

Outdoor time for puppy.

Spade sniffed the air. Autumn was coming. His backyard was starting to change. It had been a busy summer. There had been barbecues and soccer games, and many fun afternoons running through the sprinklers. Many evenings of romantic picnics on the deck and making love under the stars. 

Spade had also spent many-a-days marking the edges of the property as his territory, and it had been a part time job keeping the squirrels away from the bird feeder. At least, that mean fat raccoon hadn’t come back. The flowers were in full bloom and starting to fade, and Spade had learned to keep distance from them. He had gotten stung last month, and he’d been so itchy afterwards!

With his survey complete, Spade padded across the yard, tamped down a good spot, and rolled onto his back. The sun felt good, making the rubber nice and warm. Spade cherished it. He loved playing in piles of autumn leaves, but he always hated feeling the heat slowly leave the air. Although he did enjoy cuddling with his Master inside by the warm fire as snow fell outside, Spade would always be yearning to romp outside.

Spade a mental note to check for any remaining blackberries growing wild along the back fence – he’d eaten the bush clean last week – when he heard a noise. Spade perked up and uprighted himself. Was it…? He walked up to where the backyard rose upwards. Oh, there it was in the distance! The mail truck! Master was expecting a package!

Spade began to bark and ran up to the back porch, pressing his snout to the glass. Bark bark bark!
Master came out of the back room, looked at him through the glass, puzzled. Spade turned his head. The house was on a corner and he saw the mail truck drive past. Bark bark bark bark!
His Master opened the glass door. “Was is it boy?
Spade whined and wagged his tail.
"Mail truck here?”
Spade barked with a nod.
“Good boy. The guy always leaves me a missed-package note even though I’m right here.”

He closed the door, and Spade waited. He watched through the glass as his Master waited by the open front door, collected his package, and then closed it. His Master went to the kitchen and came to the backyard with something in his hand.

Spade wagged his tail hard. What was it?
Master slid the glass door open with a smile. “I got my package. Good boy. Sit.”
Spade planted his butt on the deck.
Spade sat back on his haunches and put both paws in the air.
His Master placed a bone shaped cookie on his nose.
“Good boy. Wait. Wait. Aaand, eat!”

Spade shook his face so the cookie fell. He landed on his paws and snapped the cookie off the deck with his teeth.

By the time, he was done eating it, Master had gone back inside. It really hit the spot. Spade looked out over the yard. He could see his tamped down spot from here. No need to let it go to waste. It was the proper time for a nap.

Captions are fictional.


I was loading the dishwasher when I heard a very unusual noise. Well, the noise in itself wasn’t so unusual. It was very much like the sound of a dog barking. Matter of fact, I was almost sure that is that it was. But what made it so unusual, is that it sounded close. Matter of fact, it sounded like it was coming from inside of my house. This would not have alarmed me, except for the fact that I don’t own a dog. Complicating matters, my boyfriend was a pup in heart and mind… But last I checked he did not possess the magical ability to turn into a dog. Also, I know for a fact that his dog noises are good – but not that good. As if he heard me, I heard a series of barks that were distinctly his.

Confused, I washed my hands and dried them, then I put the towel over my shoulder and went to locate the source. It sounded like it was coming from the front of the house.

Sure enough, it was. When I turn down the hallway I could see my pup’s eager butt wagging in anticipation as he continued to bark at something. Then, I heard this strange realistic barking sound again. When I came into view, I was astonished. Sticking his head through our doggie door – it had come with the house – was a young puppy. A real puppy. I laughed. It looks so cute and helpless stuck there, wedged in the small rectangle. My boy was obviously delighted by his new furry friend. They were batting at each other; my boy was trying to hit the real dog on the head. The creature was enjoying the play, although he was very obviously stuck.
“My goodness,” I said. “Okay, hold on.”

Carefully, I opened the door and extracted the puppy out backwards. He did not have a collar, and appeared to be a little dirty. I took him inside, as it was cold outside, and when I et him down he launched himself at my boy and they began one of the most adorable displays of cuteness that I had ever seen, wrestling and playing with each other. The little dog must have been a Bern or some other large breed of dog, because it had quite large paws for its tiny size. I sat there watching, until they were both tired. I gave them water. Funny enough, I did not have any real dog food so the lucky thing got to get real scraps of ham from my fridge.

