
“You’re concerned someone’s gonna see us?” Brandon walks over the window. “Baby no one is gonna see us. Look, it opens up to the back of the hotel. No one is even parked here, it’s the middle of the day. Look at this gorgeous sunlight spilling into here.”
“But someone could walk by…”
Brandon glances outside the window again. “There’s no one there, baby. But honestly?” Brandon pulls on the cord and the blinds go up. “I hope they do. I want everyone to see me breeding you. You know why, Nate? Cause you are fucking beautiful when you’re lost in it. That’s when I know whether or not I’m hitting it right, just by your face. Anyone walks by us and see us? Good. Shit, they gonna be jealous.” Brandon throws his towel on the chair and stands there naked. “Guarantee they ain’t be fucked as good as you get it on a bad day. Maybe seeing you will be a relevation to them.”
Nate tries to stammer out a response to that but it won’t come. He’s hard as piece of rebar.
Brandon strolls over to the bed with purpose. “I suggest you put your head down and your ass up; cause the sooner you do, the sooner you won’t be thinking about this damn window at all.”

Captions are fictional.


Jason pushes his shirt up.
“Above the nipples,” Paul states in that firm baritone.
Jason does but he’s averting Paul’s gaze.
“Beautiful.” Paul runs his palm down Jason’s flat stomach. He pushes his fingers into his hair and curls his fingers around Jason’s penis. It’s heavy, but not fully hard.
Heat rushes into Paul’s hand. This makes him smirk a little. Jason moves his knees together but Paul puts a hand on his thigh. “No, pet.” Jason vocalizes in protest. His cheeks are pink as hell. Paul looks him over and shakes his head slightly in amusement. He figured Jason would get less embarrassed over time, but he is still shy as ever. It’s utterly exploitable. Paul continues his motions, bringing Jason to full stiffness.

Once satisfied, Paul lets his hand fall away and examines his work. Jason’s cock bobs in mid-air, dark red. “Excellent.” He pushes Jason back so he falls back, head on the pillow. Jason exclaims in surprise and blinks up at Paul, startled.
“Just taking a shortcut, pet. For some reason, you’ve made me impatient today.” Paul reaches for the lube. Jason’s eyes follow him. He swallows hard. Paul lubricates his throbbing erection, staring directly at Jason, making sure he’s watching.
“After all this time, is it still hard for you to stare at another man’s cock?”
Jason swallows hard, again, but doesn’t answer.
“Do you not look at yourself in the mirror?”
“It’s different,” he stammers.
“Oh is it?”
Paul tilts his head a little. “I suppose it is all different for you. You know, being straight and all.” He tosses the lube aside and pushes up Jason’s legs, leaving slick fingerprints on his legs. Jason gives him a helpless look of mild fear and panic. Paul loves how hard this expression makes him feel. He is quite surprised every time Jason makes it this far. The first time was a drunken escapade that could have easily been discarded and forgotten, but when Jason came back to him? Paul does not understand it, but he has seized the opportunity regardless.

Jason is always tight because he refuses to practice. Paul would love to stretch him, but on the flip side, watching Jason’s face contort in discomfort and feel his muscular body wiggle under him nearly brings Paul to orgasm. He pins his shoulders to the bed and waits for Jason to adjust to Paul’s cock inside him. Paul feeds him one inch at a time, never compromising or hinting that anything less than all is acceptable. Because it won’t work if he doesn’t hit Jason’s prostate. The whole game will be spoiled.

Paul needs to see Jason’s lips part and listen to him gasp; he needs Jason to arch his back. He needs to see his eyes rolling back under half-closed lids. Paul needs to make sure Jason is thorough educated as to why he lets Paul fuck him. The lesson needs to stick. Paul knows how Jason thinks. Jason always tells himself this is the last time, until time passes, and he remembers…and needs it again… and he sneaks away from his girlfriend to spend time with Paul.

Paul thrusts into Jason and moans at the noises he makes. “Stroke yourself, pet. Do it. It’s not an option. Touch yourself. There you go, good pet. Stroke. I want both of my hands free to bring you to peak. Don’t stop stroking until you’ve cum. I want to see you splatter all over yourself. Show me how good my cock feels inside you. Show me.

Captions are fictional.


