

This Revolutionary Romance is available as an original drawing in my Etsy Store. Click HERE

Thomas closed the door behind him and hung up his hat. “Mother, I’m home.”
She bustled out into the parlor. “Hello darling. Wonderful timing. I was just about to put on tea. How was your lesson?”
“Wonderful, mother. I seem to have gotten over the difficulty of fingering the flute…I have a new piece to practice too.”
She clapped her hands. “Delightful! I want you to shine in that parade over Christmas.”
“I will mother.”
“Your tutor seems to be doing well with you.”
Thomas took off his boots. “He is mother. This tutor is excellent. I know father spoke poorly of him because his skin is not like ours, but he is a fine musician… he is taught me a lot about how to train my mouth to play the flute using these certain exercises. I don’t tire so much anymore.” He was trying so hard not to smile.
“You will be a professional by spring then?”

Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. “Well. Not by then. But I hope to keep seeing this tutor through next spring… I can’t become professional without maintaining long lessons.”
“Well, we’ll make sure to budget for this tutor when your pay comes from the military.”
“Yes mother.”
Thomas licked his lips. They were still a bit swollen. He’d had a shot of brandy before he left to clear the taste from his tongue. Thomas wished he could still taste his tutor though. And smell him. He had such a fine cock, in such an unusual dusky hue, and such dark curls…
“Thomas love, come help me with the tea tray.”
Thomas shook his head. He couldn’t be suspicious. If caught, it would be terrible. And of course, their fun would end. Fun that was slowly going to new, daring places. "Coming mother!”

Captions are fictional.


“I know it’s like ten days away… but like…would you come home with me for Christmas?”
Omar looked at his boyfriend. “You’re going to have speak up a little. You’re talking to the floor, love.”
Mark rubbed the back of his neck. “I just um. Wanted to know, if like, you’d come home with me for Christmas?”
Omar parted his lips in surprise. “Oh baby. Really? You want me to go home with you?”
“I just – my mom cooks so much food, and I hated leaving you here alone last year and I want you there and – I want you to meet my parents.”
Omar crushed Mark in a hug. “Yes! yes I want to go! I’m really happy you asked. I was hoping you’d ask me, I mean. I was really sad about being stuck here over Christmas without you.”
Mark cupped Omar’s face in his hands. “It didn’t feel right to me either. You’re such an important part of my life. It’d really be so lovely.”
Omar was smiling. “I’m really happy you asked.”
“I was sooo nervous,” Mark admitted. He nuzzled Omar.
“Do I give you butterflies?”
“Yes. Yes you do.”
Omar pulled back a little so he could reposition for a kiss. Mark read his actions easily and pressed their lips together.
Mark slid an arm behind Omar’s back. The city hummed with noise all around them. Thousands of people in a million rooms. But Mark felt like he was alone, floating in space, with Omar by his side. Love really could make you feel weightless. Mark couldn’t believe Omar said yes. And now he got to take him home, and show him off to his family. His dad kept pestering him about this anyway. Mark just hoped his mom didn’t bring up marriage and kids and embarrass the hell out of them…

Oh wait, no, she totally would.

Captions are fictional.


Raquel bit into the pillow, moaning loud as a steamboat horn. “Oh god, Papi, don’t stop! Don’t stop!”
“Don’t you worry baby, I won’t stop pounding your beautiful brown ass until all my cum is inside of you.”
“Harder, Papi!”
“That’s what I want to hear! Making up for all that lost time you thought you were straight huh? You like feeling me push my dick against your prostate gland huh?”
“Oh god, Papi, feels so good, feels so good…harder, harder!”
“I am, I am mijo. Woo, you are giving me a real ab work out here. My cock loves being inside of you. I’m not gonna last much longer. Milk me with your ass now, show me how grateful you are that I corrected your errant ways. Ohhh yeah, that’s a thankful boy.”

Text is fictional.


