

Dillon Buck and Junior Stellano | MENatPLAY’s Office Junior

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Stelios grunted. He stormed out of the office. His face was red to his collar bone. “Oh lord,” Greg muttered. He pointed at Lee. “You stay there.” He left the office and chased after Stelios.

Stelios was just pacing in the empty hallway clenching his fists.
“Stel,” Greg said as he jogged up to him. “Don’t – don’t punch anything. You know how your hand is.”
Stelios huffed loudly and threw his jacket half off his back. “Just – fuck! We’re right back at the start aren’t we? I actually thought we were making progress. After all that therapy, all that time we spent, that it was actually getting through to him.”
“It was working, and it was helping,” Greg reminded him.
“Well, clearly it wasn’t!” Stelios shouted. “And it’s fine now, he’s 16. But this is how it starts, Greg. Lee’s going to get some form of suspension, I just know it. He’s going to be disconnected from his studies. Maybe he’ll catch up. But we’re not going to be there when he’s 18, 19, 20. Off at college. He gets into another fight, he goes to jail. If we can’t control this now we …christ, Greg, we’ve failed him.” Stel’s voice hitched. He covered his mouth and turned to the wall.
Greg parted his lips but only a sigh came out. He walked over to Stel and pulled him back around and into a hug. The man’s body was hot against his. “We haven’t failed him. Lee has been doing amazing. He’s happy, he’s got friends, he’s making good grades. We made it through puberty without him putting us in the hospital. Or biting us. He even likes his therapist.”
“Yeah. I guess.”
“You need to give us credit for what we’ve accomplished,” Greg said in a soothing voice in Stelios’s ear.
“But what if it’s for nothing?” Stelios whispered.
“It’s not for nothing. Are you telling me we adopted him for nothing, that we didn’t change the course of his life for the better at all?”
A pause. “Well…no.”
“And remember how the principal told us that this wasn’t unprovoked. He was defending a girl being bullied.”
“That doesn’t excuse it though. We don’t want to tell him some fighting is acceptable.”
“No, but we can discipline him without it signaling a collapse of his therapies. Actually, I think it’s a sign his therapies are working.”
Stelios scoffed.

He stepped back from the hug, but he was standing only a foot apart from Greg.
“Because Lee tried to get them to stop with words. He told someone to get a teacher. He took steps to try and resolve the bully picking on that girl. But the bully shoved him, and so he swung. An over reaction? Maybe. But he didn’t just hit that kid unprovoked. It’s progress.”

Stelios exhaled. “Maybe, but it’s still fighting. I dreaded this call would come. If that bully…what’s his name? Ryan? If his nose is really broken, it could be expensive.”
“We have good health care and insurance. We could make Lee pay back the co-pay installments, to help teach him the impact of this.”
Stelios looked at his husband. “Why are you so good at this parenting thing?”
Greg snorted. “Cause I have a good partner I can trust to do it with me.”
Stelios lowered his gaze to the floor. “I don’t feel like a good partner right now. I just feel mostly angry.”

Greg folded his arms. “Like you could fight someone?”
“Like Paul Costanza?”
Stelios got a deer in headlight look and then the color came back, not up his neck, but just on his cheeks. “Nope. Nothing. Nada. No recollection.”
Greg chuckled. “You don’t remember how you thought he was assaulting me in that bar? Cause he was fucking me pressed me against the fence in that alley, and I was wailing like I was in distress?”
“I plea the 5th.”
“You never met me, yet you tried to protect my honor. It was cute, although your intentions were a tad misplaced.”
“Greg,” Stelios said helplessly.
Greg chuckled to himself. “Can’t believe that’s how we met.”

Stelios nodded. “Me neither. I remember next time I saw you at that bar, I apologized and asked how I could make it up to you. And you told me I needed to finish off where I got interrupted.”
Greg tilted his head. “Ok I forgot how slutty I was back then.”
A smile appeared on Stelios’s face. “The right amount. Also you still sound like you’re in distress sometimes.”
Greg coughed. “Hush.”
“The only time you’re quiet is when I kiss you. Remember that, us standing on the patio of that bar?” Stelios put his hand on Greg’s shoulder and caressed him down over his pecs. “You ran your fingers up my neck when we kissed, and you drove me nuts.”
Greg pressed his hand to the back of Stelio’s neck and moved his fingertips into his hairline. “Like this?”

