
I sit on the sofa. “Hey babe.”
Marcelo tilts his head up and smiles at me. “Hey. How was your walk?”
“Productive. I’ve made a big decision.”
Marcelo furrows his brow. He reaches for the remote and turns off the television. “Is it about us?” he asks gently.
I shake my head. “No, it’s about me.” How could it be him? He’s so beautiful and lovely and kind. If he would just put his dishes in the dishwasher, he’d be damn near perfect.
“Are you alright?” Marcelo reaches out and I grasp his hand.

I take a big breath. “I think I have an issue with cocaine. I think I need to stop. And I don’t think I can.”
Marcelo stares at me a moment and slowly sits up. “But…you haven’t done it since Saturday, right? At Pembroke’s?”

I brush a tear away from my cheek. “No. When you go to work, I’ve been…like every day…” I sniffle.
Marcelo exhales softly. “Oh fuck.” He looks hurt, and I can’t look at him. “Come here,” he murmurs. I put my arms around myself and shrink, but Marcelo pulls me close. I melt at the sensation of his hard muscular body wrapped around me. I cry softly into his shoulder. “I haven’t had it today and it’s all I want.”
Marcelo nuzzles me. “Thank you for telling me. I didn’t realize you had been hiding it, and that’s…kind of a shock. But thank you so much for telling me. You’re very important to me, and I still love you a lot-”
I make an embarrassing loud sob.
“and we can work on this together ok?”
I nod.
“Get you some treatment ok?”
I nod. “It’s not fun anymore. I hate how I’m thinking about it more than you. I love you, and I don’t want to lose this thing we have together because of some stupid drug. Oh god am I drug addict?”

Marcelo gives me a squeeze. “No. You’re just a bit dependent right now. We’ll nip it in the bud. It’ll be better.”
I find some courage to look up at his beautiful mahogany eyes. “You think so?”
“Yes. Where’s my phone…we need to get some resources going.”
He leans forward and picks up his phone.
I caress his arm. “I love you,” I whisper.
“I love you more.” He kisses me. “Don’t forget that ok? Just…please?”
My bottom lip trembles. “Never.”

He smiles and exhales. “Good. Now let’s get started on this.”
I feel tired suddenly. Just totally drained. Shaky. Nauseous. More than I did this morning. Even now, I just want some of that powder upstairs in the drawer…
Marcelo looks at me and for a moment I think he’s reading my mind.
“Do you still have cocaine in the house?”
My eyes widen. I don’t answer him for a moment. It would be so easy to say no. Just…to have it as a back up… My eyes roam from up Marcelo’s sculpted limbs and washboard abs and that prominent bulge in his underwear. No, that was much more important. “Yes,” I whisper.
“Show me,” he says. Marcelo takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Once he has my stash, we sit on the bed together and make a plan. 

Captions are fictional.


“HEY! Leave my houseboy alone! Get your hands off him or I’ll beat your ass!” Cosmo sighs. I can’t even go swimming without someone lusting after his ass. Even with the collar and the chastity device! Do I need to hang a sign on him that says ‘do not touch’? Mmmn. No. I think I need to get the boy a taser. “Boy come here.” Cosmo waits for the boy to jog behind him, hiding behind a massive fluffy towel. “He’s creepy Sir!”
“Boy, did you say no?”
“…In a polite way.”
“Did you tell him to fuck off?”
The boy gasps. “I can’t tell an alpha man that!”
“You can’t tell ME that,” Cosmo corrected, “But if someone is harassing you, you tell THEM that.”
The lad looks horrified.
Cosmo raises an eyebrow. “I think I trained you too formally. Say fuck.”
“…Fuck?” he whispers.
Cosmo laughs. “You’re adorable. Say fuck off!”
“Fuck off!”
Cosmo laughs harder. “Ok, that doesn’t work.”
The houseboy makes a face. “What if I try a different tactic?”
“Like what?” Cosmo asks.
The houseboy straightens his shoulders. “Fuck me?”