“So uh, see you at school tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I guess you will,”
Rajeed responded, still grinning like an idiot. He cuffed his boyfriend
on the arm. Sam made a motion to go, but he stopped, and looked deep in
thought. “…Sam?”
Sam moved forward suddenly and kissed him. Rajeed
was awakened by the spark from the touch, and reciprocated with eager
lips and a seeking tongue. Kissin Sam was nice. It was beyond nice.
“Mmnn…mnnn…” he sighed softly. Rajeed was just melting into a nice
pre-arousal buzz when-

“Honey, are you home? I thought I heard – oh! Oh goodness, excuse me.”

“Mom!” Rajeed groaned and facepalmed at his mother’s interruption, turning bright red.
Sam giggled and waved sheepishly. “Hi Mrs. Mayar.”
“Hello Sam. Oh, I’m so sorry for um, interrupting you two.”
“It’s ok, I was just on my way out”
“Did you have a nice date?”
Rajeed rubbed the back of his red neck. “Yeah we did.”
Mrs. Mayar smiled. “So nice to see someone bring my shy boy out of the woodwork.”
Rajeed groaned again. “Mom, please.”

She held up her hands. “Ok ok, I’ll go. You two can finish making out.
“Oh my god, Mom-”
”But you really should stay for dinner Sam. I’m making curry.”
glanced at embarrassed Rajeed, and at his kiss-swollen lips. “That’s
very kind of you Mrs. Mayar. I have team practice in an hour but…I’ll
be plenty hungry after.”
She beamed. "Well come by, and I’ll feed you. Kitchen’s open late.”
"Will do, thank you.” Sam nodded at her, then thumbed Rajeed’s chin. “See you later ok?”
Rajeed said, watching the hottest jock he’d ever seen smile brilliantly
at him, then turn and go. “See you uh, later.” God, his butt looked
good in Levi jeans.
“I see why you like him,” Mrs. Mayar notes, “His butt looks good in those jeans.”

Text is fictional. The boys are Zane Porter and Dominic Santos, in this scene for Randy Blue.



A young pet.

“Aww, you look so frightened. My poor pet. The first few days are always so scary. Don’t you worry, I’m not going to torture you and lock you in a cage downstairs. That is, unless you want me to.” His eyes go wide. I try not to laugh at how easily he scares.
“You must be hungry. That was a long trip to my home from the auction center wasn’t it? Ah, you nodded. Haven’t found your voice yet hm? We’ll work on that. Well, lucky for you I made some pork congee last night. You probably don’t know what that is. It’s like Chinese comfort food, but once you add bok choy, it’s also perfect pet food – protein, vegetables, rice.“ I take a portion out of the fridge and put into his bowl, then pop it into the microwave. “Now some Masters don’t heat up their pet’s food, but honestly cold congee is disgusting and I wouldn’t wish that anyone, not even a pet.”
Out of the corner of my eye I see a teeny smile. “Thank you Sir,” he says oh-so-softly.
“Good boy,” I say gently in return with nod. He shifts. It must be hard for him to sit on the floor, with how boney his butt is. I make a note to get him a pillow so he can sit on the floor next to my chair at breakfast. “After you eat, I’m going to groom you – bath, hair, nails. You desperately need a haircut. Then, I’ll give you your wardrobe, show you your quarters, give you a tour… so much to do.” The microwave beeps. I take out the congee and stir it, then pop it back in.
“Maybe we’ll go on a walk so you can stretch your muscles. I’ll guide you through dinner, and then perhaps if you’re not falling asleep we can start on your first Mandarin lesson?”
He blinks owlishly.
“You were told I live in Shanghai and Hong Kong December through February right?”
“No Sir,” he responds.
I raise an eyebrow. “Huh. Well, I do. And I expect you to be able to communicate with my guests and serve their needs there too.” The microwave dings again. “Ah there we go.” I set the bowl down and fill a matching tin cup with water. I can hear his stomach growl from here. “Now you will have to earn your silverware, but you knew that. Let me get a cushion from the living room for your knees though. I don’t want bruises on you.” I fetch the flattest one I can find from the sofa.

