
Chase Carlson via Instagram

When you’ve stolen daddy’s sandals (again, despite being told not to), you really should be running when he comes across the yard like this holding the hose. But you can’t move – you’re just in awe of what a gorgeous hunk of muscle daddy is. It says “MEAT” on his shorts! There isn’t a more accurate label in the world. And that stern gaze is pinning you to the spot. So you just stare up at him like a guilty puppy and prepare to take whatever punishment daddy is going to give you. Cause like…if he punishes you, that’s just for taking the sandals. It doesn’t mean you have to give them back right away. Right? You hope that’s true, cause you’ve lost one in the creek behind the property somewhere.

Captions are fictional.


I don’t fucking believe it. No way. He actually caught a fish with his bare hands. Is the pup instinct so strong in boys in that headspace that they can do stuff like that?? How is that even possible? Looks like he’s going to come over here now. Oh lord, he put it in his mouth. Kissing him later is going to be weird. But he seriously just caught dinner out of this lake. I’m so proud and impressed right now, but in a really weird way. It’s like one of those odd boners you get in totally unexpected situation.
“Did you really catch that boy? Bring it over here, don’t let it get away! Come! Good boy!”

Captions are fictional.


“Welcome home Da–mmmmhhh,” Lars melts into a kiss. “Hi Bretty. You taste like chocolate. I missed you so much today.”
“Me too. Been thinking of you all day Lars.”
“Have you?” he asks, batting his lashes. “You missed me too?”
Brett answered by pressing more fierce kisses to Lars’ mouth, plundering him, and leaving him breathless. Brett’s hands soon moved from Lars’ waist to his front and begin to unbutton his pants.
“Oh Daddy’s in a mood isn’t h-mmmphh – oh I love it when you use your tongue~ ah!”
Brett spun Lars around and bent him over the counter top. No time was wasted pulling down his pants until his cock spilled out and his pussy was bare. “Brett!” he cried. 
Brett fumbled in a drawer for lube, but couldn’t find a condom. Fuck it. No time. He slapped a little on, and grabbed tight onto Lars’ hips. “You’re going to let me in right?”
Lars didn’t even get the ‘s’ out in ‘yes’. Brett pushed into his lover in one swift move, making the boy cry out and clamp down tight around him. It gave Brett veritgo – god he loved it when Lars pulled him in! 

“Yeah that’s it, oh god yeah that’s it. Fuck I’ve been wanting your pussy all day, just wanted to see you take me, boy,” Bretty growled. “No – down. Stay down. No touching. Arms on the counter. That’s it.“
Lars obeyed. His body moved independently from his brain. When the angle changed, Brett slid in even deeper. Brett moaned as his pulasting cock was fully enveloped and Lars whimpered as Daddy relentlessly took his ass.. Strong hands cupped Lars’ pecs and squeezed. Lars began to moan as loud as Brett when the fabric of his shirt rubbed against his sensitive nipples. 

Then, when it couldn’t get any better, Brett’s paw-sized hands sought Lars’ cock and began to stroke. All of Lars’ bones just turned to wax. His head drooped. “Oh Daddy! Oh god..Daddy – just- ah fuck feels so good!”
“Not as good as you feel to me,” Brett cooed. “That’s it. Push back on me. Damn you are such a good slut for me. Daddy likes his good slut.”
:I’m your slut Daddy, forever Daddy – my pussy loves you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Brett snickered. He wrapped his arms around his boy’s thin waist. “It’s coming…it’s coming!-…aaaahh, there – there it is! Fuck!” Brett slammed into Lars like a freight train chugging with a hot engine. He bit his lip so hard it drew blood, and exploded into his boy’s body. Lars knew to let Daddy come first, and he was not far behind. When fingers teased his cockhead his knees trembled and cum gushed from his cock. 
“Daddy!” he squeaked. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” Lars’ feet cramped from how tight he was curling his toes. “Ohhh Daddy~”

And then it was over. They stilled, panting, connected. The scent of pheromones and sex and cum floated around them. Brett took a moment to enjoy feeling human again and ran his hands over Lars’ body, appreciating him. 
“Now that’s how Daddy likes to be welcomed home.”
“Mmnn,” Lars responded, pressing his forehead to the countertop, feeling like he was only standing because Brett was holding him up. “The feeling is mutual.”

Text is fictional. Full video here! I love it when Tumblr users source their shit.

Collars and locks and tails, oh my!

Collars and locks and tails, oh my!


After I posted those pictures of me being collared, I have received a few messages from people who are curious about my relationships with Kevin and what all of this means. I thought it would be fun to write a post about it and illuminate why I’m collared and what that means, as well as who Kevin is in my life.

