


When I started working for Sir, he told me: If you be a good whore for me, boy, I’ll take you places, treat you right, spoil you rotten. I”ll dress you in brand names, you’ll sleep on down, and eat like an epicurean. But it won’t be for no reason. You will be earning it every day with your ass and body, and you will feel the results of your indiscretions swiftly. It’s like the stock market. Invest well, and reap your rewards.

Shame to say, I’m a little bit spoiled now. Sir works my body well, and I worship him in return. I think I’ve gotten a little relaxed now, and perhaps a little bored, because I actually had the gall to ask Sir last night – “Sir, when we met you said, If I be a good whore you...why don’t you let me please your friends too? I want to impress your friends with how well you’ve trained me.”
And he sort of studied me for a minute, trying to figure out if I had insulted him or not. I realized at that moment I had made a serious mistake, because if he thought I was, the punishment was going to be devastating. …but his friends had been asking to fuck me. After some consideration, Sir began to let me fulfill my role as his special little whore… but he locked my cock up first. Serves me right. I still thanked Sir though for reminding me of my place though.

Captions are fictional.



Killian Belliard par Alexis Salgues

Kirk shakes his head. Mr. Gilligan lives on the 14th floor, and his houseboy is always in here buying things for the meals he makes for his Master. The guy always seems to forget to put clothes on before he comes down here in the summer – not that anyone really complains. The women sure do loiter in the produce section though!

Kirk tries not to giggle at Mrs. Auburn (12th floor) staring shamelessly. At 83 she just did not care what people thought of her. Kirk restocks the oranges and admires the houseboy’s shapely legs, that high and sculpted ass. What a stud! One day, he’ll be wealthy enough to afford a houseboy… one day. The pyramid of oranges shifts and Kirk barely gets his arm around the friut to prevent it all from going on the floor. When Kirk regains control over his restocking, he looks up and the houseboy is gone. He sighs. Damn.

Captions are fictional.


Brian could not believe no one was making a move on that hot daddy. He was silver as they come, but still a stud. And at his age that dick was still rock hard! Brian was getting up there and was getting fed up with both the ageist 20 year old twinks, although he knew he used to be one. He crooked his finger. “Come here Daddy.” A look of relief came over the man’s face and he came over. Brian did his best to nurse that dick and make that Daddy moan. It was such a nice piece – he could get his whole hand on it and still had inches left over to suck! His own dick got hard without even touching it.

Captions are fictional.


SOMEONE your friend invited to this party is putting his hands all over YOUR boy – including groping his ass. Not only that, but this someone is leaning on your boy’s hospitality and desire to be polite by entrapping him against a wall, making it hard to get away. It will not stand. Absolutely not. You descended the stairs to assert custody over YOUR boy and get that stranger’s pervy hands away from him. Lord help that stranger if he tries to get fresh with you, or he’ll be icing his face later. You won’t have time for long fights. You have to escort your boy off to a private space and reassert your claim over him – or other men at the party may get ideas and move in. As you get closer, your boy shoots you a desperate look for assistance. You puff out your chest. This will NOT stand. He is YOURS.

Captions are fictional.


“So I dunno, I guess I could we should go, but it’ll eat up the time I have left here, and plus the drive itself is so long it’s almost not worth it for the time we’re actually there, and -oops-” Danny bends over to pick up my mail he’s dropped. “Especially with the cost of gas and everything, I–”

“Oh my god.”

Danny straightens up. “Oh my god what?”

“I just….I just… I uh. I just realized that I love you.”

Danny turns a little pink. “What?”

“When you bent over to get the mail, the sun was making the back of your ass and thighs glow and I thought you were so goddamn beautiful and confident and I realized how content I am spending time with you…and yeah, fuck.” I run my fingers through my hair. “I’m in love with you.”

Danny is now thorough red in the face and ears. “Why did you have to tell me this before my six week training session in Virginia?”

“I – I don’t know. It just popped in my head! But like, I dunno – like, maybe it’s because I want to make sure you come back.”

Danny sets the mail down and walks over to me. He cups my face in his hands. “I will be back.”

“Really?” I smile.

“Really. I was uh…hoping you’d ask me to come back, honestly,” Danny admits.

“Really?” I ask.

“Really,” Danny says. “But I’m not going to tell you I love you now.”

“Wait, why?” I ask.

“Cause I want to say it when I come back. Cause then I’ll definitely know.”

“You’re…not sure now?”

Danny caresses my cheek. “Honey, I think I’m still high from all the sex you’ve been doing to me. Need to let that fuck fog clear a little and think straight.”

