


butt grabbing is very important in a relationship


He’s watching Netflix on his tablet, on his belly. You’re reading the Wall Street Journal, propped up on pillows. Lazy Sunday morning in bed. Your eye drifts up to those tempting curves wrapped in grey cotton. They have shape now. They didn’t used to. Moving into a condo unit with a gym on the ground floor has been paying off. You decide your boy needs to know you’ve noticed. You lean forward a little to take a drink of water, just so it looks like you have an excuse to be moving. You set the water down, pick up your paper with your left hand, then reach over with your right and squeeze that firm meat. The boy’s ass tenses under your hand, and he looks over his shoulder at you. He raises an eyebrow. “Hey,” he says.
You give him a smirk and lean back with your paper. “Hay is for horses,” you reply, adjusting your glasses and turning the page.
He shakes his head and goes back to his Netflix special. Ten minutes later, a hand reaches up and squeezes your bicep. You glance over at his grip, then flex. He squeezes hard and rubs it, trying to hide a smile and look forward at the same time.

God he’s just the most precious thing. You bend to the side and kiss his fingers. That makes him look up at you.
“Hi,” you mouth, knowing he can’t hear you with the earbuds in.
He pops them out anyway. “What are you doing teasing me like that?”
“I can’t help it,” you say, “You make me want to kiss you.”
“Oh really? Cause if there’s kissing happening I want in on that…”
“Oh really?” you reply, mimicking him a little. You bend over the same time he pushes himself up and you meet for an awkward kiss that has you bumping noses and giggling.
“That’s not working,” he notes.
“It’s really not,” you reply, setting the paper aside and pushing his lifted shoulder down so he naturally rolls on his back. You set his tablet aside, pausing to pause it, and swing your leg over so you’re straddling his form. You have his attention now, eyes alert and glittering. You gather his hands and pin them into a pillow. He licks his lips like he’s nervous and you bend over and claim his mouth properly in a deep kiss. A groan percolates in his throat. Suddenly you can’t remember what that article was about, and you feel pretty stupid for reading that the whole time you could have been doing this. When was the last time you made out like teenagers again?

Captions are fictional. Source is @maxxie1129.


Mikhail posed for a portrait showcasing his two favorite things in the world – his family’s old summer dacha and his beloved pet faggot of ten years. He loved to bring the boy out here to the wilds outside of St. Petersburg and live nude and unencumbered by work or societal standards. Mikhail wanted a good photo to commemorate his life happy before he got old and out of shape. He had to wear shorts of course, so he could show it to people that didn’t follow his particular lifestyle.

While the photographer was messing with the light meter or something, the faggot noticed the tempting out-line of Mikhail’s cock in his shorts. It was pronounced, half erect, as Mikhail was excited by fresh air and the promise of vacation after being stuck in a car for hours. The boy’s instincts took over. It needed attention, so he gave it. He began to mouth the shape through the khaki fabric, ignoring Mikhail chiding him and squeezing the back of his neck. He muttered, “Not now, boy,” but the tone of his voice didn’t match the words.

The photographer got himself together and said, “Ok, smile!” but the faggot was no longer paying attention or taking orders from anyone that wasn’t his man. He was lost in playing with the throbbing cock he found hidden up Mikhail’s shorts. Mikhail shrugged and indicated for the photographer to take the picture. It was a more accurate representation of their relationship anyway.

Text is fictional.



I checked my phone for the fiftieth time, already knowing that the room number was 1403. I was nervous as I crossed the hotel lobby, butterflies roiling in my stomach. The concierge smiled at me but, thankfully, didn’t ask me any questions. 

I pressed up on the elevator, fixing my hair in the mirror one final time, giving my lips a final swipe with my cherry chapstick, hoping that I’d live up to his expectations. That I wasn’t about to get turned away at the door.

I saw the room number on my first pass, but I kept walking deliberately down the silent, carpeted hallway, trying to pluck up my courage to knock. Standing in front of the door, I took a deep breath and knocked timidly. There was a pause that felt like forever, that made me want to turn around and speed back down the elevator. 

Then I heard footsteps and before I could run the door opened. Bald and muscly, just like his pictures. He was wearing black slacks and a white tanktop that hugged his pecs. “Hi,” I murmured breathlessly.

“You’re even cuter in person,” he said with a smile. “Why don’t you come inside?” He beckoned me in to the spacious hotel room, seating himself on one of the two armchairs. I moved to take the other one, but he shook his head, patting his lap instead. 

“So, you said you’re a virgin?” he said as I nestled myself, somewhat awkwardly, on his lap, not looking at him. I nodded, blushing. “That doesn’t make any sense,” he laughed. He wrapped an arm around my waist. 

“Ever kissed anyone before?" 

