Tag: dating

  • I open the door to leave the shop and startle. “Oh! Buzz, what are you doing- wait, is that Betty? You got Betty running?”When Buzz smiles, his whole face lights up. He turns and puts a loving hand on her trunk. “Yep. Purring like a kitten.”“Wow Buzz. You really did it. Oh hold on.” I turn around…

  • everydaysagreatday: “Nooo come on, you’re going on a date with me and that’s final.”“I can’t – I just – I can’t, I’m sorry, I need to go.” Marcus pulls his hand away.“You told me an hour you had nothing else going on tonight. What’s the worst that’s going to happen? That you’ll enjoy yourself? That…

  • “So um…you seemed to be enjoying yourself today.”“I did. I really did. I had a great day, actually. Matter of fact, most dates I spend with you go pretty well. You know, besides the last one.”William winced. “Yeah that was a mistake.”“But you’ve made up for it.”“I have?”“Yep. It was a litmus test too.”William looked…

  • toshiagain: Who needs a boyfriend when your cat is super clingy? The party swirled around us. Beers crack open like wood snapping in a fire. Music drifts through the background, running off someone’s iPod. The acrid scent of weed fogs the air. Someone had nudged the basement window open which did nothing to alleviate the…

  • When he picked me up for our date, I asked him if he decided where we were going. He’d been mulling on it for a couple days, since our last date at the museum. “Well I had a few ideas,” he said, ‘But it’s such a nice autumn day, I was wondering if you might…

  • “Are you taking a picture of my abs?” Ezra asks.“Maybe,” I respond, teasing him a little. “All the pictures of the lake will look the same, but you’re hot at every angle.”“oh come off it!” Ezra laughs, “I am not. I’m just a skinny nerdy, Jewish guy. I’m pre-med even!”“Who says skinny Jewish medical nerds…