

Nú número 1 (by Laerte Késsimos)


I consider my nude torso in the mirror as I scratch my beard and yawn. “Man, I needed that.”
“What, the sex or the trip to the bathroom?” Lucien teases.
“The sex, you silly boy. I’ve mastered the art of jerking off while driving my semi, but it doesn’t come close to the satisfaction of being in bed with you.”
“You can jerk off while driving a semi?”
I grin. “I can even pee in a bottle while driving.”
“Oh my god, I’m never getting on the highway again.”
I chuckle. “Funny enough, part of the reason I cut corners like that is to hurry up and make the drives go faster, so I have extra time to stop and see you.”
Lucien’s face hardens. “Don’t you dare go riskin lives for a piece of ass, you hear me?”
My face flushes at being scolded. I hide how charmed I am to hear his Southern accent come out a bit more when he was getting serious with me. I told up my hands in surrender. “I won’t do anything dumb, I promise. I can’t enjoy coming to Cordova if I’m dead.”
Lucien flicks his lighter. “Honestly, I’d sleep with a ghost.”
“Could they pay you?”
Lucien thinks. “I have no idea how that would work, but I’d do it once just to see what it’s like.”
“You would put them in your phone as Ghost, I’m guessing?”
“Oh I already have a Ghost.”
I sit on the edge of the bed. “What, really?”
“Yeah. He’s an albino.”
“You’re shitting me.”
Lucien can’t keep a straight face and dissolves into giggles. “I am.”
I throw a sock at him.
“Hay is for horses,” I reply.
“There is a Ghost in my phone for real though. He booked me like three times and never showed up. Got banned for that.”

Lucien looks at me. “So…you said you would cook me dinner last time, and so I’m dying to know what’s in that cooler you brought in with you.”
“You said you had a grill out back right?”
“Fantastic. Gonna make you a nice bison steak with roasted peppers and potatoes.”
“Bison? Sounds amazing,” Lucien groans. “Better than hotdogs.”
“You get enough hot dogs in your bun.”
Lucien throws the sock back at me.
I chuff air through my nose. “By the way, I also got you a present.”
“You did? You didn’t have to.”
”Oh don’t pretend like you don’t like presents. I noticed you got some new magnets on your fridge. Like that Niagara Falls one, and I take it you haven’t been there lately.”
“Ok, busted I love presents.” Lucien glances in the direction of the fridge. “A guy named Yellow Truck sent me that. Hell of a drive from here.”
”And a lot colder.” I stand up and pull on my jeans. I walk out of the small bedroom to the living room/kitchen where my duffel is by the back door. I glance over my shoulder; Lucien face up, but propped up on his elbows watching me. The sun is splayed across his chest, nearly making him glow. I bring the duffel back into the room and set it on the bed.
“There’s something bulky in there,” Lucien comments.
“It takes up most of the bag actually,” I admit. I unzip the duffel and take out a box wrapped haphazardly in newspaper with tape stuck to it in random places.

“Aw, is it Christmas, Turbo?” Lucien sits up and folds his legs. He’s still naked as when I pulled out of him, and he hasn’t even considered a piece of clothing once. His casual acceptance of nudity is just another thing he does as easy as breathing. There’s no mistaking that Lucien didn’t get “stuck” as a male prostitute…he was born for it. And I’m lucky to be in his universe.
I hand him the box. “Maybe. It’s an early Christmas present. Well, maybe, a late present. A very late present.”
Lucien raises a brow and turns the box in his hands. “Oh, it’s noisy. Is this a puzzle? It’s a really big box if it’s a puzzle.”
“Open it.”
Lucien hooks his fingers under the paper and pulls. After one tear, he stops and stares at the packaging revealed underneath. “Turbo! Did you get me Lucky Charms?”
“Open it!”
He destroys the rest of the newspaper and whoops with laughter. “This is the biggest goddamn box of Lucky Charms I’ve ever seen! It’s like two boxes glued together, where did you find this?”
“Costco.” I puff out my chest proudly. “Should make up for the box your mouse got into when you were a kid.”
Lucien smiles and hugs the box. “It does. I will keep it in the fridge to prevent it from happening again.” He opens the box with enthusiasm and stuffs a handful of cereal in his face. A groan follows. “Why ish thish so good?”
“Sugar, probably. Don’t ruin your appetite for dinner now.”
He eats another handful. “Fuck, thish ish so good. Fank you.” Crumbs land on his lap.
I chuckle. “You’re welcome. I’m going to take a quick shower and start on dinner ok?”
“Sounds good to me. I’m going to change the sheets and go have a cigarette.”