Wallace slams the truck door. “BOY!” he hollers. “Did your clothes get baled too?”
“They’re in the back of the other truck.” He turns around and grins. “Too hot for clothes.” 
“Jesus you’re naked as the day you came out.”
Leroy glances down. “I’m wearing my boots still.”
“Uh huh.” 
“When I was sent out here for work release, I read those terms and conditions, and it didn’t say a thing about wearing clothes.” Leroy puts his hands on his hips.
Wallace wipes his forehead with his bandana. “It does say you need to wear appropriate clothes for the job.”
“Job’s done. Hay is all baled.”
“What? All of it?” Wallace glances at his watch. “How.”
“We lightened the clothes, and lightened the work load!” Lenny says. The other men behind the bales laugh with him.
“Man I pity the judge who had to handle you in court,” Wallace mutters.
That makes Leroy grin. 

“So what do you say Sir, have I earned some time in the swimming hole? I really want to go swimming, we all do. Please please please.”
Wallace’s eyes are stuck on Leroy’s toned, sun kissed body, marked with tan lines and bits of hay stuck to his work-honed muscles. “Jesus,” he mutters. He’s seen him shirtless, but full frontal is a lot to take in. Wallace shakes his head and turns his attention to the bales. He walks around in big circles and glances around the field. “Well fuck me, it has all been baled.” 
“Leroy came up with a more efficient way to do it. Got em on the truck in no time,” Jose explains as he comes around a large bale.
“Well isn’t that something. I’ll want the details later.” Wallace looks at Leroy – his face this time. “You couldn’t use those brain cells to avoid getting into trouble with the law in the first place?”
Leroy snickers. “Oh I knew I was going to get into trouble. Just didn’t care.”
That makes the work party laugh again.
“Man, Wallace, I hope you keep this one. He’s a riot!” Jose says.

Wallace wants a beer and badly. “God help all y’all. Alright, clean up the equipment, and you can get a swim in before the dinner bell.”
The men whoop and holler.
Leroy licks his lips. “You’re welcome to join us, Sir. We’ll uh, be skinny dipping.” He winks. 
“I don’t need to see everyone naked.”
“Shame. I’d like to see you naked though.” Leroy blows him a kiss and walks off to find his clothes.

Wallace’s eyebrows shoot up into his cowboy hat. A swim did sound ideal…seeing water sluice off that man’s body also sounds ideal. Wallace crosses himself. “Lord Jesus help me not give into temptation,” he mutters under his breath. The words didn’t feel like they were going to do much to protect him. His cock is straining against the denim of his jeans.

Captions are fictional.


Raine adjusted his tie and watched the lad sleep. The way his butt cheek was peeping out of the blankets was like a fresh loaf of bread, and Raine rather wanted to smack it. But it contradicted his desire to watch the boy sleep.

For this business trip, he’d finally indulged in one of those services where you show up in your hotel room and there’s a beautiful boy of your specifications waiting for you. Raine had low expectations, but now he was thinking of getting a subscription. What a fine specimen this one was – what was his name? Matt He’d had some training, that’s for sure. And stamina. Something about New York lads, they had so much spirit.

Raine lamented that Matt wouldn’t here when he got back. He took a last look, picked up his briefcase, and put his hand on the door knob.

“Are you leaving?”
Raine paused with the door open an inch and looked over his shoulder. “Oh you’re awake. Sadly, yes. I have a meeting. Stay as long as you’d like, order room service. Use the spa. Whatever you’d like. You earned it last night.”
Matt lifted his head. “Mnnf. I appreciate that, but shame I don’t have time to suck you off again this morning.”
Raine sighed in regret. “Are you free tonight?”
“I have another appointment, but it’s late. I’m actually going to a baseball game tonight, if you want to come with me.”
Raine raises an eyebrow. “The Mets game?”
He began to chuckle. “My clients are taking us there tonight. They have a box.”
Matt grinned. “Shall we randomly run into each-other and misbehave?”
“I quite like you New York boys.” Raine put his foot in the door, set down the briefcase, and pull out a business card. He set it on the desk near the door. “Text me. And if you want to be paid for your time, that can be arranged.”
“Ohhhh no I love this kind of shit, I’m doing this for free.”
Raine raised an eyebrow. “You are trouble, I can tell. I need to get going Matt. Enjoy your morning.”
“I will, even though my mouth is empty.” Matt blew Raine a kiss.
Raine could not believe that such dirty words came out such cherubic lips on an angelic face. It was hard to leave him behind.

