Tag: houseboy

  • “Kip? Boy, what are you doing back there? Come on out now, it’s alright.”“But…” he looks at the floor, his blue eyes obscured by long lashes. “You’ll look.”I try to suppress an ‘aww’. Despite all the beef on his body, he’s cuddly and shy as a rabbit. “Yes, I will. There’s no reason to be…

  • A houseboy enjoys the attention of his Master’s young guest. He never thought about serving the guests this way, but the more Peterson teases his nipples the more the urge to protest ebbs away…. He likes the hand on his ass, likes being held in place in a man’s lap. The houseboy looks over at…

  • Corbin dusted his hands off as he jogged up the stairs. He was already up and had gone through his morning routine. He fetched the paper, made sure Fabian’s shoes were polished, and laid out his clothes over a chair. It was 7:30, time to wake him up. He gently placed a hand on his…

  • rip-spank-jerk: regretting his predicament Sean loses it after five swats. He covers his face but it doesn’t stop the tears. He knows better than this! He’s so ashamed to be getting a spanking after seven months of not getting one. He used to get them every other day, and thought he’d finally proved to his…

  • “Do you mind if I smoke?”“No, go ahead, just don’t blow it in my face.”“Yeah right on, right on. Sorry, I’m buying a vape thing with my next paycheck.”“Good luck to ya mate.”He smiles and nods, lighting up. “So …tell me again what is it exactly do you do for this guy you’re seeing?”I nibble…

  • “No…sit. Sit. Stay. Stay still. No wiggling. Good boy. Eyes up on me. Eyes. Up. Oh good boy. You look so cute today, puppy. You can lick my crotch after I’m done with my coffee. Not before. You’ve done cursed yourself – you made me such a damn good cup of coffee, I wanna enjoy…

  • I bought the apron for him as a joke. I expected Bastiaan to be annoyed about it, because ethnicity is such a touchy subject with him. His mother was from Spain and his father was Dutch, but he was born in the Netherlands so he insists he’s 100% Dutch despite genetics (and most of his…

  • Reginald tips the houseboy for loading the car properly. The houseboy really wishes Reginald would just fuck him; his cock surely has be nestled in the most pretty blond curls. __________________________Text is fictional. Watermarked.

  • The buckshot scatter of freckles and bright red hair gave his origins away instantly. I ghosted the back of my fingers over his soft cheek. “Pretty boy, what are you doing so far from home?” He cast his eyes down. “I am not pure blooded. They discarded me. No one will hire me or let…

  • Sebastian knew he was not allowed to touch his Master’s musical equipment. He could only run a feather duster over their surfaces. A lot of it was very valuable, some probably more valuable than he was as a replaceable houseboy. Yet, out of everything, the keyboard tempted him the most. He went to close the…