"Lucien, how often do you get harassed by your clients about smoking?”
“Oh all the time,” he admits. “I’m down to three cigs a day from half a pack, so … progress.”
“Well that is good, when did you start smoking?”
“Began stealing my mom’s cigs when I was 12.”
I shake my head.
“Don’t worry, I have plenty of dads supervising me and punishing me for my errant ways.”
That makes me perk up. “You have clients that spank you?”
Lucien grins. “Only when I’m a misbehaving school boy that keeps coming home late for farm work and needs to be spanked for his laziness.”
I swallow. God, what a visual! “Ok, I need to get more creative.”
Lucien eats a marshmallow from the box. “Whatever makes you happy. You’re paying for it. Sex is great as it is though. I’m not in a hurry to change anything.”
“Great? I’m great?”
Lucien points to the white stains on the bed. “Not everyone makes me cum you know.”
I consider this and wish my balls would refill faster. “I am making you a hell of a fucking steak dinner after this shower.” I grab my kit out of my dufffel and head to the bathroom.
“Leave the door open so I can watch you,” Lucien says with a coy smile. I look back at him. He looks almost imp like, sitting cross legged, dwarfed by a giant cereal box.
I give him a helpless look and exhale. I’m half erect although there’s nothing in the reservoir tanks. Lucien notices and I can tell by the gleam in his eyes, that even though I’m his client – I hired him! – he’s not done with me yet tonight.

Captions are fictional.

Reposted from 2014

Reposted from 2014


I finish tugging on my jeans and replacing my belt. I don’t want to go. I have a truck full of merchandise halfway to Boston that has to be there on deadline. I always look forward to leaving Atlanta, not because I hate the city of Peachtree, but because of my first rest stop, because of Lucien. I know very little about Lucien. He says that his mother caught him with the high school quarterback in a compromising position and threw him out of their trailer. I’m not even sure that’s his real name or if any of it is true. I think the story is.

Lucien is made of piss and vinegar. A lot of young kids in this town lose their way. The factories are gone. Drugs call. Cities call. Always farm work to be done, but you can’t check your Facebook standing in acres of wheat. Despite not having a GED, Lucien was an entrepreneur. He was barely 17 and horny as a dog, but there’s not a lot of one night stand material in a town of 450. Cordova had a grocery store, a post office representing three zip codes, hardware store, pool hall, coffee shop, and a doctor’s office, but what they didn’t have was a male whore. Plenty of female prostitutes and lot lizards around the diesel gas stations, but not a hot blooded male in sight. So, he opened up shop.

He lives at the nearby motel in a guest house behind the pool area. The town used to be a stopping off point for Laney, the next town over where a mineral spring resort used to exist. The motel used to handle a lot more traffic. The groundskeeper used to live out there in that little house, but over time it fell into disrepair. Within a year Lucien had enough cash to renovate it and claim it. It still looks like he’s in the process of moving in – books and bottles haphazardly scattered on the shelves, curtains but no blinds, some boxes of Kraft Dinner in cupboards.

He’s finishing off a cigarette as he rests nude on the mattress. The sheets are in the laundry, the comforter piled on the floor. I want him again. He’s barely 20 but can do things with that ass that have made men pass out. I called a week in advance to make an appointment, just in case. His number is in hundreds of trucker’s phones and address books from here to Vancouver, along with some farmers and highway patrol offiers. I never see them. Lucien showed me his phone once. I’m apparently in there as Yellow Truck cause my cab is yellow. I’m below Yappy Dog Owner and above Zeke with One Ball. I know I’m just a nameless cock to him and a hundred dollar bill, but I still dream of taking him back to Georgia with me and getting to enjoy that body every goddamn day. I’m sure every client of his dreams of the same thing.

As long as Lucien remains here, we all get to share. His afterglow cigarette is near done by this point. “What are you looking at?” he gives me a lazy smile.
“You,“ I drawl. The late afternoon light bathes his skin in a health glow. His penis looks like a hood ornament. "Christ, just the sight of you makes me all randy again like I’m 13 years old again.”

