
Todd could barely look him in the eye. Joe was so intimidating. Todd had been attractive to him the day he starting hanging out at his friend’s frat house. All the guys there were jock-types, even the big bear-ish ones were strong and reeking of testosterone. There was something different about Joe. He carried himself with a quiet sense of superiority. He wasn’t brash and loud and a raging drunk. Despite being the same age as the other guys in his frat, Joe had an aura of wisdom and maturity the others lacked.

Todd just liked being near him. After a couple of times being around Joe, Todd began to think there was something else different about Joe from the others. And it wasn’t just his taste in movies.

After a party one night, Todd crashed on a sofa bed with his friend on the floor . Shortly after dawn he went downstairs for a snack, but ran into Joe going upstairs. And when he saw Joe, Todd nearly tripped. Joe was just wearing his underwear. All skin bare. The curve of his bulge filling his boxer briefs. It was too much. Todd froze and gawked.
“You finding something worth looking at?” Joe asked.
Todd should have apologized and scurried up the stairs. What came out of his mouth was, “Can I suck your cock?”

Joe looked real surprised. Then he looked amused. “I had an inkling,” he said. “Alright. You want it? Kneel and suck it right here.”
“Right here? On the stairs? Anyone could see us…”
“You best be quiet then.”
That turned Todd on something horrible, and he knew right then he was going to do it. He sank to the steps of the stairs and gazed up at this god of a man. After a few seconds ticked by, Joe’s face began to firm into a look of displeasure. Does he think I’m hesitating? Todd thought. Is he thinking that I’m changing my mind? I wish I could tell him what I was actually thinking. I wish I had the courage to tell him that I was real, real glad I didn’t kill myself as a teenager over being gay.
Todd ran his palms over Joe’s thighs and groaned. His fingers sought Joe’s waistband to pull down. Todd wished he could have shown Joe to his past teen self. His eyes would have bugged out past his head  – even further than the immediate erection! Todd wondered if he was hard right now, but he didn’t care to check. The important thing right now was getting Joe’s beautiful penis to full mast and those full balls drained before anyone else saw them. With men like Joe, you service them well the first time, and or you won’t be doing it again.

Captions are fictional.


Toby wiggled the cabinet door. “Yeah, this is off balanced for sure. The hardware wasn’t mounted properly.”
“Mounted? That’s the right word?” I ask as my eyes trace every curve of his back and shoulders.
“Yep. It wasn’t mounted properly.” Toby grins at me over his shoulder. “Pretty easy fix. This whole cabinet is wonky though. Who put the spice rack way up there?”
“I dunno, but that’s where it goes apparently.”
“Can you even reach those spices?”
“Not well,” I admit as I ogle the beginning of his crack peeking out from his jeans.
Toby studies it. “Probably installed that way due to the tile backsplash. Who-ever installed the cabinets over the backsplash was a silly person. Who designed this kitchen?”
“No clue, I just moved in here.”
“It’s very silly. Nice range though. Gas?” Toby pulls up his jeans.
“Well that’s good at least. Not a fan of electric.”
“Toby?” I ask.
“Are you wearing underwear?”
He flashes that grin at me. “Nah.”
“That’s not uncomfortable?”
“Nah. If I’m not working, I’m fuckin, and vice versa. When I got a man in my sight, underwear just gets in the way.”
“Man.” I repeat.
“Yep. Not real interested in women. I’mma go get my drill and fix your cabinets ok?”
“Y-yeah, sure. One more thing Toby?”
“Do you take tips?”
Toby cracks his gum. “I sure do. Doesn’t always have to be monetary though…”
“That’s what I was hoping for.”
That perfect grin again. “Fucking excellent. I like you. Welcome to the building.”
“Thank you. Remember my unit number, I have a feeling you’ll be here a lot.”

Captions are fictional.