Cosmo’s eyebrows shoot up. “Ohh that’s brave of you. But I could get used to that…”
The houesboy wonders if he’s made mistake.
“You want me to fuck you right now, boy?”
“Sir you uh, look really hot in that Speedo and I’ve been locked for quite a while…”
“Tell me you want me to fuck you boy.”
The boy squares his shoulders again. “Fuck me, Sir.”

Cosmo smirks. “Let’s go back to the yacht. I love screwing on that chair on the deck.”
The boy nods enthusiastically. It had been an educational day. “Oh uh, here is your towel Sir.”

“Thank you boy.” Cosmo swats him on the butt. “On with you now. You’re giving the orders today!”
The houseboy wonders what he’s gotten into…giving orders to Sir?? Just much could he get away with…?

Captions are fictional.


Jake was sulking in the empty condo when he got a call. He perked up.
“Hey Kostas.”
“Hey boi.”
“So…what’s the determination?”
“It’s a B type aortic dissection. I don’t have to go do surgery tonight.”
Jake brightened. “Really? You got the evening off?”
“Yes. I am coming right over to see you. I can barely wait.”
Jake smiled. “It’s so rare that you have time off, and you want to spend it with me.”
“Of course. Seeing you, touching you, being in bed with you… TIME with you. I can never just have enough time with you.”
“Aww honey.”
“I’m coming right over to fuck you. I owe you so much sex. I’m so sorry.”
“No no no. You told me when we started dating the difficulties of your job. You’re a goddamn heart surgeon. My sex drive doesn’t matter when you’re saving lives.”
There was a loud exhale. “God I don’t think I could be as understandable as you are to me. You are so lovely. I am going to fuck my thanks into you.”
This made Jake burst out laughing. “Kostas. Seriously. Just seeing you is enough.”
“I want to kiss you right now. I’m getting into a cab from the hospital right now. Warm the bed, baby.”
“Yes Sir!”
“Mwuah. See you soon boy.”
“You too. Bye.”

Jake smiled at the phone. “He wants me. I waited for him and didn’t jerk off and NOW I’m gonna get the sex I deserve.” Jake got off the chair and headed to the bed. He paused. He took the flowers from the kitchen and put them in the bedroom on the nightstand. After Jake turned down the bed, he made sure they were stocked with lube and the batteries had toys. Jake thought. He decided to set up a cheese, fruit, and cracker plate and put it in the fridge. Kostas would be hungry, especially after sex.

Jake made a note to also do laundry. Poor Kostas. He worked so hard. Someone had to take care of him. Jake knew if he was a selfish and demanding boi, no one would see him as anything other than the spoiled pet of a rich surgeon. He’d likely lose Kostas after a few years. What had Kostas said? “You are so lovely.” It made Jake feel flush and happy. Kostas needed someone who understood him. Jake wanted to be that boy. He wanted to be in it for the long term.

He was washing the fruit knife when the Jake heard a key in the lock. “Kostas!”

Kostas walked in and dropped his briefcase. “Oh my fuck you’re already naked.”
Jake giggled and shook his butt. It was so rewarding to please someone else!

Captions are fictional.




God what is with that guy? Why is he so hot? I mean, I’m hot and I’m jealous. His body isn’t even as toned as mine. But he’s so fucking hot. He should be a model. Or a porn star. Or both. He should be famous for sure. But if he were famous he would move away and I couldn’t watch him from my window. Man, look at him stretch… love watching him stretch and work that body. So long and lean. Such good lines. His skin tone is just beautiful.
Yeah, he’s fucking hot. God what is with me? I haven’t gotten the urge to do guys since college. This guy makes me want to fuck him though. I want to just bend him over and just…dominate him. Christ, he gets under my skin.
Hm. Would I bottom for him? I don’t really bottom, but…god maybe if he asked. He’s
that hot. I think I’d just forget how to speak English if he talked or me, or if I saw him in real life. God why the fuck is he so hot? I can’t get anything done when he’s out there on the balcony. Shit, I’m not going to get my life back until I turn him into a drooling, cummy mess. I would wreck that body. I would change the way he walks for a day. Fuck yeah. I don’t even care if he’s gay. I’m sure he’d let me fuck him. Or hump him. Yeah, I’d settle for that. Just to own that dick. That dick is mine. God, he’s so gorgeous. I’ve never met a woman that gorgeous.

