Tag: male nudity

  • randomfotos: Daniel glowered at the phone that interrupted his headspace. He had just found his rhythm, John had just relaxed enough so Daniel could bury every inch of him in with every thrust. It continued to ring. Daniel sighed as he pulled out. He leaned over and picked the transparent phone up off the cradle.…

  • vallentiro14: “Get that thing away from me!” Brazos yelled.I crossed my arms. “I thought you liked cock,” I said.Brazos sent me a death look. “I like cock, but that ain’t no rooster, that’s a fucking killer dinosaur. When he pecked my ankles he was going for blood! He’s a killer, I mean, look at the…

  • fuuuuuuuuuuckme: “Good morning kitten. I’m surprised you can still move after how much we fucked last night. A little sore are we? Not surprised your hole is tender. That’s fine, I’d still love it if you just sucked my cock, though. You look surprised that I can even be hard right now. Fuck, I’m horny…

  • legendarymachoblog: “Thank you for allowing me to turn down the bed for you Sir. Master sent me to make sure you feel comfortable this evening, so I am pleased you’re allowing me to fulfill this task. Our home is your home while you are our esteemed guest; so if there’s anything else I can do…

  • omoerotismo: David left the other group to come over and nudge Armani. “Look at that.” He gestured with his wine glass.Armani turned around. “Look at that indeed. So rare for Peter to take an interest in anyone but me, but it seems he’s made an exception for your boy.”“I’m honored, my Alexander is beautiful.”“He is.…

  • (via ultrasublimedelusion) Toby was sunbathing in his cute pink thong and big ol’ aviator shades in the park when someone shouted right above his head – “I GOT IT!” This was followed by the thud of footsteps in the grass.Toby moved to sit up when a frisbee landed in lap – and a giant shadow…

  • Reposted from 2014

    I finish tugging on my jeans and replacing my belt. I don’t want to go. I have a truck full of merchandise halfway to Boston that has to be there on deadline. I always look forward to leaving Atlanta, not because I hate the city of Peachtree, but because of my first rest stop, because…

  • “Christ in heaven, is it morning already?”“Yes it is.” Frank said. He was standing at the foot of the bed. “It can’t be morning already,” Donovan protested. “We weren’t up that late were we?”“We went to bed at like 2 am,” Frank answered. He stretched and let out a groan as his neck cracked. “Ah,…

  • eastsid-e: “I’m a dirty boy~ I’m a dirty boy~” he sings while dancing in the shower.You stare at his bouncing butt from where you’re seated on the toilet. “You are, and you better get clean if you ever want to be let out of this bathroom again.”“You hosed most of it off outside.”“Yeah but the…

  • The house is quiet, and you’re worried you’re not going to be able to stay awake much longer. It’s way past your bed time in your time zone. You snap to full attention at a small sound. You hadn’t heard a door open or close, but the hinges in the house didn’t squeak. That said,…