He likes that compliment, I can tell. “Well, my next client comes in about twenty minutes but you know the rates for a blowjob at the like.”

“Instead of you blowing me…can I suck on you?”

He smothers the cigarette in the ashtray on the nightstand, not even having to look where it is, although there aren’t many stubs in there. “You give good oral?”
What the hell do I say to that? “I once made a girl start her period.”

He bursts out laughing, clutching himself as he rolls over onto his side. “Well that’s some claim!” he says when he recovers, “This one is free.”


“If you don’t make me cum, you owe me double.”

I grin. Cheeky bastard. “You’re on.”

Fifteen minutes later, I’m zipping my pants up again and wiping both my mouth and my cockhead on a handkerchief. He’s panting, cleaned cock twitching, legs akimbo. I watch him soften as he lightly fondles the sensitive skin. “God damn, I didn’t think I would actually cum again so quickly.”

“Have some faith in your clients!” I pretend to be offended, “I feel bad for your next guy though, I drained you dry.”

Lucien makes a pshaw motion and waves a hand dismissively, “He just wants a handjob. He’s too scared to fuck me.”

“What’s his name in your phone?”

He snickers. “Armadillo Boots.”

“A Texan, I’m presuming. Yellow Cab is a lot more respectable.”

“Respectable as you can get for visiting a whore, I presume.”

I frown. “Lucien, don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re a damn fine commodity and when you retire half the trucking industry is gonna go into mourning. We’re gonna make a monument out of your ass. Rename Laney to Lucien or sumtin’.”

Gosh golly, I made him blush!
He groans. “Get out of here, Yellow, you’re embarrassing me.”

I chuckle and reach for my baseball cap. “Alright, alright I’m going. Boston calls. I’ll be back through here in about 10 days, gotta make a run to Buffalo first. Keep a time slot open, I’m gonna make you dinner next time.”

He doesn’t seem to believe me. “Really.” I walk over to the bed and kiss him lightly, “Take care Lucien, thank you.”

“Anytime, sweetheart.” He smiles, looking a bit tired and used and wiser than his 19 years. Like many men on that list, I am probably in love with him. It’s a long, lonely way to New England. I send him a postcard and magnet from Niagara Falls. When I see him again, both are displayed the fridge.

Captions are fictional.

Original Flickr image link before it was removed:


I lift the camera up as I film the hypnotic show of the stranger sucking on Luke’s cock like it’s the last penis in the world. Luke grins at me, laughing a little, “I can’t believe we actually picked up a prostitute on 34th street!”
“How’s he doing?”
“Fook! He’s amazin’! You wun’t believe how god this feels! Keep filmin’ filmin’ I wanna remember this burthday forever.”
“Right mate! Of course! Yeah suck that cock, boy!” I shift the camera to my other hand and let the tape roll.

It goes on for another hour – blowjobs, handjobs, fingering, sex. Then we collapse in the back of his van on blankets and pass around cigarettes and beer in glass bottles. The boy was paid generously.

Five years after this, Luke was killed in a car accident when an out of control lorry struck his van. We took a lot of video together, of our trips, our stupid foolish exploits around the UK, holidays, birthdays, nights at the bar, even trips to the dentist, the grocery store. Out of the entire stack of tapes, this one is him with the prostitute is my favorite. He just looks so incredulously happy, so alive. I watch it every year on his birthday and wank one out in memory of him. We were odd friends, but it was the most solid friendship I’d ever had. I miss him dearly. I never watch the tape of his funeral.

Post is fictional.



“Well…that’s one way to keep ‘em down on the farm…” (67)

Heath did not know what to do with his son. Dylan had been caught three times now giving handjobs in the boys bathroom at school, only once for cigarettes. He wore his sister’s jeans, walked with a swish, and spoke with a campy tone. Frankly, Heath thought it was an embarrassment to have a teenage son acting in such a loose way, not a manly, proper way. He was horrified to learn how Dylan had been not only experimenting with men instead of the ladies. He might have tolerated this infarction until Dylan left for college, but his son’s grades were slipping. A cousin named Joe on his wife’s side owned a farm, and after some talk, Dylan’s parents sent him there for re-education.