Shit, my girlfriend would be really mad if she heard me say that.

Captions are fictional. Who is this man?? A knowledge reader has informed me this is fitness model Kaz van der Waard.

Thank you reader~



Preparations for a Dapper day 👍🏻 @sinabrochar

#MensFashion #MensWear #MensStyle #MensLook #MensClothing #MensSuitStyle #SuitAndTie #Dapper #Outfit #Fashion #Style #Hot #Look #Cool #Inspiration #Life #Repost #Photo #DapperGentsClub

“What are you staring at?” Robin asks, folding his flannel scarf.
“I’m watching you dress,” I reply, leaning against the wall with my foot pressed against it for support. “I just realized that I’d never seen you dress before.” Robin gives me a look and an eyebrow raise to convey that he’s never heard such an odious lie and is offended he thinks I’d swallow it. “You have seen me dress before. Plenty. All those times after we had sex, or after the shower – you know, before we moved in?”
I fuss with the band of my underwear, the only thing I’m wearing. “Well yeah, but you were always wearing jeans or something. I’ve never seen you dress for work.” 
“Not true. I’ve slept over at your place and gone to work the next morning, and more than once I might add.”
I can’t tamp down a small smile. “Nope. All those times you came out of the bathroom fully dressed in your work clothes, or I came out of the bathroom and you were already dressed.” 
“What’s so captivating about watching me dress for work?” Robin asks. 
I blush a little and switch feet. “I’ve never gotten to bathe you, and help moisturize you, and then taken the trimmer and touched up your beard. Then, I’ve never gotten to watch you put on your slacks, slide the delicate shirt fabric over your beautiful torso and watch it take shape over your muscles, then watch work those tiny buttons with the same fingers that stroke my cock so strong and tenderly…”  
Robin is fixated on me, and now he is blushing too.
“And you look so serious when picking your tie and suspenders, you’d think you were the President going on television or something. And then damn – there you are. Fashionable, stylish Robin. Looking utterly gorgeous and ready to take on the world.” 
 Robin just stares at me. He fumbles with the scarf in his hands. “I – I’m uh, wow,” he chuckles. “No one has ever said something like that to me before. It’s really flattering.” 
My smile widens. “It’s true. Just another perk of loving you and sharing a home with you.”  
Robin’s expression softens. “You are so beautiful with your words, you know that? Especially when they come out of those soft lips of yours….” 
It’s my turn to feel my ears burning. “Well, a poet has to have his muse.”

Robin glances aside and adjusts himself. “Turn around and put your hands against the wall.”

I raise both eyebrows. “Are you arresting me?”

“You wish. Which reminds me, I need to buy some handcuffs now that we have a headboard.” 
“Do as I say.”
I turn around and position myself like he asks, trying not to move too much. I love it when Robin gets bossy but it does not happen very often. I hear a drawer open and close. A moment later, I hear him get off the bed, which is followed by socked feet padding on the wood floor. Hands find my waist, which makes me jump. Robin kisses my shoulder and without asking permission, pushes down my underwear.

I gasp. This was a new type of play. I was eager to see where it went. When I turn my head towards him, I am given strict instructions to keep my gaze forward, to get real acquainted with that shade of Duck Eggshell White paint we used. A pair of smooth hands caress my hips and then my ass. I arch my spine and the hands squeezed me. I keen out into my arm, quickly becoming excited.