He was right about Matt being trouble though. Raine checked his phone during a break in the meeting, and discovered Matt had been sending him photos of him masturbating on the hotel sheets. Raine had trouble explaining to his co-workers why he was smirking in a meeting about finance.

Captions are fictional.


Woah, woah goddamn. Look at that man. I would make him a project. I could spend a couple hours in an dungeon finding all sensitive spots. Hell, I’d settle for a couple hours in a hotel room with him until my balls emptied. Joshua slipped off the wall and jogged after that shadow disappearing into the club house. “Hey hot stuff, hold on! I need to shamelessly proposition you!”

Captions are fictional.


“So anyway,” Tanner lights the clove cigarette. “He begs me to come on this trip. It’s a LBGT friendly resort. Clothing option. It’ll be fun, he says, off the grid, river fun, camping, you name it. And yeah, it’s a lot of fun being stuck out in the woods after you catch your boyfriend sleeping with another guy he met last night.”
“That really sucks. Did he drive here?”
“Yep.” Tanner exhales. “I’m gonna see if I can find an early ride out.”
“Are you not enjoying the camping experience?”
“I mean, I was having a good time. I was even starting to feel glad I came. Stupid me. Now every time I’m at camp it’s awkward as hell.”
“Well, why don’t you come join our campsite?”
Tanner looks at me and takes another drag. “Yours? But there’s like four people in your group.”
“We got two tents, Maureen puts the seats down and sleeps in her car, so I got a lot of room in mine. We got more than enough food, chip in if you want. Just bring your sleeping bag. Or you know, share mine.”
Tanner chuckles. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t think it was too forward of me to ask. You have a stunning body.”
The corner of Tanner’s mouth lifts a little. “Why thank you. You know, Will always compared himself to me. He liked to say negging things like – oh my shirt is a little loose on you, oh I think you can lift this, but if you can’t, I got it.” He exhaled. “What did I ever see in that douchebag.”
“Maybe you were blinded by his winning smile.”
Tanner snorts. “Maybe.” He puts the cigarette out. “Alright, if it’s ok with your camp friends, I’d like to join your group. I’ll pay you back with my butt.”
I caress it with my hand and move my palm down his thigh. “Incredible. Solid beef.”
Tanner blushes. “Thank you. Um, if I may ask…what happened to your leg?”
“Motorcycle accident. My foot was basically detached and the ankle was destroyed so they took it below the knee.”
“Wow. Looks cool though.”
I gesture to the part where it attaches to my body. “There’s sensors in here that read the electrical impulses from my muscles and move with me. It’s incredible.”
Tanner whistles. “Wow, before I was going to tell everyone this trip was defined by being cheated on, but now I get to tell everyone I slept with a bionic man.”

I grin. “Well you have to actually sleep with me before you say that.”

Tanner stands up and stretches. “I think that’ll be a fun post S’mores activity don’t you think?”
“Kissing you will be delicious.”
Tanner smiles. “I like you. I’m glad we met. What’s, um, what’s your name again?”

I laugh. “Valentin. Most people call me Val.”
“Nice to meet you Val.” We shake hands. 
“I’m gonna go get my stuff.”
“I’ll come help.”

We walk off chatting. Tanner seems to be in a much better mood. I hang back a bit to stare at his ass. I can’t believe my luck – his ex had to be an idiot for letting this boy go!

Captions are fictional.


“Good morning people of Italy! Hello, yes. I got laid last night! Yes, I did. You ma’am, you should get laid tonight. I highly recommend it. You too Sir!”