Rashid considers the framed print over the fireplace. “That’s a nice Foo Fighters poster.”
“Thanks.” I stretch. “God, my leg’s still asleep.”
“Did you go to that show?”
“Yeah I did. The posters were almost sold out just thirty minutes in. Was lucky to grab one.”
“That is lucky. It’s really niece artwork. I didn’t think much of it last night-”
“We were a little distracted last night,” I interrupt.
Rashid chuffs through his nose. “Yes. But having slept on the floor after having some pretty damn good sex down here, I have a new angle to view it from, and I like it after all.”
“Who knew pretty damn good sex could turn you into a connoisseur of art.”
“Who knew. And who knows what would happen if we had sex in a museum.” Rashid stands up with a groan and looks around. “Actually, now that I can see your house in the daylight, I like it even more too. You have great style. Everything ties together so well.”
“Thank you, but are you just saying that cause you’re happy got laid last night and are trying to stay for breakfast, or do you like actually mean that?”
“Both?” Rashid grins. “Cause I’m starving but I want to spend the morning with you.” He wraps the blanket around his shoulders with no attempt to cover himself in the front.

I shamelessly stare at him from where I’m still on the floor. “Hm. I think I believe you. Cause looking at you in the daylight….”
Rashid waits for me to continue. “Yes?”
I shake my head. “Sorry. I was staring at your cock and I forgot what I was going to say.”
He laughs. “At least you’re honest.”
“Yeah! You’re fucking hot. And hung.”
Rashid blushes. “Now are you just saying that, or do you want me to stay for breakfast?”
I laugh. “I think there’s an echo in here. I want you to stay for breakfast cause I like you, but I think I want you to bend me over the table after we’re eating.”
Oh. I’m definitely staying for breakfast if there’s a chance of that.”
“Mn. I could spend like another thirty minutes sitting here on the floor staring up at you too, but I really have to pee.”
“I promise you can stare at my cock after you get out of the bathroom.”
I smile. “Keep talking and you’re gonna earn yourself some lunch too.”
Rashid looks pleased at this. “Ooo I’ll try. Hey, you have an Alexa. Can we play the Foo Fighters as we make breakfast?”
I make a noise from my throat. “Are you trying to stay the whole day?”
That makes him laugh again, and I realize how easy it’d be to just fall in love with a guy like Rashid. He helps me up, and makes some of his own jokes about staring at me while I insist it’s nothing worth looking at.

Rashid disagrees, and to highlight his interest, follows me Into the bathroom. He holds my cock as I pee, and it’s hilarious and I keep nearly missing because I’m laughing so hard. We end up groping each-other and we must take a shower before it gets out of hand. After a wash up, we bounce down to breakfast barely dressed. When Rashid pulls the eggs out of the fridge, I decide he is definitely bending me over the table after breakfast. I never get to tell him my decision though, because he comes over to flirt with me while I cut veg for the omelette and we end up having a rut against the counter while standing up!

Captions are fictional.


“Alright, cock. I get it. You like guys. I’m sorry I tried to force you into those girls when you were clearly not happy about it. I appreciate you being a good sport and liking boobs though. Glad we agree on that. Anyway, after what happened with Paul this weekend, I think it’s pretty clear what you like. Paul just texted that he wants to see me again, so you’re gonna get what you want. So like, seriously, please stop with the weird penis demon orgy dreams where one of them looks like my old hockey coach from high school ok? I just had to change the sheets for the third time this week this morning. Ok? We good? Great.

Captions are fictional.



Wincent Weiss by Ascanio Vardan

Jesse takes a break between clients. The cigarettes help suppresses his appetite. Not enough time to eat before the next guy comes over. He takes another drag and runs numbers in his head. He’s satisfied. Soon he’ll have enough to buy his brother a new laptop for when he starts high school in the fall. The old thing they have at home is on its last legs, but Jesse refused to pawn it when mom left with her drug buddies. Still, Jesse wouldn’t have gotten much for it anyhow.
Let’s see…they should have enough for groceries until the end of the month until the food stamps come in on the first. If his brother’s shoes last, then Jesse figured should be able to get he laptop in time for his brother’s birthday. Nice. Combined with the income from his brother’s summer job, they should be ok for a while when school started. Then Jesse could scale back taking clients and focus on getting his life back on track. Get his GED. Maybe actually find a boyfriend, although he couldn’t imagine anyone would want to date him after all this. Oh well, it was worth it to see his brother succeed. He tried to imagine his brother’s reaction when he’d open the laptop. It was gonna be great. 

