Posts I guess

Shit. Your jock face is on the fuckin’ news boy. I thought you told me no one would look for you if you went missing? I mean you posted that shit up and down that forum. I was so nice and go and kidnap you and now you’ve got me in a fucking mess. Shit. I was gonna wait to string you up and work you head to toe after dinner, but I think I’m gonna do it now. I can’t eat when I’m annoyed, and it’ll build me up a nice appetite.” Jim crunched the beer can he just finished and tossed it into the trash can. It missed. He snorted. He’d make the boy clean it up later. With a groan, he got up, knees cracking, and turned off the TV. “There. That’s better. Nice and quiet. Just us now. You still alive in my closet boy?”
“Excellent. Be right back. Gonna go get changed. Wanna look my best when you see me for the first time,” Jim chuckled and wheezed. Shit, he really should be exercising more. Wait a second – flogging a boy was exercise wasn’t it? 

Text is fictional.


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