Hard work and distance from confusing media imagery would align Dylan right. Having proper, heterosexual male role models would teach him how to chase girls and bed em well too.

Dylan initially hated the farm. He had to get up super early. The work gave his soft hands blisters, his fair skin burned, and unflattering bootcut jeans replaced his beloved cigarette jeans in a rainbow of colors. Also the chafing! His poor balls.
Dylan was a smart kid though – he couldn’t stop working unless he was providing another service in exchange, and began to conspire to put out. He didn’t have to lift a finger though. The other men sensed Dylan’s the natural need to submit and please other men, to seek their approval. Their leader, a man named Rich, asked Dylan to join him for a piss one afternoon. Afterwards, Rich didn’t put his cock away – he played with it until he had Dylan’s attention, then began to masturbate right in front of the young man. It was the perfect bait and the young lad was helpless being so close to a hard cock after not having one for weeks.

Oh how he missed the taste of cock on his tongue! Sucking a cock with the scent of sweat and Earth around his nostrils drove Dylan wild. Word spread quickly of the young twink’s services and soon the blisters on Dylan’s hands healed and he was back to wearing tank tops again. All the hands on the farm knew the signal – they just had to unbutton their pants and the twink would come right over to kiss their neglected lips, caress their bulging pecs, and empty their full balls down his tight throat. So much easier to work in the hot sun with a drained cock and a happy buzz.

It wasn’t two weeks later when Rich put the claim on Dylan’s ass by squeezing it in front of the crew, and by the end of the summer the newcomer lost his virginity bent over a blanket spread on a hay bale. His ass became one popular attraction. When Dylan decided to stay for the new school year, Rich made another power move and locked Dylan’s cock up good. No point in him being distracted by his own cock when there’s so many men to service; the hornier the better right? Even Joe gave in the lure of having a slut around the farm. 

Heath assumed all was going well, but when he saw Dylan again he was shocked – the man had become a fell fledged faggot. He did look healthier, stronger, and practically glowing. Plus all those men had such compliments to say about his work effort and Joe breathlessly explained how high morale was at the farm . Heath was at a loss. He cut his son loose and left him in the care of men who appreciated boys like Dylan. Dylan wouldn’t exchange his stable of studs for anything, even if that cage only came off a couple times a year. It was heaven.

Post is fictional; models are Damien Crosse and Chris Porter. More images are here, including some piss play and sex.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Monsieur Lambert Rousseau, of the Rousseau Estate in Avignon


“Qu’est-ce que c’est?” I fumbled with the telegram. “Your presence is requested at the Police Station, 9 Rue de la Canard, Paris,  to contest the character of a Milou Sur La… Table.” Oh for heavens sake! I pinched the paper with great stress in my fingers, moments away from shredding it and raining it all down upon myself. I exhaled a great grunt of complaint and let my hands collapse to my sides. Milou, Milou, what have you gotten yourself into? I gave my apartment door a longing look and then turned away from a hot bath, dinner, and a glass of wine, descended down the steps, and yet again graced the cobblestones.

I requested directions from the train station clerk only to discover it was the direction from where I’d just come – the office. I dreaded being spotted by co-workers as I approached the police station. If someone reputable saw me go into such a facility…I sighed yet again, adjusted my coat, then walked inside with stiff posture.

I presented the letter to the attendant and was directed to the sheriff’s office. He was a portly man with a rectangular face and lantern jaw, a nose that had been broken once jutted out a great deal between bright green eyes. Emotions showed easily on his ruddy face.

“Ah, Monsieur Rousseau, thank you for coming so soon! I’m Sheriff Dubois.”
I shook his hand in return. “I had not settled in for the night, so no inconvenience to me. What is this matter regarding Milou?”
“Well, he was arrested this afternoon-”
“Arrested! Whatever for?” I nearly dropped my briefcase.

“For homosexual prostitution.”
Thunk, went the briefcase. “For… oh mon dieu.”

