
Our boss dislikes me because I’m black and he dislikes Sean because he’s not “for the cause”. If he found out Sean was “queer” and not “doing his part” by making more blue-eyed American babies, he would likely combust into a million pieces and fire us on the spot. Yet, he tolerates us because we stay late and help out at the business. Little did he know that when we “stay late”, Sean and I go into the maintenance room and commit sodomy.

I was shocked to learn what a horny bottom Sean was. He loved getting attention from another man. When his clothes came off, he couldn’t keep his hands off of me. I had no idea a white man could have a booty like he did. A big full, bouncing buttwith full jiggle power. It was a shame he hid it in khakis cause it was a thing of beauty. I forced Sean into all sorts of positions and fucked him raw. I took him on all fours, pulling his hips up to mine while I buried my cock deep into his gut. I took him on his back like a female whore, and watched him struggle to focus on stroking his adorable pink cock while his brain melted from sex. That boy just loved taking it up the ass.

I took him standing up, sitting down. I made him suck me off, which he did with great fervor. He loved the taste of my cum. By the end of each session, he’d be putty in my hands. I would feel an odd calm settle over me, that I had claimed him and put things right in the world. I would stroke his red head and ejaculate on his face – an unmistakable sign that I was superior to him. Sean loved it.

Shame our boss rarely got laid, cause if he did, he would recognize the “nagging smell” in the maintenance room was in fact, Astroglide.

Text is fictional.



Oh yeah.  Give me your toxic seed before mom gets home.  

“Jordan, mom is gone, let’s do that thing you showed me last time. It felt so good, I can’t stop thinking about it. It makes my dicklet get so hard and I can’t help rubbing it in my underwear until it makes a big mess. It hurt some but what I remember most is how full I felt, how big you felt, and it was wonderful, so please Jordan.”
“Danny, you’ve graduated high school, you’re almost grown up. Don’t talk about sex like you’re a little boy.”
“Sex? That’s what we had? That can’t be. Sex is what a man and a woman do together, it’s what couples do together. It’s what makes babies if they allow it. We can’t get sex, we’re related. What we had was just…just…”
“Fucking?” Jordan offers, amused at his naivety.
“Yes. Fucking. Fuck me, Jordan, make me feel good like that again. Take the pressure off, I feel like I’m going to burst.”
At that, Jordan groans. “Christ…I created a slut out of you. Shit. You want it bad don’t you?”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but yeah I want it. The way you mounted me from behind it and took me–” Danny exhales a ragged breath. “I nearly just came. I need it again. Please, please, fuck me. Tell me what you told me, to keep my dicklet tucked between my legs so you can stroke it from between my thighs… all those sexy words you used, I’d be so hot for you. Hell, I wish I could be like that all the time, just your helpless, horny slave.”
Jordan licked his lips, his cock hardening in his pants. “You sound like a bitch in heat, begging for a male.”
“Yes,” he whimpers, breathless, “I never felt like this before. It consumes me. I feel like I’ve awakened. Take me, I’m begging you, or I’m going to go on Craigslist and find some man to take me as hard as-”
“No no no,” Jordan interrupts. “I don’t want any perverts putting their hands on my brother. You’re very fragile right now, emotional, and malleable. You should only trust me to take care of your needs.”
Danny huffed. “Yes, yes, that’s why I came to you!”
“Alright, alright, but Danny – you must not tell anyone we’re doing this. No one will understand. When you’re older and your hormones have calmed down, I’ll find you a man to slake your lust and keep you as his own.”

“But what about now?” Danny whines.
Jordan massages his crotch through his jeans. “I’ll give you what you want, I’ll take you. But! Only for your own good, because if you don’t get it from me, you’ll get it from somewhere dangerous. I must keep you safe.”
“Keep me safe, Jason. Make me feel good.”
“Shh shh. I will. Now, we’re running out of time before mom gets home. Strip and present yourself on the bed. I want you in a submissive position when I come back with the lube.”

Jordan come back into the room a minute later to find Danny on the bed, naked, head down and ass in the air with his legs spread.
“Good God,” Jordan gasped. “God I can smell you from here.”
“Look at my underwear,” Danny said, breathy, gesturing with his hand. “Look.”
Jordan pick them up. The crotch was soaked with a recognizable white stain. “Is this from now?”
“No,” Danny admits, “Earlier today, when I was doing errands. My dicklet got hard from the car vibration and I came my pants while shopping at the drug store. I had to walk around with wet underwear, but I left them on because I felt so horny.”

Jordan wraps his fingers around the underwear and tries to steady his heartbeat.
“Ok. Danny. Two things.”
“Then you’ll fuck me?”
“Yes. But two things. One – don’t call it a dicklet. It’s just your cock.”
“No a cock is what you use to fuck me with.”
“Where are you getting these ideas?”
Jordan stared at him. “You really prefer it like that?”
“Yes!” he insists. “The idea of submitting to a man…being an inferior sex toy to him…god it sounds like heaven.”

In that moment, Jordan begins to wonder if he’s created a monster out of Danny. He fears Danny is going to wear him out, and when they get weary, that’s when they’re gonna get caught. He suspects soon, it will be more efficient to milk his brother using vibration and e-stim to take off the edge. Well, on top of fucking. That’s going to happen no matter what until Jordan found someone for him. College life just got more complicated.