I crouch next to him and set it down, then unlock his hand cuffs. “There you go. Eat up boy. Don’t worry about a mess. You’re getting a bath when you’re done anyway.”
He licks his lips. “Thank you Sir.”
I pat him on the head. “Good pet. I like that you know respect and manners. Saves me from having to break you in. Now, eat, eat. You don’t want it to get cold.”

I stand back and watch him bring the bowl to his face and eat. I then fold my arms. “Hm, now to come up with a name for you…”

Text is fictional.



Magic Wood barebacks Draven Torres at (xox)

Later, after we were snuggling in post-coital bliss, he said: “I’m jealous.”
I tilt my head up and met his dark eyes. “Of what?”
“Other men…the men you had before me. The one night stands in college, the bar hook-ups, the party sex orgies, your boyfriends…so jealous that they got you before I did.”
I smile, crinkling the corners of my eyes. “You love being in me that much?”
“Fuck, you’re perfect. Tight, warm, like velvet, “ Marcus groans and handles his soft cock, as if checking to make sure he can’t squeeze another orgasm out of it. No luck – his balls are empty. “Shit, I can’t even put it into words. The way you smell, the noises you make, the way your beard brushing my face, the texture of your lips…Jesus,” Marcus sighs. “It’s like dying and going to heaven every time. I can’t get enough of you.”
I blush hard and put an arm around him. “Well you don’t have to be jealous.”
“How could I not be, baby?”
I smirk. “You think they all got sex like that?”
He lifts his head up. “What do you mean, baby?”
“You forgot, that before we met I was a slut. A raging, bottom slut. I didn’t care about the fuck as long as someone was on top of me, and made me cum. No one got to make love to me. No one. Especially no one that I wasn’t gonna see again. I thought it was trite. And yeah, I’ve had a few boyfriends. Boytoys, really, but they never turned into lovers, because I wasn’t ready to settle.”
“That means…” Marcus begins.
“I’m an old slut, love. There’s a 3 in front of my age, love. What’s fun becomes exhausting, the hangovers start to last a lot longer, the morning partings become more painful. The loneliness starts to sink in… as does the depression. And then I met you. And it was like I was starting over, and being in love for the first time.”

He blinks at me. “Honey I never knew this about you, how you felt about me.”
I pat his cheek. “You’re getting this old slut to let down his guard. Good for you.”
“You’re not old, and you’re not a slut. Well, you’re slutty, but not a slut. You’re mine,“ Marcus insists. “I like hearing that you want to settle with me, though. I like you. A lot.”
“Me too.”
We kiss.
“So…” Marcus begins. “With me, we’re making love?”
“Every damn time.”
He grins. “How did you know you were ready to share that with me? Cause when we first met, it wasn’t like this.”
“You were right. When we met, we just fucked. But then…then you started putting your hand over my cock when we had sex.”
“….I do?” He blinks.
I giggle. “Yeah you do it every time. You get me spread wide and open, make me impale myself on you, and before I can get anywhere near my needy little erection, you put your hand over it and my balls. Mine, you say. You don’t want me to touch. You don’t want me to focus on any other pleasure except the kind you’re giving me. And at first, it pissed me off, but then we had that night when we got back from the ballet remember?”
“Uh huh,” he replies, mesmerized by the words coming out of my mouth.
“And it was just…so wonderful. So intense. So slow, so passionate. And you did that, and it just felt right. I felt like I belonged to you, I wanted to give myself to you. So, I thought, why not? Why not see where this goes?” I kiss his chin. “It’s been a very rewarding experience. The sex is on another level.”

Marcus works his jaw. I wonder if he knows his eyes look a little wet. “Baby,” he manages. “I had no idea. I am so, so…flattered that you picked me, and let me pleasure you. When I met you, and started dating you, I thought – this guy is really special, but I don’t think he’s going to stick around long enough for me to show him how special he is. So every day to me, it’s like waking up in a dream.”
“It is, isn’t it?” I sigh, content. “Being in love is amazing. Getting fucked by you is amazing. Coming hands-free is amazing. Spending time with you is amazing. But it’s the sum of the parts that make me get up in the morning.”

