Posts I guess



Rapha – the good boy

A lot of people have been asking me recently how I’ve been doing. Actually, I’m doing pretty good. As a matter of fact, I’m experiencing a lot of joyful moments again… Of which moving in with @pup-saber​ is the best thing that has happened!

Although I start wondering about his intentions, after seeing what he did to Rapha … o /

Oh my dear, poor Rapha,

Whatever happened to you? With those cheeky, subby eyes. Whatever should I do with you? *grin*

Sometimes, just sometimes, roles change, and I get the opportunity to tease this delicious boy. And the wonderfully carefree and satisfied smile he shows me at the end make’s it double worth it!

After all, we’re all good boys who just want to have some fun. ^_^
*licks and kisses*

I’ve been wondering what to say about Pup Nobley, as we lost him about year ago. It feels very weird that it’s been a year, and his precense has definitely been missed. I’m really happy to hear that Nobley’s boyfriend, @the-kinky-bf is finding new joy and love in life, and new adventures in puphood 🙂 Nobley would have wanted it that way.


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