The sheriff eyed me. “What is your relation to Milou? I have to admit I wasn’t expecting a gentlemen of your class and standing.”
I knelt down to retrieve my case which gave me a couple seconds to collect my wits. “I buy papers from him.”
“Papers?” Dubois repeated.
“Yes, newspapers, for many years now…a dozen now is it? Back from when he was just a lad.”
The sheriff shoved his hands in his pockets and scoffed, “He’s a bit big to be a paperboy.”
I snickered,. “Well yes. I noticed that too. Yet he never seems to outgrow his britches… they always seem to be falling off.”
Dubois threw his head back and guffawed, “Well that’s what got him in trouble!”
“Oh Milou, that brat, what happened exactly?”
The sheriff tilted his head in one direction and we began to walk out of his office and down a hallway of mostly empty cells. “The plaintiff claims that Milou propositioned him for sex, and even after he declined, Milou did not relent, so the plaintiff reported him to a policeman on patrol. Milou denied it, but there was an abnormal amount of coinage on him. When asked what he was doing, he replied that the money was not his and he was trying to earn up for …socks, if you believe that.”

I dropped my forehead into my gloved palm, the noise resonating on the stone walls. I was going to murder him. No one would convict me. No, what that boy needed was a spanking with one of my sister’s flat wooden hairbrushes. Then, a glass of wine and maybe murder.

The sheriff lifted an eyebrow. “Mr. Rousseau, are you well?”
“Has all the color drained from my face?”
He examined me. “Yes.”
“I thought so. I knew that streetboys often do not receive an education, but I was under the impression Milou was not an imbecile. The punishment for sodomy is so severe….”
The sheriff abated in front of a cell and I realized there was only a set of bars between us and Milou. He was sitting on a stone bench, legs drawn up to hide a black eye. When he witnessed my presence, his good eye widened to the size of teacup.
I tried not to look at wounded face as I continued, “You see, Sheriff Dubois, this is a grievous misunderstanding and partially my fault. Milou has been promoted to a higher ranking paperb-… newspaper seller and now collects the earnings from a league of smaller children under him. That explains the coins.”
“Indeed it does.”

I continued as if he hadn’t spoken, “I also must confess my guilt from earning a great deal more income than him in business, solely as a result of luck and benefiting from my father’s high standing. Thus, I paid Milou more than a fair price for the papers and Milou informed me he saved up those Francs and purchased a pair of shoes for himself. I suppose he couldn’t wait to save for the socks.” I tipped the end of my explanation with ice in my voice, pleased to see Milou glance away, defensive and sheepish.

The sheriff digested my story which he was scribbling onto a notepad which had apparated from his back pocket. “That is a believable tale, but to risk imprisonment for homosexual prostitution for socks seems ..misplaced.”
I clasped my hands and briefcase behind my back as if discussing the weather, although my mind was racing. “Yes, it was a remarkable lapse in character, but I do not believe his intent was to prostitute himself.”
Dubois paused his note-taking, “How can you be sure?”

“Well first,” I gestured to Milou, “Look at him. He’s dressed like an urchin, not a whore. You can tell because whores take baths once in a while.”
“Also, that is a terrible area for prostitution. My father’s brother has a habit with the ladies and he never frequents this area. It’s too near the Elysee Business District. I cannot speak for his intent, but even if that was the case, I petition that you pity him for incredibly poor decision making. My best guess? Winter is coming. Milou was probably trying to appeal to that gentlemen for work and his self-conscious nature misinterpreted the whole thing.”
Dubois snorted then flipped through his chicken scratch. “So…Milou has never propositioned you?”
“You have never performed a sex act with him?”
“No.” Technically that was true. He did the performing. I just stood there with my cock in his mouth. I could sense Milou’s eyes boring into my soul. His whole life rested in my ability to weave bald-faced likes to a man of the law. If I sold him out, Milou would no doubt find out where I worked and ruin my life…. walking a wire, we were.
“Have you ever seen him behave inappropriately with any other male clients?”
“…Or the children?”
I retracted as if I’d been struck, “Sheriff Dubois, I refuse to even consider such filth. He is kind to the children. Abused children do not smile and laugh.”
He put his hands up in defense. “Sorry to have touched a nerve, but it is procedure to inquire.” He shoved the notebook back into its stretched pocket. “We do not have a previous record on Milou, so I’m inclined to agree with your testimony here. I will release him on bail into your care.”
My knees nearly gave out. Oh sweet mercy, I did it. “I wince to think the cost, but Milou will return it in free paper after this, I am to assume.” I shot the prisoner a glare, then returned to the administrative office where he drew up the release papers. 

