Posts I guess

Every Saturday morning, RJ rolls over out of bed, and pulls on his pants on his boxers just so he feels decent as he walks out to the balcony of his apartment. His Hot Neighbor always cuts the grass and cleans his pool early on Saturday,before it gets hot, but because he’s behind a fence he thinks no one can see him do it in a jock strap. RJ likes to sit there and touch himself and cup his balls until his cock is rigid and hard, then he takes out of his pants and strokes it until he can’t take it anymore. Hot Neighbor puts on a good show, whether it’s bending over while weeding, and push the mower around with the strong muscles in his back and shoulders, or using those thick python arms to fish leaves out of the pool with a net.

Hot Neighbor is a big guy, and it makes RJ to drip to think of being pounded by him. He begins to pump his cock harder at the idea of Hot Neighbor manhandling his skinny body and having his way with him. RJ groans as the climax builds. One morning a couple weeks ago, Hot Neighbor laid out on a lounge chair, pulled his long cock out of his jock strap, and masturbated. RJ had such an orgasm from watching him that he nearly blacked out, and every since then he’s been hoping for a repeat. It seems today will just be yard work though, which RJ is fine with… Hot Neighbor is all sweaty now and covered in grass clippings.

Today, RJ gets a sight of something almost as good. Hot Neighbor strips out of his jockstrap completely. RJ takes his fingers off his nipples for a moment so he can moan into a closed fist, pumping furiously now, his balls bouncing at the sight of Hot Neighbor in all his nude glory. A long, thick cock swings between his legs and RJ wants it – RJ wants it bad, he wants to run over there and beg for a fucking. He knows he can’t, and it keeps him hungry. Still, he wonders if Hot Neighbor likes cut dick.

After a stretch, Hot Neighbor dives into the pool and swims a couple laps. RJ isn’t watching that though – his eyes are squeezed shut and he’s muttering “fuck – fuck!” as cum shoots out of his cock and splashes over his chest. “Oh fuck yeah,” he groans, as the climax ebbs away. “Fuck yeah, god he’s so fucking hot…”

Text is fictional. Source hard to find.


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