The little one stayed with us overnight, and he was not without company. He slept curled up with my boy in his bed. I honestly did not want to go to sleep, I just wanted to stare at them all night and let my teeth rot from how adorably sweet they were. The next day, I took the dog to a vet, and a scan revealed that it had a chip. When the owners were contacted, they explained that the dog was too much for them to handle with the baby; so when it got out, they just let it go. I was furious. Why would you adopt a dog with a baby on the way in the first place? The previous owner said that it had essentially been a free dog, handed over from a cousin who had a breeding practice, and the pup was deemed unfit for show. That only made me more angry. Plus the little dog had matted fur, and a parasite!

I did not even think twice about paying for its treatment. Matter of fact, it was starting to look like that little dog was going home with me too. Well, we would likely make a trip to the Groomer’s before we went home…

When I came home, carrying a happy, healthy, and clean little dog, my boyfriend went absolutely crazy that I let him keep the dog. I loved seeing him so happy, and I was relieved that he had someone to pup out with when I couldn’t be there for him.

People often compliment me on our beautiful dog Hojicha . Many people ask how we got him. A lot of people assume we paid a lot of money for him. Very few actually believe that our sweet dog simply walked up to her home and decided to adopt us. I’ve often found that the best things in life happen by accident. I had no idea my boy was into pup play until months after we began dating. At first, I thought it was weird, but he grew on me and now I find it charming and fun – and sexy. The best part is that I get to be the alpha of the pack. Having two dogs look up at you with love and trust when I get home is the favorite part of my day.

Captions are fictional.



PupperRoo waiting for Boss to come homes from work and gives me Scritches

Ruffie was so nervous and excited waiting for his Master to come home that he thought he might pee himself when it finally happens. It wasn’t like he could get himself out of his rubber with his hands in mitts anyway, but Master would be really disappointed to come home and find that his puppy had made a mess. He wanted to be a good boy. Ruffie sighed and forced himself to lie down, and returned to chewing on his Master’s old leather sandal. 

He’d spent the day exploring his Master’s apartment and this was his new favorite thing. It was leather, the smell of which always made him horny, plus it had the scent of his Master’s feet and sweat, which made Ruffie yearn for the man who wasn’t here. He would be soon. Ruffie was not used to waiting hours and enjoying every second of it. He was still high off the reality of being ‘adopted’. It was a program run through his local dungeon where Masters can “check out” pups for short periods. Ruffie was thrilled when his Master had asked to “adopt” him over a three day weekend. Their sessions together made him fly and he always felt like whimpering when Master had to leave. Now they not only had a weekened together, but a long one at that. Friday through Monday. That meant Ruffie would get to greet his Master when he came home from work for one day.

Then, Ruffie heard a noise. A close noise. A noise of a key jostling in the keyhole. Ruffie jumped up to all fours and dropped the drooled on sandal. Ruffie sat by the door and wagged his butt so hard he nearly fell over.
“Ruuuufffiiiee is that you?” said the deep, velvety voice
Ruffie put his paws up on the door and responded.

“BARK BARK BARK!” came the excited reply.
Master chuckled. The lock turned. “Shh. You’ll alert the neigh-” He pushed the door open, not realizing Ruffie was sitting an inch from it on the other side, and hit him smack in the face.
Ruffie yelped out.
“Oh shit! Did I hit you? Aw shit, puppy! I’m so sorry!” Master Keene gently opened the rest of the door enough to squeeze in and quickly shut it behind him. His pup was sitting a short distance away, paws over his mask and whimpering loudly.
“Oh no, Ruffie, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize you were right behind the door! Are you ok?” Master Keene squatted next to his boy. “Shh it’s ok, let me see.” He felt absolutely horrible when he saw tears in his boy’s eyes – and even worse when he saw blood on the floor. “Oh my god, Rafael, what did I do to you?”   

Master Keene quickly worked the buckles and removed the mask. “Shit your nose is bleeding. Oh look at the red mark, I hit you right on the bridge here huh? God, I’m so sorry, boy.”
Ruffie sniffled and whined. To his surprise, the injury hadn’t taken him out of headspace at all. He licked Keene’s hand and whined. 
“It’s ok baby. Here, I’m going to get you a tissue and some ice.”

It took a few minutes to get the bleeding stopped, and even Master Keene had to laugh when he saw his pup with cotton sticking out of his nose. Master Keene made Ruffie chew a Tylenol and sit in his bed with ice on his nose for a few minutes while he cleaned off the mask and dried it.  

