
“Why are you looking at me that way?” Will asked.
“What way?”  Dylan answered.
“Like you’re in love or something.”
“Maybe I am. It’s just so wonderful to be in the company of a top who can really take care of my needs.”
“What?” Will grunted. “It’s just sex.”
for you. For a bottom, there’s a real difference between getting your
hole pounded by some grunting jock bro until it’s numb, or having some
top take you on a really nice ride. One that’s cleansing, and fun, and
relaxing. One that gives you a real deep afterglow.”

“…I have no idea what you’re talking about. Bottoms are so weird.”
“We’re not weird. We’re emotive,” Dylan insisted. “Can I kiss you? I want to kiss you.”
“Oh uh sure.”

Eventually, Dylan became frustrated with his boyfriend’s inability to be intimate or share his enthusiasm for cuddles. They drifted apart. Will began dating this cold accountant named Caine and they seemed perfect for each-other. Dylan kept looking. He met fun boys who sadly didn’t share Dylan’s enthusiasm for anal, and men who loved to fuck a tight ass but had terrible personalities or habits.

Two years passed before a man, who came into the bathroom to fix his hair, ended up saving Dylan from being raped by a drunkard who had followed Dylan off the dancefloor. Dylan was not expecting to be wooed by a man who broke another man’s nose, but he was instantly smitten when the drunkard dropped like a sack of potatoes. Dylan only feel deeper for John when he invited Dylan over so he wouldn’t be alone that night.

“Do you want to fuck me?” Dylan eventually asked as they cuddled in the dark. He had to ask. This guy was too perfect to not be flawed, and Dylan felt he owed John for the rescue. He could still feel that drunkard’s hands on his waist. John kissed his head. “I’m growing fond of your butt pressed against me, sure. But if you want that to happen, it’ll happen another time. You’ve had a long night. I’m not going to take advantage of your vulnerability now.”

Dylan was too shocked to say anything. He knew right there and then that he was going to marry John. And two years later, he did.

Captions are fictional.



Surrender to Him

“You like that. Don’t answer that, it’s not a question. Instead, listen to me, boy. Pretty boys like you submit to men like me. That’s a fact. Whether or not you believe it is irrelevant. You’re going to offer your pretty body to me, and I’m going to take it. I’m going to plunder you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week without feeling me thrusting inside you. And you’re not going to whine about it. In a week you will come back asking me for more. Even if I gave you time, you would eventually come sniveling to me unsatisfied and needy. So I’m going to take what is mine now. You’ll be even more beautiful when I am done.”

Captions are fictional.


“What? You’ve been locked up for how long?… Wait, when did you get a chastity de -no. No no no. You will not seduce me over the phone. I am still mad at you and rightfully so. Don’t act all slutty for me. I’m not falling for your tricks. …What do you mean dripping? Like piss? …Wait what? From your balls? …Shit that’s h – No! You cut that out, you siren. I am mad at you. An apology only does so much, you shouldn’t have done that in the first place. Don’t use siren tricks on me to erase my mind. I am hanging up the phone. I am hanging up. Call me in a few more days of your lock up and maybe I’ll be more forgiving.” With severe difficulty, Rodrigo hangs up the phone. 

Rodrigo exhales loudly. Fuck. Being angry at his slutty, pussyboi friend-with-benefits is hard as hell, especially when his dick is even harder. Rodrigo has a feeling that beautiful boy is going to run to someone else for needs too. Well, he knows Rodrigo liked faithfulness. If he really wants Rodrigo’s forgiveness, he’ll wait those few days. Rodrigo hopes he waits. He really wants to fuck a boy dripping cum. He didn’t know that was even a thing. Rodrigo grumbles and goes to jack-off. He knows he’s doing the right thing by standing firm, but why does it feel like he’s punishing himself too? 

Text is fictional. This is actor Jesse Metcalfe on Desperate Housewives. Why isn’t there a Desperate House-Husbands?


