
Jonas paused mid swipe of the razor and glanced over at his beloved boy who had been sitting quite contently on the floor, staring up at him from behind his leather pup mask.
“You enjoying watching huh boy?”
Rocky nodded.
“You aren’t getting my cock, I have to go to work.”
Rocky gave such a loud whine that it made Jonas chuff out a laugh. “You don’t always get it just because it’s out. It’s not a toy that belongs to you.”
Rocky made a grumpy noise.
“You can look at me all you want though.”
“Not like I could stop you anyway.” Jonas finished shaving and washed his face off in the sink. He put on moisturizer and checked his skin. “Good.” Jonas reached for his clothes he’d put on the closed toilet seat earlier. He sifted through them.
“Where are my underwear?”
Rocky pretended to look around and shrugged.
He glanced at the floor and began to giggle; collapsing under the guilt immediately.
“Rocky, bring me my underwear. Now.”

Rocky was absolutely helpless against ‘the tone’. He padded off into the bedroom. After rustling through the dresser, he shuffled back in with a black pair in his mouth.
Rocky dropped them in Jonas’s hand.
“Wait.” Jonas held up a lace thong. “Rocky. These are your underwear.”
Rocky began to giggle again.
“I said bring me my underwear.”
Rocky refused to move.
“You are being a difficult pup today.”
More giggling.
Jonas handed them to Rocky. “Bring me my underwear, boy.”
Rocky took them in his mouth and dropped them at his feet.
Jonas thought about this. “Ok fine.” He put them on, but they were about two sizes too small and barely held anything. His balls about burst out like ripe plums; the root of his shaft was an inch exposed.
Woof,” Rocky said in a breathless gasp. His eyes fixated, he began to squirm and whimper.
“Nope, I told you, you’re not getting my cock.” Jonas began to pull on his khaki slacks, to Rocky’s astonishment. “You’re just going to have to think about me in this tiny lace thong all day. Which should be fun, since you’re not going to be wearing underwear yourself.”
“That should be messy, I mean, considering how far you are into chastity, you should be leaking all down your leg. I look forward to hearing about how wet and sticky you are when you get home from class.”
Rocky made a loud groan. He rushed back into the bedroom, brought Jonas a pair of boxer briefs, and dropped them on the floor of the bathroom.
“Nope. Too late.” Jonas put his shirt on. He pushed the briefs back at Rocky with his foot. “Put those away please. And you need to be dressed for breakfast. Are your Levi’s clean? I like how tight those are on you.”
Rocky threw his head back and groaned loudly at being defeated.

Captions are fictional.



@AlphaMajor360 and rbr524 pupping out at @MIRubber

The thief stared in shock. He realized quickly that he had made a mistake. He picked the wrong apartment to try and rob. The wrong patio to hop over. Cause seriously, what the hell – they were DUDES in dog outfits! Like bodyguard outfits! And one was growling!

The thief changed his mind real quick. That laptop in the window wasn’t worth it! He threw his crowbar into the grass and hopped right back over that fence – but he felt tugging on his shoe! He looked back and yelped. God, one of the dog boys had his shoe and he looked mad! The thief let his foot slip out of it. Fuck, he wasn’t looking back again. He’d come back for that shoe later.

The thief could hear them “barking” as he ran off.

He had no idea the whole thing was caught on video, and soon he’d be the laughing stock of the kink community.

The pups got filet mignon wrapped in bacon that night.

Captions are fictional.



@insertpupname and I having a play…

“So, Jovy, remember my friend Takashi from college?”
Jovy nods.
“This is his pup. Kuro. He’s going to be staying with us for a few days while his
Master is out of town for a business trip. I know he’s a little
different than American pups you’ve met before – he’s a Japanese breed, so he’s a
little smaller than you. Don’t worry though, he may seem reserved but
once he warms up to you he’ll wrestle you until you’re both exhausted.
Go on. Say hello now.”
Jovy instantly loves the mask and wants to make a new friend. He gives Kuro a sniff – a long sniff, cause he had an interesting earthy smell- then he offers a deep “woof!” as a cheerful greeting.
Kuro pops up on all fours, and responds, “Wan!”
Jovy’s so surprised by this that he sits back on his haunches and stares. 
“What?” I ask. “What is it?”
Jovy looks at me, then back at Kuro.
“WOOF!” he says, slow and insistent.
Kuro looks at Jovy expectantly.
“Arf!” Jovy tries again.
“Wan?” Kuro says with a tilt of his head.
Jovy looks at me again, as if it say – ‘some help here?’.
I chuckle. “What? Did it never occur to you that dogs make different noises in different countries?”
Jovy stares at me, blinking under his mask. He shakes his head, bewildered.
I swallow my laughter, cause this is precious. “Well, that’s how they say hello in Japan.”
“Won?” Jovy tries.
“Wan wan!” Kuro barks, tail wagging.
“Wan!” Jovy repeats.
“There you go!” I say, giving Jovy a scratch on his neck. “Good boy. It’s nice to make a friend huh. Why don’t you show him where the toys are kept?”
“Woof woof wan wan!” Jovy responds. He bumps Kuro with his head, and then they trot off together.
I smile. “Can’t wait to tell Takashi about how well they’re getting along.”

