
Otis stares at the picture for far too long and texts back. “Putting off your chores are we?”
“No, I’m done! I cleaned the floor, and now I’m rolling on it in front of the mirror. I like how I look in this jock strap, I wanted to see how it looks from the bottom.”
“It looks quite squishy in the best way possible,” Otis responds back. “The black is perfect color against your skin.”
“Thank you, I like it too. I could wear this all day, it fits so well. Although rolling on the floor makes me feel like I’m Madonna…although this isn’t quite a wedding dress. Can I have a wedding dress?” 
“You’re a rather unusual boy aren’t you?”
“LOL. Mother used to say I’m ‘special’.” 
“Your mother was right.”
“Oh oh Otis! Can I have a wedding dress? I’ll go as Madonna for Halloween!!”
“Oh dear god in heaven, Michael. Don’t- I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you – there is a strong chance you won’t make it outside until Thanksgiving.”
Michael laughs at his phone. “Well you can defile me in it first so I look properly mussed. It’ll help with the ‘80s hair. OH OTIS. You know what this means. You have to go as Boy George.”
Otis groans out loud. “No, Michael, no. Why not Bon Jovi? or George Michael”
“Because your hair is too long, you’d have to cut it. And they’re not distinguishable enough. You’re perfect for Boy George. Boy George and Boy Madonna – it’s absolutely perfect. Please please please?”

Otis was rubbing his temples when his phone rang. “Oh hi Roy…. No, no bother. I am at work, but I’m taking a break in the garden. Just talking to Michael…. Oh Michael? He’s fine, but clearly losing his mind. He wants to go as Madonna for Halloween, and he wants me to go as Boy George, which will never work …why are you laughing? No, don’t agree with him! No, we will not encourage this. …I’m sorry, what do you mean that you can go as Axl Rose? Fuck, you would be perfect as him too…”

Captions are fictional.


I love dick.

“Hey Tanner?”
“Yeah, sweetness?”
“Come here I got a present for you,” Corwin called out.
“ooo I like presents. Not even my birthday.” Tanner closed his laptop and got up from the table. He wandered into the bedroom and stopped in the doorway. He made an exaggerated gasp and put a hand over his chest. “You bought a jockstrap.”
“What do you think?” Corwin turned side to side.
“I LOVE this present. My goodness. God I love seeing your hairy legs. Rawr.”
“I thought you’d like that.”
Tanner ran his hands up Corwin’s thighs. “Mnn it’s wrapped so well. What could be in this present?”
“Oh? That I can’t tell you – you have to open it.”
Tanner giggled and bites his lip. “I think I know what it is.” Tanner hooked his pointer finger in and pulled back the band. “ooooooo. It’s a penis! And a lovely, thick one at that.” Tanner looked up at his partner. “But Corwin.”
“I already have one of these.”
Corwin burst out laughing. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. Do you not want it?”
“Hmmm.” Tanner peered down again. “Well. It’s different than mine. You’re uncut..” He dipped his hands inside, curving his palm around the shaft. “Oh I do like this. Foreskin is fun to play with. I’m not sure what I like more – the present or the packaging.” 
“You can like both.”
“Well, I do. Thank you love.” They exchanged a kiss. 
Tanner had not taken his hand off of Corwin. “Can I shamelessly play with your dick for a while?”
“I should have known this was going to happen. I know how much you love jockstraps.”
Tanner chuckled and slid his hand free. “I’m transparent aren’t I?”
“You’re not afraid of what makes you horny, and I love that. Come to the sofa, you can play all you want.”
“Hell yeah, otter snuggles!”
Corwin smiled. “God you are so precious. I need to give you more presents.”

Captions are fictional.



Really? Yugioh? Have some class. Play magic instead.

“Hey there boy,” I said, sitting next to him. “Whatcha doing?”
“Looking at my Yugioh cards…they’re getting kind of beat up from playing with my friends.”
“Well you had a lot of fun with them right?”
Gregory nods. “I had a lot. But I feel like it’s getting repetitive. A lot of my friends say I’m too old for this, or that it’s babyish. Maybe I’m just growing out of them…”
I rub the back of his thigh with my hand. “Does that make you sad?”
Gregory nods again. “It is. I had a lot of fun. I love card games. I just wish there was a way to like…expand it.”
“Hm,” I say with a smile. “I think I have an idea.”
“You do?”
“Wait here,” I say with a grunt as I stand up.
I walk to my guest room and take a box down from the closet. I come back into the bedroom to see a curious pair of doe brown eyes staring at me. “What’s in the box, Daddy?”
I smile. He’s just too cute. I had a crush on him instantly when I met him at a friend’s birthday party, but I was sort of hesitant to get close to him because of his outgoing personality. I found his fascination for childish things off-putting. But I couldn’t stay away from such a cute – and sexually needy boy.

