Tag: black and white

  • vallentiro14: He can’t meet your gaze for longer than a few seconds and lowers his face, cheeks showing a pink hue. You lift his chin with a crooked finger. “It helps with posture. Turn to face me. Feet shoulder width apart. Honey your shoulders are wider than that. You got meaty shoulders. Lift your chest up.…

  • vintage-sweden: Unknown man, 1941, Sweden. I stand on the dock and watch him bring the boat up to the tie-off point. Other fishermen in the harbor are watching him navigate the old wooden boat, snickering in amusement. “Boy why are you naked?” I ask.“Decided to go for a swim out there, Sir. If I get…

  • minhamemoriasuja: @petardarkholme & @bobbygotbackFotografia: Tom Kneller “All good on the homefront?”“Well, the baby went down for a nap, the dishwasher is loaded, laundry is folded and put away, dinner is marinating in the fridge.” Ty furrowed his brow.“That all sounds like good things, but you don’t look too happy. What’s wrong?” Billy pushed back his…

  • Craig watched Harrison’s houseboy rinse off after grilling dinner on a humid summer night. “Damn, Harrison, I can’t get over the ass on your boy. Just what a fine specimen.”“Why thank you Craig. I do enjoy having him around, I’ve enjoyed every second of him being in my service.”Jack spoke up. “I admire the restraint…

  • vallentiro14: I drink in the stunning sight of Nero reading on the sofa in the buff, utterly comfortably in himself. I love discovering all sides to this complex, quiet man. Seeing him at leisure is just as pleasurable as seeing him thrashing in ecstasy.  When he moved in, it was like getting a new pet.…

  • comicsgayart: Ph. Ore Adesina You really didn’t think there was any difference between having sex, fucking, and making love. You assumed ‘making love’ was something heroines did in romance novels. Even if it were possible, in your mind, men were breeders. ‘Making love’ was definitely not something men were even capable of doing with each-other. Until,…

  • I was relieved the rooms were joined, but I didn’t imagine having to use it for this purpose. I stepped into their room, my presence muffled by the sound of the commotion. I was shocked at the state of things. Anger bubbled up in me until heat was radiating out of my skin. I bunched…

  • speedobuttandtaint: ramhound: Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks “You brought me something to drink? That’s so thoughtful of you. You are such a good host.”“Thank you Sir. I love serving men.”“I love it. Are you shareable?”“Shareable Sir…?” the young man asks. His eyes lingered on…

  • gonevirile: Wincent Weiss by Ascanio Vardan Jesse takes a break between clients. The cigarettes help suppresses his appetite. Not enough time to eat before the next guy comes over. He takes another drag and runs numbers in his head. He’s satisfied. Soon he’ll have enough to buy his brother a new laptop for when he…

  • Another post got hidden : /

    PHOTO HERE: https://ibb.co/bFdGL6m Jack tossed his cap on the counter. “Stop stop. I’ve had enough of this. Aaron this, Aaron that. You can’t go one hour without saying his name. I know I invited you over here cause you’ve been depressed, but now I see that’s cause you’re just wallowing in it.”Mick pouted. “Well I…