I hear the tear of paper, and the flick of a lid. I’m incredulous. He’s going to fuck me, just like this! Without even asking! I think it’s kind of thrilling to be wanted and lusted over and used like property. 
God, if he treats me like how he treats his clothing then I hope I’m his property.  I wait for Robin to stretch me but he does not. He just suites up and pushes in. The pain feels like a spark of electricity, but luckily I’m still a bit loose from all that dildo play last night. I feel virginal and Robin feels huge. I’m sure I’m drooling on the wall.
He rocks against me, sliding in and out. I try to meet his pace but it causes conflict with his pattern. Robin presses his fingers into my iliac grooves and pulls my hips up and back. Instantly, and impossibly, he slides in even deeper. I cry out, a ragged noise and strangled gasp. 
Robin groans. “I knew you could fit another inch.”  

I can feel the course fabric of his pants push up against me with every thrust. We don’t make it to ten. Robin stands up on his toes and pins me to the wall, wanting to be as close to me as possible when releasing his load. I hear him take in a huge lungful of air, hold it, and then release it after the orgasm peaks. His heat flows inside of me, and I wish he isn’t wearing a condom. I feel oddly happy and dizzy, and I realize I came when he did – all over the wall. “Shit,” I mutter. 
“Mmmn,” Robin replies, reaching around to play with my balls. We enjoy a moment together. A bird chirps outside.

“Now,” Robin purrs in my ear, pausing to teeth my ear lobe. “I have to go to work and earn bread for our household. You be good for me, do your chores, attend your grad classes, and when I get home, I want you to greet me wearing hardly anything ok?”
I press my forehead against the wall. Everything was still spinning. How could I feel so empty and yet still totally slutty after what Robin just said?
I nod.
“Fuck yeah. How about instead, totally naked?”
“…You’d do that for me?” Robin asks. 
“Anything for the man of my dreams. And don’t forget to take your lunch with you ok? I made it with love.”
“You made me lunch?” Robin replies, genuinely surprised. 
 “Just some left overs I packed last night,” I admit.
Robin slaps me on the butt once, making me yelp.
“Fuck, I wish I could stay home and just make love to you in every room of our new condo.”
I chuckle. “One day you should.” 
Robin nuzzles my shoulder and his beard scratches me. “One day I will. But today I must go in to work because someone made me a nice lunch and I do not want to waste it.”

Robin kisses the back of my neck, swats me on the butt again, and then drifts away. He throws the condom in the trash, cleans himself up. I watch him over my shoulder with doe eyes as he maneuvers his half tamed cock back into his jockstrap. Yeah, the man doesn’t even own normal underwear.  
We kiss good-bye, and he leaves, reluctantly. I pass out on the bed and listen for him closing the door. I cover my face with my hands and sigh in bliss. I never knew how wonderful mornings could be. An early jog, breakfast together, showers, sex…. I notice something and lift my head. Oh my god, I could see my drool spot and cum on the wall from the bed. I laugh. How embarrassing! I get up and go find the cleaner. We’re running low. I make a note to buy it in bulk next time. If this is how life is going to be living together, we’re going to need it.

Text is fictional. Picture is from and of Instagram user and fashion blogger. @sinabrochar.


“Yes. Yes, I’m available those days. Yes, I am hot enough for your fashion shoot. I am fucking perfect, matter of fact. I will look smoldering on paper. Uh huh. That’s a great rate. Anything else you want to know about me? What’s that? Well, my boyfriend locked my cock up for a bit cause I got handsy with another male model. Do I need the key? What’s that? I don’t need to be unlocked? Darn. Well, he’ll be happy to hear that. Yes, I understand it’s good to be obedient. You can expect that from me on set. Good. I’ll look forward to details from you forthcoming.”

Text is fictional.


“…JJ, are you ok?”
“Uh huh.”
“You don’t look ok.”
“I’m exhausted.”
“What have you been doing today?”
“I went to Pride with Stevie.”
“Oh so you did go?”
“Yeah Thom…I heard there was gonna be a lot of dicks, so I went.”
“Did you see dicks?” I ask.
“Uh huh. I saw a lot of dicks. All these hot guys were all giving me these fruity drinks. I partied waaaayyy too hard. You should have gone.”
“JJ,” I tsk. “You know I’m a private homosexual. I don’t flaunt. I prefer a nice port and a book of Basho’s poems.”
“You are so stuffy.”
“You are such a twink” I shoot back
“You’re still my best friend.”
“I know, I know.” I fold my arms. “If it helps, your butt looks fantastic. All those squats are paying off.”
“You wanna fuck me, Thom?”

