Imagine telling your houseboy to “make the overgrown shrubs presentable” while you’re out of town, and you come home to this.
Tag: houseboy
Wally stood on the driveway path and tucked his thumbs under his overalls. He was hesitant to get a houseboy at first. He just did not understand their need to serve. The idea of having someone bossing him around made his hackles raise. But his brother Bob had been insisting Wally needed some help around the farm for a while now; but ever since Wally broke his leg falling out of the hayloft, Bob had made it a zero-argument matter. Wally couldn’t be very mobile around the farm on crutches. Even on horse back, he still faced limitations as you use your legs to guide a horse. Once the cast came off, Wally still had to go to physical rehabilitation. Normalcy was a long way off. The ranch hands helped, but with every one of his own tasks taking longer, Wally had to admit that he needed someone to fill in the smaller tasks so he could focus on running his business.
In theory, it made sense although Wally still did not understand houseboys at all. They were sort of like a different species, kind of like hiring a man to be your wife. Wally wasn’t into women though so it looked smart on paper at least.
But as Wally stood there taking in the sight of all the old furniture on the lawn, he was now more confused than ever. The houseboy emerged to drop off another chair.
“Boy, what in tarnation as you doing?” He yelled as he slowly ambled toward the barn.
The houseboy looked up at him. “Cleaning out your barn, Sir.”
“I didn’t give you permission to do that!”
“Well, no, but all that clutter up there is what caused your fall right? And some furniture was sort of blocking the stairs. It’s not safe. I want to make it safe for you Sir.”
Wally was dumbstruck. He couldn’t think of an answer, but remembered his manners. “Well – well uh. That’s mighty thoughtful of you.”
The houseboy smiled. “It’s my pleasure, Sir.”
Wally wished he had his pipe to chew on. “Well. I suppose it’s necessary. But where we going to put it all?”
“If I may make a suggestion Sir?”
“It looks like a lot of this has been here a while. Some of it is rusted, broken. None of it matches.”
Wally nodded. “My daddy was a bit of a collector you could say.”
”Well. You could get some money for some of this as scrap. Or sell some as it is. You have some old vintage oil cans in there that some antique collectors go nuts for.”
“Really now?”
“Really. Plus with this space cleared out, we could do a good barn clean out – sweep, remove the cobwebs, check for rot, check the supports. Get your beautiful old barn a new coat of paint.”
Wally liked that idea. He thought the peeling paint was an eyesore.
“Plus, um, I heard you talkin’ about getting another horse. You could probably use that money to buy one. But I’m not um, telling you how to use your finances. Of course.”
Wally licked his lip. “Well. You gotta good head on your shoulders. There’s a few things I want to keep. Pull everything out and we’ll go over it. Then make your calls.”
The houseboy beamed. “I will Sir!”
“And whatever we sell, you get 25% of it. Deal?”
“Oh wow, thank you Sir! Thank you very much.”
Wally was startled by the brilliant look of total adoration on the boy’s face. The sun came out and the sweat on his pectorals and biceps glowed. It gave Wally an odd feeling in his gut. A feeling he rarely got familiar with, being alone in a rural area. A feeling he had forgot since his accident, since being on all the medication. Maybe it was cause the houseboy was shirtless and just in jeans and boots, but oh lordy, the feeling sure was coming on hard now. Wally swallowed and his Adam’s apple bobbed.
“It’s only fair,” he managed. “I am gonna go get you something to drink. Be careful, boy.”
“Yes sir, and thank you. Hydration would be great.” The houseboy nodded and got back to work.
Wally limped back to his house as fast as his busted, cast encased leg could take him. He collapsed into a rocking chair in the living room, sweating and heart racing. Wally reached into his overalls and found his penis. To his astonishment it was completely erect in his hand, and it was already leaking all over his underwear. The overalls created a tight, suffocating space, but there was no zipper in place. Wally debated unhooking the straps and shimmying of the one-piece, but he didn’t want to pull his hand away from his cock. It felt so good. Wally moaned as he stroked himself. The sensation made him dizzy and little dots flashed in front of his eyes. Oh, gods, it felt amazing. When was the last time he did this? Why did he stop? He closed his eyes and imagined that shirtless, sweaty houseboy and Wally’s balls just went off like shotgun blasts.