Stelios leaned forward as Greg kissed him. The white hot anger dissolved away, and soon his muscles relaxed. When they parted for air, Greg pushed forward, seeking Stelios’s lips and the taste of him. Stelios couldn’t remember the last time they really just made out like this, like they used to. Sex seemed to be so brief these days. God, it had been so good back then, when they were young and naive and horny. They’d fuck and then splay on the bed, talking and dreaming of starting a family. And now here was the future, and they did have a family. A happy, functioning one. Greg was right. This fight really wasn’t that big of a deal. Lee would be fine, and they would be fine. This was just a hiccup of raising a teenager with a rough start in life.

They parted again. Greg moved in, but Stelios put his hand on his chest. “We’re um, making out in the hallway of our son’s high school.”
It was Greg’s turn to blush. “Oh. Right. The principal is probably wondering where we went.”
“We should get back,” Stelios agreed. “But um, we should pick up where we left off when we get home.”
“Can I undress you out of your suit?”
“Only if I can undress you.”
“Deal.” Greg smiled and straightened Stelio’s jacket. “Feel better?”
“Yeah. I’m glad I didn’t punch a wall.”
“Me too.” Greg snuck a little kiss in. They walked back to the principal’s office, holding hands, to go sort out their son and bring him home.

When they walked back into the office, Lee was sitting in a chair outside the principal’s office. He looked up at his parents. “Are you going to unadopt me?”
Greg shouldn’t have laughed, but it was just so unexpected.
Stelios palmed Lee’s shaved head. “Not on your life, kid. Sorry, we love you, you’re stuck with us.”
“Even though I screwed up?”
“Even though you screwed up.“
“Screwing up is how we met actually,” Greg added.
“Really?“ Lee responded.
“Yep. Come on, let’s go find out what your punishment is, and then we’re going home ok?”
“Ok,” Lee nodded. He looked exhausted. Defeated. His stomach grumbled.
“You wanna get McDonalds on the way home?”
“Yes,” Lee squeaked. His eyes were all wet.
“Ah, kid. Come here.”
Lee stood up and Greg hugged him. Stelios patted him on the back, then went go to talk to the principal. It was just a hiccup, he reminded himself. Life would go on, and he had a good evening ahead to look forwarded to – French fries and French kissing.

Captions are fictional.


“Hey! AJ, Manny, you guys made it.”
AJ waved. “Heey there you are!”
Tanner gestured to the empty chairs at the table. “Sit sit. Did your car break down or something? You said you were just gonna jump in the shower and head over.”
“Uhhhh…” AJ glanced at Manny.
Manny couldn’t help but grin. “Well, let’s just say we got extra clean before we came over here.”
Tanner rolled his eyes. “Regretting asking. I do not want to hear about my brother’s sex life.”
Manny picked up a menu. “Oh, well in that case, let me talk about mine. A really cute American boy made out with me and gave me a-”
“Oh god please stop.” Tanner begged with his hands held up, which made AJ giggle. “No please.”
Tanner’s girlfriend returned from the bathroom. “Oh hey the boys are here.” She stopped right before sitting down. “AJ, does the hickey on your neck have something to do with why you’re late?”
“Guilty,” AJ admitted. “Manuel sometimes puts the man in maneater.”
Manny brought his teeth together with a click and said, “Rawr.”

Tanner covered his face with his hands. “I don’t deserve this.”
Sarah blinked as the couple dissolved into giggles. “What did I miss?”
“My little brother is being dramatic because I get laid sometimes,” AJ teased.
“He’s my brother, it’s gross,” Tanner insisted.
Sarah sat down and smirked. “We could always get back at them by telling them what we did on the sofa they sit on when they visit.”
Tanner and AJ gasped at the same time and put their hands over their chests, which made Manny burst out laughing. The brothers were 16 months apart; although they often acted like twins, they couldn’t have more opposite personalities. It was a never ending source of entertainment for Manny when they were together.