Jesse took a sip from his mug and stubbed out his cigarette. He watched his next client park down the street. Time to get busy. At least this guy was super hot.

Captions are fictional.



Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

He’s drinking out of the carton again! Must. Punish. Bad boy! But he’s not wearing pants. Butt…ass…cock…gorgeous legs… Must. Reward. Oh noes. The system is at an impasse. What the hell do you do in these situations? Oh wait. Spanking. Yeah. That’ll balance it out! A spanking that teases but is also firm. Yeah, perfect. Thank god I thought of that, I don’t want to seem weak to a boy wearing literally only a sweater and a milk mustache.

“BOY I told you not to do that, now get it over here and over my lap!”
He startles. “Sir! How long have you been standing there!”
”Now, boy!”

Captions are fictional.



Let s go back to bed or we can do it on the stairs 🍆🖤✴💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦

Joseph paused on the stairs. “Sir?”
“Yes lad?”
“I hate this carpet. I’ve hated it for a long time. It clashes with the decor, it’s old, it’s flat, it sucks to vacuum, and it hides the beautiful wood of the stairs. If you want better grip, we can get a stair runner that I can put in the washing machine. But I hate this carpet. Especially now that we’re stuck inside looking at it. It has to go.” He paused. “Please.”
I raise an eyebrow. “The houseboy has spoken.”
“Heed my official declaration, Sir.”
“I heed, alright. Well if it’ll make you happy. But I will want a runner there. It gets cold in winter.”
“Yes sir! Hooray a task!” He ran into the garage to get his tools to rip up the carpet.
I watch him, sort of amused. “A happy houseboy means a happy home, I guess.”
“Oh Sir?” He asks, sticking his head back in the room.
“Yes lad?”
“Since we’re throwing it out… wanna have a good fuck on the stairs?”
“Mmmn. That is appealing. How about I unlock you, you hump the carpet, edging yourself closer until I tell you to stop, over and over again, and then I will mount you and breed you?
“UHhhhh. Do I get to cum?”
”My opinion is irrelevant in this isn’t it?”
”Yep! Fetch my keys, lad. We’re gonna have us some fun.”

Captions are fictional.




When I started working for Sir, he told me: If you be a good whore for me, boy, I’ll take you places, treat you right, spoil you rotten. I”ll dress you in brand names, you’ll sleep on down, and eat like an epicurean. But it won’t be for no reason. You will be earning it every day with your ass and body, and you will feel the results of your indiscretions swiftly. It’s like the stock market. Invest well, and reap your rewards.

Shame to say, I’m a little bit spoiled now. Sir works my body well, and I worship him in return. I think I’ve gotten a little relaxed now, and perhaps a little bored, because I actually had the gall to ask Sir last night – “Sir, when we met you said, If I be a good whore you...why don’t you let me please your friends too? I want to impress your friends with how well you’ve trained me.”
And he sort of studied me for a minute, trying to figure out if I had insulted him or not. I realized at that moment I had made a serious mistake, because if he thought I was, the punishment was going to be devastating. …but his friends had been asking to fuck me. After some consideration, Sir began to let me fulfill my role as his special little whore… but he locked my cock up first. Serves me right. I still thanked Sir though for reminding me of my place though.

Captions are fictional.


“Honey, why are you putting on heels? You just got out of the shower.”
“They’re so pretty I just want to wear them…”
“You can’t walk around the shower room in them, you’ll slip. Dry off, moisturize, put your hose on, THEN you can put off your heels.”
He sighs. “But… can’t I get ready in them if I’m careful?”
“No. For your own safety. Give me the heels.”
“What? No!”
“Yes. Give me the heels. You’ll get them back once you’re ready.”
There’s a loud sigh. “You will give them back.”

“I will. I promise. My feet are too big for those heels anyway.”
“…Fine.” More sighing. “They’re so pretty though…”
“Good lord you are worse than my sister.”
“These were your sisters shoes.”
“Yeah, and you wear them better. Now go get ready.”
Fine, fine. and yes, I know I wear them better. And I have a better ass.”
“Absolutely no comment on that!’

Captions are fictional.