Turns out he had a rather abusive childhood, and when he was content now, he sort of regressed to a part of his life that he never got to have. Honestly, once I realized it was harmless, I had never had so much fun in a relationship. We played all the time, went on all these adventures, and his boundless joy taught me how to see the world differently. It was a journey learning how to balance that part of Gregory with the adult part of him that was constantly horny and liked to show off his butt. I didn’t mind the last part one bit. Being his Daddy meant letting him grow-up as he was ready.
“Late Christmas present, I suppose.” I sat down next to him. I opened the box and handed him a giant stack of cards.
Gregory gasped. “Woah, what are these?”
“Magic the Gathering. I used to play all the time in college, but my group broke up and I didn’t have the time.”
“Wow! This is like a serious grown up card game,” Gregory murmurs, inspecting them. “Wow, the art is fantastic!”
“It is. It’s a very serious card game. And you can expand it as much as you possibly want. Want to know how to play?”
“Yes yes!” he exclaims.
I took the rubber band off the cards and began explaining it to him. Did I mention that I’ve never had so much fun in a relationship before? I loved being Gregory’s Daddy.

Captions are fictional.


We’re so sympatico. Right as I glance down, he glances up and our eyes meet; he pauses mid-lick. I grab my phone off the nightstand and snap a photo of my adorable sub. For a moment, his pup side melts away at the sound of the shutter; he’s Gustavo again, and suddenly self-aware of what he’s doing on all fours. A sheepish smiles blooms on his face and blush comes to his cheeks. Then, he catches the scent of my crotch and nuzzles it with his eyes closed. When he opens his lids again, his pup side is back and his tongue goes to work. He loves to lick my crotch in the morning to get me horny, right before he tugs down the band with his teeth and sucks me dry.

I later printed a wallet size version of that shot so I could always have a bit of my boy with me, where-ever I go.

Text is fictional. Pup’s name is unknown.


“Oh puppy, what are you doing? Did you drop one of your toys behind the sofa again? This is what happens when you play on the sofa instead of the floor,” I chide him as I climb onto the cushions and peer back there. Something is wedged between the sofa and the wall. I get off the sofa and pull the furniture far away from the wall enough so not only does the the item fall, but so I can take a few steps forward and retrieve it. When I see what it is, I shake my head and sigh.

“I’ve told you this before. Dildos are not chew toys.’
He still tries to snatch it out of my hand with my teeth.
"No! Bad puppy! Bad. This was an expensive dildo and now it has teethmarks in it.”
He stops wiggling his butt at the tone of my voice and lowers his head, giving me big sad eyes. I fold my arms. “You have chew toys. Use them.” I sigh again. “I’m afraid you need to be punished for this. Go fetch the paddle.”
He pouts at me, and whines. When he sees I’m not going to relent, he begrudgingly goes to get it. I give him 15 swats, then shut him in the bathroom for an hour with a proper chew toy. Of course, he whimpers through half of it before falling asleep for a quick nap on the bathmat. So stubborn!

He wants me to feel bad, and I do, but he has to learn. When I let him out of the bathroom, I do give him a cookie and a back scratch to let him know I’ve forgiven him. I since have hidden the dildos better. When they’re not up his ass, they’re hidden away safely away and out of reach from chewy pups.

Text is fictional.



Patiently waiting for his Sir to come home. Not simply because the boy is horny, but because he adores his Sir and misses him. Submission need not be highly sexual. It is a devotion to another. It can be a form of love.  

Henry has his own spots around the house, his pillow in the living room, his futon next to Sir’s bed, his customary spot under the table, but this one is his favorite. The view isn’t much, just the porch railings and some buildings outside but it’s the sounds that matter. Here is the only spot where he can hear Sir’s bicycle as it comes down the alley to the garage. There are a lot of bikes in Amsterdam but over months Henry learned to distinguish the sound of tires and brakes and pick his Sir out of them all. The anticipation is the best part, both the waiting for the right sound with his head tilted and the long seconds between Sir putting his bike away in the mudroom and coming up the stairs. Henry will bound to the door, wiggling and turning in impatient circles.

All those hours apart have left the sub missing his Sir and so eager to see him again. The house is clean, rugs beaten, dinner prep is done, the plants are watered, there’s fresh sheets on the bed and so many other little things. Henry just wants to feel a heavy hand on his head and those short nails scratching his scalp behind his ear and be told what a good boy he is.

When Sir comes through the door he presses himself up against his slacks and nuzzles his crotch murmuring a “Welcome home Sir”, oblivious to his cock dripping all over his shoe. The new jockstrap helps with the leaking, but only so much when he gets excited. Henry is kept locked so often, he often forgets about it until he’s forced to lick the mess off his Sir’s Oxfords. He often hopes his Sir will give him an opportunity to pleasure him but Sir says a horny boy is an obedient one. Henry understands, but he hasn’t been exercised yet today and is full of energy and cum and joy that his Master is home so he’s a bit hard to control. Luckily, Sir always knows what to do.

“I’m home boy, hello. Woah, hello!” he caresses his sub’s head, “Down boy. Down. Good boy. Now, go to the bedroom and get on the bed position 2. You can lick my shoes clean later, I’m horny as hell!” he commanded as he loosened his tie.
“Yes sir!” Henry is gone in a flash.