I can give you some pointers.”

Captions are fictional.



“What?” he grumped. He wouldn’t look at his friend.

“I’m not mad. I’m not upset with you for looking. It’s ok.”

“…You’re not going to beat me up?”

“Nah. I kind of uh, like it, that you look.”

Paul stared at his friend. “What?” He hissed.

“I said I don’t mind if you look.”

Paul looked around. “You’re going to get beat up if you talk like that!”

“Oh who cares? No one can hear us. We’ll all be naked when we go swimming anyway.”

“…That’s. Well.”

John began to giggle. “It’s so silly. If we swim naked, no one cares but if I tell you I like your arse when we’re dry it’s worth a beating?”

Paul cracked a smile. “It’s a little silly.”

“It is! Very silly. About as silly as us falling in mud earlier and dirtying our pants. Come on, let’s go to the waterhole now. Everyone’s ahead of us. I want to grill some hot dogs!”



Captions are fictional.



“you’re my great escape” 👬

Mrs. Martinez gasped and clutched her hands over her chest. “Oh Diego, look at you. you look so handsome.”
He blushed and scuffed his foot, tapping the flowers on his leg. “Hi Mrs. Martinez.”
“Aww look at you,” she cupped his face in her hands. “You are so precious. I’m so happy my son is getting taken to prom by someone so handsome.” He blushed harder. She chuckled and patted his cheek.
“Mary, you’re embarrassing him,” Mr. Martinez teased as he came out of the kitchen. “Give him some space.”
“Hi Mr. Martinez.”
“Hello. God, you remind me so much of me, picking up Mary for prom.”
“You had that growth spurt and barely fit in your pants,” Mary laughed.
“Uh,” Diego said.
“Oh sorry honey,” Mary said. “Where is Mathias? Mathias! Your date is here!”
“ONE MOMENT!” came the yell from upstairs.
“Probably still getting ready,” Mr. Martinez said. “Mathias!”
No response.

“I’ll go get him,” Diego offered.
“Go do that,” Mary said. “Oh let met take your flowers and put them in water.”
“Thanks ma’am.’
"Sooo adorable,” Mary clucked, taking the flowers to the kitchen.

Diego waved to Mathias’s dad and headed upstairs. “Matty?” He stepped on the second level. “Mathiiiaaass~”
“Yeah, I came to pick you up. I’m a bit early. Where are you?”
Diego heard a door open. “In here.” He followed the noise around the corner and found Mathias in the bathroom.

Diego stopped in the doorway. He was so used to seeing Mathias in hockey gear or athletic wearthat it was strange and stunning to see him in black slacks and a pressed white shirt. He’d gotten a haircut and was in the middle of styling his hair. Suspenders hung off his shoulders. “Wow,” Diego breathed.
Mathias gaped right back at him. “Wow yourself. You look like you’re getting married.”
“Kinda feels like it,” Diego agreed, unable to stop smiling. “Your hair looks great. Here, can I help you?”
“I need help,” Mathias admitted
Diego chuckled and took up the comb. He doted over his parnter, fixing his hair, gelling it in place. Satisfied, he fixed Mathias’s collar and adjusted his suspenders so they stayed. “There.”
Mathias considered himself in the mirror. “Wow I barely recognize myself.”
“I can’t take my eyes off of you,” Diego admitted. “I can’t believe you agreed to go to prom with me.” He hooked his fingers in Mathias’ pants and pulled him close.
“I still can’t believe you got up the courage to ask me,” Mathias answered. “Oh you’re wearing cologne.”
“It’s my dad’s,” Diego admitted.

Mathis smiled. “It smells good.”
Their eyes met and they began to kiss. Diego slid his arms around Mathias and ravished his lips until they were a swollen. He even snuck a selfie in so they’d have a little private memory of their own.

“Mathias! Diego! We have to get going!” Mary called upstairs.
Mathias pulled away and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. “Wow.”
“That’s the word of the night huh?” Diego chuckled.
“For sure.”
“Come on, we got a prom to go to. Where is your coat?” Diego asked.
“Let me go get it…”
“Oh, I brought you flowers too. They’re downstairs.”
“Aww you brought me flowers? Come here. You get another kiss for that.”