That makes me laugh. “I’m not sure if I should be flattered or annoyed that my cock has cock blocked me.”

“Flattered,” Danny says. “Been some good times in this apartment. But I want to like, know, know. I want to know how it feels to be apart.”

I snake my hands around and cup his ass in both hands. “I’ll wait impatiently for six weeks to see you again and await your answer.”

Danny exhales. “I’m going to have to impatiently wait for you to handle my ass like this again. Christ, I’m gonna be so horny when I get back….”

“Maybe you should decide if you love me before your fuck fog turns into a frustration fog.”

Danny raises an eyebrow. “or maybe I just make a mould of your cock and use it as a dildo instead.”

“Honey if you wanted to do that, I’d pay for it! Shit’s hot!”

That makes Danny howl.

I smile. I don’t need him to tell me he loves me. I know he does. Just by the look in his eyes and the way he’s twisting my shirt in his fingers.

Six weeks later, I got the answer I hoped for, and began running the clock on when to propose.


Captions are fictional.


“See this ass? I mean LOOK at my ass, and my glorious thighs! I would always just stay home and jerk off instead of going to the gym, but man, I’m getting so much done in chastity.”

“Wow. I mean… yeah look at your definition.”
“Insane right?” Jake asks.
“Yeah, hot ass bro!”
“Thanks man,” Jake grins.
“Your man all over that ass?”
“ALL over. He’s a horny fucker!” Jake laughs.
“Do you get to cum, like ever?”
“Well, like once every two weeks?”
“That’s not too bad, really.”
“If I stay in it too long, my horniness just kind of empties and I feel sullen and cranky and restless. I’d love to go longer, but it’s best when fresh.”
“Insane, bro. I nut like almost every day.”
“You should try it,” Jake suggests.
“I could consider it. But like, can I tell you a secret?”
Jake scratches his toned ass. “What bro?”
The other gym patron grins and lowers his voice. “I kinda like feelin’ my dick move in my shorts when I’m on the treadmill.”
Jake laughs and clutches his sides .”Oh dude! Hilarious! Yeah you can’t really feel that in a tight cage! But man, we are definitely gym buddies now.”
“I’d love a gym buddy. Wanna spot me on reps?”
“Love it. I have a feeling you won’t mind roving eyes.” Jake winks.
“Nah man. Definitely not. Knowing you’re off limits makes it especially hot.”

Jake raises an eyebrow. “I’m gonna come home super horny and my man is gonna be sooo caught off guard when I tackle him.”
The man snorts. “You can thank me later! Goddamn your ass though…unf…”

Captions are 100% fictional.


“Honey, why are you putting on heels? You just got out of the shower.”
“They’re so pretty I just want to wear them…”
“You can’t walk around the shower room in them, you’ll slip. Dry off, moisturize, put your hose on, THEN you can put off your heels.”
He sighs. “But… can’t I get ready in them if I’m careful?”
“No. For your own safety. Give me the heels.”
“What? No!”
“Yes. Give me the heels. You’ll get them back once you’re ready.”
There’s a loud sigh. “You will give them back.”

“I will. I promise. My feet are too big for those heels anyway.”
“…Fine.” More sighing. “They’re so pretty though…”
“Good lord you are worse than my sister.”
“These were your sisters shoes.”
“Yeah, and you wear them better. Now go get ready.”
Fine, fine. and yes, I know I wear them better. And I have a better ass.”
“Absolutely no comment on that!’

Captions are fictional.


I sit on the sofa. “Hey babe.”
Marcelo tilts his head up and smiles at me. “Hey. How was your walk?”
“Productive. I’ve made a big decision.”
Marcelo furrows his brow. He reaches for the remote and turns off the television. “Is it about us?” he asks gently.
I shake my head. “No, it’s about me.” How could it be him? He’s so beautiful and lovely and kind. If he would just put his dishes in the dishwasher, he’d be damn near perfect.
“Are you alright?” Marcelo reaches out and I grasp his hand.

I take a big breath. “I think I have an issue with cocaine. I think I need to stop. And I don’t think I can.”
Marcelo stares at me a moment and slowly sits up. “But…you haven’t done it since Saturday, right? At Pembroke’s?”