When the worse had passed, Master Keene put the mask back on, but not before getting a lot of licks.
“Some welcome home huh? I’m sorry I spoiled it.”
Ruffie barked and headbutted his Master’s shouder, indicating it was all ok.
Master Keene smiled and scritched Ruffie at the base of his spine. The pup groaned and flopped to the side, kicking his foot.
“Ok that’s adorable,” Master Keene noted. “You’re a good boy huh?”
“Such a good boy, yesh you are.” 
“Arf arf!”
Master Keene gave his flank a few pats. “Did you miss me?”
Ruffie nodded.
“I missed you too. I couldn’t wait to come home to your cute face. It gets so lonely here on the weekends. Damn, we’re gonna have a lot of fun together. Speaking of which, I think you deserve a treat huh? As an apology for bonking you?”

Ruffie quickly forgot about the pain when he saw the big bag of brownie bites. He decided that he going to play the sympathy card and try to get away with as much as possible… he had a feeling the bites would disappear once Master Keene found the sandal. 

Text is fictional. Source is above. 






I peer over my magazine. Oh my god he’s so adorable I might die. “Aww Rocket,” I coo.
He whines and paws at my leg.
“Oh I know, sweetheart, I know. Your bed is in the washing machine right now. You drooled and leaked cum and got muddy pawprints on it, it was gross. I had to wash it.”
Rocket whines some more and puts his chin on my lap. I scritch his head. “You can’t wait for your nap huh?”
Rocket shakes his head.
“Alright, I think once is OK.” I pat the sofa next to me. My pup emits a muffled bark and springs up. I lift my magazine out of the way so he can shuffle around and get comfortable. After a moment of kneading the cushions, he drops his blanket over my legs and flops down with his head on my lap. I chuckle. “Are you comfortable?”
My pup yawns but is wagging his tail.
“Good, good.” I pat his flank and lean back. “Now where was I in this article?” I twist my fingers into the hairs at the base of my Rocket’s neck and read my article. Soon I’m enjoying listening to the sounds of my pup breathing slowly as he sleeps contentedly on me.

Text is fictional



Come on, pup, get in your cage! And remember: no barking. The guests are coming in a few minutes and I don’t want you to embarrass yourself by jumping them or humping their legs as they enter the room. Chopchop, off you go, and behave!

Gooood boy! *clicks lock shut*

Good boy indeed. “You can come out once the guests leave. Aw, don’t look at me with those eyes. You haven’t finished obedience school yet. Once you do, we can try socialization. Now, in case you have to pee, there’s a pad in there but try to hold it. You are housebroken aren’t you? I’ll check in on you in a little bit and get you some water. Here’s a Rubik cube to play with. Good boy.”

Text is fictional. Eeee I love when gayboykink writes pup captions.


I clutch my sides, unable to stop laughing. “Pup! Brodie! Brodie! Seriously. Come here! you are never going to catch that seagull.”
He looks at me and whines, then puts his head down on his paws and wiggles his butt.
The seagull watches him with one beady eye from up on the fence, its beak clamped around a bag of barbeque potato chips.
“Brodie!” I wheeze. I have to sit down.

The seagull hops to another fencepost. Brodie inches forward, muscles tense with energy. I watch from the sand as Brodie creeps up underneath the gull, more of a cat than a dog. The gull doesn’t seem interested in Brodie and gazes over the beach, as if trying to figure out where he eats the prize.

I’m holding my breath, watching Brodie seek his prey. Closer. Closer. After a few long moments, Brodie was directly under the gull. Slowly, slowly, slowly, my pup reaches up. We’re both holding our breathes. The gull could take flight at any moment. I’m silently cheering for my pup.

Then – Brodie makes a move. Like a lizard’s tongue, his fingers shoot out and grab the chip bag right out of the seagull’s beak. The seagull squawks and jumps, then looks around as if trying to figure out what just happened. Brodie looks at the chip bag in his hand in shock, then looks at me. My jaw is on the ground. I then whoop and punch a fist into the air. Brodie puts the chip bag into his mouth and begins to bounce up and down on his paws, woof-ing his head off.

People are staring at us now. Brodie puts his paws on the fence and shakes it under the gull flies away, and my pup gives it a loud farewell.

Satisfied, my pup trots over and puts the chip bag in my lap. I scritch him all over, then he headbutts me. I open the chip bag and feed him one. Brodie scarfs it down and licks my fingers.

“Alright, let’s go finish eating our lunch ok, boy?”
Brodie wiggles his butt, forgetting he’s not wearing his tail. “Arf arf!”

