
Tied up and gagged again ☺️❤️

Marcus came to check on Joe. “How are you doing?”
“Better,” Joe said. “But I every time I think of Todd I just want to punch him in the face.”
“Well. That’s a normal thing with Todd. The trick is to be able to have those thoughts without punching him in the face.”
“He needs a good punch in the face.”
Marcus folded his arms. “Well. Yes. But it never ends at that. You can seriously hurt or even kill someone if you punch them wrong. And it doesn’t take him down, it’ll just get worse. You know this. How many times have you been arrested or detained for fighting?”
Joe didn’t answer.
“Uh huh. You know. Learning to be at peace with your aggression is your salvation. Either that, or we have to start making some medical decisions about curbing your testosterone.”
Joe exhaled. “I know that. I hate it. I feel like the Hulk sometimes.”
“I’ll get better,” Marcus said.
“I’m glad you pulled me off him and put me in time out, Marcus. I was hoping you would. I’m scared I’m going to get dependent on that.”
Marcus made a noise in his throat. “That would be a problem. Maybe you need a shock collar.”
“Are you serious?”
“I don’t know,” Marcus said. “But I had another suggestion.”
“What?” Joe asks.
“I think enrolling you in some sort of martial art – an aggressive one like Brazilian Ju Jitsu or something – may help?”
Joe rolled on his side to look at Marcus. “How would sending me to fighting classes make me STOP fighting?”
“Cause it’d give you an outlet for your energy and aggression, but you’d learn how to control it and your strength. Learn some discipline. You work in an office. You don’t work out enough. You need an outlet. Something involving grappling.”
Joe thought. “That sounds kind of fun….”
“Better than a shock collar?”
“Yeah. Or being castrated,” Joe snorts.
“You know I’d never cut your balls off,” Marcus retorted. “I like to play with them too much.”
Joe laughs. “Yeah you do. You could get me neuticles or something though.”
“Oh dear god,” Marcus snorted. “Yeah no. Alright, I’ll look into it for you, boy.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“You’re welcome. You have another twenty minutes with your thoughts and I’ll come untie you for a break ok?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Think you’ll be calm enough by then? Todd’s long gone.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Good boy. Holler if you need anything.”
“Could I get some water please?”
“Absolutely.” Marcus gave Joe’s foot a squeeze. “Be right back.”

Joe wiggled around for a moment and got comfortable again. Marcus was so patient with him. He felt more and more embarrassed about his out-of-control aggression every time he had to come tell Marcus what he’d done, head bowed, tail between his legs, bruises on his knuckles. But Marcus never punished him. Just disciplined him, or tied him and showed him stillness.
And for once in his life, Joe felt like he could be saved. He loved Marcus a lot. He never wanted to be a good boy for anyone before. But for Marcus, it mattered. He didn’t want to let him down. Did Marcus really think ju-jitsu would be a good outlet for him? Joe was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t hear Marcus come back with water and startled when he appeared in his peripheral vision.

Captions are fictional.


Tobias tilted Adrian’s head to the side to reveal his neck and throat. “As you can see, it’s more pink under here. His skin is so pale that any blood movement under his skin gives him color.”

Li flipped through Pantone swatches in his hands. “Hm.” He held one up, then another. “I think one of these cards is the closest”

“Let’s go with the second, the first looks a little purple.”

Li held up the second one to Adrian’s neck again. “Hm. Well, the skin is a multitude of hues. In any light, either could match.”

Li walked over to a bookshelf and took out a sample book. He set it on a table next to the samples. “I think I just have just the right hue of leather to compliment this…”

Tobias gave Adrian a pat on his cheek. “Stay in first position, love.”

“Yes Sir.”

Tobias turned his attention to Li. He walked over next to him and glanced at the open pages. “Brown?”

Yes,” Li held the Pantone shades against the leather samples.

“That’s…not the standard,” Tobias said with care. He did not want to offend Li or his business.

“No. I am aware black is standard. I make black collars all year long. But black is a high contrast color. It makes whites look more white.”


“And although black matches most gear, iike harnesses or cuffs or things like that, it doesn’t match natural tones very well. I looked at the photos you sent me of Adrian, and most of what he wears at work is navy, tan, cream. Black and navy do not compliment and do not argue me about that.”

Tobias blinked. “My intention is not to argue…”

Li held up a gentle hand to request a moment of interruption. “You must remember Tobias, that the collar is worn not just in the dungeon. It has to match most of what your boy wears. If you want a black one to match your gear, we can arrange that, but for daily wear it must look natural.

“I …hadn’t thought about that.” Tobias looks over at Adrian. “His hair isn’t dark either. A black collar would stand out though. Make that statement.”