Giacomo walks into the bedroom. “Dio mio, George, what are you doing?”
“Talking to the locals.”
“These are my neighbors, you silly lad.”
George grins. “They need to know you’re a stud.”
Giacomo blushes. “They don’t need to know that. Especially Mrs. Russo.”
“But you are so good in bed and we don’t have a town crier, so what am I supposed to do?”
Giacomo pulls George close and reaches back to cup his buttcheeks in each hand. “I’ll have to fuck you until you scream raw or I can gag you.”
George gasps. “Is both an option?”
“It is. Tell me, how long is your tourist visa again?”
“30 days, but my flight leaves in four days.”
Giacomo thinks. “Extend it. I’ll take you to the country. We can fuck in a very lovely field and my mum will make you fat.”
George smiles. “Will there be locals I can brag to?”
“Well some, but every time you open your mouth, my mum will put food in it, so I think we’re safe.”
“I think I like this idea. Consume calories, burn calories.” George chews on his lip. “You’re ok being attached to a bumbling, horny, American tourist for the next week?”
“If by attached, you mean because my cock is in you? Yes. And I like having you around. You’re entertaining. You comment on everything with wonder…even sometimes when you’re not supposed to. Where are you from again?”
George makes a face. “Flower Mound, Texas.”
“What is a mound?” Giacamo tilts his head.
“A very small hill.”
“What a strange name for a town. Do flowers not grow anywhere else?”
”Oh they do.”
“How strange. Is it an ok place to live?”
George thinks. “It’s safe, middle class, and boring. And there aren’t hot Italian men there who seduce me at discos and lure me into their rooms with bread and wine.”
“Sounds like a sad place for a mound,” Giacomo says. He kisses George on the lips. “I need to inform you that you need a bath, young man. Come, I have the best soap to lather you up in.”
“mmnnmmnn. Can we eat bread and drink wine after?”
“Yes we can. With cheese, of course.”
“God I love Italy.”
“I do my best to represent my nation.”
George pecks Giacomo on the lips again. “I feel very welcomed.”

Captions are fictional.


I sat down next to Kayden.
“So talk to me, what’s with you picking these fights with Jess?”
Kayden shrugged. “He bothers me.”
“He’s not purposely going out of his way to annoy you. You don’t seem to like being around him.”
Kayden scuffed his shoe on the ground. “I don’t know, I just get irritated when he’s around.”
“Well we still have a couple more days of this fitness bootcamp retreat to get through, so we need to figure out what’s causing the tension. Are you jealous of him for some reason?”
“No…he can lift more than me, but I’m happy with how much I’m lifting right now.”
“Then what is it?” I ask. 
Kayden doesn’t answer. He doesn’t seem to know.
“Kay, were you getting regular sex before the retreat?”
Kay blinked at me. His cheeks turned pink. “I mean, steady enough. There’s always someone in the locker room if I want it.”
“You’re around a lot of big dudes here. Have you been masturbating?”

Kay’s face turned more red. He moved his thighs together. “Um. Not really. I’m sharing a room, remember? And I’m so tired before I go to bed… maybe like once in the shower.”
I nod. “You’re focused so much on your exercise, you’ll neglecting self care. Is it not unrealistic that you want him to fuck you and you’re annoyed he isn’t sensing it?”
“I dunno. But he is really hot, and it is annoyingly distracting,” Kayden muttered.
“Ah.” I smiled. “I don’t think you even realize you’re trying to ask for it telepathically, and he isn’t receiving your signals.”

Kayden rubbed his face with his hands. “I don’t even know what I want. But he is really hot! His balls are so big too, it’s so hard not to stare.”
“Yeah I’ve had a conversation with him about making sure he’s in appropriate fitting jock straps. Well, Kayden, you want me to ask if he’ll fuck you?”
“He won’t,” Kayden lamented. “He’s so out of my league.”

“Nonsense. You’re gorgeous and you take care of your body. If he’s got two brain cells he’ll want you.”
Kayden lifts his head. “You think so?”
“I do. How about this. There’s an unused room in my cabin. And bigger beds, cause it’s for the counselors normally. After dinner, come over, and I’ll send him to you.”
“You’d really do that?” Kayden whispered.
“Hey, fitness is a full body thing. If I’m teaching you to neglect part of your health, I’ve failed you on this retreat.”

It was Kayden’s turn to smile. “Thanks, Coach. But what if he doesn’t want me?”
“Well, you’re quite young and I don’t want to set the precedent that I’m using my clients as a meat market, but if you need to get laid I will take care of your needs if you want. Or find someone who can. You’re a cute gym bunny, shouldn’t be hard.”
Kayden fussed with his shorts. “You’re very nice.”
“Of course. You can talk to me any time.”
“Thanks Coach. Now that I think about it, I’m excited to get laid.” Kayden kept his head high as he stood. “I’m going to go back to doing some laps.”
“Good boy. Drink water.” I gave his butt a pat as he jogged past.

Before dinner, I waited outside the dining hall until Jess walked pass and I snagged his arm.
“Hey Coach, what gives?”
“Need to talk to you a sec.” I pulled him to the side.
“What’s up?”
“If you still want Kayden, come to me after dinner. He’ll be waiting in a room in my cabin.”
Jess’s face lit up. “Really? How did you arrange that?”
“Wasn’t hard. He wants the same thing.”
“What? Really? He’s been so cold and confusing with his signals. I’ve been wanting his twink ass as soon as I got here!”
I chuckled. “Yeah his dick knows what it wants, but his brain is full of protein shakes and lap counts. You two are both giving eachother the wrong signals.”
“I can have him for sure after dinner tonight?” Jess said in a loud whisper. 
“For sure,” I said. “And I got lube and stuff from the nurses office. No sweat.”
Jess glanced around. “Is Kayden here yet?”
“Hey. Don’t make it obvious. I don’t want this becoming a hook up retreat ok? Subtle.”
“Yeah yeah,” Jess said with a serious nod. “Subtle.” 

I had originally planned to put both boys in an unused room in their cabin, but I was glad I chose to use mine. Kayden’s moans and cries of sheer pleasure as Jess fucked his sweet, needy ass filled my bedroom down the hall. I leaned back against my pillow and slowly stroked myself to Kayden’s noises of pleasure. 

Captions are fictional.


“Hey boy, are you coming in from sunbathing now?”
“Uh what?” Carlos swivels his head around until he spots Tom standing in an upstairs window. “Oh. Yes, I am.”
“Good. Get your ass up here please, I got a load to shoot into it. Got a mighty need for it.”
“Oh! Yes, Tom, coming right now!”
“That’s a good boy.”

Captions are fictional.



The level of control and dominance my stepbrother has over me is increasing day by day.

You came home from college for New Years and Christmas, and you were not pleased you finally had meet your new step-siblings. Why did your mom have to get remarried to a man who had kids? Her new husband had a son like a year older than you, and it annoyed you to suddenly have a step brother. A step brother who was more handsome, a better athlete, and a better student. And of course, he had a perfect girlfriend. Ugh. Brian annoyed you immediately.

Things took a really unexpected turn the day before Christmas. He sat down next to you on the sofa once and saw the Grindr app on your phone. You pulled your phone away, but Brian mouthed “Grindr huh?” at you, and you knew you were busted. Your mom you were gay, but why did your step family have to know? You busied yourself with getting a drink to hide how hard you were blushing. But who could blame you? You hadn’t gotten fucked in days, and being stuck in here with Brian was really really annoying. Mostly because he was annoying, but also because he was looking hotter every time you saw him in sunlight.

That evening, after everyone had gone to bed, there was a knock on your door. It was Brian. You told him to go away. He said you two needed to talk. Letting Brian in may have been a mistake – because he was in his underwear.  You asked him what that was about. Brian said he knew why you two were clashing so much, and he knew how you two could get along. And he pulled off his underwear. Christ, and he was also beautifully hung, cause of course he was.
“Wait what?” You sputtered. “You said you had a girlfriend!”
“Yeah,” Brian said. “I do. But fucking boys is a lot more fun.” And then he got on the bed. And on top of you.

So…it had gone on for the entirety of your trip home, him sneaking into your room after everyone had gone to bed. Brian was getting increasingly bold. Your need to be fucked and given release by a man was being held hostage by Brian, who saw he could claim you without competition pretty much whenever he wanted. He made a move for you in the mall bathroom. In a parking lot. In the car, while running an errand for his dad.  

You were beginning to think you’d never make it back to college without being caught! Every time you got away with having sex or fooling around, it felt like that would the last. Brian had big balls in more ways than one.

By the time you go back to Stanford, your roommates all had the same mentality, “Man, I can’t wait to get laid again. Being with my family over break gave me serious blue balls.”
You just groaned. “Different story with me, man. My new step brother sniffed me right out. He barely let me sleep!”
There wasn’t a ton of pity. Everyone agreed that any gay man worth his salt could sniff out the fact you were a rather needy bottom. Most of your mates just wanted to hear the details.

Captions are fictional.