“This is ridiculous,” Jordan mutters, getting out of his clothes. “Alright you horny little slut. We can’t have mom see you like this. I’m going to split you in half.”
At this, Danny yowled like a cat in heat and writhed until Jordan slicked up and took him.

Text is fictional. Helix Studios. More gifs from this set here.


A slave waits patiently for the auction to start. He’s just been photographed and in a moment will be taken to the holding area. He was worried about getting an erection, as some of the other slaves have, but thankfully he’s too nervous to get it up so it just remains soft. He hasn’t seen the audience yet either, so all he can do is imagine what the men look like and what their personalities will be… and the slave wonders what they’re going to think of him too. He looks down at himself, nude and shorn. Well, if anything, he thinks, I’m a blank canvas. I hope they see my potential. I have a lot of skills. I have to remember that if I want to be valuable to someone, I have to have confidence in myself that I am valuable, even as a slave. The Headmaster barks at him to join the others in the holding area. The slave says a clear “Yes sir” and moves quickly to that direction with his head up and eyes forward. Even if I am a slave, he also thinks, there’s no shame in being in my natural place.

Text is fictional.


“So…let me get this straight.”
“There’s nothing straight about this, boy.”
“Ok, well then, let me see if I can make this clear.”
“Go on.”
“So this job of cleaning your house naked was actually an interview?”
“And you want me to move out of my shitty apartment in to your awesome house and be your houseboy and poolboy?”
“And when I finish my degree in massage therapy, you’re going to probably expect me to massage your impossibly-hot-for-48-year-old-body out by the pool?”
“And you want access to my cock and want me to fuck you when you demand it? and will sometimes fuck me in return?”
“Of course. It is a long, beautiful uncut cock, I intend to enjoy it.”
“Uh ok, just…clarifying a few things.”
“Any other questions, boy?”
“….Uh, yeah, when can I start, Sir?”

Text is fictional.


Huh, never touched just this part before, wonder what happens if I do. Well, someone’s sensitive! Wonder what happens if I do it again. Same thing. Oh he’s getting more vocal now; it was a good move to put that gag in. His cockhead is so pink and fleshy…I just want to keep touching it. Over. and over. I really like watching him squirm so helplessly…he’s such an interesting toy. So full of surprises.



Apparently chastity also affects the intrinsic need to make kinky selfies, even though there’s so much more important stuff to do. *woops*

What? This is important. Horny boys need some outlet for their frustration while waiting for their release time. It helps up their self esteem. Also – freckles. Not enough chaste boys with freckles on Tumblr.



he gets so horny knowing his big bro is sleeping above him

Zeke sighed and turned over his pillow, trying to get comfortable. It’s difficult to fall asleep with your foster brother masturbating underneath you. Only two more weeks until you move out for college, he reminded himself. Poor Norman. His foster brother had such a crush on him. Norman was so shy around Zeke, always plucking at his pants and then awkwardly making excuses to leave.

Late at night when he thought Zeke was asleep, Norman would lie awake and masturbate furiously – the only time he could get some alone time in their packed foster family’s house. He imagined that Zeke wasn’t sleeping above him, but on him, stroking his aching cock and telling him how huge it was, how sexy he looked. He imagined Zeke’s hips meeting his, about how their slick organs would rub together until they both spurted hard. After he came into a tissue, Norman would pet himself and ponder if he preferred to be a top or a bottom, what it would feel like to take a cock, or put one in another guy. Mostly, he thought about these scenarios with Zeke in them.

Norman didn’t know this, but Zeke had an inkling of what went on in that boy’s fertile imagination. He sighed again. The boy had an incredible refractory period and wasn’t stopping. He was going to be late for work tomorrow from oversleeping at this rate. Zeke thought, and decided to give Norman a little going away present.

Norman froze mid-stroke as he saw Zeke’s arm drop over the side of the bed. He barely dared to breathe, thinking he’d been caught. Being caught was a nightmare scenario. He squinted in the dark and realized that Zeke was holding something in his hands. It couldn’t be…?

Norman reached out and took it. Once his fingers touched the warm cotton, he knew exactly what it was. Emotions swirled – apparently he hadn’t been so secretive as he thought but this… Norman’s balls began to swell full of fresh seed.

Zeke muttered from above him: “I know. Say anything about this, I’ll fuckin’ kill you. Just hurry up and finish, I got work in the morning.”

Norman blushed crimson. Shit. Well, it was a gift from god and he wasn’t going to question it horned out of his mind. He pushed the warm crotch to his face and sniffed. His cock nearly burst, full of fresh blood. He began a third round of masturbation, suppressing his gasps and moans into the fabric. The bed was shaking, jerking, and Zeke was honestly trying not to laugh. It was kind of hilarious.

He heard Norman grunting and gasping along with the sounds of flesh smacking and his body disturbing the sheets – and Zeke coulda sworn he heard the splash of cum on his torso. Then, it stopped. Norman exhaled a loud sigh of contentment, plus a single “goddamn”, and after the rustling of tissues fell away, it was quiet. Pure quiet.

Zeke smirked in the dark, pleased with himself, then rolled over to fall asleep. The next two weeks were going to be awkward but it was going to be worth it just for a good night’s rest.

He never did get his underwear back.

Text is fictional. I think the source is here.