He let out a gargle as his hand and thighs cramped to the point of pain and his vision flashed black for a moment. His penis began to fout and wouldn’t stop until Wally felt just utterly soaked. When Wally pulled his hand off, it was so sticky. He was shaking all over and Wally began to fear he had a heart attack. No. It was passing now. Wally let his hand rest on his heaving belly, mess and all, and he and drifted in and out of consciousness.
As the ferocious lust ebbed away, Wally felt an odd sort of calm and peace set in. He thought back to when he was stuck in that barn with a broken leg in searing agony, all alone, trying to ignore the realization that he might not be found for a while. It was a lonely feeling. The ache was almost worse than the pain. In reality, it had probably been no more than twenty minutes before one of the ranch hands pulled up in his truck after returning from errands, and Wally’s shouts reached him – but that wait felt like hours.
Wally didn’t want to die alone in a barn. He didn’t want to die alone at the end either. But mostly…he didn’t want to be alone period. He missed companionship. He missed affection. He missed sex. It was not enough to wait until the farm auctions in Forth Worth anymore for that special kind of intimacy that cowboys never talk about.
It dawned upon Wally that maybe Bob had gotten him a houseboy for other reasons than making breakfast and arranging garage, er, barn sales. He sighed. Dammit, Bob was actually right about something for once in his life. He’d get all smug about it too.
Regardless, having that houseboy around was going to be a start of something new and fantastic. Especially if he remained shirtless.
Oh crap, Wally realized, he was supposed to bring some water out wasn’t he? Wally pulled out his hand from his overalls and gawked at the cum on it. “Jeee-zus!”
Captions are fictional.
“HEY! Leave my houseboy alone! Get your hands off him or I’ll beat your ass!” Cosmo sighs. I can’t even go swimming without someone lusting after his ass. Even with the collar and the chastity device! Do I need to hang a sign on him that says ‘do not touch’? Mmmn. No. I think I need to get the boy a taser. “Boy come here.” Cosmo waits for the boy to jog behind him, hiding behind a massive fluffy towel. “He’s creepy Sir!”
“Boy, did you say no?”
“…In a polite way.”
“Did you tell him to fuck off?”
The boy gasps. “I can’t tell an alpha man that!”
“You can’t tell ME that,” Cosmo corrected, “But if someone is harassing you, you tell THEM that.”
The lad looks horrified.
Cosmo raises an eyebrow. “I think I trained you too formally. Say fuck.”
“…Fuck?” he whispers.
Cosmo laughs. “You’re adorable. Say fuck off!”
“Fuck off!”
Cosmo laughs harder. “Ok, that doesn’t work.”
The houseboy makes a face. “What if I try a different tactic?”
“Like what?” Cosmo asks.
The houseboy straightens his shoulders. “Fuck me?”
Cosmo’s eyebrows shoot up. “Ohh that’s brave of you. But I could get used to that…”
The houesboy wonders if he’s made mistake.
“You want me to fuck you right now, boy?”
“Sir you uh, look really hot in that Speedo and I’ve been locked for quite a while…”
“Tell me you want me to fuck you boy.”
The boy squares his shoulders again. “Fuck me, Sir.”
Cosmo smirks. “Let’s go back to the yacht. I love screwing on that chair on the deck.”
The boy nods enthusiastically. It had been an educational day. “Oh uh, here is your towel Sir.”
“Thank you boy.” Cosmo swats him on the butt. “On with you now. You’re giving the orders today!”
The houseboy wonders what he’s gotten into…giving orders to Sir?? Just much could he get away with…?
Captions are fictional.
via — gridll your Tumblr Likes!
I watch the boy from the back door.
“Mooooo~” the boy says to our cow.
“Mrrrooooooo~” the cow replies. She likes to come over in the afternoon and say hi.
The boy chuckles. “Moooooooooo.”
I can’t help it and start laughing. The boy looks over his shoulder.
“How long have you been standing there Sir?”
“Long enough. You know, I read your dossier pretty well. I didn’t know my houseboy had bovine interpretation skills.”
My boy grins wide. “We’re talking about you you know.”
I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms. “Are you now?”