I’ll jump into the latter part of that first. Kevin is, first and foremost, my friend. We began as friends, our friendship is very close to me, and we will continue to be friends for a long time. Our friendship encompasses the entirety of our relationship, which is to say that him and I connect on a variety of levels. We both find value in strong intellect and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, we have been there for each other emotionally through some difficult times in the last (almost) year, we both know how to enjoy live and have fun and thrive together in those moments, and we have similar sexual interests that compliment each other very well. These are all building blocks of a strong friendship, and that is what we have together. It is those building blocks that made me want to be collared by Kevin, knowing that I am lucky to have found someone in my life who connected with me so well, who would love me as fiercely as he does, and who would care for my heart like it was something very precious.

While that is why I decided to become collared by Kevin, that is not exactly what the collar represents. The collar is a symbol that Kevin is my Daddy, and I am his boy. This is a dynamic that touches on a number of those connections that I listed above. Most obvious, of course, is sex. Kevin has and will only ever top me, he is the dominant sexual partner in our relationship, and he calls the shots. I, of course, can ask to do things but when push comes to shove, it is Kevin tossing me around and not the other way around. A related factor to that is ownership. While Kevin and I have decided together that it is important for me to maintain my single life, and therefore when we are not together I am free to date and have sex with other people, when we are together I am very much his. I am not allowed to let someone touch me (e.g., grab my ass in a bar), that is a decision that Kevin gets to make, and in fact someone must ask his permission prior to doing so. There is one part of ownership that extends throughout my life, regardless of being with Kevin, and that is he is the only man who is allowed to breed me. That one has taken a lot of discussion, but eventually we did decide that it made sense in our relationship and was something that was important for our dynamic.

There is a third big piece to being collared, as Kevin and I have defined it, and it is a worship of masculinity and mentorship into manhood. As my title will tell you, I don’t see myself as a man yet. To me, manhood comes when a level of confidence is reached, when a person finds their footing in the world and life becomes something you take control of. Boys let life happen to them, and men make life happen. Boys are cocky, men are confident. Kevin has those qualities, and I do not. Part of our Daddy/boy dynamic is leading me into manhood, through hard conversations about life and how to make it mine, through tough workouts that build my body into what I want it to be, not what I’ve settled for, and through those discussions we have on a variety of topics that get my mind thinking and help me find what it is I believe at my core. (Admittedly, I’ve already done much of that and Kevin will be the first to admit, when we are hashing out an idea, I am nothing less than man.)

In the short time that I’ve know him, Kevin has reignited a drive for life that I have not felt in a very long time. It is because of Kevin that I started reading again, that I decided to stop smoking weed, he was there for me recently when my dad was in the hospital for 5 days and we were not sure if he was going to come out, he has inspired me to get back into my gym routine and I have never been more proud of what I see in the mirror… I could go on and on about how much he has done for me. He is exactly the kind of man I have wanted to have in my life, and the kind of man I want to be.

Plus, we have really hot and fun sex 😛

Another great post from another undiscovered non-fiction Tumblr. Show this to anyone who doesn’t understand collaring or the benefits it can have. Too often in our society we expect boys to just “be” men, without any emotional support or leaders to guide them to adulthood.





Out in the woodshed, waiting for dad to escort his son in for a “chat.”

My Dream Shed!

Donahue Senior led his boy to the woodshed with a firm grip on the back of the boy’s neck. Clif was trembling a little, sniffling, nervous. He’d been begging his dad to lengthen his curfew to midnight over the summer now that he was out of high school, and his dad had agreed if he got a summer job. Clif had done so, and his dad was pleased, but now he’d erred. Clif had been invited out to a lake party with some friends, drank a little too much beer despite being under 21, and lost track of the time. He came home at 1:15 in the morning to find Donahue Senior reading the paper in the living room.

Clif began to apologize profusely, but his father said “son.” and that was all he needed to say. Clif shut his mouth and lowered his head. He let Donahue Senior lead him outside. The day his son was too old for spankings was the day he handed Clif off to his future husband who would take his place. He’d known Clif had been gay since he was 5, but as his father, he was determined to instill some old-fashioned values on him.

They got to the shed and the father turned on the light. He took the stool and the belt out to the side of shed, next to the wood pile. Clif sniffled miserably. Disappointing his father had been worse than the guilt. He watched his father lay the strap across it. When Clif began to undo his pants, he was confused when Donahue Senior told him to stop. He handed Clif a bottle of leather oil and a cloth.

“You made a mistake tonight, son. You not only broke the law drinking under the legal age and risked driving intoxicated, you flagrantly flaunted curfew and lost track of the time. You’re almost a man, Clif. You’re learning about how much you can get away with in life, but you need some reminders about limits. Now, this strap is stiff because I haven’t had to use it on you in a long time, and I’m proud of that. I want you to sit there and oil that strap and the bench and think about what you did and how you can be more careful next time. I’ll be out to check on you in a bit. If you do a good job, I will take some marks off your punishment. You’re gonna get a couple, but I want the alcohol to wear off first.”
Clif hiccuped. “Thank you, thank you very much Sir.” At least he’d be able to sit down somewhat tomorrow.

