

Feeling right at home in Seattle thanks to @seabondagesadist

My whole life, I’d been drifting. One apartment to another, one motel to another. Then, one foster home to another. Constantly rotating. Never settling. I barely graduated. Tried college for a bit, but got antsy. I traveled around doing various labor jogs in the gas industry. During the day, I’d work brutal 12 hour shifts and at night, I’d go online and talk to this guy Blake in Washington State. We had a lot in common – same tastes in TV shows, same kinks, same preferences toward men. He liked them a bit furry and well, I happened to be a pretty textbook otter. Soon we moved the conversations to phone calls and text messages, although that soon turned into sexting. No matter where I went, Blake was just one click or call away. I became a little addicted to him. Blake was my anchor.

When yet another job dried up, this one in Alaska, Blake said: “Come live with me.” I was astonished. It had been two years, but we had never met. I expressed some concern and he said, “Well come stay with me until your next job”. I had no where else to go, so I did what I always did and just drifted. This time, south. I hitched in Canada and guess where he was going? Seattle. I felt that I was being pulled there, so I went.

I found myself so excited to meet Blake for the first time. It was a feeling I wasn’t using to experiencing. I was nervous, jittery. Our first conversation was awkward. I couldn’t stop stuttering, nor could I stop staring. The face I’d seen in so many pictures had come to life in front of me. He was far more handsome than any Skype chat conveyed. First date jitters all over again. Blake made me dinner. We both played polite, but by the next night we were both naked in his bed. It was the most comfortable bed I could ever remember sleeping in…well, ever.

After a week of getting to know each-other and falling in love all over again, Blake offered to tie me up. Of course, I had wanted that. I wanted it since Day 1, when I stumbled upon all his beautiful bondage work on his Tumblr. The first time he tried, I came immediately and ruined the session. The second time around, we fooled around for a bit and he edged me for half an hour until I came. That was better. When Blake took out the rope, I was pleasantly still horny but much more calm. 

On went the ropes. On went the mask and the gag. Away went the sounds, the distractions, movement. As I laid there, immobile and restricted, I realized this was the first time I had ever been physically prevented from going anywhere. I was stuck. It felt so secure, so comfortable, just to be some place and not having anywhere to go. I didn’t want to go anywhere either. For the first time, I wanted to stay. I felt a little emotional but forced myself not to react and spoil the session.
Instead, I closed my eyes and drifted into headspace. Blake told me later that I dozed off for a bit and he kept checking my pulse, scared that I was going to die. I loved hearing that, knowing he was attentive and focused on keeping me safe. I don’t remember him checking my pulse at all. I was so deep in a meditative trance that when he untied me out of concern for my circulation – and that it was 2 in the morning – I momentarily could not remember what day it was. I just wanted to cuddle.

I learned something important that night. I had been bucking advice my whole life to just settle down somewhere, but what I had been seeking the entire time was for someone to ask me to stay. I wanted someone to want me to stay. I wanted someone to keep me as theirs. The next day I decided to tell Blake if I ever decided to leave, he was to tie me up again until I changed my mind. But he beat me to it. Over breakfast, Blake asked me if I would stay for good. He wanted me to get a permanent job in Seattle and live with him and share his bed. Poor guy, he was so alarmed when I began to cry.

Text is fictional. This is @pupblaise, all tied up. Source is above.


“I know you’re both very horny and desperate for male validation, but you two are driving us men insane in the kitchen. Preparing Thanksgiving should be a fun, cozy activity. Your catty behavior is out of control, and you two need to learn to get along. Your Masters are brothers, so you will be seeing a lot of each-other. Maybe this punishment will change your opinions of each-other.” I turn to leave the bathroom. “Oh. I almost forgot, silly me! Where are my manners? Let me go get your vibrating buttplugs.”

Text is fictional.


“Good lord, he’s struggling to get out. He’s nearly frothing at the mouth.”
“It’s kind of entertaining isn’t it? He’s stuck. All he’s doing is exhausting himself, which does us more of a favor.”
“Indeed. Justice is pretty delicious. Are you sure it’s him?”
“Absolutely. The tattoo on his shoulder doesn’t lie.” I point to it.
“Oh, indeed. That’s the one on the flier the neighborhood watch put in our mailbox. Have you called the police?”
“Not yet. I’m enjoying letting our little thief realize how fucked he is,” I chuckle. “He’s hit his last house, I’ll say.”
My partner yawns. “Indeed. Did you hear him come in, love? I didn’t hear anything.” 
“Oh, our pup woke me up. He’s gonna get a big steak in the morning.”
“Lucky pup! ..Say, where are his clothes?”
“Oh, in that bag over there. You know, for evidence. I suppose I should go call the cops now, I want to get some more sleep in.”
“Mnn you do that love. I’m going back to bed. See you there.”
I give him a kiss on the cheek. “Sleep well, sweetheart.”

Text is fictional. Watermarked.


Dieter hears the truck pull up. He opens the door and greets the mailman.
“Hello, Mr. Schmidt. How are you today?”
“Fine, thank you. My wife had a boy on Tuesday.”
“Congratulations! Here, I just made some cookies. Why don’t I give you some for her?”
“Oh she’d love that. She’s been having sugar cravings recently. Here’s your mail.”
I accept it. “Thank you. One moment. You want a bottle of water too?”
“Sure, very kind of you to offer.”
“Of course, it’s warm today.”

I leave the door open and disappear into the kitchen so I can wrap up some cookies and fetch the water bottle. He glances into the house and spots my boyfriend in his compromised position. I give him the items in a plastic grocery bag, but my mailman is distracted.

“Thank you very much. If I may ask…what on earth did your boyfriend do to get secured to the wall like that?”
I glance over my shoulder. “Oh him? He wouldn’t stop eating the raw cookie batter. Greedy little thing. Doesn’t he know not to eat raw egg?”
Mr. Schmidt is momentarily speechless, then he clears his throat. “He really should know better than to eat raw egg.”
“Thank you! That’s what I said. Boys these days. You look out for their best interests and they act like you’re ruining their lives.”
Mr. Schmidt nods, understandably. “Not much different than raising kids.”
“Thanks for the cookies again, Mr. Petersen.”
“No problem. Thanks for the mail. Good day!”

Text is fictional. Watermarked.


“I’m pretty sure this is going to be the last time I catch you breaking into the building. I know, I know, it’s tempting. The city’s only gay nudist-friendly condo units. But those gates exist for a reason. We gotta keep the riff-raff out somehow.”
“Nnnng mff!”
“I don’t think turning you over to the cops is gonna help. You sit there and think about what you’ve done.” I ignore his pleas and turn to leave.
“Oh I forgot one more thing.” I pull a little butterfly knife out of my pocket. His eyes go wide.
“No no you big baby, I’m not going to cut you.” I kneel between his legs, pleased the ropes are holding him place. I make a cut through his underwear and put the knife away. From my other pocket, I take out a small flat vibrator and tuck it between his cock and his balls. The cotton holds it in place.
I hold the remote in my hand and turn it on. He groans loudly and squirms in the ropes.
“There. That should keep you busy. I tweak his nipples. I’ll be back, sweetheart to check on you briefly. Don’t go anywhere now.”

Text is fictional.