The waitress came over to deliver drinks and collect the new orders. “Here’s your …” Her eyes swept over the table. “Everything alright?”
“Yes, fine. My brother is tormenting me,” Tanner said.
AJ stuck out his tongue.

They collected themselves and ordered. The waitress cracked her gum. “Got it. I’m gonna go put this in.”
Tanner and AJ’s gaze connected. “No!” Tanner pointed. “No you don’t. Don’t you dare!”
“That’s what he said!” AJ crowed.
“Gaaaah!” Tanner threw his head back in exasperation. 

Captions are fictional.


Taylor stopped making out with Derrick. “Woah.”
“W-what?” Derrick stammered.
Taylor pushed his hands down Derrick’s jeans and squeezed with both hands. “You’re not underwear.”
“Um. No. I’m not.” Derrick smiled.
“You haven’t been wearing underwear the whole time? Like during our whole date?”
“Nope. Left the house without em on.”
Derrick looked amused. “A reward for you to find if things went well on our date.”
Taylor worked his mouth once or twice. “Wow. That is so hot. And I – I am so hard right now, it’s incredible.”
Derrick grinned. “Where’s your bed?”
Taylor made a gesture to his left. “Can’t we just – right here?”
“Your knees are going to give out with what I’m going to do to you, so I want you on the bed.”
Taylor whimpered and he flushed. “I – um. I think I came a little.”
Derrick cupped Taylor between the legs. “You’re still hard. Fuck, that is so hot. Come on, show me where the bedroom is.”
“Yeah uh, right, right this way,” Taylor stammered.

Captions are fictional.


“I think I’m a little drunk,” Angelo said with a giggle. 
“I think I may be too. Cause I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop myself.” Cyrus pulled himself up by his arms until he was hovering over Angelo’s chest. “I want to kiss you now.”
“We both know what a bad idea that is…if anyone saw us…”
“Normally, I care. But somehow, I don’t give a shit right now.” Cyrus murmured. He dipped his head in to press a delicate touch to Angelo’s lips. They were soft, welcoming, and he returned for a deeper kiss. Their beards made a faint scratchy noise as they brushed together. 
When they parted, Angelo searched Cyrus’s face for any sign of regret. His cheeks were flushed, eyes wide and bright, mouth turned up at the corners.

Angelo groaned. “God, Cyrus, we’re in trouble now.” 
“Why?” he whispered.
“Cause I want more.”
Cyrus smiled. “Just you and I on this boat. No one is stopping us.”
“Then I think I’m going to start by kissing you this time,” Angelo said. He reached up and palmed the back of Cyrus’s head to bring them together. 

Captions are fictional.



@petardarkholme & @bobbygotback
Fotografia: Tom Kneller

“All good on the homefront?”
“Well, the baby went down for a nap, the dishwasher is loaded, laundry is folded and put away, dinner is marinating in the fridge.” Ty furrowed his brow.
“That all sounds like good things, but you don’t look too happy. What’s wrong?” Billy pushed back his chair from his computer and followed Ty out of the office.  “Something is wrong,” Tyler said. He stopped in the hallway and lowered his voice as to not wake up the infant. “We have a newborn, there isn’t any reason we should be caught up on the housework. I must need to do something, I just can’t think of what it is though.”
“It’s probably sleep.”
“Oh. I don’t feel tired.”
“I do. You’ve probably hit a wall where you’re so tired so often you stop realizing it,” Billy said.
“Well if I don’t feel tired, surely I should use this energy to get something else done…”
Billy pointed down the hall. “To bed.”
“This feels silly.”
Ty sighed. “Fine.” He peeked into the nursery before walking into their bedroom. He stripped off his shirt and climbed into bed. “I’m not tired.” He yawned.
“Uh huh. Ah curse you.” Billy yawned in response.
Ty grinned. “Contagious.” He stretched out. “Man it is nice to just not do anything. Maybe a nap is a good idea.”
“Well, hold on, there’s something I forgot to do.”
Ty glanced at Billy. “What?”
Billy moved to get up onto the bed.
“Are you gonna take a nap with me?”
“Absolutely. But first…need to do the thing I forgot to do.” Billy practically climbed on top of Ty, held himself up with one strong arm, and bent to kiss his husband deep. Ty made a low purring noise of appreciation and snaked his arm around Billy’s back. “Oh yeah sex…forgot about the whole sex thing…”
Billy kissed his jawline and down his neck. ‘Yeah the kissing is pretty nice… “ He slid his hand down Ty’s stomach.”
“Oh lord,” Ty gasped as the hand slid down past his waistband. He hurried to unbutton it. It was a confusing mood to be in – suddenly very horny and hardening quickly, but at the same time, the limbs were getting heavy and it  was feeling more and more attractive to fall asleep.