“Welcome home Da–mmmmhhh,” Lars melts into a kiss. “Hi Bretty. You taste like chocolate. I missed you so much today.”
“Me too. Been thinking of you all day Lars.”
“Have you?” he asks, batting his lashes. “You missed me too?”
Brett answered by pressing more fierce kisses to Lars’ mouth, plundering him, and leaving him breathless. Brett’s hands soon moved from Lars’ waist to his front and begin to unbutton his pants.
“Oh Daddy’s in a mood isn’t h-mmmphh – oh I love it when you use your tongue~ ah!”
Brett spun Lars around and bent him over the counter top. No time was wasted pulling down his pants until his cock spilled out and his pussy was bare. “Brett!” he cried. 
Brett fumbled in a drawer for lube, but couldn’t find a condom. Fuck it. No time. He slapped a little on, and grabbed tight onto Lars’ hips. “You’re going to let me in right?”
Lars didn’t even get the ‘s’ out in ‘yes’. Brett pushed into his lover in one swift move, making the boy cry out and clamp down tight around him. It gave Brett veritgo – god he loved it when Lars pulled him in! 

“Yeah that’s it, oh god yeah that’s it. Fuck I’ve been wanting your pussy all day, just wanted to see you take me, boy,” Bretty growled. “No – down. Stay down. No touching. Arms on the counter. That’s it.“
Lars obeyed. His body moved independently from his brain. When the angle changed, Brett slid in even deeper. Brett moaned as his pulasting cock was fully enveloped and Lars whimpered as Daddy relentlessly took his ass.. Strong hands cupped Lars’ pecs and squeezed. Lars began to moan as loud as Brett when the fabric of his shirt rubbed against his sensitive nipples. 

Then, when it couldn’t get any better, Brett’s paw-sized hands sought Lars’ cock and began to stroke. All of Lars’ bones just turned to wax. His head drooped. “Oh Daddy! Oh god..Daddy – just- ah fuck feels so good!”
“Not as good as you feel to me,” Brett cooed. “That’s it. Push back on me. Damn you are such a good slut for me. Daddy likes his good slut.”
:I’m your slut Daddy, forever Daddy – my pussy loves you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Brett snickered. He wrapped his arms around his boy’s thin waist. “It’s coming…it’s coming!-…aaaahh, there – there it is! Fuck!” Brett slammed into Lars like a freight train chugging with a hot engine. He bit his lip so hard it drew blood, and exploded into his boy’s body. Lars knew to let Daddy come first, and he was not far behind. When fingers teased his cockhead his knees trembled and cum gushed from his cock. 
“Daddy!” he squeaked. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” Lars’ feet cramped from how tight he was curling his toes. “Ohhh Daddy~”

And then it was over. They stilled, panting, connected. The scent of pheromones and sex and cum floated around them. Brett took a moment to enjoy feeling human again and ran his hands over Lars’ body, appreciating him. 
“Now that’s how Daddy likes to be welcomed home.”
“Mmnn,” Lars responded, pressing his forehead to the countertop, feeling like he was only standing because Brett was holding him up. “The feeling is mutual.”

Text is fictional. Full video here! I love it when Tumblr users source their shit.



It’s his pussyboy masturbatory aid. I can’t even blame him for carrying one around as you never know when you might be gripped by an acute need to be full and once you accept that penetration is your truest pleasure one quickly finds fingers … insufficient.

“What the fuck is this?
Cody blushed and stammered. Oh shit! he thought. “Oh um. It’s my uh – well, it was just – I use it for-”
“I know what it’s used for,” Cody’s hot coworker snapped back. “Seriously though? You’re sticking such shitty cheap toys up your hole?”
“This is low quality porous plastic. I can smell it from here. How can you be sure this even gets cleaned well? No no no, you will not treat your pussy this way.”
Cody was too astonished to even say “uh” this time. His pussyboi side wanted to bend over and offer himself to Mick though, cause that bossy tone of voice was turning him on.
“You are going to go home tonight and buy some high quality toys tonight at Sinland, you got that boi?” Mick instructed.
“Yes Sir.”
“And proper lube which won’t degrade them.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Invest in yourself.” Mick threw the dildo in the trash with disgust. “Tomorrow morning you will come here and bring them with you. I now can’t trust now that you are using them right either.”
Cody’s eyes went wide. He had no idea Mick was such a dominant alpha. “I know how to use them,” he protested.
“I’ll be the judge of that. Can you trigger body quaking orgasms that will make your pussy happy for hours after?”
Cody gulped and shook his head sheepishly, hand on the back of his neck. “No…I just leak and leak…”
“A good pussyboi won’t even need to stroke himself to cum. You know that right?”
He did now. Cody nodded.
Mick scoffed. “You’re hard. What a surprise. You can thank me for correcting you by getting on your knees and sucking my dick now by the way.”
“Here?” Cody squeaked. “Someone could walk in.”
“So? What’s wrong with people seeing you in your natural state?” 

