

….you gonna share those noms?

“You know you can’t have my noms.”
“And that’s because there’s puppy noms hidden somewhere in this room,” Ty explained.
“Roo??” The pup lifted his head.
“Some red and white gummy bears perhaps? And some other fun pup V-day treats?”
The pup tried to stand up so fast he slipped on his pillow and nearly landed on his face.
Ty couldn’t help but laugh. “Careful! Go find em! Go fetch! Go find your pressies.”

Ty was laughing even harder when the pup found the gummy bears, and opened the bag with such excitement that they got flung everywhere. Ty was in stitches watching his hyper pup wear himself out trying to find and nom them all. Or so they thought. Ty would find gummy bears for days afterwards too.

It was nice to have a calm pup though. That was when the next part of the fun came in – the other present was a vibrating egg to go in before the tail. Ty knew his pup would enjoy that just as much as treats.

Captions are fictional.







Fuckin adorable.
Cum’ere, time for scritches!
(Seriously l, how could you not??)

Awoooo~ coming over!!!! *wags*

Wanna snuggle this puppy soooo bad.

I love snuggles!!! Come puppy let’s snuggle @pupartemis

Gladly handsome!! @padthaitaco Get up in my lap and I’ll give you tons of loving.

George sighed. He hadn’t been able to eat an entire sandwich by himself since his pup started living with him. That face was just too much. He was too cute. George knew giving in had created this bad behavior.
“No,” he said.
His puppy whined.
“No, I fed you recently, Marble. I can’t have you doing this behavior when I guests over.”
The whining increased. George ate the whole sandwich. “See? Not for pups.” He dusted crumbs off his shirt into the sink. “Go chew on your toys. I have work to do, babe. You’ll get a snack later.“ George gave Marble a scritch behind the ears as a sign-off.

George was working at his laptop when he heard the fridge door open and close.
“What the…” George got up to explore when he heard the storm door to the backyard open and shut. “Marble!” He jogged to the kitchen. His pup was standing in the backyard with the entire bag of deli meat in his mouth.
“No! Bad pup!”

And that’s how George spent five minutes chasing a bag of ham around the backyard, before finally winning. He took the bag back.
“BAD Marble! Very bad pup.” He turned Marble around and gave him a spanking right there in the yard.
The boy yowled and wiggled, but he’d been bad and he knew it.
“You stay out here until you know what it’s like to be a good pup. I’ll let you in during dinner. You lost your snack privilege.”
Marble lowered his head and gave George mournful eyes.
“That’s right puppy. Pups are not in charge. I am in charge. You’re a pup. Right boy?”
“Arf,” Marble said.
“That’s right.” George said, heading back inside with the ham. It wasn’t always fun being the alpha in the household, but someone had to set rules. Pups couldn’t run the place, and ham couldn’t be a treat if he got it when-ever you wanted.

There was however a chance for dessert after dinner for Marble if he behaved. George knew he would.

Captions are fictional.





Damn that’s a nice bathroom

“Goodness, you’re a cutie. I bet someone just left their gate open. You’re locked, and someone clearly cares about you.”
“I called the number on your tag and left a message. Looks like you’re staying here for the time being. Here’s a jockstrap for you to play with, and I”ll bring you some bedding for a nice rest ok?”
“Oh you’ll need water too. And a snack.’
The tail began to wag. “Arf arf!”
“Good boy. Sit. Stay. Ok I’m closing the door now. Now right back.”

The pup was settling in some roast beef slices and some water when my phone rang.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Uh hi, you called me? You have my boy there?” the anxious voice replied. “You left me a message, about PB?”
“Oh! Yes. Yes I did. I found him wandering around the neighborhood in the rain. He’s here.”
“Oh thank god,” the  man said, with an exhale. “My name’s Nate.”
“Keshawn,” I answered.
“Thank you so much Keshawn. My boy has really severe anxiety and PTSD. I’ve been training him to go into pup mode during panic attacks. Seems like he had one…”
“Wow,” I said. “That seems like a very clever way to deal with that. I was right, you do care about him a lot.”
Nate exhaled again. “I definitely do. I love PB so much. Sometimes when he had an attack he has to go on walks to clear his hand, but he has a terrible sense of direction and often gets lost. Seems he got lost while still in pup mode. I came home to find the door unlocked. I’m so glad you called, I was sick with worry.”
“It’s alright, it’s alright. I gave him some deli meat and some pillows and he’s hanging out in my bathroom.”
That made Nate laugh. “Oh I bet he loved that. What’s your address?”