I shook my head, and he chuckled, wrapping his fingers through my hair, steering me to his mouth. It was warm. His lips slid over mine, engulfing them. I moaned softly. He broke off. “You’re a good kisser,” he smirked.

I nodded, averting my eyes once more. He felt him frown, running his hand through my hair. “You okay?” he asked in his deep voice.

"I… I’m not sure. I – I just, I never thought it would be like this.”

He looked at me sympathetically, tilting my chin up so that our eyes met. “If you want to go, that’s okay. Look, I don’t know you, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to.” He hugged me tight. “How about this: I’ll pour us some wine and I’ll let you pick a movie to watch. Then we can take a shower together so that you can explore. And then, if you want, I’ll carry you back to the bed, naked, and I’ll take your virgin pussy.”

I shivered and then slowly nodded.


“So…let me get this straight.”
“There’s nothing straight about this, boy.”
“Ok, well then, let me see if I can make this clear.”
“Go on.”
“So this job of cleaning your house naked was actually an interview?”
“And you want me to move out of my shitty apartment in to your awesome house and be your houseboy and poolboy?”
“And when I finish my degree in massage therapy, you’re going to probably expect me to massage your impossibly-hot-for-48-year-old-body out by the pool?”
“And you want access to my cock and want me to fuck you when you demand it? and will sometimes fuck me in return?”
“Of course. It is a long, beautiful uncut cock, I intend to enjoy it.”
“Uh ok, just…clarifying a few things.”
“Any other questions, boy?”
“….Uh, yeah, when can I start, Sir?”

Text is fictional.


My friend Sarah had always had trouble holding down jobs and homes, from what I suspected were issues with drugs and alcohol. After yet another eviction, she showed up on my door step with a packed truck and her son. His presence startled me. Jacob was just a scrawny pre-teen when I saw him last. He was nearly a man physically now, but still so boyish. Despite his mother’s failings, Jacob looked healthy and well muscled under a too-small T-shirt and jeans. He made my cock swell immediately, which made it difficult to have a rather serious discussion with Sarah about what she was doing at my door.

Same ol’, same ol’ – “bad” bosses, “evil” landlords, never her fault ever. We had been friends since college, but that Sarah I knew was gone. I told her Jacob could stay, because instability is never good for a young man, but not her. I knew druggies – eventually something would go missing, then something else, and then finger-pointing and blame games would begin. Then, getting her to move out… nope. Wasn’t gonna do it. I paid for a week in a motel for her, and helped her move Jacob’s stuff into my guest room. If she cared about her son, she would take that week and get her life together. I didn’t have high hopes.

I laid down ground rules for Jacob. He was to get a part time job, get his GED, and start community college. I set a curfew and told him he wasn’t too old for spankings. Jacob made me a bit edgy – he always looked at me a bit too hungrily, always chewing on his bottom lip like he wanted to just tackle and eat me. The idea of a spanking seemed to excite him instead of freaking him out.

For the most part, Jacob seemed to be – fortunately – a stable boy. He found a job in a coffee shop and worked on schoolwork, kept his room clean, helped out with chores. I let him go to concerts and break curfew once in a while. I began to wonder if that boy had an alternative agenda though.

He always walked around in these tighty whities, sometimes even brazen enough to sport a half erection and a wet spot in the front. Sometimes if there was like chocolate on his finger or something, he’d spend too much time sucking on it if he knew I was watching. Jacob’s eyes always spent too much time on my ass. He’d come home from the school gym sweaty and hot, stripped to the waist, and linger far too long before disappearing in the direction of the bathroom. For his birthday, he asked for a sex toy. I got him a giftcard to a sex store and didn’t ask questions. He looked disappointed I didn’t.

One morning before work, I woke up horny in a way that only comes once in a while. I think it’s one of those left-overs from our primal days. You wake up with a huge, throbbing boner and your balls feel like big heavy stones. I humped my hand until I came, soiling my sheets, then rolled over to the side and stroked myself in slow tugs.
My mind began to wander since I was in less of a hurry now. I was horrified that they were drifting to Jacob, and the fantasy of his young sculpted body spread out beneath me as I pounded his ass into the bed over and over. No doubt, he’d writhe and beg for it harder, squeezing my cock with such grip that not a drop would spill from his hole I was fucking. I suddenly gasped and shot again onto my belly. I dipped my fingers into the mess and stared at them, muzzy headed. I hadn’t had two orgasms in a row in years, so I was pretty sure that would be the end of it. He was more than a decade younger than me. Not healthy.

I peeled myself out of bed and forced myself into the shower. By the time I was done, I found myself petting my dick with the towel. I sighed and forced myself to stop. I would never get my pants closed like that. Once I recovered and got dressed, the urge to jack off had mostly passed but I still felt a little hot under the skin. What the hell was going on with me?