Marcus wraps his arms around me and nuzzles my neck. “I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you too, Marcus. …Hey, what’s that poking me in my thigh?”
“Huh?” he glances down. “Well, shit, look at that. I don’t think there’s anything left in the arsenal though.”
I wrap my fingers around it. “Why don’t we find out?”

Text is fictional. Source is below. Black gay porn actors have the best aliases. Magic Wood and Draven Torres are with Lucas Entertainment.


I woke up to an empty bed, a bit annoyed because I intended to have a good cuddle before breakfast. Visions of passionate coupling, edging, and kissing filled my head. It was just “great sex” for a while until I discovered he spoke some foreign language and whispered the dirtiest things in my ears. I shot a huge load, then a second and a third after long sessions of edging and knob polishing. My cockhead was still sensitive, but I felt refreshed, light as a feather even. My balls felt light as balloons. 

But where was my one-night stand? It was barely past dawn! Had he left? I bolted out bed and jogged through the house. What I saw in the kitchen stopped me in my tracks. There he was, bathed in the golden morning sun. Every skin cell in his tanned, gym sculpted body seemed to glow from the inside out. He was leaning casually against my counter, providing a beautiful silhouette of his pillowy pecs, protruding posterior, and um… wow. Tighty whities do not hide a thing, and his cock looked full and impressive tucked away safe and clean in his underwear. I was instantly jealous of the cotton. The man was an impossible ode to physical perfect and male beauty. Even his day-after scruff is flawless! I gave one of those dreamy, Disney sighs.

I began to wonder what liquid courage I drank last night that made me go up and talk to this guy. He was out of my league. BEYOND out of my league. Out of my orbit. …Shit, what was his name?

“Good morning,” I purred as I strode into the kitchen.
He turned his head and a smile crinkled his eyes. “Oh you’re up. Did I wake up?”
“I woke up cause my bed was empty.” I caressed his shoulder, then kissed it.
“I’m sorry. I was utterly gross, and I didn’t want you to see me unshowered. I was worried I’d wake you if I got back into bed.” He folded the paper and set it on the counter.
“Quite alright. You’re still here. I’m glad you stayed.”
He gave me a gentle kiss. I wished I brushed my teeth.
The stranger raised a thick eyebrow at me. “You’re not gonna kick me out? Most of my one night stands don’t like reminders of their inhibitions standing around..”
I scoffed. “Well they’re fools.” I pulled open my cabinets and my fridge, looking for things. I had no idea what I was making yet, but I was definitely cooking this man breakfast.
“Fools?” he repeated with a smile.
“Well…well yes,” I stammer. I never wanted to cook breakfast for any man before, and it wasn’t just in thanks. Something about his presence made me feel like I had to serve him, that I wanted his respect and appreciation. Maybe it was because of my low-esteem but Christ, I wanted him to validate me to eternity and back. “That was easily the best sex of my life last night,” I admitted. “I thought it was great by itself, and then you start speaking in this language and holy god that turned me on so bad. I feel so fucking energized this morning. Hell it wasn’t sex, it was some sort of cleansing ritual.”

“Oh god stop,” he groaned with a chuckle. “I’m so embarrassed. And you’re being way too kind.”
“Pft!” I replied, putting pans on the stove. “I don’t know what planet you grew up on, but when a drop-dead gorgeous man gives you the best dicking of your life, you want him to stay for breakfast. …You will stay right?”
He perked up and rubbed my hip with his hand. “You’re realy going to cook for me?”
I realized I should really have asked what this walking statue was called. “If you tell me what your name is,” I said sheepishly, “Because I don’t think it’s ‘oh god’.”
The man laughed again, a hearty, healthy sound. I was smitten. “We kind of skipped that formality hm? My name is Avid, like David without the D.”
He pronounced it, “ah-veed”. It sounded plenty exotic. “What nationality is that?”
“Persian. That was Farsi I was speaking in.”
“Farsi? Well, you are welcome to teach me some of that.”
Avid’s eyes seemed to sparkle when he looked at me. “Just might do that. And you are…?”
I set the bag of flour on the counter. “Oh! Right, sorry. Name’s Hank, which I don’t really like, so most everyone calls me Mitch, after my middle name, Michael.”
“Why not Michael?” Avid inquired.
“It’s my dad’s name. Gets confusing.”
“You Americans have so many names! Like some sort of spy.”