I gave it, and Nate said he was only a mile away. He was there in record time, and PB went nuts loving up on his handler. Nate had to sit down because he was being bowled over, and PB crawled all over him, licking and headbutting him. It was adorable as hell.
“Aww he missed you.”
“I missed him more.” Nate wrapped him in a hug.
“Yesh I did. Yesh I did.” Nate gave his boy a scritch behind the neck and looked up at me. “Can I get you anything in return?”
“Oh money isn’t needed.”
“Nohting at all?”
I thought. “Weeeelllll. I really want a boyfriend, if you could recommend someone? I mean not to be crass, but Grindr has been so dry lately you know?”
Nate nodded. “I get what you mean. Nothing like screwing everyone in your vicinity and seeing them at the post office the next week.”
I laughed. “You do get what I mean! Only for me it was Trader Joes.”
“Happened to me too!” I smiled. I had a feeling I was making a friend.
“Yo, Keshawn, I know a guy who just got back from working abroad. Real good looking face, very witty guy. Why don’t I set you guys up on a date?”
I raised an eyebrow. “I’d love a blind date.”
“And if things go well, he does screw on first dates.”
“Ok, I’d really love a blind date.”
That made Nate laugh again.
It was a done deal. We exchanged information, and Nate left with PB.I got a text from Marcus the next day. The date went great, and he gave me a mind-blowing handjob for dessert. Two years later, we were still dating.

Pretty good return on karma for helping a lost pup.

Captions are fictional.



Learning some new tricks today

Howard looked down. That was odd. Normally when he was fixing lunch, his pup was at his feet begging. Curious, Howard dried his hands on a towel and went looking for his boy. Was he napping after Christmas excitement?

Howard found him in the living room and had to smother a laugh. His pup was sitting in a chair, and very seriously reading his new book. It was comical to see a pup take such a formal, human pose. How nice that he liked his present so much though!
His pup looked up at him.
“Learning some things?”
“Good boy,” Howard said with a smile. He’d fill the boy’s bowl and let him get lunch when he reached a break in the chapters. He didn’t want to get in the way of his boy learning some new tricks.

Captions are fictional. This photo is actually a week or so old, not taken on Christmas. <3 @puppixel though. Super adorbs.






Christmas time for puppies 🙂

What beautiful time of year.

No peeing on the puppy-mas tree. Only smell.


“What do you mean I can’t mark these presents? They have my name on them.” My pup asks, his voice muffled from the mask.
“That means they’re already marked. No peeing. Smells only. Be a good boy.”
“Arfffff.” He says with a sigh.
”Did you put out cookies for Santa?”
“Cause these look like dog biscuits.”
“Santa might be a pup too.”
I chuckle. "I don’t see why not. Ok pup, up to bed with you.” He’s been sleeping with me these last few nights because it’s been so cold in the house.

My pup looks at me, then drags his pup bed over to the tree by his teeth. “Awww,” I coo. “You want to sleep here and wait for Santa?”
My boy nods. “ARF!”
“Aw look at your tail go. Ok, you can sleep here, but I’ll have to bring the down blanket down here so you don’t get cold.”
“But no peeking in the presents ok? Or you’ll get spanked.”
The pup nodded eagerly.
“Alright then. I’ll fill your water bowl down here then.”

The next morning, I woke up with my pup sitting on me with one of his presents to me in his mouth. Could there be a cuter Christmas morning? I was convinced not.

Captions are fictional.



*barks* puppy got bored :(.

Someone throw ball? 🐶

Julian looked at his pup. He looked at his laptop. He looked at his pup. He shut the laptop. He bounced the ball in his hand and threw it. It rolled out the door and down the wooden hallway. “Ok, go bring me the ball!” He laughed when the pup got so excited he half fell off the bed. Julian could hear the barking echoing down the hall. He had no idea when his boy had gotten into his pup gear, but he was glad he had. His boy always seemed to know when he needed a break.

Captions are fictional.