Tag: cock

  • You’re both a decade too old to be fooling around in the woods, discovering each-other. But on this trip to the National Park you’ve made an unexpected friend – a friend like you. A friend who looks at you the same way a woman does. He’s now bare in front of you with the most…

  • nightnewspecial: Best way to wake up Your parents were gonna go stay at their friends house on the lake for the weekend, and you had the place to yourself. Your mom even winked at you on the way out when she said: if you want to have some of your college buddies over, just clean…

  • felixdeon: This Revolutionary Romance is available as an original drawing in my Etsy Store. Click HERE.  Thomas closed the door behind him and hung up his hat. “Mother, I’m home.”She bustled out into the parlor. “Hello darling. Wonderful timing. I was just about to put on tea. How was your lesson?”“Wonderful, mother. I seem to…

  • f0reverunde4d: So yeah, here’s the reason I wanted a Santa hat and the red and white striped thigh highs. I hope all of you guys have a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a happy New Year! Well hello there. You have a very cute butt.

  • “That’s it, sweet boy. Fill your nose with the smell. Let it override your senses. Fill your thoughts with it. Imprint it upon your memory. Feel the warm against your hand. Put your thumb right under my shaft, feel that pulse. Do you feel it?”He nods and exhales a long ragged breath. “I do, I…

  • At Gayday at the local ski resort, a rather opportunistic boy roams the dining hall hoping to find a sugar daddy to pay for his lift pass for the winter. He’s heard of cash fags before and decided to make things benefit him the other way around. It normally works. Rich, lonely men can’t resist…

  • lockedyuusui: These were taken before I had the base ring enlarged a bit, but the cage fits great. This is flaccid and erect in the cage. I accepted a glass of cranberry juice with a dash of vodka and settled into the sofa. My beloved, sweet-faced houseboy was already massaging his bare feet. After a…

  • “Still adjusting boy? I know for so long you held onto some smug sense of superiority about your cock being bigger than mine…but now that I’ve pushed it up and locked it in that tiny thing, I’m bigger. I’m in charge. I hold the leash to your collar, and you will obey me or be…

  • neweygn: I need a houseboy to do my ironing. Don’t we all? Hamal presses a cup of tea into his hand. “Come upstairs, I gotta finish the ironing.”Dan nods and follows him, still trying to get used to the fact that his friend is a nudist. They go up the stairs and into the secondary…

  • cute-overload: Got in a fight with the neighbor’s dog. Nothing serious but he likes the attention! I was doing various Tumblr searches involving ‘boys fighting’ and this adorable thing came up. It’s technically cock, so I’m reblogging it. PSA time – keep your cocks out of the when having fights with pups. You don’t want…