I laugh. “JJ how can you think of sex? I thought you were exhausted.”
“I am. But I’m horny….thinking of all those hot guys today,” he groans.
“You didn’t get laid?”
“No, I was too busy keeping an eye on Stevie because you know the trouble he gets into when he’s horny.”
“Uh huh.”
“You sure you don’t wanna fuck me?”
“Mm. We haven’t done that in a while.”
“Fuck mee…” he begs, his voice muffled into the mattress.
I smile. There’s a reason we’ve been best friends since I moved in with him.

“Alright. I’ll take you up on it.”
“Yay.” He says.
I try not to giggle at the flat tone of his voice. JJ still hasn’t moved an inch.

I remove my clothing and fetch the right things – the lube, a wet cloth, a dry cloth, and condoms. JJ doesn’t say anything as I settle on the bed and sit next to his thighs.
“You awake?”
“Uh huh. Very much. Just not moving.”
“Good, good.” I clean him with a wet wipe, and then begin to massage his ass, kneading the big buns with my hands. I move up JJ’s back until he’s groaning. I work my way back down and then part his legs.
“You have such big balls, JJ, how on Earth do you carry those every day?”
JJ snorts. “Well, I wear three pairs of underwear to hold em up,” he jokes.
I chuckle and pinch his butt. “Goofball.”

I drizzle lube over his butt like syrup on pancakes.
“What are you doing with all that lube?” JJ mutters. “It’s cold.”
“I’ll heat you up soon enough.”
“Mmm.” JJ says, satisfied.

I slip on finger rubbers and begin the slow process of stretching and scissoring. Soon JJ can’t help not acting like potato and soon he begins to vocalize. The deeper I push my digits, the louder he groans and starts to wiggle his hips. “God that feels sooo good.”

When I push on his prostate, he groans and arches his back a little. “More~” he pleads.
I push my digits in and out of JJ’s hole which is loosening around me. I slide a third finger in and JJ hasn’t been quiet in several minutes. I realize the reason why he’s wiggling is that he’s trying to rub his cock against the bed. I place my other hand on the base of his spine. “Hold still, JJ,” I coo.
“But feelsgood…” he mutters.
I stroke the back of his balls with my clean hand. He moans loud and I smother a laugh. “You’re ready for me?”
“Hell yeah…fuck me. I’m ready. I’m so relaxed. You’re the best roommie ever.
“We do get along pretty well,” I agree.

I discard the finger rubbers and slide a real one over my red, straining cock. It wants JJ’s ass. I straddle his shiny backside and position my cock right at his hole. I sigh in delight when his body does not resist at all. He opens up and pulls me in to his tight body.
“Very nice,” I say. “How do you feel?”
JJ cries out in need under me. “Don’t stay still – move. Fuck me, fuck meee~”
“Ok ok,” I reply. 

I shift my weight and thrust into him hard. JJ gasps. “Yes!”

I pull his hips up and set a familiar, traditional rhythm – in and down, out slow, in and down, out slow. JJ and I are soon crying out together. I push into his prostate and move his cock against the texture of the sheets, and he is loving being full of me. I’m sweating and grunting from the effort, because I want more of him with every motion.

“I’m coming!” JJ shouts, startling me, because his tone is loud and clear. His body goes very tight around me and he pushes his butt up to swallow all of me he can. I dig my fingers into his hips and bury myself balls deep into that hungry ass. JJ really did need a fucking. I can smell his cum as it pools under him. I feel a bit of pride in knowing I made him come hands-free.

“My turn,” I announce. He’s so tight! So hot! And suddenly my cum is pouring out of me, filling the condom. My head spins as the orgasms overwhelms. My breath hitches and I keen loud. “JJ! Oh lord JJ! …oh JJ you feel so good.”