Text is fictional. Puppy butt :3


“Now, punishing you for having a small cock would be silly, especially since it’s something you have on control over. I mean, the Romans would have thought you were the hottest thing since olive oil. Me however, I get annoyed having to look at such a tiny useless little nub attached to your gorgeous lean body. It doesn’t even grown when you get hard! It’s like it forgot how to be a dick. Well, we’re gonna fix the confusion around here and lock it up. You won’t fit in a cock cage boy, so it’s gonna be more like a cap. A pretty little metal thing, That way, you’ll exactly when you’re horny because you’ll be dripping everywhere. And that’s when I’ll get out the vibrator, boy…you know nothing of its delicious torment yet.”

Text is fictional.

Today was a good day

Today was a good day


Note: This somehow became a looong detailed story, so I’ll put a TL;DR summary at the end. =P


You know, it’s been a while since I wrote something more extensive about how bf and I are progressing with our kink journey, so I thought it’d be time for a bit of an update. Especially because after our trip to London, my boyfriend has been more dominant and experimental than ever and today’s activities really show how we (but mostly my bf) seem to be taking certain things to the next level. I’ll explain…

My boyfriend told me that he wanted to give me a special day this Sunday, because we didn’t really got to celebrate my birthday yet. I thought he’d go for a night at the cinema or some shopping or dinner activities, but when he took his rubber suit on Saturday evening to wash and prepare it for the day after, I knew he was up to something different. Every time he had worn his rubber, resulted in some serious sub play for me. Clamps, foot worship, spanking and throatfucking are just a few examples…

So this morning, even before we got out of bed, he asked me if I wanted to play ‘the first game’. Apparently there were more to come and my mind went in overdrive trying to figure out what he had in store for me today. Of course I wanted to play – breakfast could wait – and he took his shiny rubber suit. I watched how he got dressed which was a tease on its own. Then bf took the handcuffs and the open gag which he both locked on me. With the chain collar and chastity I’ve been wearing relatively permanently the past week, I was now only wearing lockable gear which enhanced the sensation of utter submissiveness. He locked the cuffs behind my back before undoing the CB so I couldn’t touch myself. I quickly got hard, and it didn’t took him long to get me teased, frustrated and dripping. He made me hump some things, he spanked me fairly lightly and played a lot with my nipples, which got me moaning and drooling through my gag. Bf wasn’t focussing on my dick at all, until he came back from the bathroom with an object I mainly recognised from bf’s experimentation with sounding. My eyes widened and I moaned a bit in my gag. I never said sounding is a limit for me, but it definitely scares me as I couldn’t imagine it being comfortable, let alone enjoyable. Bf removed the gag and asked if I was ok with it. I hesitated, but I knew he would be sensible enough to not hurt me and to stop when I would ask him to. ‘Sure’, I said as I closed my eyes and laid back with my hands still cuffed behind my back. I tried to relax and focus on the sensation that was about to come. Bf took some lube and to my surprise I felt the tiny smooth plastic handle (I don’t know how to describe it otherwise) slide in without much friction. In my head I was telling myself it couldn’t be that bad, as people get catheterisations all the time without any analgetics, but it didn’t help much, haha. I didn’t dare to watch, but I was relieved there was not much pain on the initial entry. Bf asked if I was doing ok, reapplied lube, and started moving the thing up and down, slooowly going deeper. Or at least I think he went deeper, because I didn’t watch. At some point there was a bit of burning sensation which wasn’t that comfortable.. So I asked bf to stop and he did. When he tried again, I noticed how the first bit just feels a bit weird, but rather enjoyable. The pain only comes when he pushed further. We played for ten minutes before we decided it was enough for my first sounding experience. I got up and bf showed me how he took the object’s full 7 cm which was impressive actually… I asked bf how deep he was in when he sounded me, but he didn’t tell me. ‘It doesn’t matter how many centimeters you took, it’s about the sensation’, he said. He’s right, but I still wanna know. =P
Game one was over. Bf played some annoying music to get me soft (a new technique he uses XD), locked the CB back on and ordered me to make us some sandwiches for breakfast, which I happily did.

Short after our breakfast he told me to stand in front of the bed if I was ready for part 2. Again I had no idea what to expect, but when he took the long nylon bondage rope I knew what he was up to. With the 15 meters of rope he tied an improvised body harness that fitted snugly around my chest. While tying the last knot he said: ‘I hope it’s secure enough, because we’ll be wearing our naughty suits under our clothing when we’ll be going out this afternoon.’ That was a surprise! I’ve been wearing naughty stuff under my clothes all the time (plugs, undies, chastity, collars and even a rope harness!) but I never expected my bf to be daring enough to wear his rubber in public, even when it’s hidden.
So, about fifteen minutes later we headed out to the bus. Bf with his rubber under his clothes and me with my rope harness, chastity and fairly visible chain collar. The harness was exactly uncomfortable enough to be a constant reminder of our kinky secret. I also liked to stroke bf’s chest and legs through his clothes. I was leaking in my pants just from the experience. We spend a few hours in the city centre eating some cake, drinking tea and shopping a bit before heading back home. I held my pee as long as I could because I was afraid it’d burn like hell after the sounding experiment, but after drinking some tea I couldn’t hold it… and thank god I didn’t feel a thing! XD