“You’re a good son, Clif. I got into a fair amount of trouble when I was your age myself. I have high hopes for you as a man. Don’t disappointment me again.”
Clif hung his head. “Yessir.”
“Good boy. I’ll be back.”

He left the boy there to contemplate his wrongdoings while trying to stay awake. Thirty minutes later, he came back to find Clif’s hands stained with oil but the strap and bench gleamed with his efforts. Donahue Senior tested the leather and admired how it creaked. “Damn impressive job, boy.”
Clif managed a little smile. “Thank you Sir.”
“Alright, I was gonna give you 30, butt I’m gonna cut it down to 10. Can you manage that without throwing up all that booze?”
Clif winced. “Yes, and thank you Sir, but I have to piss.”
Lightweight. “Take off your pants, then go do it in the corner by the tree there.”

He watched his son remove his pants, then shuffle over to the corner, and remove himself from his underwear. Donahue Senior then he heard the stream hit the ground. He had to chuckle. Clif must have drank a lot, it went on forever.

Eventually, Clif shook the last drops off and obediently got into position over the bench. Donahue Senior walked over behind him, tugged down Clif’s underwear, and admired the sight of that supple ass. Shame fucking your son was illegal in most states. Clif was growing a pretty impressive set of balls that would be fun to play with. He’d definitely make a man very happy one day. Donahue Senior shoved a hankie into Clif’s mouth, braced himself, and strapped him. It was out of love, more than anything, because he really did want what was best for him. He believed that men learned best that way, through physical correction. It a personal secret that it also gave him a throbbing erection. God, he loved that sound of leather striking flesh.

By the end, the tears had started and the red rectangles were appearing on Clif’s ass. Donahue Senior took a tube out of his pocket and massaged some salve into the burn. He hiked up his underwear and gave his son his pants back with the salve in the pocket, and once Clif was dressed, pulled him into a reassuring hug. He wiped Clif’s eyes and gave him a reassuring pat on the back. “You did good. I’m proud of you, and I forgive you.”
“T-t-thank you Sir,” he sniffled, “I’m still really sorry, too.” He paused, “The beer wasn’t even that good.”
His father coughed out a laugh. “If you’re curious about beer, just ask. If you’re gonna drink it, might as well drink the good stuff. It’s best in moderation anyway.”
He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Thank you Dad. You’re the best.”
His father beamed at him, his chest filling with pride. “Thank you son. Now off to bed with you, it’s late.”

Donahue Senior nodded and watched Donahue Junior delicately walk back to the house. Once the adrenaline wore off, he’d be mighty sore. Clif’s father returned everything to the shed, but he didn’t turn off the light right away. Instead, he sat down on the bench, took his impressive prick out of his jeans, and milked himself dry.

From his bedroom window, Clif stared at the light on in the shed and wondered what his father was doing in there. After past strappings, sometimes his father would linger in the shed, but Clif figured he was just rearranging things or dusting, but why now, so late at night? He adjusted his crotch from side to side. Getting spanked made him horny for no reason and his underwear felt cold and damp. He also felt disgusted at how much it turned him on to have his ass up to an older man like that…even if that man was his father.
He briefly wondered if his father ever wanted to fuck him. It felt like he did, but why hadn’t he? Clif shook his head, realizing what he was thinking was kind of gross. Still…. Clif remembered what his father said, about the beer – If he was curious, he should just ask. Well, he was curious about sex. His father could teach him about that right? The young man tossed his head to clear the fog. God, once he was in college that autumn, he was going to find himself a big, dominating man and get that urge taken care of. He was a virgin still, and his cherry was growing ripe.

Clif was nice and hard now, but his ass was starting to throb. He sighed, let the curtains fall back into place, and went to brush his teeth and take a quick shower before bed.

Text is fictional. Source I think is here, a het spanking Tumblr. I do wanna say that I often feel kinda weird writing incest stories because incest normally implies a lot of psychological dysfunction and possible child abuse; however, this is erotic fantasy, so for the sake of fantasy, so I’m going to declare that the Donahue men are sane, consenting, and no one is getting any lifelong mental scars …and no one is getting pregnant.