“I can feel you fill the condom,” he replies. “So hot.”
“Did that hit the spot?”
“Mmhmm…” JJ hums. “I’m …I need a nap now,” he replies, matter of factly.
“Poor baby, you’re exhausted,” I tease.
“My life is hard,” he agrees with a yawn.

I pull out and JJ whines. “No, put it back~”
“Can’t. You made me all soft.” I pat his butt and tie off the condom. “Maybe later.”
“Ok…later…” and then JJ’s gone. He begins to snore.

I snort. It’s uncharacteristic. JJ cracks me up, I’m just not very emotive. I clean JJ up with a warm cloth and then place a blanket over him so he can sleep.

I go to shower and have some more port. One day, JJ will grow up and get ready to settle, and I will be waiting. For now, I am happy to stand back and let him live his twenties to the fullest. I do enjoy listening to all of his adventures with Stevie, but mostly because he won’t end up with Stevie. I’m sure of it.

Text is fictional. It’s gay pride weekend here in Los Angeles!


The slave lifts its head. He hears footsteps coming up the creaky, wooden stairs. They’re heavy and boot-clad. Instinctively, the slave turns itself in the uncomfortable cage so that he’s on all fours, head down, eyes down. The boots stop at the landing.
”Now that’s what I like to see,” booms a bass voice. The man walks forward. The slave startles a little when a big hand smacks the top of the cage.
”I figgered you had enough time up here, boy. I just want to make clear what happens if you disobey me. I don’t go right for the whip. Instead, I put you up in the Cage, up here, in the dark even during the brightest days, where it’s drafty and the mice run ‘round. And you will still stay here until your attitude changes. I find that’s the best deterrent to loose behavior ‘round here. The other slaves will tell you as much. How long you think you were in there boy? Permission to speak.”
The slave works its dry mouth. “Thank you, Sir. An hour…? An hour and a half maybe?”
The man gave hoarse chuckle. “Try twenty-five minutes.”
The slave was silent.
“Now you get it. You gonna be a good boy, Sir?”
”I’m going to be a very good boy, I promise!”
”That’s what I like to hear. Now let’s get you watered and washed off. I want to inspect you. Damn slavetraders always try and cover up pro’lems with dirt.”
”Thank you for the lesson, Sir.”
”Attaboy now. N by the way, your new name is Blue. You’ll meet Red, Yellow, and Green later.”
Blue tries not to smile. First time he had a name he actually liked. “Thank you for the name, Sir.”
”You’re pretty docile, for a slave. You should teach Green some things. Boys back is always covered with stripes.”
“If you’d like me to, Sir.”

The new Master just nods. He unlocks the cage and instructs Blue to come out. Blue stands, awkwardly. His Master gives him a hand with his numb limbs and pulls him to full height. Blue keeps his eyes on the floor, but his Master cups his jaw in a frighteningly-strong hand and forces him to meet His gaze. Blue feels a knot form in his stomach when he sees his Master’s firm, grey gaze staring back at him.
“Welcome to the farm, boy. Work right, this might be your forever home.”
Blue can’t bear it any longer and drops his gaze. He tries not to give away just how hopeful he was for that to be true, though. He hated being transported and auctions gave him anxiety. He internally resolves to putting all his energy into pleasing his new Master.
“I will aspire to it, Sir.”
“Atta boy.”
The Master places his paw over the back of the boy’s neck. Alright now, let’s go get you situated and collared.”
Blue happily goes along like a tame lamb.

Text is fictional. Source below:



“I"m going to be a very good boy.  I promise!." 

This is a new shot.

model: Tyy M


“August,” Quincy says with a sigh, “You’re smoking again. You’re a vocalist. You can’t smoke.”
“Oh shut it, Quince, it makes me feel better.”
“Christ,” he replies, shifting his weight to one hip. “You’re pathetic. And when you houseboy tells you you’re pathetic, you have a problem that tequila can’t fix.”
August opens an eye and watches his pierced and tattooed houseboy water his houseplants in turquoise boyshorts with the words ‘power bottom’ emblazoned on each butt-cheek.
“Don’t you think about putting your cig out in my plants,” warns Quincy. “Let me go get you an ashtray, you filthy boy.”
August grunts and rolls his eyes. 