Mathias groaned. “We’re coming mom!”
Diego stole that kiss anyway. “Grab your jacket. Don’t want to be late to our own prom.”

Mathias wouldn’t forget that jacket. In the inside pocket was lube and a condom. His dad had pulled him aside earlier in the night and gave him a “talk”. He was so nervous, but when he thought of Diego, it melted away. Tonight was going to be special.

Captions are fictional.


“You put him away baby,” I say, pulling Jesse into a hug. Everyone is in the backyard celebrating but I want a moment with him myself.
“I did,” he whispers, voice cracking.
“He can’t haunt you anymore. He’s gone for good.”
Jesse beams. “Good. I still can’t believe I just …let him control me. Hurt me. What kind of person was I back then?”
“You were different back then. You needed help, and he took advantage of that. You got it, you fought back. You are stronger now. You are unstoppable now, especially today.”
Jesse blushes and he sniffles. He’s standing on the curb so we’re face to face; Jesse wraps his arms around my neck, and I embrace his torso and kiss him. The noise from the backyard is faint and distant, and I savor his taste and heat. We break when our lungs are starved from air.
“Now, I can tell you my good news,” I say after I catch my breath.
Jesse’s eyes go up. “What? What good news?”
I grin. “I got into MIT.”
Jesse shouts. “Oh my god! Are you fucking serious? You got IN??”
“And they’re gonna give me a scholarship for the first year!”
Jesse whoops, and then kisses me again.
I squeeze him tight. “I know you love Minnesota, but come with me to Boston, Jesse. It’ll still be cold, I promise.”
Jesse glances down shy. “Yes.”
I blink. “Yes?”
“I told myself if you asked me to go, I would say yes. I love Minnesota, but I need to leave. I see Nick everywhere, every time I drive past a place he hung out…” Jesse shudders.
I rub his back. “Yeah, Nick is staying here. He’s never been to Boston. It hasn’t been tainted.”
“It’s a city for us, right, babe?” Jesse asks.
I consider his face, falling in love with every feature. “God, it’s so nice to see you happy, smiling and laughing again.”
Jesse blushes. “It’s cause I met you- oh no, Jordan, don’t cry! No no, baby, no, it’s ok.”
“Fuck,” I mutter. “I’m sorry. This court business just stressed me out so bad.”
Jesse dries my eyes with his shirt, fussing. “There, there.”
“Shit, I really love you Jesse.”
Jesse gives me a smile so beautiful that makes my chest hurt. “I love you too. You are the boyfriend I always thought I never deserved.”
We were still kissing when his mother comes to get us for cake.

Captions are fictional. Today’s caption is inspired by Sia’s Unstoppable.


Harris Phelps unlocked and opened the front door. He initially would have been suspicious about a knock on the door at 8 pm, but he was almost sure he knew who was on the other side.

“Hello Daniel.”
“Hi,” he said sheepishly, clutching his backpack against his slim, pigeon chested form like a shield.
“Things bad tonight?”
He nodded, looking at his feet. “Lotta screaming. He punched me pretty hard in the shoulder, I can feel the bruise forming already. I am so behind on my homework, I don’t know if I can catch up during the Thanksgiving break. I really want to graduate this year. So I was um…hoping…for tonight…”
“I understand. Come in.”
“It’s ok?”
“Yes, it’s always ok.” Harris stepped back and gestured into their two-story home.
Daniel sighed in relief. “Thank you Mr. Phelps. Is Shane ho-”
He looked up the stairs for the source of the voice. Harris’s son rushed down the steps at the sight of him, his face furrowed in concern.
“Aww Danny. Is everything alright?”
He shook his head and sniffled. “No, it’s not. We’re short again this month. He said it’s my fault we can’t have Thanksgiving.” He began to weep and Shane swept him into a hug. “Shh shh it’s not your fault.”

Debra Phelps came out of the living room to see what was going on. “Oh it’s Danny again. The poor dear.” She put her hand over her mouth, and looked at her husband with a questioning eyebrow. Harris nodded. She tsked and shook her head, standing back to let Shane comfort his boyfriend.

