
“That’s it, sweet boy. Fill your nose with the smell. Let it override your senses. Fill your thoughts with it. Imprint it upon your memory. Feel the warm against your hand. Put your thumb right under my shaft, feel that pulse. Do you feel it?”
He nods and exhales a long ragged breath. “I do, I feel it, Sir.”
“That’s where all the blood rushes in when I see you in need. It makes me incredibly hard, makes my cock swell up huge, nice and straight, so I can fuck you. You want me to fuck you?”
“Oh yes Sir! Want your dick, want it in me so bad….smells so good.”
“Do good boys or bad boys get fucked by their keepers?”
“Good boys.”
“And what makes a good boy good?” I guide his hand so it’s ever so gently cupping my balls.
The boy whimpers, resisting the urge to squeeze – or press them against his face through the fabric. “A good boy is an obedient boy. A horny, chaste boy, who follows the rules and makes his keeper proud.”
“Very good, boy,” I say, emphasizing the ‘very’. “And have you been good?”
“I tried very hard to be Sir!”
“And are you chaste and horny?”
“So very horny Sir! My cock aches to be let free, to cum – to have an anal orgasm triggered by your penis inside of me…” he looks down from my eyes to my cock and loses his trail of thought.
I caress the back of his soft head. “Good boy,” I purr. Using the controller in my other hand, I turn on the vibration in his plug. The boy moans in ecstasy and sweet agony.
“Oh SIR!” he cries, leaning against my leg. “Oh Sir, oh god oh god yes!”
I smirk. “Move your hips. Spread your legs. Once you begin to drip, then I’ll fuck you.”
Instantly his knees slide apart and he begins undulating, trying to push that sensation against his prostate. He is making a lot of noise, lidded eyes half closed. “May I suck you?” he asks, ragged.
“You may,” I agree, having to try very hard to make myself wait for his ass. He must drip first.
The boy pushes up my shorts on one side, finds my cock head, and latches his lips around it like a hungry lamb. The sight of him suckling on me while moaning and writhing with his tightly caged red cock on display for me? My body did not know to react to how aroused it made me, and my cock did not even know what to do except grow and ache. I moaned and shot down the boy’s open throat – but my cock did not soften at all. It was saving that load to be deposited in a tight and warm place. My boy had earned that.

Captions are fictional.




What’s best for me? Locked or unlocked?

Locked. The cage not only is a nice decoration on your nude figure, but it centers your cock and draws attention to right between your legs. Even if you do or don’t have a keymaster, staying locked shows discipline and interest in preserving yourself for future interactions with your partner. It’s the fastest way to convince a man you are horny and are invested in a fun evening. And if you don’t have a man in your life, most boys do benefit from cutting back on masturbation. Also once you’re horny, you’ll feel sexier and want to project it more, upping your self-confidence. Win/win situation.


“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house; not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse….or your cock for example, because I locked it up. In its plastic cage you can see how cute and small it is compared to mine, which is allowed to go free and get hard when it wants. Your little inferior one is where it’s belongs because it’s too distracting for you. Just a little bit of flesh there, but you could not stop playing messing with it…

Aw, you better not pout. You better not cry. You’ve been such a good boy this year, and I’ll tell you why. You’ve pleased me so much this year, satisfied me so many times when I needed a boy the most… I’m sure Santa is going to be bring you lots of presents this year. I know your wish list is long. He might even bring you an orgasm. You don’t want Santa to peer through your window and see you jacking off do you? He’s going to think if you just want those boring kinds of orgasms and cannot control yourself, then he won’t need to bring you all those fun toys in his bag…

I know, it’s difficult. Why not come play with my cock and whittle away the time? Christmas morning is still a day away.

Text is fictional. Borrowed some lines from "Twas the Night Before Christmas” and “Santa Claus is coming to town”.


I walk past the kitchen, back up, then walk past it again. I let my eyes rove over his small ass peeking out between the apron’s sides and admire just how long his legs look when he’s naked.
He startles a little as if deep into his own thoughts. “Wha- oh hello. I thought you were watching that TV show you like.”
“I was… er…what are you doing?”
“Making dinner,” he turns and raises an eyebrow at me. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“You’re making dinner,” I repeat, in disbelief.
“Yeah I found this recipe involving stuffed bell peppers and orzo – we have to use up all that parsley and you bought that ground bison, so I thought it wasn’t a bad idea. Plus, there was some spinach on sale at the grocery store, and I’ve been wanting to try this walnut strawberry salad I saw on a low carb blog-”
“Woah woah woah.” I take off my glasses, wipe them on my shirt, and then put them back on. “What happened to Jackson? What did you do with him?”

He chuckles. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s Friday night! Normally you beg me to go out with you to the clubs, take drugs you can’t identify, get totally plastered, then call me to rescue you after you’ve wandered off with some hot blokes and come home with a black eye and a wet dick.”
He scoffs while rolling his eyes. “I don’t always do that…”
“Yes, yes you do. Three weeks ago, you left on a Friday and came home on a Sunday – you told me you woke up in Berlin.”
“…Berlin isn’t that far.”
“We live in Denmark.”

He coughs and turns his attention back to the garlic he’s dicing. “Well you know it’s just – I’m horny as fuck, and yeah, I wanna go out, but ever since you put me in chastity, I’ve felt different. Like, once my friends see the bulge of my cage under my tight-ass leather pants, they’re gonna strip me naked and fuck me in front of the entire club. They’re kind of rough blokes, you know? And I’m very particular about who I bottom for. You being the exception.” He punctuates this by pointing the knife in my direction.
“Plus, I’d be so frustrated by not being able to fuck those club boys, and I don’t wanna be seen there as a helpless bitch. Also, I don’t wanna get cum stains on my leather pants.” He shrugs. “I was hungry anyway so I thought I’d just make dinner and maybe you could milk me after? I wanna learn how to do that hands-free thing you talked about earlier.”
“The hands free orgasm?” I ask, dully, still stunned.
“Yeah that! Seems hot.”

I stand there stupidly and watch him prep food. I don’t recall putting a magic spell on that chastity cage. It was supposed to be a 48 hour kink thing we were doing. Since he’s such a fuck up of a boyfriend, if you could even call him that, he often relents out of guilt when I want to try kinkier shit. Still, I had no idea it would be this effective. I thought he’d be giving me a tongue thrashing trying to get the key from me so he could go party with his cock swinging free.

“Um, well,” I begin. “I’m thrilled, to be honest, and damn curious what you’re gonna be making here. Can I help in any way…?”
“You could wash the strawberries and um, maybe play with my ass a little?”
“Oooh that is a reasonable request for a very good boy.” I walk up behind him and give him a hug from the back, wrapping my arms around his waist. I drop one hand to cup his cage between his legs.
“Mmm that’s not what I asked. If you do that, I’m going to get a huge erection and then it’ll hurt.”
I kiss his shoulder and give his ass a little pat. “Alright, alright, sorry, I just …,” I begin, then drop the sentence as I release him and head toward the fridge.
“You just what?” Jackson asks, furrowing his brow.
I bite my lip. “You know what? Nothing. It’s fine. I’m just grateful you’re here.” I hold up the strawberries. “Washed berries and a rim job coming right up.”

Text is fictional.