Posts I guess


Ok so I’m back. It’s been three days but it feels like much longer. A couple people left some kind words for me, so thank you, I enjoyed reading them. To my sheer surprise, my follower number went up this weekend instead of down so thank you to those new followers as well. 

In case anyone is wondering, things are actually worse from Friday. My boss is trying to fire me by taking advantage of my partial disability and putting me into situations I’m guaranteed to fail. I’m well aware this is illegal and we are documenting everything. I was hoping to break into a new career field but the industry is weak right now, and it hasn’t been working… so I’m going to just find another restaurant job ASAP and think of something else. 

At least I can feel like I can write porn again. I missed dick on my dashboard, christ. 

(PS – Dash the pup, if you’re reading this, I need you to e-mail ccallenreese at gmail dot com immediately.)


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