
Chase Carlson via Instagram

When you’ve stolen daddy’s sandals (again, despite being told not to), you really should be running when he comes across the yard like this holding the hose. But you can’t move – you’re just in awe of what a gorgeous hunk of muscle daddy is. It says “MEAT” on his shorts! There isn’t a more accurate label in the world. And that stern gaze is pinning you to the spot. So you just stare up at him like a guilty puppy and prepare to take whatever punishment daddy is going to give you. Cause like…if he punishes you, that’s just for taking the sandals. It doesn’t mean you have to give them back right away. Right? You hope that’s true, cause you’ve lost one in the creek behind the property somewhere.

Captions are fictional.


Brody was relaxing on the sofa after coming back from the gym, scrolling through stuff on his phone, when his boy came into the room. Brody watched him out of the corner of his eye as he shuffled up to the sofa and sat on the floor near his feet; the vinyl shorts he was wearing creaked. Brody rubbed his shoulder with foot. Nick nuzzled it and then nibbled on his toes.
Brody jerked his leg. “Hey!” Brody said. “Toes are not chew toys, pup. I don’t want to kick you in the face.”
“Mrrr. But they’re so chewable. Especially in those socks.”
“No doing anything that could make me kick you. I don’t want to have to explain pup play to the people in the ER.”
“Yeah that wouldn’t be good. But we may um, end up there later this afternoon anyway.”
Brody lowered his phone and stared at Nick over it. Nick looked away; his cheeks were flushed in shame.
“What does that mean? Why would we end up there?” Brody demanded.
Nick wrung his hands together. “I swallowed a marble,” he whispered.
Brody blinked. “I’m sorry, did you say you swallowed a marble?”
Nick turned even redder. “Yes,” he squeaked.
“Where did you – how, I mean. We don’t even OWN marbles!”
“It was one of the ones we have in the decorative jar with the fake flowers.”
Brody swung his feet down to the floor. “How did you swallow one?”
“Well I was rinsing them off, cause they were dusty, and I thought they looked kind of like Gob-stoppers. I was curious what it would feel like to have a glass one in my mouth so I put it in, and then…I dunno, I just swallowed it!” the tone of his voice went up near the end.

Brody rubbed the bridge of his nose. “It’s like having a child. Am I going to just gag you 24/7 so you stop putting things in your mouth?”
“Noooo. Sir am I going to die? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
Brody sighed. “No, I don’t think so. You feel fine?”
“Well, I suppose you’ll pass it at some point.”
Nick made a face. “Ew.”
“Let me know if you get any stomach pain or anything.”
“Yes Sir.”
“In the meanwhile…”
Brody pointed at him. “You’re getting a spanking.”
“Roooooooooooooooo!” Nick howled.

Captions are fictional.


“I’m a dirty boy~ I’m a dirty boy~” he sings while dancing in the shower.
You stare at his bouncing butt from where you’re seated on the toilet. “You are, and you better get clean if you ever want to be let out of this bathroom again.”
“You hosed most of it off outside.”
“Yeah but the mud’s in your hair and behind your ears – how did you do that?”
You shake your head and rub the bridge of your nose. Your friend Zane had called this morning, saying his pup KJ was begging to go for a hike after the rain, and he asked if your Leo wanted to go as well. Zane knew not to ask you – you got lost in the woods as a child and never wanted to go back there. Leo was thrilled to go however. Water! Trees! Birds! Critters! Interesting rocks! Infinite sticks!

You got a foreboding text from Zane later that afternoon: “Hey we’re back in cell service and coming to drop Leo off. We’ll be coming up the porch out back.”
Why would they be coming up the back porch and not the front door or the garage door? You were worried Leo got skunked or something. Luckily it turns out that wasn’t the case. However, the case was, that he and KJ had found every single mud puddle in the entire state park and spent more time in the creek than on the trail.

Zane had made the best of it by putting down towels in the back seats, but you owed the man a beer. He looked exhausted and was grumbling about poison oak. But the boys were all smiles and completely worn out, which made it worth while. An exhausted pup is a happy pup.

As you sit there, watching Leo wash his beautiful self, you notice a red spot on the back of his thigh. It’s an ingrown hair. You insist on popping it, which you do while he whines. You insist it must be done. You make a show out of checking his back, the rest of his legs, and then his pubic hair for ingrowns – and you find a tick. You groan. “Leo you weren’t supposed to bring the woods back with you!”

Captions are fictional.