I chuckled, then moved onto cracking eggs into a bowl.
“Are you really making me breakfast…?” Avid asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his hands around my waist.
“Yes, I am.”
Avid reached up and began to twirl his fingers in the curls at the base of my neck. My knees felt weak. “You really know how to take care of a man.”
I sat up a little straighter at the praise. “I…like to think so.”
“I like that,” he said, kissing me on the cheek. “You Americans eat dessert after breakfast?”

“In this household we do.”
Avid made a noise of satisfaction. He smacked my butt. I yelped. “Make a big breakfast. You’re gonna need the calories.” He said. My dick began to harden.

Text is fictional. This is Pablo Hernandez.


Justin and Diego decided to treat themselves this Hanukkah and splurge on the best mattress in their budget. The other one was in damn sorry shape. It was yellowed and creaky; there were a big dent in the middle where they cuddled together at night. In addition to the lumps, a couple of the springs were broken – souvenirs from a few particularly vigorous nights of sex.

Three seconds after the delivery boy left with a tip and a handful of Star of David cookies, Justin and Diego peeled out of their clothes and got to testing it out. It looked like a giant rectangular marshmallow. At first they just jumped on the mattress like children, laughing at their cocks bouncing around, but soon hands and mouths gravitated together until they were both randy and ready to play. Diego begged his lover to allow him to try out this position he’d never gotten to do, riding Justin backwards while crouched over his lap. He could only be fucked this way if the bed would do most of the work.

Both men were delighted when the springiness of the mattress lived up to their expectations. For Justin, it was such a bizarre sensation to feel something push up under him when he was thrusting into Diego. His pale cock was deep red and rock solid; he couldn’t take his eyes off that brown bubble-butt bouncing on his thighs up and down, up and down.

God, why hadn’t they done this sooner! They spent the entirety of Hanukkah in the bedroom, enjoying all their favorite positions as if they were brand new. They would kiss after eating chocolate gelt, and the floor was littered with the shiny metal wrappers. By the eighth night of the holiday, they went to light the menorah and realized they still hadn’t even opened most of their presents yet!

Text is fictional. CockyBoys gets credit.


Our boss dislikes me because I’m black and he dislikes Sean because he’s not “for the cause”. If he found out Sean was “queer” and not “doing his part” by making more blue-eyed American babies, he would likely combust into a million pieces and fire us on the spot. Yet, he tolerates us because we stay late and help out at the business. Little did he know that when we “stay late”, Sean and I go into the maintenance room and commit sodomy.

I was shocked to learn what a horny bottom Sean was. He loved getting attention from another man. When his clothes came off, he couldn’t keep his hands off of me. I had no idea a white man could have a booty like he did. A big full, bouncing buttwith full jiggle power. It was a shame he hid it in khakis cause it was a thing of beauty. I forced Sean into all sorts of positions and fucked him raw. I took him on all fours, pulling his hips up to mine while I buried my cock deep into his gut. I took him on his back like a female whore, and watched him struggle to focus on stroking his adorable pink cock while his brain melted from sex. That boy just loved taking it up the ass.

I took him standing up, sitting down. I made him suck me off, which he did with great fervor. He loved the taste of my cum. By the end of each session, he’d be putty in my hands. I would feel an odd calm settle over me, that I had claimed him and put things right in the world. I would stroke his red head and ejaculate on his face – an unmistakable sign that I was superior to him. Sean loved it.

Shame our boss rarely got laid, cause if he did, he would recognize the “nagging smell” in the maintenance room was in fact, Astroglide.

Text is fictional.