Tag: meta-post

  • Currently in the process of transferring to off-site hosting. The URL will be allbecauseoftheboys.com. Since this is an active process, things may look a bit weird or may not function until all the dust settles. Don’t panic. Or you’re going into the vinyl sack until you calm down.

  • elalmadelmar: And here’s the next phase of the spambots, after they move pass the mass friending into the posting. That’s quite the collection of tags there (and yes, I’m extremely grossed out seeing #students and #kids included there. I’m reasonably sure the tags are randomly generated, but UGH!) Just remember kids, keep reporting. New way…

  • stareandcompaire: thekobrakiddo5: 19-bellwether: buryymeinblack: buryymeinblack: buryymeinblack: THis news is better than gay sex wait. this is hilarious. They were contractually obligated to keep it, so when it was universally hated, they added an option to completely erase it from the dashboard without getting in trouble for removing it …… “snooze tumblr live” is funnier than…

  • Bit of an update…doing anything on Tumblr is becoming more difficult. If it’s not my posts getting randomly deleted, it’s the errors I’m getting that I can’t save drafts or save edits in posts for absolutely no reason. Tumblr randomly hides posts with nudity, but let’s sex bots follow you in droves that you have…

  • This is the previously-mentioned post a reader couldn’t find, that is missing from Tumblr. I found it on Tumbex because someone reblogged it.

  • What the fuck is happening to my posts Ok, I survived the great Porn Purge and all the drama that comes with Tumblr, but this may end me. Recently, one of my posts vanished (the one about the guy with the hook up that made him question consent). It just vanished. I thought I had…

  • Is there any gay pornography that starts with two men having a tea party. You know, for science.

  • awalkonthelightside: Back in Bronze. You guys should really be following this beautiful boy.

  • So this showed up in my activity feed. Thank you all for reading over these ten years.

  • I love your stories. I followed you for years before the tumblr apocalypse and I recently remembered your Lucien stories but couldn’t find them anywhere. I was wondering if they still exist

    Hello. Thank you for following and combing back. I’m still here, whether the dicks are censored or not. Your comment sent me down a rabbit hole. Here’s the tag. One of them got hidden due to “explicit content”, and I’m going to reupload it. https://www.tumblr.com/allbecauseoftheboys/tagged/lucien storiesEDIT: Link may not be working properly. I’m trying to…