“Yeah, I mean – I can see how she made the mistake. We both see a big hunk of beef.”
I scoff with a groan and roll my eyes so hard they really roll out of my head. “Oh my god.” I turn and walk back into the house. I feel secretly pleased, but refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. I can hear him laughing from where I am in the kitchen. It’s bold and full – a nice sound. He didn’t laugh a lot when he came here. Too scared, too nervous. But he’s clearly happy and settling in well. And well, he made a new friend didn’t he?
I peek out the window. He’s petting her and rubbing her ears. Good lord, that’s so adorable. I let the houseboy win one over me. Nothing in the Housemaster Handbook about putting the “pun” in “punishment” for terrible zingers. Unless I think of something sexy and creative…
Captions are fictional. Moo.
“I don’t know, Daddy. The more I look for work, the more I think I just want to be a houseboy. Cook and clean and make a happy house for my husband. I can be naked and show off my body art all day too. I hate suits!”
“Well, you are cute enough that you could find a man who would enjoy having a houseboy at home. But you have to be well trained if you want to be a houseboy. Can you even cook a full meal?”
Jasper picks up a pan drying on the drying rack. “I can make eggs… and uh…ramen.”
You chuckle. “Well. At least you’re pretty. And have a nice butt.”
Jasper looks over his shoulder at me with a smile. “You say that a lot, Daddy.”
“Well it’s true. It’s a very nice butt.”
Jasper gives his booty a little shake.
“Ya boy!”
He laughs. “Well I put the ass in assets at least. But I don’t think I’d make a good houseboy. Yet. Can you teach me how to cook, Daddy?”
“I could. But you know there’s another option to this lifestyle choice of yours.”
“To be a kept boy. It’s like a Daddy like me, but a Sugar Daddy. Some rich stud who will spoil you and appreciate your naked sexy body, and feed you and love on you, and you won’t have to do anything but skim the pool and make the bed.”
“…Oh I like THAT idea!”
“But you need a back up plan.”
Jasper tilts his head. “For what?”
“When you get old.”
Jasper wrinkles his nose. “That won’t happen.”
“It will, boy. And you need some idea of what to do when you get replaced by a boy in his twenties.”
Jasper made another face. “Oh ew. Don’t talk like that. Well. Whatever my future is, I should be able to be able to make more than hot dogs…”
“That’s true. Want to try baking?”
“Oh yes, Daddy, I want to!”
“Sexy baking?”
“Mmmnn I can think of some things to do with frosting…”
You squeeze that ass. “So can I.”
“Brownies?” he whispers breathily.
“Yeah, brownies.”
You’ll get to making brownies, but kissing Jasper comes first.
Captions are fictional.
“Oh come on. You can’t actually be cross at me. You had to know that if you skipped beating the floor rugs that you would get spanked with the rug beater!”
Captions are fictional.
Pablo listened to the windchime outside the open window and thought. His head was full of thoughts he didn’t quite understand. He was however, aware of the looming deadline of time pressing down. Today was the last day. The magic ended at midnight, so to speak.
When Pablo had first met this man, he thought he was no different than all those other times he met men. He wanted sex, they wanted sex. If they were a little kinky it was a bonus. But this man, this Zeke, seemed particularly interested in Pablo, and asked him a lot of questions. For the first time in a one night stand, Pablo felt like Zeke was really making an effort to make it super pleasurable for him. Normally it was just two people putting up with each-other just enough to get to an orgasm. Pablo thought the way Zeke could read him was almost eerie. It was like he could smell Pablo’s submissive nature in the air and read his body signals like an open book. The sex had been long and steaming hot, and the orgasm left Pablo seeing spots. He kept calling Zeke again, and again…
and on it went, and it would continue to be a string of sexy date nights until Zeke brought up something new. A three day weekend was coming up. Would Pablo be interested in a three day roleplay of all of his submissive houseboy fantasies? Uh, why yes, yes he would.
They made a little contract, agreed on a safeword, and at 8 am on Saturday morning it had got into effect. Pablo would serve Zeke for three days. Clean his house. Make his food. Suck his cock. Offer his ass. Essentially, be a good boy and serve the man of the house. It sure pushed all the right buttons, especially since Pablo was not allowed to jerk off. Sunday night, the sex was so hot that Pablo did infact pass out.