“Indeed.” Li opened the ringed hinges of the book and took the sample page out. “I don’t want to assume anything about your relationship, or what your boy’s comfort level is, but sometimes making a statement all day every day can make a boy uncomfortable. Being stared at can make them feel self conscious and ashamed. Not everyone understands this lifestyle. In my opinon, a proper collar shouldn’t be noticed that much. A boy should forget about it. It should be a fashion statement that’s both intriguing and sexy and mysterious to others. Black makes a statement of BDSM. True leather makes a statement of sophistication.”

Li strode over and held a page up of cinnamon-hued leather samples to Adrian’s neck. “See how warm it looks?”

Tobias stared. The boy’s skin seemed to glow around the natural samples.

When he didn’t say anything, Li strode back over to his desk and took a sample collar from a drawer. He then held that up to Adrian’s neck as well.

The result was astonishing. The black just made Adrian’s skin look pale and splotchy. In the dim lights of the dungeon, black was gorgeous, but in sun light or fluorescent lights, it was too strong. Tobias did not like being wrong, and it was unusual to feel humbled and put in his place by another man. He had to admit he had under-estimated Li because of his slim body and polite disposition.

Tobias ran his fingers through his hair. “I have to acquiesce to the advice of a professional.”

Li smiled.

Tobias also noticed Adrian’s shoulders relax and his face soften. He wore a slight smile. Tobias reminded himself that the happiness of his boy always came before his own. Awarding him with a collar that made him uncomfortable would cause massive faults in their symbiosis. “Let’s move ahead with the brown one. I think that second to top sample is really quite pretty…”

“It comes from a leather maker in Morocco, it’s really quite exceptional…”

Adrian stood there properly in first position as the men chatted, but It was hard to keep his excitement from showing. He really just wanted to hug his Master right now.


Captions are fictional.



“Y’know what’s better than a sunset?”

“What, Sir?”

“Watching it while getting a blowjob”

“… Woooooooooooow”

“What? You said to be more romantic!”

“Well I won’t say no to one Sir. Nice of you to offer.”

“….but that’s…not what.. that’s, I mean…”

“Oh? What do you mean Sir?”

Sigh. “….Nevermind. Fine. Undo your pants, boy”

“Hehehehe. Yes sir.”



For all my east coasters, stay warm and stay safe.

“Yes boy.”
“Look out the window.”
Sir sat up. “Motherfucker. It’s started.”
“Goddamn it’s really coming down.”
Sir cleared his throat. “You know I don’t like when my boys use rough language, but in this case I’m going to make an expectation.”
Hamlet raised his eyebrow. “My appreciation of your understanding Sir.”
They watched the snow pile up.
“Guess we’re not doing anything today.”
“Oh we’re going to do a lot today,” Sir disagreed. He stretched.
“What Sir?”
“Make breakfast, make cookies, do a puzzle, play in the snow, eat lunch, and then we’re gonna play with the Christmas present I was going to give you but came in late and I have been figuring out when to give it to you.”
Hamlet tore his gaze away from the snowy landscape toward his keeper. “Another present Sir? But you got me so many nice things already!”
“Too late. Already did it.” Sir pushed the comforter back and strode naked to the closet. “Brrr.” Hamlet enjoyed the view. Sir’s ass was a coveted thing.
Sir returned with a box he had been hiding under a blanket. “Here.” He handed it to Hamlet and dove back under the comforter.
“Oh it’s kind of heavy!”
“Open it,” Sir said.
“Thank you Sir.” Hamlet pushed his curls out of his face, but they fell back in again when he bent over to tear the paper. When he could read the package description he began to laugh. “Entry level dildo kit to open your ass for a big man – good god, who wrote the ad copy on this?”
“Do you like it…?” Sir asked.
“Oh it’s all different sizes…to put in a boy…” Hamlet looked over it. His cheeks were pink. “This is to help prepare me for anal yes?”
“Yes. You have been dropping hints you are ready to try experimenting this way. I thought it would be a nice way for us to bond, and for you to get used to the feeling. You know my cock isn’t small or thin. I don’t want to hurt you, so we need to train you.”
Hamlet smiled. “You are very sweet and considerate. I thought I was lucky enough finding a man who was patient over my fear of anal.”
“Hey,” Sir said, taking his hand in his own. “A real Sir sees a boy’s value beyond his ass. We’ve come very far as a couple. You needed to build trust. So I’m asking you to trust me a little further, that’s all.”
Hamlet bit his lip. “Alright. I’ll trust you.”
Sir sat up so he could hug Hamlet and kiss him firm. “That’s a great gift in return.”
“I’m glad you like it. You are right though, we are going to be busy today… is there lube in this?”
“We got pleeennntty of that.”
They nuzzled noses and then watched the snow fall, until stomachs grumbled and they extracted themselves from the cocoon of warmth for a hot shower. Sir made sure to clean Hamlet well.