A moment later, Quincy returns with an ashtray. August snubs it down and digs in his pack for another one.
“You know, I think I know how to fix this little problem.”
“What?” August eyes him. “It’s not a little problem and it can’t be fixed. We broke up. Let me get over it.”
Quincy rolls his eyes hard and vocalizes in exasperation. “No. I am not letting you break up your band over this bullshit. I am going to fix this.”

August lifts his head. “What? Where are you going? Quincy! Where are you going you little bitch?”
Quincy disappears back into the living room, then strolls back out onto the porch with a phone pressed to his ear. “Oh hi Franz, this is Quince, I’m on August’s phone.”
August jumps to his feet. “Hey! Is that my phone? Get off my phone!”
Quincy shoves an astonished August back into the chair.
“Sorry to bother you dear,” Quincy continues, sweet as treacle, “But I am so sick of this moping that I’m going to say what August can’t fucking say cause he’s a prick. First of all, he still loves you-“
“Quincy, goddammit, hang up!” August hisses through clenched teeth, eyes blazing.
“-and he can’t stop thinking about you. He’s not eating, he’s not sleeping – and he’s fucking smoking. – I know! I told him not to do that, but he won’t listen so maybe you will. You two are not breaking up your band over this. The Gilded Cranes is on fire right now. It’s all you ever – no YOU shut up, I’m not done.”
“Quincy I swear to god I’m going to spank you so hard,” August fumes.

The houseboy ignores him and waltzes back into the living room. “You two are NOT fucking up the lives of everyone else in the band that wants success so bad. You are not fucking over your manager, or your tour manager, or your merch girl who rely on you for work, nor ALL OF YOUR FANS over this PEDANTIC love spat you have. Listen, August will never tell you this but he’s totally scared of commitment.”
August groans loudly.
“His parents had a nasty divorce when he was growing up and so he’s terrified. He loves you so fucking much and wants you to be out with him, but he just can’t tell you that. So he broke up with you instead, thinking it’d be easier. So there, now you know. Now come over and let him fuck you with delicious make-up sex. before I lose my goddamn mind dealing with you – you children.”

Q exhales a puff of air. “There, you can have your phone back August.”
August was beet red. “Your bottom is going to be raw later. Raw, I say.”
“Oh pfft, you won’t have time, you’re gonna be too busy fucking.”
August glowers at him and put the phone to his ear. “…Franz? You’re still there? ..Oh you are. Shit, I am so- so sorry about this. My houseboy will be getting punished for this, don’t you worry. …Was what true? Any of it? …Franz please. You’re my best friend. I’ll always love you.” Quincy watches August wander off toward the bedroom to take the call in private.

When August emerges later, his eyes are red.
“..Uh oh, what happened August?”
“Franz is coming over.”
“Ha! Haha! Woo! I knew it.”
August smirks. “Yeah we’re gonna fuck. But first, we’re going to spank you together.”
Quincy’s eyes go wide. “That’s not how it’s supposed to go!”
“Just be lucky the whole band isn’t participating.”
It’s Quincy’s turn to groan. “Goddammit. This is the thanks I get?”
“Oh, forgot to mention – Franz is bringing you a cake from Domino’s.”
Quincy gasps. “Oh wow, an entire cake? Not just a piece?”
“An entire cake.”
The houseboy gives a dreamy sigh. “You guys really do love me.”
“You know I’m surprised you haven’t gotten fat already, Quincy,” August teases.
He sticks his tongue out in retort. “Bitch. Go shower, you reek of ciggies.”
“Go clean my bedroom before Franz gets here. Make sure it’s stocked.”
“Alright, alright~”

“Yes boss?”
Quincy makes a dismissive wave with his hand. “Just credit me when you get famous.”

Text is fictional. This is model Ash Stymest.