Cody did not have a rebuttal for that. Plus, he really did want to suck a cock right then. It was an easy decision to drop to his knees and worship Mick’s superiority from the locker room floor. His hungry pussy would have to wait to tomorrow.
Text is fictional.


“Back straight. There we go. Great posture.”
“Thank you Sir.”
I nod, even though he can’t see it. “You know why you’re sitting there in a time out?”
“…for mouthing off?” Joel asks.
“Yes, good, boy. But that’s just it…you are still a boy. My boy. You’re young, in college. Life is full of hard work for you, but it’s still a time of play. I’m a man now. I’m all grown up, and play time has been taken up mostly by work. I know when I come home, you’re very eager to see me and you want to play. I know you’ve been waiting all day. So have I. Your waiting isn’t more or less worse than my waiting. Just because I need a minute to unwind, doesn’t mean you should get smart with me or say nasty, passive-aggressive things. It turns me off to hear ugly things come out of your pretty mouth. And forcing me to ravish you before I’m refreshed only cheapens it. You should be aware boy… I’m terrified of letting you down.”
“…Sir?” Joel asks softly, turning his head.
“Eyes forward,” I say gently.
Joel snaps his head forward and shifts a bit.

“I want to live up to your expectations. I know you’re a very horny boy. I know your pussy is hungry. I know how much you love my cock.”
“And how much I love you,” Joel adds softly.
I pause and sigh softly. Disciplining boys is sometimes so hard. “I love you too,” I say. “So much, it’s hard to imagine how I lived without you before. You know that. I just want to make sure when we are making love, that we’re both 100% on board, ready and eager. You’ll learn patience as you get older, Joel. I just have to nip this bossy, demanding behavior in the bud before you turn fully spoiled. That’s why you’re in time out. Next time you think of saying something impulsive and ugly, you’ll think of being in time out and how much you hate it.”

“Thank you Sir. You’re right. I don’t think clearly when I’m horny.”
I nod again, although Joel still can’t see me. “I think that’s hot by the way.”
“You do?”
“Yes. Means you need me, bad. I like that. I just…have to be a grown up man first sometimes, and your lover second. You know, for your own good.”

My boy’s shoulders relax. “Yes, for my own good. I’m seeing that now.”

“Good boy. You have fifteen more minutes in time out. You can cross your legs if your knees are cramping.”
“Fifteen?” Joel protests. “It was fifteen minutes when we started. Should be ten by now!”
“Well yes, but your hat reminded me. The San Francisco 49′ers beat the Colts in overtime last night due to the poor call by the ref on that fumble. You sided with the ref,” I reminded him.

Joel groaned, and I swallowed a laugh. Ok, being a grown-up could be fun sometimes.

Text is fictional. I think this is the OP.



I checked my phone for the fiftieth time, already knowing that the room number was 1403. I was nervous as I crossed the hotel lobby, butterflies roiling in my stomach. The concierge smiled at me but, thankfully, didn’t ask me any questions. 

I pressed up on the elevator, fixing my hair in the mirror one final time, giving my lips a final swipe with my cherry chapstick, hoping that I’d live up to his expectations. That I wasn’t about to get turned away at the door.

I saw the room number on my first pass, but I kept walking deliberately down the silent, carpeted hallway, trying to pluck up my courage to knock. Standing in front of the door, I took a deep breath and knocked timidly. There was a pause that felt like forever, that made me want to turn around and speed back down the elevator. 