Captions are fictional. Stay warm, snowed in readers in NE North America.


Jeremy grabs the leash firm at the collar. “Boy. It’s not polite to hump.”
“…But you look so pretty Sir.”
Jeremy tries not to smile but it’s very hard. “That’s not the right answer boy.”
“My apologies Sir. I’ll try to keep my arousal under control. I don’t want to embarrass you.”
“You keep it under control, or I’ll do it with bars and chains and rope. Heel.”
The boy sits up straight at Sir’s side.  "Will do Sir.“
"Good boy. Remember, good behavior can move up your milking date.”
“Very good reminder Sir,” the boy says. He feels suddenly very foolish for letting his training slip and embarrassing him. He wants to be a good boy.

Captions are fictional.

Submissiveness isn’t forced; it’s given with a carefree grin

Submissiveness isn’t forced; it’s given with a carefree grin


It’s just a normal, lazy Sunday evening and I’m prepping some dinner. Halfway the meatballs, bf joins me in the kitchen for some small talk and a laugh. After I finished washing my hands, something changes. Without saying anything, without touching me, without any kind of command, I feel Sir taking over the scene. He stands just a few steps away from me, arms folded, and staring at me. Automatically, I place my hands on my back and look down in submission. Then he approaches. He grabs the front of my shirt and presses me against the wall. “You’re mine, boy,” Sir whispers in my ear. And I feel how he drags me more and more into submission.

With a simple gesture, he gets me on my knees and has me following him to the bedroom on all fours. Once inside, I assume my pose on my knees and wait for him. I feel him standing in front of me, and slowly his hands start caressing my body… his toy to use. He makes certain to let me know my place, low and submissive, his plaything. He orders me to undress. After collaring and gagging me, I’m to follow him to the center of the room.

“You’re my dirty, subby toy,” Sir repeats as he spits on me, making me feel even smaller, dragging me into a submissive surreal trance. I only have to focus on him; other thoughts leave my head. I’ll be his good, subby toy; on all fours in front of him and completely exposed.

Then the first smack hits my ass. And then a second. A third. Sir slowly builds up a rhythm as he spanks me. I feel myself slowly losing track of the scene. I’m his toy. I try to focus on his rhythm, riding the waves of his paddle as he continues. I feel my body reacting as the endorphins take me more into subspace.

After a pair of hard smacks, I feel my body sinking to the ground, breaking my position on all fours. “That’s your place, low and beneath me.” Sir exchanges the paddle for a whip; he keeps me in place with one foot on my back and continues his administrations. My body becomes both more sensitive and numb. I ride the waves of his whip, and any thought and worries are gone from my mind. There’s only one thing: this session, his whipping, and his energy.

We move to the bed, Sir keeps me in place and continues. He makes sure to also cover my back, and let me continue in this subby trance. In a surreal moment, I notice that I started drooling over myself through the gag and that I couldn’t care less about it.

When my butt is properly red and hot, Sir stops. He joins me on the bed and embraces me in his arms. “You’ve done great, my boy,” he compliments me, “I’ve pushed you, and you’ve done great.” Slowly, he rewards me with his hugs, and he starts stroking my dick. I feel myself slowly coming down from my whipping-induced trance, only to be dragged into a horny haziness. My moaning changes and I’m suddenly more aware of how horny I am. Sir removes the gag as he lets me take over stroking my dick. His hands continue playing with the rest of my body, “you’re still mine, boy.” I feel him playing with my nipples, and my butt feels warm and sore.

I feel my release start building up, and he continues with his teasing. My mind numb, I can only focus on all the sensations. Then the release washes over me as I came, moaning loudly “thank you, Sir!!!”

I’m sure several minutes passed; I’m still halfway in a carefree trance. I’m in Sirs warm and safe embrace. I smile and chuckle, even though I’m not even sure why. Thoughts haven’t really returned yet; I’m just floating happily in his hugs. He kisses me, and that’s enough reason to grin like a happy fool. Thank you, Sir.



When he gets in that mood where he feels lonely and weak and just wants to run back to his ex who was an asshole, you have to take important measures to make he stays in place until the bad idea passes. In time he will learn that it’s actually normal to feel loved and be happy in a relationship; but you know now he is emotionally needy and there will be some lapses as you build his self-confidence and self-worth.

Captions are fictional.

Imagine the Subby Horniness

Imagine the Subby Horniness


I recently saw a notice from this chastity post, and realized I never posted a follow up. That time, I thought a few days were a LOT. In the meanwhile, under careful guidance, support and teasing, I’ve been exploring this kink further. Allow me to take you with me on this trip.

Imagine being locked up for a month. Your needy cock locked up, denied. No key within reach, it’s out of your control. You try to remember that wonderful feeling of jerking off, but it has become a distant memory. In fact, just touching your own cock has become… unfamiliar. Just like the feeling of a real orgasm.