“Am I old enough to fuck now, Daddy?”
I nearly dropped the basket of laundry I was holding. What was he doing in my bed? “Woaaah there, down boy. Where did you get a pair of shorts that small?”
“I bought them online. You said it was important for a boy to show off his assets. I’m ready Daddy, please, I want to screw like all your friends do with their boys. Mark told me his Daddy fucked him outside on a chaise lounge chair yesterday, outside.”
I rub my temples. He’s making this hard. “Boy, you’re still not ready yet, barely old enough, legally…”
“But I am! I’m ready! I want to know what it’s like, I’m sooo horny. When are you going to let me out of my chastity device? I’m ready! Measure me, Daddy you’ll see.”

I give him a look. When I weighed and measured his balls two days ago he wasn’t anywhere near full enough. I humor him though, because he’s frustrated and bored and is damn near irresistible. I get out the little scale and weigh his balls, then record it in my little notebook. With the measuring tape I get a number for how wide around they are. To my surprise… “How the hell have you made such a huge jump?”
He smirks at me, humping my pillow although it’s more to tease me than anything since his cock is all locked up. “I discovered one of my toys had an ‘on’ button.”
“How… you just noticed that?”
He looked a bit sheepish. “Just never really paid attention… but I’ve been playing with it a lot and now I’m all backed up.”

I put my notebook back in the drawer and give him a stare. I place my large hand on his ass cheek and slide my fingers down to between his legs. I cup him, and I can feel the heat even through the thin fabric. I suppress a groan. “You’re very close boy…I think in 48 hours you’ll be ready." 
"4..48 hours?” he cries. “No no now, Daddy now!”
I squeeze his balls in a vice like grip, “Do you want to get punished and have to have that device on another month?”
He gasps and mewls, wiggling in my grip, “N-n-no! No! I’ll be good and wait, but the pressure Daddy it’s so tight in there…”
I release him and sigh a deep, long breath. “You’ve waited this long, 48 more hours will only make it that much more sweeter.”

He pouts at me, knowing he won’t win this. He groans and curls up around the pillow as I put away the laundry. “I wanna be fucked on a chaise lounge,” he grumps.
I chuckle. “You’re so ornery. You’ll get that, one day. Trust me, doesn’t Daddy know what’s best?”
He gives me the cutest look, trying to be mad but failing, “Yes… yes you do.”
“Would you like to pet me for a little bit while I watch the news?”
His face lights up and he practically shoves the remote into my hand.

Text is fictional…story is set in Luxembourg where the age of consent is 16. I’m 99% sure this model is named Ugo and comes from a website called I’m sure I’m on an FBI watch list now for Googling that, although the website says “All boys in this site is over 18 y.o.”.


I had to go out of town for work, and when I was stuck in the hotel late at night bored and alone, my boyfriend decided to entertain me over Skype by jiggling his hot fuckable ass at me in his favorite thong. It made me absolutely insane; my yearning to fuck him went through the roof.
I sighed in exasperation, “…Fuck it, I want to change my airline ticket and coming home early. I don’t wanna go to that stupid meeting tomorrow.”

He called over his shoulder into the webcam microphone, “Why don’t I come there? It’ll be expensive but we can split it… we have that hotel room for another night, and you said there’s a jacuzzi in that hotel right? Extend it one more night. I bet we could get into a lot of trouble, leaving some sexy marks on the glass of the windows, you sliding into me on the roof of the parking garage…”

I moaned at the idea of turning this sterile evil business trip into a sexy weekend adventure. “You know when you jiggle your ass at me when asking for favors, I am physically unable to say no,” I reminded him.

“Forward me the email of that ticket when you buy it!” he grinned widely at me, sliding his hands up his thighs. I shake my head and smile. He’s so demanding, but he’s worth it. “Fine, fine I’ll buy it. Now where were we? Oh yes, Show me your beautiful ass up close again boy…and this time, strip for me. I know what a voyeur you are, will you do a little strip tease for me?”

A lightbulb went off over his head and he ran off camera. I heard rustling. When he returns, he’s carrying his favorite purple dildo. “How about a striptease and this too?”
I purred, “Fuck yes baby, I wanna watch that.”

Text is fictional.


“Come on Tommy, spread your legs for Daddy. Just like that. Oh, are you hard this morning? Yes, yes you are. Move your hands away, love. It’s adorable how you’re still so shy. Move your hands -…aww, what a cute little erection. Spread like legs, yeah just like that. Hands above your head. I want you wide open on display for me, you know how much I love to see you exposed when I work you.

Oh don’t pout at me. It’s always a little tight in the beginning but once I get that last inch in you’ll be writhing on it like always. How much pleasure have I brought you since you moved in with me? Yes, Daddy knows best. Here it comes… don’t bite your lip, you’ll break the skin. Nnng! Yeah, the tip’s in baby, relax. Fuuck Tommy you’re so tight, you make me feel like I’m fucking an angel every day, babe. You’re better than coffee in the morning. Hey, here’s that the pretty little smile I love.”