Back home we had dinner while still wearing rope and rubber under our clothes. We talked about kinks and mainly pup play. One of the subjects was pup names. Bf already came up with a few names last week which weren’t really my taste (Arak or Zeus for example) and he wasn’t enthusiastic about my names either (Chase or Pepper for example) so we were somewhat on a dead end. Then out of nowhere bf came up with another name: Nobly. I liked it! It sounds happy, it’s unique, it’s short and cute, plus bf thinks nobility fits me. Out of the name list we had I think Nobly is the name we like best together. Soooo it’s kinda official now! ^^ I love how my boyfriend still does his best to give pup play a chance, because he sees how much it means to me (and other pups) and how happy it makes us. I told him he shouldn’t force himself outside of his comfort zone, but the fact he came up with a pup name really is a small step in the right direction and I can’t describe how much I appreciate that in him. =)

Anyhow, after this intermezzo, it already was late in the evening. Bf planned a round three for me, so he ordered me to take a shower and lay on the bed naked. (Which for me means: Just wearing my CB and chain collar.) Bf untied the ropes, grinned at the mark patterns it caused on my chest and back and sent me to the bathroom. Half an hour later I laid down on the bed, when bf entered the room in his rubber. He climbed on top of me, reached down in my night stand and took out the magic wand with a big smirk on his face. ‘Guess who’s not going to come?!’ He waved the magic wand triumphantly around my CB. He gave my nipples – which were incredibly sensitive today – some attention and slowly worked the vibrator down to my straining cock. Every time he got the wand on the cage my cock fought against his plastic confinement, crying drops of precum. After fifteen minutes of edging and teasing bf gave me an offer. ‘Either you stay locked, but I’ll let you cum by the magic wand. Or I’ll take off the CB and you won’t be allowed to cum.’ It was a tough decision. I’ve had in cage orgasms before, which are always kinda unsatisfying. Plus I imagine my boyfriend could easily make it a ruined one by removing the wand on the moment supreme. On the other hand, he rarely had the self control to not let me cum, as he likes it too much seeing me squirm and scream during an orgasm after a lot of teasing. He might fail again, so I decided to go for unlocking without the permission to cum.
So, bf unlocked me and put the vibrator on the exact right spot, driving me to the edge in no time. Fortunately bf knows how to read and interpret my moaning and breathing, so he perfectly knows when to stop which made this edging session one of the most intense I’ve ever had. Stroking, palming, vibrating.. for at least half an hour the stimulation just kept going and going. My boyfriend only stopped for a few seconds every time I gasped for air, which is my body’s sign an orgasm is coming verrrry quickly. Stop and go, stop and go… with just seconds rest in between I became a horny, moaning mess in no time. There were a few times I even regretted my decision and wished for an in cage orgasm, especially when bf got me do close he could edge me using just one finger that lightly and slowly went up and down. Our neighbours must’ve enjoyed the vocals bf was able to get out of me. Apparently my moaning turned bf on as well, because he started to use the magic wand on himself while jerking me off and vice versa. Fuck that was hot. I couldn’t think straight anymore, but I remember I was hoping bf would get so lost in his masturbation, that he’d accidentally cause me to have an orgasm. But no. He came and I didn’t. Just as he planned. He let me lap up the mess from his belly before we cuddled each other. ‘You might get another chance next week’, he said. I sighed and gave him my puppy eyes look… like I really regretted choosing not to cum. But deep down I know I made the best choice. I looove this and it makes me realize I’m the luckiest boy on earth being able to experience this with someone who I can call my Master aaaand my boyfriend.


Too long to read? Here’s a quick summary:
Bf is in a very dominant mood lately. I’ve been wearing my CB and chain collar constantly. This morning I got my first sounding experience, which wasn’t bad at all. We went out in public wearing rubber (bf) and a rope harness (me) under our clothes this afternoon. We decided that my pup name will be Nobly! *wooff* This night bf edged the heck out of me, without letting me cum and he locked me back up for another week.

I’m just so happy that gayboykink has found someone long-term to go on a kink journey with, and that each boy in the relationship is taking the other a step further. If living vicariously through the happiest loving couple in the Netherlands is wrong, I don’t want to be right.