I prayed to god that Jacob had one of his early morning shifts at the coffee shop today, that he’d be off at the gym, or still in bed. I couldn’t see him this morning, not after masturbating to him. Yet, there he was, in his tighty whities, eating a bowl of cereal while swaying and grooving around the kitchen to an Arctic Monkeys song on the radio. I gawked at him. Was he even aware of how sexy he looked? Fuck, I coulda sworn I could smell him from here. So young, so much virility.

My cock began to betray me again, and in slacks, there is no way to hide it. Before I could run though, Jacob noticed me. He didn’t seem embarrassed at all, he just turned down the volume a bit and put his bowl in the sink.

“Hey, good morning, Mr. Bell. Cereal? Toast?”
“Good morning. In a minute. Listen, Jacob-,” I began, stopping myself when I heard how husky my voice had sounded. Christ, what was I gonna say? ‘I wanna fuck you?’ Jacob gave me a confused look and hopped up onto the counter.
“What is it Mr. Bell?”
“Matthew’s fine, Jacob.” I sighed and ran my hand through my buzz cut which was growing out. Before I could say something of substance, Jacob noticed the bulge in my pants. His eyes went from it, to my face, then back down again, and back up. An eyebrow went up. He licked his bottom lip. Shit.
“Jacob, are you gay?” I blurted out.
Surprise lit his face. “You couldn’t tell?”
“Fuck,” I groaned. “So you have been seducing me?”
“Guilty as charged. You know, when Sarah said we were going to her friend Matt’s house, I was really annoyed at her for making us move again. When she told me you were gay though, I thought maybe it might not be so bad – but damn, didn’t expect you to be so hot. I’ve been looking for a man to …hm, teach me a few things. But you don’t seem to be interested.”
I adjusted my package and walked over to him. “Oh I’m interested, Jacob. You’re just so much younger than me, so innocent. You’re on your own, away from your mother, I figured you needed some time to sexually explore yourself you know? I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you, but fuck I think you want me to.”
He purred. “I do.” He scooted his butt backwards on the counter more and parted his knees. I groaned. My sex drive was screaming to take him. I moved between him and put both hands on his thighs, caressing them.
“Are you a virgin?” I whispered softly.
“I fooled around with some of the boys in the locker room, but none of them have ever fucked me.”
“I’m going to fuck you,” I growled, sliding both hands over his hips and grabbing a handful each of his rock-hard ass. Inside the confines of my pants, my cock was so hard I was dripping pre-cum down the inside of my leg.
He groaned and rolled his hips forward in my grasp, “You promise?”
I answered him by moving in for a kiss, my fingers pulling down his underwear away from his ass. His lips stuck to mine like glue, our tongues fencing together as we pushed our mouths together. He tasted like milk and cinnamon. With the pretenses gone, it was blatantly obvious what we both wanted and needed.

Jacob was on fire in my hands. He wiggled so I could pull off his underwear. I tossed them away, but before I could plan my next move, Jacob grabbed my hand and stuck it between his legs. I was too busy kissing him to see his cock, but hell my fingers told me all I needed to know. About five inches of hard and fat, uncircumcised meat throbbed in my fingers. My touch wandered from his trimmed hair down to his balls, pulled high in their sac and each as round as an egg. I played with these first, making him keen and twist in my grip. He pleaded with me not to stop as his kisses wandered down my jaw. I suddenly felt wetness, and realized Jacob was leaking pre-cum too. My hand traveled back up to his ignored and cock, but instead of just grabbing him, I teased him by roving my fingertips by base to tip. He yelped and bucked, dribbling pre-cum like a broken faucet.

“Holy fuck, Mr. Bell!” he gasped, curling his toes. “That feels amazing!”
Matthew,” I insisted, capturing his mouth again and I rolled the glans between my thumb and pointer finger like I was sprinkling salt. Jacob’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head and he grabbed my wrist, nothing but a silent gasp coming out of his throat. He really was inexperienced. Jacob didn’t need a father at this age, he needed a man to teach him about the potential of his body. I wanted nothing more than to be that man.

“I’m gonna-!” he warned me. My hands fell away and he whined. “No no don’t stop!”
I needed both hands to get my pants undone; I nearly ripped the button off in the process. I tore the zipper down and hefted out my erection. I was at least an inch longer than him. Jacob’s eyes went huge at the sight of it. “Oh Matthew, you’re fucking huge.”
I grinned. “I hope you’re not getting second thoughts.” I kissed him again and again, and pressed up against him, between his legs. His cock was searing hot against mine; I pulled him close to me with both hands on his ass. I frotted against him with unbridled passion, our seed mingling, making our groins slick. Jacob was making the most sensual noises now, bleating and gasping, moaning and groaning. I still had one more surprise for him though. I licked one of my digits and slid it between the globes of his ass, fingering his entrance in little circles. “Oh god, oh god, oh god!” Jacob screamed as he came, tense in my embrace, his muscles seizing. He hooked one leg around me, holding me in place, as I rubbed my cock against him and teased his ass from the back as he exploded.