I wrote up a bank slip while the sheriff went to collect Milou and his belongings. Not ten minutes later, we were both standing in the lobby free as birds. I shook hand with Dupont, thanked the front desk clerk, and escorted Milou out to the sidewalk.

The sun had not yet set as the days were still long now; however a chill was slowly replacing summer’s humid nights. Milou looked particularly exposed, clutching his newspaper bag, barefoot and clad in only pants. He opened his mouth to say something, but I wanted the first words. I grabbed Milou by his arm and dragged him into the alley next to the station.
“Monsieur Rousseau I’m really-”
I raised my arm to deliver an open-handed blow to his face, but stopped my hand about an inch from his head, his features already twisted and bracing for the impact. A rush of shame at my almost act of barbarianism flooded through my chest. Instead, Instead, I grabbed the strap of the newspaper bag around his chest and yanked him close.
“What in gods name got into you?” I seethed. “Are you an idiot, an imbecile, a child? I offer you for you to take up residence with me and you decide you’d rather spend your life in jail?! or executed? For soliciting sex in a business district? You must be mentally incapable of rational thought.”

Milou held his hands up in defense, too cowardly to look me in the eye. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never meant for you to get involved in this I just thought-”
“You weren’t thinking, but go on.”
“…-when you asked me to move in with you, it infuriated me. I’m not a stray dog to be taken in and commanded what to do!” Milou’s eyes were wet and bright and he was gesticulating with exaggerated motions. “I’ve taken care of myself on these streets for years. Just because I suck your cock doesn’t mean you own me!”
“SSHHH! Not so loud, are you daft!” I hissed.
Milou winced, but mercifully lowered his volume. “I just…thought…well, this girl I know is a mistress. She gets paid a lot of money to be a rich man’s girl and I thought maybe I could do the same, be a dandy…”
“To a man? I know we are in a period of experimentation but the law disagrees. How did you expect to accomplish this?”
The young man glanced at his bare feet. “I was…doing research…”

I released the strap and ran my fingers through my sandy hair, “I apologize if my offer sounded like you’d be my slave. It was not my intent. I just…Milou, I want you to have some sort of security When I saw the telegram, my heart nearly froze. You said you can take care of yourself, but out of all your friends and co-workers, you chose me to bail you out. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Milou, you can’t live like this when you’re forty…fifty. No man is an island, mon cherie, there is nothing wrong with accepting an offer to get ahead.”
“Well if you don’t have to focus your time and energy on day to day survival, you could study for an education certificate. Attend business classes. Bring some skills to your trade of selling newspapers.”
Milou stared at me with an uneven gaze, his bruised eye socket a deep purple hue. Our adrenaline was crashing. His stomach growled. Mine answered. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, unsure what to say.
“Oh you are such a trouble maker, Milou. It’s getting late. You are going to come home with me. I am considering punishing you for scaring the wits out of me, but you will take a bath, eat, and spend the night because I cannot worry about you anymore today, I’ll have an apoplexy. Tomorrow morning we will talk about how you will pay off the debt for your bail,” I stated, adjusting my clothing and straightening my back, doing my best to maintain my air of an authority figure.

Milou turned his head toward the city scene beyond the alley, business persons rushing to and fro. Automobiles competing with horses for street space, the overhead lamps casting their oily glow on it all. It called to him, its grungy dim corners and hidden alcoves, so easy to disappear. I could almost hear the clock gears of his mind turning.

The lad was shaken from his brush with captivity, his face pale and half swollen. He sniffled and wiped his nose on his arm. “Alright. For one night, I will let you take care of me, in thank you for the rescue. But no sex play… I need to think.”
I smiled. “That’s a smart lad. Just…one more question, Milou?”
“On the telegram, why on Earth was your last name listed as Sur La Table of all things?”
A grin slid across his face. “I don’t have a last name. My father’s was not worth carrying. When the arresting officer asked me it for the arrest form, he had me bent over on a table at a cafe in the Square… so I told him to put that down.”
I patted him on the back, “Oh Milou, you’re exhausting. Don’t go teasing me now with images of you bent over a table.”
He blushed from head to toe.