Captions are fictional. Adorable boys!



One squeaky toy for two puppies inevitably leads to some conflicts… *Grrrrrrr*

Sir held his breath as the moment of tension lingered. Both boys were staring each-other down, neither moved. Then, the pup on the right pulled, and the other boy pulled right back, and suddenly they were rolling around the ground in a flurry of limbs and masks. Sir jumped back as not to get caught in the fray. “Calm down boys!” he said, but the pups were wrestling and not listening. The toy was much more important. It wasn’t until one crashed into the bookcase and a book fell on him did Sir put the two boys in time out so they could calm down.

Still, with only one of that toy, he had a feeling his afternoon wasn’t about to get much calmer. He had mistakenly assumed that pupsitting a friend’s boy would keep his own boy busy, and thus work would get done – but Sir was mistaken. He was stuck playing referee! Sir had to admit though, it was fun to watch them…but he just wished they’d get tuckered out and take their naps already!

Captions are fictional.


Julian was in charge of  “pup camp” at the bdsm convention which was a room where Masters could leave their over-excited pups so they could have some peace and quiet. Their pups loved the chance to play and socialize with other pups, to truly thrive in their headspace. The last night of the convention, the pups could all sleep over in Julian’s hotel suite if they liked. About a dozen volunteered.

Just after midnight that evening, there was a big, nasty Midwest thunderstorm with vibrant lighting and booming thunder…and Julian woke up at 1 am in a very crowded bed to lots of whimpers. Some of the pups were just nervous and needed comfort, but oh the boys from California just could not handle their weather!

Text is fictional.


“Oh puppy, what are you doing? Did you drop one of your toys behind the sofa again? This is what happens when you play on the sofa instead of the floor,” I chide him as I climb onto the cushions and peer back there. Something is wedged between the sofa and the wall. I get off the sofa and pull the furniture far away from the wall enough so not only does the the item fall, but so I can take a few steps forward and retrieve it. When I see what it is, I shake my head and sigh.

“I’ve told you this before. Dildos are not chew toys.’
He still tries to snatch it out of my hand with my teeth.
"No! Bad puppy! Bad. This was an expensive dildo and now it has teethmarks in it.”
He stops wiggling his butt at the tone of my voice and lowers his head, giving me big sad eyes. I fold my arms. “You have chew toys. Use them.” I sigh again. “I’m afraid you need to be punished for this. Go fetch the paddle.”
He pouts at me, and whines. When he sees I’m not going to relent, he begrudgingly goes to get it. I give him 15 swats, then shut him in the bathroom for an hour with a proper chew toy. Of course, he whimpers through half of it before falling asleep for a quick nap on the bathmat. So stubborn!

He wants me to feel bad, and I do, but he has to learn. When I let him out of the bathroom, I do give him a cookie and a back scratch to let him know I’ve forgiven him. I since have hidden the dildos better. When they’re not up his ass, they’re hidden away safely away and out of reach from chewy pups.

Text is fictional.

Double News!

Double News!

In January, I expanded this caption into an 18,000 word short story and submitted to a Dreamspinner anthology. Although I was initially rejected due to my hilarious amount of grammar errors from writing last-minute content, someone dropped out so I got the spot. Yay!

My second publication, Orion’s New Leash on Life, will be published by Dreamspinner Press in June as part of their Mended anthology. In it, a Master suffering from depression finds a lifeline thanks to an upbeat pup boy.

This is the cover for the anthology (click to expand):


Since my short story is also being released on its own, it gets its own cover as well. However, the pup that inspired the caption did not want his face or likeness used, and there was a lack of stock photography involving pups (gee, big surprise). So, I asked a friend to help. I am pleased to announce that the boy on the cover will be gayboykink! He created and sent over five photos less than 24 hours after I sent the request. My editor loved one, and it’s a done deal. Here is a teaser of his neck as the cover isn’t yet finalized (click to expand):


I’ll keep everyone updated when more information comes. I will also be routing my Tumblr through a domain name by June, and you’ll be notified of that as well.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned!