Hughes held onto Aiden’s collar firm, making eye contact the whole time he was pounding his body. He pushed up on his toes and with a grunt, filled Aiden with three days of seed. He remained there for longer than Aiden was expecting, pumping out an endless amount of cum. “Nnng! Fuck, that feels good!” With a sigh of contentment, he pulled out and stripped off the condom. He tied it off. “Hate we have to wear these. Would love to put my load up in you. You’re a good fuck.” He threw it in the trash.
“Thank you, Sir,” Aiden said.
“If I see your Master around, I’ll let him know what a good lay you are.” Hughes gave Aiden’s flank two pats of appreciation and then left.

As he exited, someone else Aiden didn’t know that well caught the door and came in.
“God, thought he would never finish,” the new man grumbled. He unzipped his leather pants, rolled on a condom, grabbed the lube, and pushed up Aiden’s thighs. Aiden sucked in air through his teeth as he was penetrated – this man had a wide mushroom head and it stretched him until it popped in.
“That’s a good boy,” the man murmured as he sank into Aiden. He didn’t take long – he jack rabbited it for an intense minute and suddenly exploded into the condom.
Aiden could feel the heat of it and he gasped. “Woah.”
“Yeah, I told you I needed that,” the man sneered. He pulled out slowly and Aiden hissed when that thick head slid out of his hole again.
He didn’t leave the room right away. Instead, he cupped and fondled Aiden’s balls. Aiden whimpered; they were so sensitive and full. Sensing his squirming, the man switched to handling and inspecting his chastity cage. “Fuck, this so hot. Someone is lucky they got to collar and lock you first.”
“I am lucky Sir,” Aiden said in a breathless voice. “Thank you for using my hole Sir.”
“I can tell you like it. Look at you leaking now. Hot. I’ll be back for sure.” He threw the condom in the trash and left.

To Aiden’s surprise, another hand caught the door when the man left.
“Oh hi Master,” Aiden said as a familiar form came into the room.
Master Newman was eating fries out of a fast food bag. “Hello boy. You know, someone stopped me in the hallway right now to give your praises.”
“Oh they did Sir?” Aiden asked. He was looking at his Master from between his spread knees.
“They did. Very nice to hear that. You earned yourself this bison burger that’s for sure. Sit up and go wash your hands. After you eat, I’ll clean you up and inspect you.”
Aiden groaned as he sat up. “Thank you Sir, I am really hungry.”
“How many did you take?” Master Newman peered into the trashcan. “Oh quite a few.” Master cupped the back of Aiden’s head and gave him a salty kiss. “Good boy. Go wash up.”
Aiden smiled. “Yes Sir, thank you Sir. Will I get your load later Sir? It’s so frustrating feeling the heat of cum without feeling the wetness of it…”
“You will. Need to milk you a bit and edge you, and you’ll get my cock at the end of it.”
“Will I get to cum?”
“Nope,” Master Newman smirked.
Aiden groaned. “Fuck Sir, to be honest, I want your cock more than I want this burger or to have an orgasm Actually, I think I could cum just from you fucking me.”
Master Newman raised an eyebrow. He looked pleased. “Good. You should always want your Master’s cock. But before you get it, you need nutrition first. I won’t have you passing out on me when I have you strung up on the ceiling. Go. Wash.”
It was hard to argue with that. “Yes Sir.” Aiden’s stomach grumbled in agreement.

Captions are fictional.


“Heh. That’s funny. You think it’s optional. It’s not. I am gonna fix that little stuck-up attitude of yours, and you’re gonna thank me in the end for flogging your pretty ass. You’re going to be a lot happier after I put you back in your place, so you don’t have to constantly be compensating for being out of it.”

Captions are fictional.


Tied up and gagged again ☺️❤️

Marcus came to check on Joe. “How are you doing?”
“Better,” Joe said. “But I every time I think of Todd I just want to punch him in the face.”
“Well. That’s a normal thing with Todd. The trick is to be able to have those thoughts without punching him in the face.”
“He needs a good punch in the face.”
Marcus folded his arms. “Well. Yes. But it never ends at that. You can seriously hurt or even kill someone if you punch them wrong. And it doesn’t take him down, it’ll just get worse. You know this. How many times have you been arrested or detained for fighting?”
Joe didn’t answer.
“Uh huh. You know. Learning to be at peace with your aggression is your salvation. Either that, or we have to start making some medical decisions about curbing your testosterone.”
Joe exhaled. “I know that. I hate it. I feel like the Hulk sometimes.”
“I’ll get better,” Marcus said.
“I’m glad you pulled me off him and put me in time out, Marcus. I was hoping you would. I’m scared I’m going to get dependent on that.”
Marcus made a noise in his throat. “That would be a problem. Maybe you need a shock collar.”
“Are you serious?”
“I don’t know,” Marcus said. “But I had another suggestion.”
“What?” Joe asks.
“I think enrolling you in some sort of martial art – an aggressive one like Brazilian Ju Jitsu or something – may help?”
Joe rolled on his side to look at Marcus. “How would sending me to fighting classes make me STOP fighting?”
“Cause it’d give you an outlet for your energy and aggression, but you’d learn how to control it and your strength. Learn some discipline. You work in an office. You don’t work out enough. You need an outlet. Something involving grappling.”
Joe thought. “That sounds kind of fun….”
“Better than a shock collar?”
“Yeah. Or being castrated,” Joe snorts.
“You know I’d never cut your balls off,” Marcus retorted. “I like to play with them too much.”
Joe laughs. “Yeah you do. You could get me neuticles or something though.”
“Oh dear god,” Marcus snorted. “Yeah no. Alright, I’ll look into it for you, boy.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“You’re welcome. You have another twenty minutes with your thoughts and I’ll come untie you for a break ok?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Think you’ll be calm enough by then? Todd’s long gone.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Good boy. Holler if you need anything.”
“Could I get some water please?”
“Absolutely.” Marcus gave Joe’s foot a squeeze. “Be right back.”

Joe wiggled around for a moment and got comfortable again. Marcus was so patient with him. He felt more and more embarrassed about his out-of-control aggression every time he had to come tell Marcus what he’d done, head bowed, tail between his legs, bruises on his knuckles. But Marcus never punished him. Just disciplined him, or tied him and showed him stillness.
And for once in his life, Joe felt like he could be saved. He loved Marcus a lot. He never wanted to be a good boy for anyone before. But for Marcus, it mattered. He didn’t want to let him down. Did Marcus really think ju-jitsu would be a good outlet for him? Joe was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t hear Marcus come back with water and startled when he appeared in his peripheral vision.

Captions are fictional.




Puppy would not sit still while you were baking and kept jumping on you, causing you to spill and make messes. If he were still, all you heard was whine whine whine! It was like you never fed the pup. If he had been good, he would get to lick a beater. But no, he was being a bad puppy so he got… well, secured. And he had to stay like that, the smell of the cookies baking filling the house. You didn’t untie him when the oven beeped either – only when the cookies were finally cooled. On then did you untie him. Even then, Puppy still had to sit and stay to receive a cookie. You were pleased that he was obedient and earned his cookie. Lessons are sometimes learned through rewards. You knew he would never let the nightmare of being denied a beater haunt him again.

Captions are fictional.


Jeremy grabs the leash firm at the collar. “Boy. It’s not polite to hump.”
“…But you look so pretty Sir.”
Jeremy tries not to smile but it’s very hard. “That’s not the right answer boy.”
“My apologies Sir. I’ll try to keep my arousal under control. I don’t want to embarrass you.”
“You keep it under control, or I’ll do it with bars and chains and rope. Heel.”
The boy sits up straight at Sir’s side.  "Will do Sir.“
"Good boy. Remember, good behavior can move up your milking date.”
“Very good reminder Sir,” the boy says. He feels suddenly very foolish for letting his training slip and embarrassing him. He wants to be a good boy.

Captions are fictional.


Jasper was about to leave the house when he realized something was off. He paused in the door with his duffel in one hand, and his crop in the other. Jasper put the crop in his mouth and did a check – keys, cellphone, wallet, change of clothes, all in his duffel. What was it? It wasn’t his lack of shirt – that he packed. Besides he got sweaty and hot immediately when he was Domming and always took it off within minutes. No need to wear it there. It was balmy out tonight anyway.

Jasper reached for his duffel when he realized what was missing.
“My gloves,” he groaned through the crop in his teeth. He tromped upstairs and picked up his soft leather gloves off his dresser. Jasper slid them on and admired how well they fit, how different he felt. He was glad he remembered.

He wasn’t sure what boys he’d be working with tonight, but he knew those boys made judgements on first impressions. And if Jasper had forgotten something, and figured out later, the boys would know. They would sense he wasn’t ready. Wasn’t dressed. These boys put a lot of trust in you to rock their world. You gotta have full confidence when walk in there, promising to own their asses and conquer their bodies.

Yeah, you really had to be ready for anything. Jasper glanced at himself in the mirror before he left his bedroom. What a fine looking man he’d grow up into. He smirked. The gloves were already working their magic. Jasper hummed to himself as he went downstairs. He hoped Gabriel was at the dungeon tonight – boy was pale and fuzzy, and had an ass like a ripe peach begging to be split open until the juices down his fingers.

Jasper was fantasizing about his last session with Gabriel as he headed out the door. The leather of his gloves creaked as he picked up his duffel. He tucked his crop under his arm, and went into the night.

Captions are fictional.



“Such a heavy collar and chain. Locked up tight. Someone wanted a guard dog, it seems. But your diet is poor, and it is way too warm out here to leave you in leather pants. And look at this! Your water bowl has dried up in this heat. Poor puppy. You are too adorable to be neglected. You are at risk of heat stroke too. Don’t worry. we are going to take you back to the shelter where you’ll get a nice cool bath. We’ll have a stern talking with your owner too. If he doesn’t want the responsibility, well…I’d be happy to foster you.”

Captions are fictional.