Lucky for Ty, he was too pent up to last long. Ty laid there on the pillows helplessly, hips arched, moaning Billy’s name as Billy stroke him to completion. He clutched Billy’s arm with one hand, sheets in another.
“Billy, god, don’t stop!” Ty hissed as loud as he dared, praying he didn’t make some loud comical orgasm noise that would wake the baby. He kept his teeth clenched and the groans in his throat as he spilled all over Billy’s hand.
“That’s it, come Ty, come all over me. That’s it, that’s a good boy. You’re working so hard to keep the house clean and the baby happy so I can work. It’s important you’re taken care of. You’re so very very backed up…”
Ty kissed Billy and ran his fingers through his hair as the bliss faded away into a soft dreamy bubble. “I feel very taken care of. And very, very tired.” Ty yawned as to make a point. “And also sticky.”
Billy yawned back. “Ah damn your contagious yawns again. I’ll go get a towel.”
Ty made a lazy nod as Billy got off of him. When Billy got back, Ty was asleep. Billy removed his jeans, cleaned up the spilled seed, and tucked his cock back into his shorts. Billy liked to handle it soft or hard. Cock was awesome, and Try liked to share his, so Billy was always grateful.
He left the towel in the sink, washed his hands, and then shucked off his clothes to join Ty for a nap. His own cock would wait until later, as could any work he left undone. Sleep, precious sleep, was calling him, and thankfully his cock understood that this time it had to bow out. At any second that baby could cry. Why would you squander that time not sleeping, when Ty was always curled up in bed, warm and soft and waiting?
Billy spooned up to him and nuzzled his neck. He began to fantasize how he’d spill his seed later, but within moments, he too was out.

Captions are fictional.


Brett sighs. “It really is pretty.”
“We did a really great job. It looks like something from a department store,” Khalid says.
“I’m glad we used only one color for the lights. Would have been too overwhelming with the ornaments,” Brett comments.
“I agree.”
They watch the lights twinkle.
“Our first Christmas together in our own place,” Brett murmurs.
“Is it selfish of me that I’m kind of glad I shouldn’t travel for Christmas, and so I get to spend it with you?”
“No, cause if it is, that means I’m selfish too.”
Khalid chuckles and kisses Brett on his cheek. “You’re adorable. We can be selfish together.”
“Fine by me. You know, when I was a kid, I told myself I wouldn’t wait to open presents. That I’d open them when I got them. But I see the merit in waiting now.”
“The presents are part of the decoration,” Khalid says.
“Huh. That’s definitely true. But now like, as adults, the fun of Christmas is watching people open stuff you got for them. Like I’m going mental trying not to tell you what I got you.”
Khalid points to a package. “Well that one is definitely a vinyl, based on the wrapping.”
“Yesss but I can’t tell you which one!” Brett whines.
“You better not. I want it to be a surprise.”
Brett pats him on the arm. “You will be.”

Khalid looks at Brett. “I can see the lights in your eyes.”
“You can?”
“Yeah…” Khalid cups Brett’s jaw. “We shouldn’t forget that the most beautiful things are right in front of us.”
Brett blushes and leans into the kiss from his boyfriend. “Khalid-” He sighs softly and accepts another. “Mn, I can taste the peppermint marshmallows from the hot chocolate…”
“Can you?”
“Yeah. Mn don’t stop.”
Khalid cups the back of Brett’s head and deepens the intensity of the kiss. Brett puts his hand on Khalid’s chest. Khalid pulls back, a confused look on his face. Brett smiles as he extracts himself from Khalid’s embrace. He stands up and takes a step back so he can sit on the soft. He leans back across it long-way, and crooks a finger in Khalid’s direction.
A look of understanding appears on Khalid’s face, and it darkens into lust and desire. He stands up and climbs over Brett’s supine post to straddle his legs. He returns to kissing Brett as the classical music plays in the background. Even if there isn’t much under the tree this year, it doesn’t matter at all. What Khalid wants most is under him, not the tree.