Harris shifted on his feet, feeling awkward, watching his teenage son embrace and lovingly pet another teenage boy. He was trying to be accepting but it was so foreign to him. He coughed. “Um, did you get dinner Danny?”
He shook his head, still buried in Shane’s neck.
“I’ll fix you a plate.” Before Danny could answer, he was gone.
Debra rolled her eyes. “There he goes. Are you two going to go upstairs for a bit after this, or do you want the living room to yourselves?”
Shane gave his mother a look of gratitude. “We’re gonna go upstairs I think. Danny’s worn out. I think he needs a meal and some rest.” He was rocking Danny side to side as he said this.
“Make sure you check him for bruises. Take pictures of whatever you find. This is the last straw. After the holiday weekend, we’re going down to the police and settling this.”
Danny lifted his head. “Mrs. Phelps, I really appreciate all your family does for me, but I’m going to be 18 in April. I just want to get over this and move on.”

She pursed her lips. “You can’t let him get away with hurting you.”
Shane interrupted. “Let’s talk about this later alright?”
Debra pressed her lips together but didn’t reply. Harris came back into the room with a plate and a cup of iced tea.

“Thanks so much, Daddy. We’re gonna go upstairs for a bit.”
“Alright now. The guest room should be prepared.” He passed the plate and glass to Shane, and clapped Danny on the shoulder. “Get some rest.”
Danny nodded.
Shane carried the items upstairs with Danny at his heals.

Mrs. Phelps had a lot to say to Harris after they went to bed.


Upstairs, Shane and Danny camped out in Shane’s room for a bit. Shane checked him over, took a picture or two. He was alarmed to find Danny shaking and his skin cold.
“Why didn’t you wear your coat over here silly?”
“It doesn’t fit well anymore,” he explained, smoothing his shirt down. “God, I can’t believe how much homework I have to do. I just wanted to do my homework, how hard could that be?”
“Shhh…. you don’t have to fuss over that now. We don’t have school until Monday.”
“I’m so behind!” Danny cried, his hands trembling as he went for his backpack. “I just wanted to do my homework and graduate and and -” he was beginning to hyperventilate.
Shane took the backpack out of his hands. “Danny – Daniel! Stop. Stop. Look at me.
Danny was so surprised to hear an adult voice come out of Shane that he forgot to hyperventilate. It was so reassuring to hear him be firm with him, to be in control of things. Shane was his rock.
“ Look at me. Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. It’s ok. Your homework is going to get done. I’ll help you. The library is open on Saturday.”
Danny nodded. Shane noted the bags under his eyes, the sallow hue to his skin. He gave Danny the cup of iced tea to sip, and coaxed him into eating some porkchops by hand-feeding him with the fork. It wasn’t long before his appetite reared up, and he devoured everything on the plate, much to Shane’s satisfaction. It was easy to coax him into the guest bed for a long night’s rest.

They let Danny sleep in the next morning. Shane made pancakes and bacon for everyone. It was a simple morning, but for Danny the domestic stability was a soothing balm to his jittery soul. He ate as much bacon as he wanted and felt like a prince. He joined Shane outside to rake leaves, and they ended up playing in the piles. Shane was delighted to hear him laughing. After, when they tumbled into the house with red cheeks, they were given tea and ended up helping Debra peel apples for pies and potatoes for the mashed spuds for Thanksgiving dinner. Harris prepped and stuffed the bird.

As the late morning faded into early afternoon, Danny began to feel increasingly out of place. An aunt was on her way for the feast. The grandparents were coming in an hour. Shane was looking devastatingly handsome and grown up in fitted tan corduroy slacks and an oatmeal and navy sweater. Danny felt ugly next to him in ripped jeans and an old T-shirt. When the family was distracted by a situation involving a shortage of water glasses, Danny slipped upstairs.

He returned a moment later with his old backpack off one shoulder. He stood in the entryway to the kitchen, shuffling his foot against the carpet.
“Um,” he said.
Shane straightened and looked up at his boyfriend. “Danny?”
“I um – it’s getting late. I don’t want to be in your way when your family comes. I bother you guys too much and overstay my welcome as is, so I’m gonna go. Thank you for everything. Again,”
Before anyone could answer, he made his way to the door.
“Danny!” Shane called after him.
“Daniel wait.” This time it was Harris.
The young man froze in the hallway. “What?” he asked, suspicious.
Harris caught up to him, Debra behind him.