Sure, you can still imagine stroking your cock, fantasize about the feeling. But it’s just that, a fantasy. You look up to your Sir, standing before you, in control and with a satisfied smirk on his face. He’s enjoying your predicament. He likes seeing the need in your eyes, the desperation and begging. And that’s why you’re doing this; for him. Although your body is yearning for a touch down there, behind the cage, you cannot deny how hot this is. Being his needy boy, doing this to satisfy him, to please him and make him happy. It’s not (only) to satisfying your own kinky needs, it’s about sharing this horny energy, and giving him the control over your pleasure. And he will take care of you.

He traces his fingers along your sensitive body. Being denied this long, every feeling is magnified. Just feeling his fingertips near your nipples is enough to make you strain in your cage. A light touch on them is enough to make your knees weak and start begging for more. You look into his eyes, pleading for more. You don’t even care what he does, as long as he does it. His fingers leave your body, and you moan in desperation.

A piece of rope is wrapped around your body, binding your arms on your back. Over and around, tightly holding you in place. You feel the horny submissiveness taking you over. Your thoughts begin to fall apart. “You’re my toy, mine to enjoy, mine to use as I please” and his voice drags you down into submissiveness.

You feel something familiar caress your buttocks, a light touch of strands. The first hit of the whip strikes. A light sting, not painful, but enough to entice you. Then the second, it drags you down in your submissiveness. Your mind becomes clouded; you strain in your cage. But all that’s on your mind is pleasing him, and waiting for the next hit. He picks up the pace, and with his words and whip, he consumes your mind. You’re only focused on him; he has taken complete control over your body and thoughts. Then you smell your own horniness, as he gives you a taste of your leaking cock.

You’re caught off guard, as he unlocks your cage. You feel your cock growing harder. Oh, that feels good. But you’re not sure what’s going on. You can’t see what he does next, but you feel… something around your cock. It’s not stimulating, and it confuses you. You wait for a few minutes, but nothing happens. You slowly go soft, and then wrapping leaves you. That’s it.

Then suddenly, his fingers are back again. Teasing your body, massaging and pinching your nipples. Tracing down to your growing cock. He nearly touches you down there, and you feel your body moving towards him. You’re down again in that hazy submissiveness. He uses your body like a toy, like an instrument, for his pleasure. There’s nothing you can do about it, but submitting to his control, his teasing and his temptation. Then he starts teasing your cock, first lightly. He makes you crazier than before, and switches to a vibrating wand. You’re overwhelmed with desire, you want to shoot, and you need to shoot… but not yet. It’s just enough to make you lose any form of thought. Just a little bit more, it’s been so long, please Sir. But no, he is in control, and you know it.

At the end of the session, after delicious warm cuddles, he locks you back up. As he gives you a glass of water, he has one more surprise for you. That weird feeling around your cock in the middle of a session? It was a mold to clone your own locked up cock. A dildo made in your image. “Now you can go fuck yourself with this,” he adds teasingly with a smirk. And as you pick it up, it feels so familiar, oh what a mindfuck!

So… this was not some fantasy, this is what happened to me a while ago… well, to be completely honest, the ending was a little bit different, my imagination took over here. The cloned cock needed a day in the mold to harden, and I did get to shoot my load in the end… by accident ^_^“

I’ve discovered chastity as something that you don’t just do for your own horniness and kinky curiosity. It’s something to share your horny energy, and giving away control to him, to make him happy as well.

Hope you enjoyed this little story.

Saber writes erotica. Saber does a good job.




“How is it possible?”
“What Sir?” he asks, eyebrow raised.
“Every since I put that collar on you, your body language has been completely different.”
“More aloof, cocky. You’re walking like you got a big dick.”
He laughs, nearly bending over. “Sir you’re hilarious!”
“I’m serious! It’s seems to have given you a big boost of confidence.”
“Well, why shouldn’t it?” he retorts. “It’s beautiful, I look beautiful. People stare enviously at a boy with leather around his neck. It signifies everything mysterious and dangerous they could never have in their lives.They want to be me, and fuck me.”
Now it’s my turn to laugh. “When did you get so full of yourself?”
“I am not full of myself!” he huffs.
“You are, and I love it. My little egoist walks down the grocery store aisles like he’s modeling in Milan.”
“I do not!”
“You wore heels to the grocery store last week don’t lie!”
“Ok, maybe I did. But they looked fabulous with my outfit.”
“Ok, you’re right about that…”
“And my collar looks great with any outfit. Heels make the legs bulge, lift the ass, push out the chest. Why can’t a collar change how I carry myself?”

I smile. His logic is flawless, and very gay. “God, I love you,” I reply, cupping his cheeks and kissing him, right there on the sidewalk for everyone to see.

Captions are fictional.