Then I heard footsteps and before I could run the door opened. Bald and muscly, just like his pictures. He was wearing black slacks and a white tanktop that hugged his pecs. “Hi,” I murmured breathlessly.

“You’re even cuter in person,” he said with a smile. “Why don’t you come inside?” He beckoned me in to the spacious hotel room, seating himself on one of the two armchairs. I moved to take the other one, but he shook his head, patting his lap instead. 

“So, you said you’re a virgin?” he said as I nestled myself, somewhat awkwardly, on his lap, not looking at him. I nodded, blushing. “That doesn’t make any sense,” he laughed. He wrapped an arm around my waist. 

“Ever kissed anyone before?" 

I shook my head, and he chuckled, wrapping his fingers through my hair, steering me to his mouth. It was warm. His lips slid over mine, engulfing them. I moaned softly. He broke off. “You’re a good kisser,” he smirked.

I nodded, averting my eyes once more. He felt him frown, running his hand through my hair. “You okay?” he asked in his deep voice.

"I… I’m not sure. I – I just, I never thought it would be like this.”

He looked at me sympathetically, tilting my chin up so that our eyes met. “If you want to go, that’s okay. Look, I don’t know you, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to.” He hugged me tight. “How about this: I’ll pour us some wine and I’ll let you pick a movie to watch. Then we can take a shower together so that you can explore. And then, if you want, I’ll carry you back to the bed, naked, and I’ll take your virgin pussy.”

I shivered and then slowly nodded.


“So go up to Broadway Street and turn left?”
“Right,” Morgan chirps. “Yeah I live in this residential neighborhood here a couple miles east.”
“Oh I know that area,” I say, “It’s kind of where the sorority houses are for the university.”
“Yeah! I’m living in an apartment for my senior year, but we’re gonna drive right past my party house. I’m part of Delta Phi Epsilon. Well, the Delta Delta chapter anyway. Delta deltaaa woo!” he emphasizes this with a dainty fist punch.
“Wow, you are enthusastic,” I note.
“They’re an awe~~some house.”
I chuckle. I drive for a ride-sharing app and have meant some eccentric people. I try not to pass judgements on first impressions, but it’s already obvious that Morgan is queer as can stereotypically be – the tone of his voice, his body movements, his skinny jeans and tight shirt and …I think he’s wearing a bit make up. He’s wearing sandals where his toes stick out, too. Then, something dawns on me. “Wait a second, Morgan, I know someone who went to Delta Delta. That’s a sorority isn’t it? Not a fraternity?”

“Hey! You know your sororities. Oh my gawd, that’s so hot. Yeah it is a sorority, those girls are my besties.”
I lift an eyebrow but hold off on responding until I can change lanes and get out from behind this bus. “I thought boys weren’t allowed in sororities?”
“Yeah but I was staying with them. Special permission for this twinkie, honey. It works out better than staying with frat boys and the girls love me. We share make up tips, go shopping together, bake cupcakes, form study groups, do charity events together – it’s sooo much fun.”
“How…I mean just…how? How did they let you do that?” I’m so confused.

“Well I met Brittany in ethics class. I needed crash space baaad since my roomie at the time was a fag hating roid douche, and she suggested I sleep on the sofa of their sorority house until I could rehome. I ended up teaching the girls how to make cheesecake. Never left.“
I signal to make the aforementioned left. “It’s not a problem that you’re a guy? Even though you’re…gay? Aren’t you?”
“Um, duh. If you can’t tell I am doing something wrong.”
“No no,” I say quickly, “I can definitely tell. I mean, I’m gay too and the radar is off the charts.”
He laughs and gives me a high five. “Hell yeah for gays boy!”
I high five him back.
Morgan continues. “And to answer your question honey – sororities are for girls, but being a girl isn’t about gender anymore. You can have a really cute penis, be biologically male, and still be a girl.”
“I …don’t get it.”
“Being a ‘girl’ is an identity. It means you like things pink, you like to be fancy, you’re into fashion, and fawning over cute boys. It means you can express your emotions. Guys don’t do that. I can be silly and flirty one day, vulnerable and passive the next, and fierce and bitchy one day later. It’s like … ummmm if you’ve twinked out too much and so God gave you an upgrade option?”