“It’s ok if you stay,” said Debra.
“But I’m not part of your family…it’s a family holiday,” he said weakly, his arms tightening around his backpack.
Debra took his arm and walked him to the dining room. “Come here a second. "Look at the table. There’s ten chairs. It’s me, Harris, and our son. Then it’s Harris’s parents, my parents – that’s 7. Aunt Megan, and cousin Reyna is 9. The other one is for you. We set a place for you.”

Danny just stared at the chairs. He worked his jaw a few times, then looked at Shane for support. Shane was giving him a warm smile, obviously in on it.
“I – I-.. I-”
“Dammit Danny, you helped make the pie you at least gotta eat that,” Shane said in an exasperated tone. His quip broke the tension and they all shared a laugh. Danny brushed tears out of his eyes with the back of his hand.

“Well, there’s a little more than eating pie.” Harris put a large hand on his wife’s shoulder. We were going to ask you later, but I think it’s appropriate now.“ He glanced at Debra. Debra nodded and put her slimmer hand over her husband’s. Confusion formed on Shane’s face. He wasn’t in on this.

Harris cleared his throat. "We would like to invite you to stay with us for the rest of the school year. We’re not going to be using our guest room for the time being, as Patricia is off studying abroad for the year, and it’s obvious you need some stability in your life. Plus, Shane likes you, and I think it’d be good for you.”
“Oh Daddy do you mean it?” Shane gasped. “You really mean it? Mom? Is he telling the truth, Danny can stay with us?”
“Yes,” she said with a nod. “It’s the best thing. I can’t sleep knowing that his daddy is going to put Daniel in the hospital one of these days. We’ll set the deadline at May, and we’ll go from there. Daniel? How do you feel about this?”
Danny’s face was blank. He walked over to the table in a daze and ran his fingers over the rim of the plate with his name card on it. His lower lip began to tremble and he collapsed into a squat and buried his face into his backpack. His entire body shuddered, wracked with sobs. “Yes,” he said, the words thickly muffled.
Shane dropped to his kneels and put a supporting arm over him.
“Yes, a million times yes!”
Debra sniffled and even Harris had a hard time swallowing his emotions.
Shane got Danny to stand up again by offering more hugs.
“Seriously, thank you guys,” he blurted out, hiccuping. “You have been so amazing. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you all.”
Debra found herself opening her arms for a hug too and Danny was eager for the love.
“You just thank us by getting good grades.”
“And uh,” Harris coughed and gestured to Shane. “You two keep it appropriate ok? I know you’re um, dating, but we do mean it when we say separate rooms.”
“Dad!” Shane hissed, turning bright red. Danny groaned and wiped his face on his shirt.
“We’ll be good Mr. Phelps. I swear. Shane is so important to me, I wouldn’t risk it. I just want to graduate, and try to figure out what I’m doing after high school.”
He clapped Danny on the back. “Good. That’s what I want to hear. Now put your backpack away, I need your help in the kitchen with-… Megan, how long have you been standing there?”
“…Am in the middle of something?” she asked, her daughter peering around her legs.
“No,” Debra insisted, putting on a winning smile. “Not at all. We were just having a family moment. Shane, go find something for Danny to wear. Meet us in the kitchen.”
He nodded and stole a sniffling Danny away.

“Who is that?” the stray aunt asked.
“One of Danny’s friends. He’s going to be staying with us for the time being. Problems at home.”
“Oh, is he? Such a sad-faced boy. Poor lost lamb.”
Debra nodded sympathetically and went to get her a glass of wine and some juice for Reyna.