Sorry this took so long to get out. I didn’t expect there to be a chapter 3, so I had to work out some plot holes as big as Miami. The photo of Lambert (which is pronounced Lahm-behr, not Lamb-bert) is from a series titled the Ultimate Dandys by Karl Lagerfeld, published in Numero Magazine. If you see any typos or errors, please message me.


I used to buy my paper from Milou every day on my way to private finishing school because it made me feel like an adult. I eventually entered a local college and later followed my father into business. He was still there though, pitching papers and herding the younger boys, running around Paris barefoot. As Milou matured, he stirred feelings in me that were a terrible distraction to the supposed single heterosexual bachelor life I was supposed to live.

When I got my first paycheck, I lured him into an alley and asked him if he knew what men sometimes did together. He said he did. I had the feeling I wasn’t the first, but I was too horny to care. He became my drug. A couple times a week I’d leave home early in the morning and we’d disappear behind a building together, him on his knees with my cock in his mouth. I paid him well because he left me gasping.

One day I found him in his usual alley sitting next to a brand new pair of burnished red brown boots. “Yours?” I asked. He nodded. So that’s what he bought with the money I’d been giving him? Not alcohol or cards or probably not even rent. A pair of shoes. I had like five pairs in my closet. Guilt flooded through me. I’d been exploiting a poor newspaper seller so he can buy a pair of shoes. How can he look at me without contempt?

“Why aren’t you wearing them?” I asked.
“It’s not winter yet…no point in getting them dirty. Besides I have to buy socks first.”

I stared at him. Was he implying me that I should unzip my pants so he could buy a pair of socks? The whole situation struck me as ridiculous as it was vulgar.
“Why haven’t you asked me to just give you a pair of socks?” I said, frustrated with his contentment with his poverty.
Milou replied, “Well I ask, I’m a begger. If you give, I’m a charity case. If I buy, I’m a citizen.”
“How can you lower yourself to such standards to sucking cock for something as basic as socks?" 
That struck a spark in him, "Those are your standards! You well-to-do nouveau riche types are so preachy to anyone that doesn’t live a good Christian life like you do. Who said I was lowering myself anyway? I like sucking your cock thank you very much.”
I was torn between wanting to smack him and wanting to kiss him. I balled my gloved fists as the color rose to my face, “You’re coming home with me.”
“…What?” he blinked.
“How old are you now? Your 20s I presume? Have you thought at all about the future? You have no savings, no education. Are you still going to be sucking my cock in this alley when you’re 40?” Now there’s that look of contempt missing from earlier. “My apartment has an extra room. I don’t care if you sell newspapers until you’re dead, but I want you to stay with me. It’s warm and dry. I’ll pay you a fair wage to mind the house. Whether ‘minding the house’ includes sucking or riding my cock, that’s up to you.”

Milou didn’t answer right away, so I let him stew in the reality of his situation. I glanced at my watch. Drat. I’d wasted our coveted time together on lecturing him and now I had to go catch my train. I pulled a legal pad out of my briefcase and jotted my address in the corner, which I ripped off and gave to him. “I’m off work at 6:30, if you want to stop by after that. Think about it. I would like to see you again…either way.” I tipped my hat and turned to go. Milou stuttered something after me, but a little girl ran into the alley with an empty messenger bag full of coins and work called.

Milou didn’t appear at my doorstep that evening. Nor the one after it. On the third night, there was a telegram left in my mailbox. It was from the police.

[To be continued]


The suited gentleman pulled the stunning Latino over his thigh and kissed him right on the sternum. “This is for you,” he said, folding the bill expertly with one hand as he stuffed it in place, “Now when you go back up on that stage, I want you to look right at me when you dance.”
Javier shuddered at the cool hands on his flushed skin. This man was beyond out of his league – at least ten years his senior, New England stock, old money. The low purr of his words alone sent frisson down his spine. Javier gyrated against the man’s chest a couple times to thank him for the tip before giving him a coy smile and returning to the stage and blaring dance music.

Later that evening, when his shift was over, Javier plopped down in a chair in the dressing room to count his spoils. He eagerly opened and flattened the tightly folded bill that High Class Man had given him….what? The hell? It was a $1 bill! Javier screeched, “La madre que te parió!” He flipped it over, seeing if it was stacked with anything but no! That bastard! Then, something caught his eye. On the back, under the “ONE”, in neat block print the man had written a phone number and the words: “Call me if you want the rest.”