This time I almost crash the car. “What, seriously?”
“Yeah that’s exactly what it’s like! I mean, my sorority girls get it. They get me in ways you could never imagine. We’re not that different. We both got pussies, you know, and we both know how to use em. I mean – my chapter’s official logo is a unicorn for fuck’s sake. It’s the gayest sorority ever.”
“Uh. Wow.”
Morgan checks his cell phone and types a rapid response back to whatever message he received. “Omg Rachel got her nips pierced. Damn, I thought she was just bluffing when she was drunk. God, wine coolers are evil.”
“Wine coolers are disgusting,” I add.
“But cheap! I’m a brand whore, I only drink expensive vodka and it really adds up ugh. Girls gotta have her drinky drinks though.”
I struggle on what to say. “So it’s about…socializing?”
“In sorority houses yeah. Technically you’re not supposed to be drinking or have boys over, so that’s why I moved out for my senior year. The first years are about bonding and making friends, having someone to talk to about life, about careers, and sales at Macy’s. We do a lot of charity work with women of domestic violence, too.”
“That sounds…admirable.”
“Thanks hon. It was soo hard. As much as it made me grow up, it was depressing. Made me stronger. I kinda miss helping, but I don’t have to do charity work anymore since I’m about to graduate. Gonna go to New York City to intern at a studio that crafts ballet slippers.”
I glance over at Morgan. “Congratulations. That sounds…interesting.”
“My major is fashion and arts, with a focus on dancewear. I like the pink, what can I say?”
“Um, sorry to interrupt, but am I turning any time soon?”
“Yeah actually, turn at the light. Oh shit it’s this light. God, I got distracted. Tuuurn and there we go. Down to the stop sign, make a right.”
I nod, and Morgan gets another text message. “Oh it’s Jennifer. Wanna know something funny? Jennifer and I share a boyfriend. He likes doing through the backdoor, she hates anal; he loves tits and I am flat as a board. We are all too busy for dating, so we share him. Works out beautifully. I get to ride dick, and I pass my classes.”

For once, Morgan has rendered me speechless.
“Oh there’s my apartment building! Fuck yeah duplexessss. Thank you, you’ve been a great driver.” He pulls a contact info card out of nowhere and offers it to me. “I like the gay boys, so if you ever want to tap this, call me ok?”
I take the card. “Um – uh – wow, um, ook then. Thanks, um, Morgan. Been nice talking to you. You’re really, interesting. I like your confidence.”
Morgans beams. “Thank you, dear. I’ll give you a big tip through the app.” He winks and gets out of my car. I watch his cute butt wrapped in denim as he sashays up to the apartment door and lets himself in. For a moment, I just sit there at the curb, wondering what just happen.

Then I glance over, and notice the glitter he left in my passenger seat – gay debris left by Hurricane Morgan. Despite the fact I fucked my boyfriend last night, compared to Morgan, I feel nearly straight.

Text is fictional. Source is too hard to track down. I know nothing about sororities so sorry if I screwed something up. Also that sorority’s official mascot really is a unicorn.

Hello I’ve come for some advise I’m trying to masturbate by only using my fuck hole I finger myself and get intense pleasure I feel close to orgasm but can’t reach it end up jacking off I want my primary source of pleasure to come from my hole and be a good 100% bottom boy

Hello I’ve come for some advise I’m trying to masturbate by only using my fuck hole I finger myself and get intense pleasure I feel close to orgasm but can’t reach it end up jacking off I want my primary source of pleasure to come from my hole and be a good 100% bottom boy


First of all, you are to be commended for your devotion, your desire to grow and accept your place is powerful. Never doubt how this desire and understanding can truly give you the ability to change everything in your life.

I would say that the most important thing to remember is to be patient in this. You are breaking some very strong chains and cultural conditioning, and that doesn’t happen easily or quickly, but with patient endurance and daily effort, the chains will break and you will be free to be what you were born to be.

Now, some thoughts.

First of all, when working your ass pussy, try as much as possible to make your dick as irrelevant as possible. I find that wearing a jockstrap does a great deal in this regard. It keeps my meaningless dick hidden and that can help to keep it out of my thoughts.