I brush a tear away from my cheek. “No. When you go to work, I’ve been…like every day…” I sniffle.
Marcelo exhales softly. “Oh fuck.” He looks hurt, and I can’t look at him. “Come here,” he murmurs. I put my arms around myself and shrink, but Marcelo pulls me close. I melt at the sensation of his hard muscular body wrapped around me. I cry softly into his shoulder. “I haven’t had it today and it’s all I want.”
Marcelo nuzzles me. “Thank you for telling me. I didn’t realize you had been hiding it, and that’s…kind of a shock. But thank you so much for telling me. You’re very important to me, and I still love you a lot-”
I make an embarrassing loud sob.
“and we can work on this together ok?”
I nod.
“Get you some treatment ok?”
I nod. “It’s not fun anymore. I hate how I’m thinking about it more than you. I love you, and I don’t want to lose this thing we have together because of some stupid drug. Oh god am I drug addict?”

Marcelo gives me a squeeze. “No. You’re just a bit dependent right now. We’ll nip it in the bud. It’ll be better.”
I find some courage to look up at his beautiful mahogany eyes. “You think so?”
“Yes. Where’s my phone…we need to get some resources going.”
He leans forward and picks up his phone.
I caress his arm. “I love you,” I whisper.
“I love you more.” He kisses me. “Don’t forget that ok? Just…please?”
My bottom lip trembles. “Never.”

He smiles and exhales. “Good. Now let’s get started on this.”
I feel tired suddenly. Just totally drained. Shaky. Nauseous. More than I did this morning. Even now, I just want some of that powder upstairs in the drawer…
Marcelo looks at me and for a moment I think he’s reading my mind.
“Do you still have cocaine in the house?”
My eyes widen. I don’t answer him for a moment. It would be so easy to say no. Just…to have it as a back up… My eyes roam from up Marcelo’s sculpted limbs and washboard abs and that prominent bulge in his underwear. No, that was much more important. “Yes,” I whisper.
“Show me,” he says. Marcelo takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Once he has my stash, we sit on the bed together and make a plan. 

Captions are fictional.


“HEY! Leave my houseboy alone! Get your hands off him or I’ll beat your ass!” Cosmo sighs. I can’t even go swimming without someone lusting after his ass. Even with the collar and the chastity device! Do I need to hang a sign on him that says ‘do not touch’? Mmmn. No. I think I need to get the boy a taser. “Boy come here.” Cosmo waits for the boy to jog behind him, hiding behind a massive fluffy towel. “He’s creepy Sir!”
“Boy, did you say no?”
“…In a polite way.”
“Did you tell him to fuck off?”
The boy gasps. “I can’t tell an alpha man that!”
“You can’t tell ME that,” Cosmo corrected, “But if someone is harassing you, you tell THEM that.”
The lad looks horrified.
Cosmo raises an eyebrow. “I think I trained you too formally. Say fuck.”
“…Fuck?” he whispers.
Cosmo laughs. “You’re adorable. Say fuck off!”
“Fuck off!”
Cosmo laughs harder. “Ok, that doesn’t work.”
The houseboy makes a face. “What if I try a different tactic?”
“Like what?” Cosmo asks.
The houseboy straightens his shoulders. “Fuck me?”

Cosmo’s eyebrows shoot up. “Ohh that’s brave of you. But I could get used to that…”
The houesboy wonders if he’s made mistake.
“You want me to fuck you right now, boy?”
“Sir you uh, look really hot in that Speedo and I’ve been locked for quite a while…”
“Tell me you want me to fuck you boy.”
The boy squares his shoulders again. “Fuck me, Sir.”

Cosmo smirks. “Let’s go back to the yacht. I love screwing on that chair on the deck.”
The boy nods enthusiastically. It had been an educational day. “Oh uh, here is your towel Sir.”

“Thank you boy.” Cosmo swats him on the butt. “On with you now. You’re giving the orders today!”
The houseboy wonders what he’s gotten into…giving orders to Sir?? Just much could he get away with…?

Captions are fictional.



Holy cow. I am becoming a Daddy. When did THAT happen? when did all this grey happen? When did my ass get so big? When did I stop wearing jock straps? I must be seriously getting old… fuck..

Art picked up his phone and texted one of his favorite sluts. “Hey Damien, am I too old? Will the gays think I’m creepy?”
Damien texted back: “???? Where is this coming from? Sure you’re a little silver, but you got this confident mature thing really works for you.”
“Uh duh. And besides, it’s only creepy when old dudes pretend they’re still 20. You don’t do that. You strut it.”
“Wow, thanks. You want a photo of me in my underwear?”
“Also duh. Also not in your underwear too…”
Art sent him both.
“Fuck you are so sexy Daddy. Would it be rude to invite myself over? I haven’t had sex in two days…”
“Never rude. Bring wine.”
“Mmm yes Daddy.”
Art gave himself another look in the mirror. “I could get used to being a Daddy.” He tossed the phone on the bed. Better go get the lube and condoms ready. Damien always wore him out.

Captions are fictional.