It was hard to tell whose mess was whose, there was just so much cum everywhere. My pants were now completely soiled, but I wasn’t planning on going in to work for a while. Jacob was softening underneath me, but that third orgasm of the day hadn’t done a single thing to quell the beast in me. Jacob rested his head on my shoulder, his torso heaving, his body limp.
“Hey…are you alright boy?” I asked.
“Fuck,” was all he could say, “I’ve never…cum….like that…”
Pride blossomed in me. “It’s what happens when you trust a more experienced man.” Jacob sat up, and I cupped his jaw in my hands. I gave him a sweet kiss, then nuzzled his cheek. “You wanna get some water, then go up to my bedroom?”

His eyelids fluttered open. “Your …bedroom?”
I chuckled. “Yes Jacob, I’m not gonna fuck you in the kitchen. Plus, we need to get cleaned up, and I have to prepare you.”
“Wait wait – don’t you have to go to work?”
I looked at the clock. Late anyway. “I’m gonna take the morning off. Something at home needs my attention a lot more.”
Jacob smiled. “You’d do that for me?”
“Yes. You’ve been ignored for too long. Someone needs to give you the attention you deserve. I cupped his balls in my hand. "Plus, it’s not like it’s a huge inconvenience.”
He ‘mmm’ed’ at my touches. “I’m gonna get fucked.”
“Yes, yes you are.”
“Will you carry me upstairs?”
“Of course, Jacob, it would be my pleasure.”

Text is fictional. Thought you guys deserved some long erotica to start the week. This was from a porno by Man Royale; it’s called An Afternoon Delight and it features Ethan Slade and James Ryder. The original photo is in color. More pics from the set here.



“Well…that’s one way to keep ‘em down on the farm…” (67)

Heath did not know what to do with his son. Dylan had been caught three times now giving handjobs in the boys bathroom at school, only once for cigarettes. He wore his sister’s jeans, walked with a swish, and spoke with a campy tone. Frankly, Heath thought it was an embarrassment to have a teenage son acting in such a loose way, not a manly, proper way. He was horrified to learn how Dylan had been not only experimenting with men instead of the ladies. He might have tolerated this infarction until Dylan left for college, but his son’s grades were slipping. A cousin named Joe on his wife’s side owned a farm, and after some talk, Dylan’s parents sent him there for re-education.

Hard work and distance from confusing media imagery would align Dylan right. Having proper, heterosexual male role models would teach him how to chase girls and bed em well too.

Dylan initially hated the farm. He had to get up super early. The work gave his soft hands blisters, his fair skin burned, and unflattering bootcut jeans replaced his beloved cigarette jeans in a rainbow of colors. Also the chafing! His poor balls.
Dylan was a smart kid though – he couldn’t stop working unless he was providing another service in exchange, and began to conspire to put out. He didn’t have to lift a finger though. The other men sensed Dylan’s the natural need to submit and please other men, to seek their approval. Their leader, a man named Rich, asked Dylan to join him for a piss one afternoon. Afterwards, Rich didn’t put his cock away – he played with it until he had Dylan’s attention, then began to masturbate right in front of the young man. It was the perfect bait and the young lad was helpless being so close to a hard cock after not having one for weeks.

Oh how he missed the taste of cock on his tongue! Sucking a cock with the scent of sweat and Earth around his nostrils drove Dylan wild. Word spread quickly of the young twink’s services and soon the blisters on Dylan’s hands healed and he was back to wearing tank tops again. All the hands on the farm knew the signal – they just had to unbutton their pants and the twink would come right over to kiss their neglected lips, caress their bulging pecs, and empty their full balls down his tight throat. So much easier to work in the hot sun with a drained cock and a happy buzz.

It wasn’t two weeks later when Rich put the claim on Dylan’s ass by squeezing it in front of the crew, and by the end of the summer the newcomer lost his virginity bent over a blanket spread on a hay bale. His ass became one popular attraction. When Dylan decided to stay for the new school year, Rich made another power move and locked Dylan’s cock up good. No point in him being distracted by his own cock when there’s so many men to service; the hornier the better right? Even Joe gave in the lure of having a slut around the farm. 

Heath assumed all was going well, but when he saw Dylan again he was shocked – the man had become a fell fledged faggot. He did look healthier, stronger, and practically glowing. Plus all those men had such compliments to say about his work effort and Joe breathlessly explained how high morale was at the farm . Heath was at a loss. He cut his son loose and left him in the care of men who appreciated boys like Dylan. Dylan wouldn’t exchange his stable of studs for anything, even if that cage only came off a couple times a year. It was heaven.

Post is fictional; models are Damien Crosse and Chris Porter. More images are here, including some piss play and sex.