Also, remember that one of the cultural conditioning aspects you are challenging is what an “orgasm” will be for you. For years, decades, you have defined an “orgasm” or “cumming” as the intense sensation and release which is connected to ejaculation from your dick. You are slowly reconditioning your body to experience a different form of “orgasm,” not the intense release, but the waves of pleasure which come from stimulating your ass pussy.

Allow yourself to feel that sensation, to experience it and, as you do so, consciously acknowledge that you are “cumming.” The more you do this, the more your body and mind will work together to give you that sense of “fulfillment” and “completion” that an ejaculatory orgasm used to give you. Eventually, you will stop thinking of “orgasm” as the end of the sexual act, and in this you will be open to multiple orgasms as you work your ass pussy.

At the beginning, you will find yourself needing to ejaculate to elevate the frustration that your cultural conditioning has imposed on you. A part of you will think that you haven’t finished yet, because you did not ejaculate. This will pass eventually, but in the meantime, if you absolutely must ejaculate, then only work your dick enough to bring this about, do it as quickly as possible and only working the head or gland of your dick, much as a clit would be worked. Even while doing this, remain focused on the sensation of your ass pussy. That is where your orgasms will come from.

In addition, while you are working on your ass pussy, imagine in your mind’s eye, the Alpha. Stay focused on His Cock, because that is all that matters at that moment. Imagine His Cock as it enters you, fills you. Focus on His connection to His Cock, and the pleasure His Cock give to Him as it fills you, as your ass pussy opens itself to His Cock.

Imagine His face, how His body responds to using your ass cunt. Keep in mind that this is not “sex,” but His power and dominance. Remember how His Cock, using your ass cunt, makes Him great, more powerful, more a Man.

As the sensations in your ass cunt grow, focus on the only orgasm which matters, which is His. Let your body and ass respond as you imagine Him cumming, shooting, feeling that intense release and amazing orgasmic joy which is His right as an Alpha. Soon, and with practice, you will feel the waves of an anal orgasm by imagining His powerful orgasm, a Real Man’s orgasm. In this, you will know that your orgasm don’t matter as much as His, and your body is at His service.

Keep working at it, don’t let the frustration get you down. You are on the right path, and you are breaking major chains, and reconditioning your mind and body after many, many years. But you are doing what you must and that is commendable.

Keep me informed, please, about your progress. We can all learn together.

Well, there’s this. Good learning guide for boys who feel this way.


“Mmm good morning, boy.”
“Good morning, Justin. Fuck me?”
“Well, well, direct this morning aren’t we? My poor boy, must be so backed up.” I reach out and cup the metal between his legs. He instinctively pushes himself into my hand although it does nothing.
“I’m. sooo. horny. I hate this, Justin, how much longer are your relatives going to be here?”
“Five more days,” I say casually.
He groans.
“Hush your mouth you spoiled thing. You know this is for the best. I can’t use a chastity cage because you could still jack yourself off with it, plus it would leave a distinct shape. I don’t want my relatives to get curious. Besides, as I suspected, I am too busy with them to keep track of controlling your masturbation and erections so this is the best way. Keeps your hands off your cock until I can dedicate more time to managing you. It’s discreet and keeps you obedient.”
“And horny,” he sighs.
“Yes, I do love you horny, making you sit through boring dinners when all you can think about is my cock.”
“I fucking love your cock, Justin.”
I smile. “I know you do. Hm, we got a little time before we have to meet the family. Get into position. I think I’m going to help take a little pressure off those balls.”
“Oh thank god!”
“I want to see plenty of pre-cum drip out, no matter how tight your cock swells in there.”
He nodded eagerly and put his ass into the air, wiggling impatiently until I can get us both lubed up. I hadn’t told him I was thinking of leaving it on for a week after my relatives left, with cleanings of course. He’d been getting pushy lately and I need a way to drive home the message that I own his cock and its at the mercy of my good will. Of course, he could say ‘no’ at any time but he won’t. He thrives on being locked up and knows it. Anything less interesting than this would bore him.

Text is fictional. Watermarked.