But it was Monday now, and 3 pm at that. The three day weekend ended at midnight, and then he’d go back to being a regular person… but the closer that time got, Pablo began to seek a way to make time stop. It had been so fulfilling to just have small tasks to do and complete for praise and attention. It was nice to support and reward Zeke for all the wonderful guidance in the bedroom. Zeke was like the compass for kinks and urges. It was like he had three days to show Zeke the appreciation he felt inside.
And hadn’t it been perfect? Rewarding? Fun? Sexy? Even the little spanking he got on Sunday was thrilling. Being naked was thrilling. Gazing upon Zeke’s bulked up body and swinging cock at leisure was thrilling. Being on a schedule and having rules was thrilling.
And serving? It felt too natural for it to be a fluke. How he could go back to being normal? Pablo sighed softly. He didn’t live in Zeke’s house. He had to be realistic. Good boys aren’t clingy. He had to get his feelings in alignment. This meant talking to Zeke. Zeke would know what to do. Zeke would fix things. And maybe…just maybe…Zeke would extend things.
Captions are fictional.
Cute pup 😍
Dear William,
Hope you’re well. Your secretary said you’re on a business trip, so I hope that’s going well. Listen, something came up on my radar you must absolutely see. I’m not much in this business anymore, but you do know I keep an eye on the tradeboards. I know you always wanted a Korean speaking boy for your home and bed, but struggle with finding one in the United States. An affordable choice has come up in Korea, and with your air miles, you should have no problem bringing him home.
According to his dossier, which I got from a connection, he comes from a large rural family with too many kids and too much debt. Their middle son was sent to the city to alleviate things, but it seems bad judgement runs in the family and he’s gotten his own debts to pay off now. He’s quite beautiful, slim and fit, and of course, virginal. I’m sure he’d be happy to be spoiled and get some attention. There aren’t any notes in here about attitude problems. Should be easy to train. Anyway – look at the pictures and files. Let me know what you think.
Dear Harold,
You are such a dear friend! I would have completely missed this opportunity if this wasn’t for you. I may be buying myself an early Christmas gift this year. Trying not to get myself too excited… a low price like that will attract bidders from flippers as well. Sale ends next week. I am going to try and fly to Korea for it, if time allows. Will let you know.
Yours Truly,
Dear William,
Best of luck! You have worked very hard these last few years. You’ve earned this.
Dear Harold,
Hello from Busan. Sorry for the lack of e-mails, it’s been very chaotic lately. Not much sleep. I am delighted to tell you that I won the sale, and I am Jin Woo’s new owner. I am in heaven, and I feel that I’m still asleep. I took your advice to treat myself. I cashed out one of my stocks to outbid someone else, and the sales rep selected my application because I speak Korean and the other man did not. He is so sweet, this boy, but so very timid, although his posture is stiff and fierce. Jin Woo eats very quietly and hardly makes much noise. It will take a while to earn his trust, and so I extended my stay in Korea so we can spend some time together before I bring him home. You must meet him immediately when I’m back in California. I’ll arrange a dinner, and you’ll have to bring your boy as well. Also, you will see there has been a deposit made in your Chase account – a referral fee for my happiness.
Much love,
The kitten mewls. “What is it?” I ask, looking up. Every time a droplet hits the window, her eyes dart to it. She looks silly, and I giggle. I scoop her up and cuddle her. “Your first rain huh?’
The droplets double, then triple, their tempo increasing as they patter down on the glass and on the roof. The sky darkens from a dove grey to sheet metal, and a black shadow looms from the north. This may look like a rainshower, but it’s going to be a storm. I scoop up the kitten and go to tell the houseboy to bring the outdoor plants in the garage and check the outside of the house before it gets worse.
Even as I’m giving him instructions, he nods and acknowledges me with that same mechanical aloof attitude of his. He’s always been kind of distant and formal with me, which is fine, because I hired him primarily for work. Even having sex with him is like a formal act. Get on, go through the motions, ejaculate, slide off. It satisfies him. Cumming for me, in that situation, is more of a biological response than anything. I get my rocks off with my other partners.
