Tag: pup

  • vallentiro14: “God, dammit,” Tanner curses. “This code looks like shit. I swear he’s farming his work out to college kids. I’m gonna have to bring this up if Mr. Reeves doesn’t, I swear. If I have to delay this launch because of this bullshit, I am going to hulk out.”I suppose I need to announce my…

  • vallentiro14: Kane was distracted by his friend’s antics in the water, until he realized his boy wasn’t swimming around him. He spun around and was alarmed to spot Nate scaling the cliffs – in sandals!  “BOY! Down! Now.”Nate’s shoulders tensed as he heard Kane’s voice barking at him. He was busted. “Sorry Sir, coming down right…

  • vallentiro14: Tanner sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You knocked over ALL the cups? Seriously – just. Crate. Now, Corbin. Go into my dressing room and lie down on your blanket. Go.”Ryan watched Tanner’s boy slink out of the room. “Why did you bring your pup on this shoot anyway?”“He has separation anxiety.…

  • vallentiro14: I don’t fucking believe it. No way. He actually caught a fish with his bare hands. Is the pup instinct so strong in boys in that headspace that they can do stuff like that?? How is that even possible? Looks like he’s going to come over here now. Oh lord, he put it in…

  • jockstrap514: “Where is iiiiiitttt~” Rocket whined and pawed. Kip watched in awe as Rocket pulled out Kip’s missing sandal. Then his other one. Then a third shoe. And a fourth. And a pair of his orange work out pants Kip assumed he’d left at the gym a week ago. “Well I’ll be damned.”Rocket froze. He…

  • superpupkrypto: Arf! Krypto has harness now :3 Useful for holding on to to prevent him jumping on guests, or going after squirrels.

  • damienkevin: pupkappa: This is my piggy He oinks Cuuuuuute!:) Justin didn’t really “get” pupping yet. He liked the idea of it. He liked playing and wrestling with other pups. He wanted to feel this thing called “pupping out” that everyone else spoke about on the messageboards. But Justin’s handler Hector pushed on, training and encouraging.…

  • There’s a pup in here and he’s adorable! (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)

  • Your pup has a habit of being way too social with strangers, so you had to secure him to the lockers in the gym while you went to exercise. You know exactly where he is, and that he’s not getting into trouble. You’re also pretty sure he’s getting lots of pets, scritches, and butt slaps,…

  • “What’s wrong?”“After that terrorist attack, I’m still scared of cars. Please help me cross the street?”“Aww. I can help you. If you help me not chase the cars. The yellow ones are so shiny….”“Then we can help each other. Here, take my hand. Hold tight. I see a truck coming.”“Ugh and it’s yellow too….Arf arf…