
The duel was over. Centrus had won. He sheathed his sword and strode up to the slave bound to a pole. Behind him, the healers were tending to his opponent left bleeding in the ring on the floor. Centrus still wondered if not killing that asshole was the right thing to do, considering he’d bribed a judge and robbed Centrus out of what was rightfully his – but at least now people thought he himself was merciful. And a lot of people had been there. Not everyday a warrior challenges another over the ownership of a slave. Usually it’s over a woman of high standing or something. Centrus the Merciful, Challenger of Slaves, had a certain ring to it anyhow.

Centrus paused in front of his new property and lifted the trembling boy’s chin with his thumb. “Don’t panic, little one. You’re safe now, because you are mine. I won’t neuter you, which is illegal anyway. I won’t whip you. I won’t starve you. When I sheath my cock in you, it won’t cause you any pain. Only the sweetest pleasure. You should be happy little one, as you have been spared from cruelty.”
The slave began to weep and Centrus clucked. He ordered the naked boy taken down so he could carry him back to his chariot. It was time to take home his prize and clean him up and see what was under all of that dirt.

Captions are fictional.


“So that was his neck, let’s see about the arms now… wow, 55 inches from shoulder to finger tip,” the doctor calls out to his assistant who jots it in the slave’s dossier. “Damn, this boy has some really long arms. He’s either headed for the orchards or to be tied to a king sized bed. Check these boxes Reginald – ‘long limbs’ and ‘might require oversized furnishing’.” Reginald did so, then patiently waited for the doctor to measure out the numbers for his waist, cock, and leg length. Having already been photographed for the catalog, the new slave was then sent on to be shaved, fitted with a cock cage and collar, and put back in the stable until evening exercise and dinner.

Long after he went home for the evening Reginald couldn’t stop thinking about that boy with the long arms, how graceful and beautiful and strong he was. Very obedient, patient. After working in this job for two years, the visual of naked men wasn’t instantly arousing as it used to be for Reginald. He was a small man though, and often fantasized about being taken advantage of by a bigger, stronger slave who had rebelled. Not that he’d tell ever anyone, of course, but the idea of being held down and jacked off by those long lean arms stayed with him for weeks.

If he saved up he could have purchased a slave like that in a couple months time, but he resided in a simple apartment in the city square. A tall, long-limbed slave was meant for Masters with land and space. Reginald was content with this. He liked to see the new meat go to good homes. In time, new boys would be paraded through the doctor’s office, and Reginald’s fantasies would have new fuel.

4 Weeks

4 Weeks


Ugh. Tomorrow marks my first 4 weeks without an orgasm and it’s finally starting to hit me again. I’m starting another unbearably horny phase about now where everything turns me on and almost nothing satisfies me.

It’s also weird because my taste in men has grown and changed in the past year and is much broader than it used to be. My slave mindset has also grown. I’ve gone from feeling like my Master’s slave and puppy to feeling like I’m a slave in general, feeling inferior to the men I feel as being superior to myself. It’s an interesting shift in perspective.

So now, with the addition of the building feeling of horniness, I see men who used to fall into the category of unbearable and cocky now fall into the category of superior men. The result of this category shift is that I get hard instantly and want to do nothing more than satisfy these men. 

I follow a lot of slaves that have discovered this feeling and can act on it because they are more able to act on this instinct either because their Masters want their slaves to do so or because there are men around them that they can satisfy. The superior men I see are mostly on Tumblr and nowhere near me, so I can’t act on this new instinct as easily. 

I don’t know. I feel helpless because I can’t act on these instincts the way I’d like. It means that I put all of that energy into satisfying the only superior man that matters in my life, my Master, but I still can’t help but drool and moan like a bitch in heat when I see an unbelievable attractive muscle man or a superior man who knows they’re superior.

A boy far along in his training writes some honest thoughts. Very hot.



“Yeah I’m just not feeling it. Got anything stronger? Like jumper cables and a car battery?”

“… He’s perfect!”
“Excellent! I’ll go get the contract. You can take him home tonight.”
“Absolutely fantastic, just chuffed to bits. Guess what boy, you got a new Master! And you know what I do for a living? I’m an electrician.”

(lol the “slave boy is not impressed tag” on Nate’s original post is fantastic)



Another pic of my locked dicklet. I’m on day 4. I don’t know why but I just love looking at it. I love seeing it filling the cage when I’m hard and when there’s room left when I’m soft. I like how my balls look all stretched. I love chastity so much.

“A place for everything, and everything in its place.” I think you look good locked too, boy. Nice and snug. I hope your keyholder gave it a kiss goodnight.


I watch the Prince from the nest of down comforters and pillows, covering my mouth for absolute silence. He’s discussing something serious with the Master of the House, frowning and nodding as the older woman explains whatever it is. They’re speaking in Joeben, the official language here, but I’ve been specifically banned from learning it to keep me obedient and restricted to my linguistic bubble. Who would teach a whore anyway? I’m to remain quiet, out of the way, and available when ever he desires me. The Prince speaks four total tongues, so we speak Utaian in bed and nothing else. I know a few Joeben words, but am not conversational.There are other girls in the harem I can talk to, one of the cooks, and the horse farrier, really although his accent is heavy.

They all think I’m super lucky that I get to play with the Prince’s cock but they don’t know how hard it is to experience chasmal unrequited love day in and day out. I am a thing to my darling Prince, a toy, a hole, but he is dear and precious to me. I would die for him. He could parade me around town naked if he held the other end of the rope around my neck. I know when I get older and looser, he’ll tire of me, but as the Prince’s bed companion, I will likely be delegated to his personal servant instead of being sold. Especially so, since I am branded with a tiny royal crest on my pectoral. Still…that’s my prayer, so I can guarantee I’ll be by his side forever. My eyes roam over his tanned body, blue black hair asymmetrically disheveled, white slacks clinging to his ass, the way his long fingers pluck at his ascot when he concentrates. A slave’s wish isn’t worth the air it rests on, though, but if there is any god up in the Heavens may he have mercy on my pitiful soul.