My houseboy notes my instructions with a final nod, then goes back to rolling out dough for savory pies that I love. I make sure to tell him I love them, just for good measure. He gives me a pleased smile, responds with a “Thank you, Sir, I appreciate that,” then turns back to his work. See? I’m pretty sure he’s a robot.
Thunder rumbles. We both look toward the window. Rain splatters on it. The boy makes a soft exhale, and goes to wash his hands. “Better do it now.” I agree this is a good idea, and feeling bad that I’ve sent him out into the rain, I put on my housecoat and help him drag the big planters into the garage. The others we put into the sun room closest to the backyard.
Soon as that’s over, he’s back to the bread. I go back to my writing, and I wait.
I’ve never brought it up after it happened the first time, and he never looks like he expects me too, but I know it will happen. Around 1:30 am the next morning, it does. I hear the footsteps. I hear the door creak ever so softly. I feel someone moved the sheets, and a body slide in. I feel his warmth against me, and I can smell his shampoo from his recent shower. He always thinks I’m asleep, but I’m a light sleeper. I let him think that.
He’ll be awake before me, slide out, and pretend he was never there – even go so far as to adjust the sheets to cover his presence.
The first time he did tried to climb into bed with me, I woke up and harried and ruffled. I was completely baffled and demanded an explanation. His sullen, embarrassed face told me we were very close to that Line that he doesn’t like to cross. His eyes looked pained. I rubbed my face, as he stood there shifting, but eventually I just lifted up the blanket and invited him in.
No more questions.
Now, I look forward to inclement weather and his mysterious visits. This storm was particularly bad, and he was early tonight. I was glad my smile was hidden in the dark.
You can’t imagine how astonished I was to wake up and find him still in bed with me. I stared at his sleeping face in complete fascination, doe-brown hair fanned around the soft lines of his face on the pillow. With intense caution, I moved his arm off of me, and slid out of bed, doing my best to be in ultra stealth mode. It took me a full minute to tip toe to the bathroom. God, why did I wake up to pee at 5 am? I never get up to pee this early. The light of dawn was just coming through the window. I do the deed, and hurry back to bed. It’s chilly out here!
Climbing back in is just as agonizing as getting out was. By some miracle, I don’t wake him up. He barely stirs. I reset myself, then praise myself for my incredible accomplishment. I spent the rest of my time awake, staring at his beautiful face, listening to the weakened rain pitter-patter on my window until I doze off again.
When I wake up again, he has already escaped.
Captions are fictional.
Joey knocked.
“Come in,” said a burly voice.
“Thank you Sir,” Joey replied. He entered the room, filled Darren’s glass with fresh filtered water, which was just a centimeter from being empty.
“Thank you much boy. Very thoughtful.”
“Of course Sir. May I bring you a snack or anything?“
“No thank you, boy. I’ll be eating a banana and having a protein shake before the gym later, so I’ll do that then.”
“Of course. How are your stocks Sir?”
“Looking good,” Darren said with a smile. “But I’d rather look at you. You are shaping up beautifully, boy.”
Joey turned pink. “Thank you Sir. I feel very inadequate next to you, but it’s…inspirational.”
“Aw. That’s kind of you to say so boy. One day you’ll be able to out bench me. One day.”
Joey raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Not in this life!”
“Oh you will,” Darren said, slapping Joey’s solid ass.
Darren moved his hand up Joey’s thigh, admiring the taut muscle under neath. His hand slid upwards to brush over Joey’s bulge before letting it fall away. “Such good progress.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Joey stammered.
“Good boy now. I gotta finish my analysis now. See you down in the kitchen later.”
“Yes sir!” Joey said. He bowed in respect and left.
Joey’s heart was fluttering the whole time he bounced down the stairs. He’d met Darren in the gym. Darren was his mentor, his Sir, the first stud to claim him and fuck him in the locker room. He worshiped Darren and all his hot muscles – and his very nice thick cock. To think one day he’d eclipse Darren was a crazy thought. Joey flexed. Still not nearly as big as Darren. One day at a time. He hoped it didn’t happen too fast though. He liked being a boy in service and having a gym buddy.
Captions are 100% fictional. Source is here. This guy is really beefy. Check out his Tumblr that I just linked. He has his own calender.