
  • “Christ in heaven, is it morning already?”“Yes it is.” Frank said. He was standing at the foot of the bed. “It can’t be morning already,” Donovan protested. “We weren’t up that late were we?”“We went to bed at like 2 am,” Frank answered. He stretched and let out a groan as his neck cracked. “Ah,…

  • Nash opened his eyes and blinked slowly. A ceiling. It was blurry. Someone moved into his vision, someone wearing a face mask and glasses. “Nash, squeeze my hand if you can hear me?”Nash wondered if the woman was talking to him. The woman used his name, but he felt completely detached from reality. Like he…

  • awalkonthelightside: Sometimes you don’t know whether you are going up or down.   “Well, that was a lovely night out, but I am exhausted. I was going to take a bath, but I think I’ll fall asleep in there.” Aiden dropped his slacks and draped them over a chair.“I’m worn out too. I can’t believe we’ve…

  • silverskinsrepository: Nick Bosa “Can I help you, boy?” Toby asked. The young man had been standing in front of him, nervous and fidgeting.“Um. Sorry, sir, just wondering like, if I could…like, you know.”“No I don’t know, tell me what you want, boy.”Nick wrung his hands together. “Just wondering if I could um.” He dropped the…

  • gaypast: Tom Scott, Tony Perry and Johnny Stumpsin Tommy’s Christmas Present (1971) dir. Bob MizerBob Mizer: Court Declares Nudity Not Obscene 1967-1971 I have a feeling the North Pole is also a strip club.

  • Adam was putting the roast into smaller containers to freeze it when Jeremy came back in the house.“How’s it going out there?”Jeremy stomped his boots on the mat on the inside of the glass sliding door. “Fabulous. The 15 year old has taken control of the lighter fluid and I think all of them are…

  • Victor rubbed his arms and shivered under his wool coat. It had been so warm in the house that he couldn’t bear the thought of putting on his wool undershirt under his knit sweater, and he was regretting it now. He pulled out his pocket watch with numb fingers and checked it. Four past the…

  • 1foodporn: Homemade giant cinammon roll with cream cheese frosting RJ studied the beautiful cinnamon rolls his houseboy made, impressed with the golden brown and the perfect scent. It was impossible, however, to ignore the fact that the frosting looked a lot like something else. And there was more than normal.“Morris?”“Yes Sir?”“How horny are you right…

  • You gasp and cover your mouth with your hand.Sun beams. “I was sad that you were sad that we did not have a Christmas tree, because you cannot buy real ones here of course. So I ordered lights, and I made one anyway.”You stare at the bright glow, mesmerized. Warm feelings of childhood holidays surge.…

  • The house is quiet, and you’re worried you’re not going to be able to stay awake much longer. It’s way past your bed time in your time zone. You snap to full attention at a small sound. You hadn’t heard a door open or close, but the hinges in the house didn’t squeak. That said,…