Captions are fictional.


Horned up after their shower, being instructed to oil each-other sent them into a make-out frenzy. They began making out before the director gave the cue. They didn’t care about directors and lights and noises. They had been unlocked after being restrained for a week, and their ability to resist impulses was down to zero. There was cock, and ass, and a bed, and they were going to fuck. Eventually someone hit “record” and just let them have at it. Natural-style porn always sold well, so the directors just let the boys give in to their natural instincts to rut. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

Captions are fictional.



Garden Gazing: Cameron Parks and Shane Cook in Helix Studios’ “Dig In.” (Link nsfw.)

Daniel cracked a beer and opened the back patio door. “How is that rose pruning co-…m…ing.” Daniel blinked. He took a sip of beer. “I see you met my son.”
“Mr. Romero-”
“No no, it’s fine. Just don’t come in the pool and clean up after yourselves. And finish the roses.”

He went back inside and shut the patio door behind him.
“Uh- is your dad really ok with this?”
“Let’s just say that as long as we’re not fucking in the roses, he does not give a damn.”
“…Ok then. Can I uh, examine your shorts then? I never see boys wearing pink shorts…”
“I was wondering when you were gonna ask that…”

Captions are fictional.



He knows just how to make me feel like prey – and it makes me so hot!

“No no. No leading from you. No trying to be the emotionally mature one here and try to make this a two-person dance. I lead. I’ve been wanting you for a very, very long time boy. And I’m going to have you just like I’ve wanted…dreamed…fantasized about… you’re my prey now, boy. Succumb to me. Let me lead. If you want to walk the road to the most forbidden pleasure and passion…let me show you the way.“

Captions are fictional.




butt grabbing is very important in a relationship


He’s watching Netflix on his tablet, on his belly. You’re reading the Wall Street Journal, propped up on pillows. Lazy Sunday morning in bed. Your eye drifts up to those tempting curves wrapped in grey cotton. They have shape now. They didn’t used to. Moving into a condo unit with a gym on the ground floor has been paying off. You decide your boy needs to know you’ve noticed. You lean forward a little to take a drink of water, just so it looks like you have an excuse to be moving. You set the water down, pick up your paper with your left hand, then reach over with your right and squeeze that firm meat. The boy’s ass tenses under your hand, and he looks over his shoulder at you. He raises an eyebrow. “Hey,” he says.
You give him a smirk and lean back with your paper. “Hay is for horses,” you reply, adjusting your glasses and turning the page.
He shakes his head and goes back to his Netflix special. Ten minutes later, a hand reaches up and squeezes your bicep. You glance over at his grip, then flex. He squeezes hard and rubs it, trying to hide a smile and look forward at the same time.

God he’s just the most precious thing. You bend to the side and kiss his fingers. That makes him look up at you.
“Hi,” you mouth, knowing he can’t hear you with the earbuds in.
He pops them out anyway. “What are you doing teasing me like that?”
“I can’t help it,” you say, “You make me want to kiss you.”
“Oh really? Cause if there’s kissing happening I want in on that…”
“Oh really?” you reply, mimicking him a little. You bend over the same time he pushes himself up and you meet for an awkward kiss that has you bumping noses and giggling.
“That’s not working,” he notes.
“It’s really not,” you reply, setting the paper aside and pushing his lifted shoulder down so he naturally rolls on his back. You set his tablet aside, pausing to pause it, and swing your leg over so you’re straddling his form. You have his attention now, eyes alert and glittering. You gather his hands and pin them into a pillow. He licks his lips like he’s nervous and you bend over and claim his mouth properly in a deep kiss. A groan percolates in his throat. Suddenly you can’t remember what that article was about, and you feel pretty stupid for reading that the whole time you could have been doing this. When was the last time you made out like teenagers again?

Captions are fictional. Source is @maxxie1129.