Upstairs, Danny was trying on one of Shane’s button up shirts. Shane had taken a few minutes to allow Danny to wash his face and then he himself combed Danny’s hair back into a ponytail. Danny eyed his clean-cut self in the mirror as he got the top button done on the shirt. He turned around and looked for Shane’s approval. Shane beamed.
“You look handsome. Now let’s find you a belt so my pants stay up on you…”
“Wait, Shane…seriously. I really need to thank you first. Your family is awesome. I just want to say that I really appreciate this. I love them and you so much.”
“You love me?” Shane repeated, flushing prettily.
“Yes. I really do. You’ve shown me such kindness, how could I not?”
Shane cupped Danny’s freckled cheek. They leaned in toward each-other and shared a sweet, light kiss. Danny swallowed a lump in his throat. He hadn’t felt anything so wonderful in a very long time.
“Happy Thanksgiving Danny.”
“Happy Thanksgiving to you too Shane. You know, for the first time since my mother died, I actually feel like I have something to be thankful for this year.”
Shane couldn’t hold it in anymore and finally had to wipe away tears too. Danny kissed them all away.

Text is fictional. Source is OP. Happy Thanksgiving~


Getting your first kiss at the Spring Church Picnic will always be memorable… you sure hope nobody comes to check on why it’s taking you two so long to put away the sports equipment. You wonder how on Earth he can be the lacrosse team captain, a Prom King nominee, a top art student, and be such an excellent kisser on top of this. His lips are softer and yet firmer than you ever imagined them to be. He smells like grass and sweat mixed with his own, making your cock stir and your pulse quicken. Your cheeks feel warm, and you get goosebumps as slides his palms over your shoulders. You never want to stop pressing your lips to his, and with each kiss you get hungrier…and hungrier.

When he pulls away, he’s panting too, staring at you with glazed eyes. You can see the panic under them.
“…Sorry, was that…I mean… I don’t know where that came from,” he offers, wiping his lower lip.
“No no, it was nice,” you stammer, messing with your shirt hem. “You uh…want to do it again?”
He smiles a sweet, mischievous smile and looks around. “Yeah I do.”
“How about now?”
“…Now is good.”
And he leans in again.

You don’t even dare ask what he’s going to do about his girlfriend, but you have a feeling he doesn’t kiss her like that.

Text is fictional.


“Next up is a fine young lad of mixed stock – Germanic, Portuguese, and Algerian – aged 18 years, by name of Alec. Alec joined our Home Host Program because he recently aged out of foster care and has no where to go. What he is seeks for his two year contract through the Program is a stable home and a Master to serve under. He ideal for houseboy or fram work – cooking, cleaning, and sexual service. Alec has laid with a woman, but is a virgin with men, and will provide hours of fun exploration in bedroom settings. In exchange for Hosting Alec, he intends to take classes and learn a trade. He is open to considering renewing the contract after two years if the fit is good.

As you can see, Alec is healthy, he vaccinated, and has milky white skin from an indoor life. His penis uncut and is 4 inches soft, 7 hard. He has a strong back, and knows when to keep his mouth shut. A good investment for a newer Master or a Master getting back into keeping after a break. Master Ryes, if you could help Alec strip down to his underwear please? …Thank you. And now we will start the bidding at 400 pieces. 405? 415! Do I see 450 in the back? 450 ..450…475! 500! 510! 550!..”

Text is fictional. In a rush, no source right now.


I remember walking down to the old docks, hand in hand. I remember talking about the dumb things dogs do, and I remember the chill in the wind that hinted summer was over. I can fondly recall us sitting on the edge of an old abandoned dock house, watching ducks on the bank of the lake, because this is where he kissed me for the first time. It was the beginning of a high school love that survived growing up and would eventually blossom into adulthood marriage.
More than anything though, the part of this scene that sticks in my mind most of all, is my boyfriend being so distracted and swept up in his amorous feeling for me after our kiss that he lost his balance and tumbled into the lake. I laughed so hard I got tears in the corners of my eyes and my stomach ached as I watched him stomp to the shore line and empty the water out of his new shoes.

Love really does knock a man off feet – or in this case – his seat.

I took him home and bathed him while his clothes went through our washing machine, and we kissed in the shower over and over and over until the water went cold.

Text is fictional. Source:


Alex Bischoff and his boyfriend. They look like a really good couple! I hope em the best and if you see this you should definitely go follow Alex. 🙂