Marcus came to check on Joe. “How are you doing?” “Better,” Joe said. “But I every time I think of Todd I just want to punch him in the face.” “Well. That’s a normal thing with Todd. The trick is to be able to have those thoughts without punching him in the face.” “He needs a good punch in the face.” Marcus folded his arms. “Well. Yes. But it never ends at that. You can seriously hurt or even kill someone if you punch them wrong. And it doesn’t take him down, it’ll just get worse. You know this. How many times have you been arrested or detained for fighting?” Joe didn’t answer. “Uh huh. You know. Learning to be at peace with your aggression is your salvation. Either that, or we have to start making some medical decisions about curbing your testosterone.” Joe exhaled. “I know that. I hate it. I feel like the Hulk sometimes.” “I’ll get better,” Marcus said. “I’m glad you pulled me off him and put me in time out, Marcus. I was hoping you would. I’m scared I’m going to get dependent on that.” Marcus made a noise in his throat. “That would be a problem. Maybe you need a shock collar.” “Are you serious?” “I don’t know,” Marcus said. “But I had another suggestion.” “What?” Joe asks. “I think enrolling you in some sort of martial art – an aggressive one like Brazilian Ju Jitsu or something – may help?” Joe rolled on his side to look at Marcus. “How would sending me to fighting classes make me STOP fighting?” “Cause it’d give you an outlet for your energy and aggression, but you’d learn how to control it and your strength. Learn some discipline. You work in an office. You don’t work out enough. You need an outlet. Something involving grappling.” Joe thought. “That sounds kind of fun….” “Better than a shock collar?” “Yeah. Or being castrated,” Joe snorts. “You know I’d never cut your balls off,” Marcus retorted. “I like to play with them too much.” Joe laughs. “Yeah you do. You could get me neuticles or something though.” “Oh dear god,” Marcus snorted. “Yeah no. Alright, I’ll look into it for you, boy.” “Thank you, Sir.” “You’re welcome. You have another twenty minutes with your thoughts and I’ll come untie you for a break ok?” “Yes Sir.” “Think you’ll be calm enough by then? Todd’s long gone.” “Yes Sir.” “Good boy. Holler if you need anything.” “Could I get some water please?” “Absolutely.” Marcus gave Joe’s foot a squeeze. “Be right back.”
Joe wiggled around for a moment and got comfortable again. Marcus was so patient with him. He felt more and more embarrassed about his out-of-control aggression every time he had to come tell Marcus what he’d done, head bowed, tail between his legs, bruises on his knuckles. But Marcus never punished him. Just disciplined him, or tied him and showed him stillness. And for once in his life, Joe felt like he could be saved. He loved Marcus a lot. He never wanted to be a good boy for anyone before. But for Marcus, it mattered. He didn’t want to let him down. Did Marcus really think ju-jitsu would be a good outlet for him? Joe was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t hear Marcus come back with water and startled when he appeared in his peripheral vision.
__________________________ Captions are fictional.
When he gets in that mood where he feels lonely and weak and just wants to run back to his ex who was an asshole, you have to take important measures to make he stays in place until the bad idea passes. In time he will learn that it’s actually normal to feel loved and be happy in a relationship; but you know now he is emotionally needy and there will be some lapses as you build his self-confidence and self-worth.
Andrew gazes fondly over his prize, stroking the boy’s chestnut hair. Oliver’s not yet awake, as the drugs haven’t worn off. Andrew knows when Oliver comes to, he might be scared and flail so he keeps the ropes on for the boy’s own safety. Andrew knows once Oliver sees his face, everything will be alright. He smiles, satisfied. The deep hit to his bank account was worth it. Every penny as valuable as gold to him. He knew he was taking a huge risk hiring that shady man to kidnap his boy and steal him away, but Andrew could not bear another day knowing his boy was out of his grasp.
They had been lovers once, but when they were in college. But Oliver’s father had crippling gambling debts, and jealous of his beautiful face, sold his own son to pay off his loansharks. Andrew could not afford the cost, and could only watch helplessly as his lover was ripped from his arms and taken away. The private investigator he hired tracked Oliver to a slave work farm in upstate New York
Andrew saved for two years to acquire enough money to afford the kidnapper. It was only after Andrew received a small inheritance after the death of a grandparent was he able to hire the man. He was nearly broke now, but he would live in a barn with Oliver if he had to. The debt had been paid by the slavetraders. Andrew made a silent promise to Oliver that he would always be free, and he would always be safe. He would always be protected, and loved, because Oliver had always been – and would forever be – his beloved boy. No one would take what belonged to him ever again.
“Oh the phone…Hey Jim. Yeah what’s up? I’m a little busy why? I think I can meet ya there, just need like an extra hour. What am I doing? Oh teasing my houseboy’s cock. He got a break from his chastity device, and I caught the little bastard jerking off on my bed. Well now he’s tied to his own bed and he’s gonna be there a while. …What’s that? Haha you can hear him? Come on boy, say hi!” “Mmnnffgg!” “Good boy. Alright Jim, I’ll text ya before I leave. Bye now. Now where were we, boy? You have such a nice long, smooth shaft… so many different toys I can use on it. I think the feather will be next, followed by the e-stim machine perhaps. Jim doesn’t live far. I can torture your cock right up until the point I’m gonna leave..and I will. How does those metal spikes feel boy?” “MMnnnnn!” His Master flicks his nipple clamps. “MMNNnnnnnnnnn,” the boy groans. “Better. Oh ho. I can feel your dick twitching. It thinks its getting another ejaculation, hahaha. Nope.”