
“No, Liam, they’re not cool yet. You’ll burn your fingers if you touch the pan and the cookies,” Matthew said.

“They LOOK cool though.”

“Maybe, but the insides of the cookies will still be hot even if the outsides are not.”


“Because they’re not exposed to cooler air. Do you want a glass of chocolate milk, or do you want to burn your fingers?”

“Milk!” Liam exclaimed.

“I want one too!” his sister piped up from the living room.

“I think we can do that.”

“I want to lick the spoon!” Rose cried.

“Nuh uh! I want to lick it!”

“We can have two spoons,” Matthew said.

The backdoor opened and Matthew looked up. “There you are. Where you been?”

William shook his head. “Squirrels again. The damn dog pulled the leash right out of my hand.”

Matthew bent down to give the oversized lab a scratch. “Oh you silly boy. Me thinks he still needs more training.”

“Yeah he does. If one of the kids walked him and it happened, they could get hurt.”

“That’s true…”

“Daddy Will we’re making chocolate milk!”

“Oh are we? Well I get the spoon then!”

“Nuh huh!”

“Uh huh!”

“Daddy Matt said there’s two spoons!”

There was so much noise with the TV and the kids and the dog barking at a squirrel outside that they almost didn’t hear Will’s phone ringing.

“You make the milk, love, I’ll get this. …Oh it’s our social worker.”

Matt stared at him. “What does she want?”

Will put his finger in his ear. “Hi Sarah. How are you? …Well that’s good. They’re fine. We’re making cookies for Liam’s school party. Yeah they’re doing great. ….What? When?” There was a long pause. “…Oh dear. Oh heavens. Ok. Um. Ok. Wow.” Will could feel Matt’s gaze burning a hole in his back. “Let me talk to Matt and I’ll call you right back ok? Thank you.”

“What?” Matt hissed. Will put a finger over his mouth. “Get the kids in front of the TV, then we’ll talk.”

Matt gave his husband a look, but finished up getting the kids sorted and plopped them down in front of the TV with their milk and a snack. Will was sitting on the window seat when Matt came back into the kitchen. The dog was sitting by his side getting his ears scratched.

“Well, what is it?” Matt insisted.

“The parents of our kids had another baby.”


“And by baby, she’s two now. And Sarah said Steve and May were doing fine so Children’s Protective Services let them keep her.”

“Her,” Matt repeated.

“Yes. But now the baby is in the hospital because one of them methed out and pushed the baby down the stairs.”

Matt gasped and covered his mouth. “Oh my god.”

“She’s got a broken collar bone and a broken arm but they think she’ll be ok. They need an emergency foster carer as they investigate and because we adopted Liam and Rose…”

“They called us.”

The two men looked at eachother.

“Yes?” They each said at the same time.

Matt chuffed through his nose and ran his fingers through his hair. “I guess that settles that.”

“Are we ready for another toddler?” Will whispered.

“We may need to pull things out of storage…”

“And baby-proof the house.”

Matt looked out the window. “It’s good to know there may be a third. If you get that promotion in January, and we move to Raleigh, we’ll have to budget for a bigger house.”

“Oh yeah. That’s true,” Will said. “Three kids though. Woah.”

“Yeah. Crazy to think about.”

“Well, this could all be temporary…”

Matt looked at the two watching TV. “So were they.”

Will squeezed Matt’s hand. “Men plan, god laughs.”

Matt snorted. “Oh please stop quoting my grandmother’s tea towels.”

They dissolved into giggles.

“Alright, well, let’s talk to the kids about it then we can call Sarah back ok?” Will said.

Matt nodded. “But first I am stealing a cookie.”

“Oh good plan.”

Two hours later, they were at the hospital visiting their new daughter.


Captions are fictional.


“Hey Russ?”
“Yeah babe?”
“Did you figure out what you wanna go as for the Halloween night at the club this year?”
Russ looks up from washing dishes. “Since it’s going to be warm this year, I was thinking going as a dude version of Lara Croft.”
Will furrows his brow as he thinks about this. Tight shorts. Bulge. Big ol ‘bulge. And Bare legs. Bare thighs. Stomper boots. Tight tank showing off the pecs… guns…gun harnesses….
“Uh …Will? You offline there buddy?”
Will shakes his head. “Bedroom. Now.”
Will grabs his shirt and turns off the water. “Bedroom now.”
“Wha – ok, ok yeah sure fine, I’m not gonna argue~” Russ quickly dries his hands on a towel and lets himself be dragged off with a bewildered expression on his face.

Captions are fictional.


Alastair tugs on my sleeve. I tear my gaze away from the dancing revelers to look at him. He jerks his head slightly – as much as one tends to do when they have horns jutting out of their head that can injure someone. I raise an eyebrow and follow him away from the bonfires, the howlers, the witches trying to teach the drunk vampires their social dances. Alastair takes me over to the wooden tables where had our November Feast to celebrate another successful Halloween. All of the scraps had been cleaned up by the little dragons long time now. We are alone here, the woods to our back. The light from two full moons above us lit Alastair in a silvery glow. Small fairies left lazy trails of lights as they weaved in and out of the branches. Oh so romantic.

“So…” I begin, leaning on the counter, thrilled to be alone with him – finally.
Alastair looks at me and smiles. “I don’t know if you can tell, but ever since you got those tattoos with your latest evolution, you just look so unbelievably stunning that I keep staring at you?”
I blush. Only Alastair makes me show my emotion so easily. “I noticed a little,” I admit. “I don’t look weird?” I ask, holding out my arms.
“No, I love your hands black,” Alastair murmurs, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. His charcoal hair falls in a curtain around his face, tickling my wrist and arm. “Honestly, when I look at you, I am mostly just stumped that you stuck around to love someone like me.”
I scoff. “Don’t give me that nonsense.”
“No, I’m serious.” Alastair insists. “I hadn’t realized that I was putting on the personality people expected from me. They all know me, who my dad is, who we are, and they want me to live up to that expectation. You just stuck around for three years, loving me hard enough to teach me that I could be the demon I really wanted. I am so very lucky to have your affection.”
“Aww Alastair,” I sigh, pressing my hands over my robes, over my heart. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I open my mouth to say more but he put a hand up.
“At least let me say I love you,” I insist.
His face softens. “I will never tire of hearing that.”
Seeing him let his sarcastic, cocky guard down is such a rare thing that it makes my heart swell. “Alastair…”
“I uh,” he pats the pockets of his long coat nervously, the metal decorations jingling. “I just -um, don’t think I really show you enough that I care.” He takes something out of his pocket and thrusts it out to me with both hands. “I want you to have this.”
My hands fly to my mouth as I gasp. “Alastair, I can’t take that!”
Alastair looks at the jar holding the sliver of moon, shakes his head, and sets it on a wooden table. “Taking or not, that’s not the right word. It’s yours, Saphrael. You were coveting the prize since the Counsil announced it yesterday. Looking at it all love’sick. Honestly, you should have won it. You found that stray soul I could not. I wouldn’t have found it before the barrier closed for another year. I know you didn’t say anything to avoid embarrassing me, but you should have won it. Plus, it would make me happy knowing it was cherished.”
My chest hitches and I gently pick up the bottle with both hands, the pointed tips of my nails clinking against the glass. In it, the sliver of moon sparkled and shone. I sigh deeply. It’s truly beautiful. Rare as a meteor. As long as I kept it in the sun, it would never lose its glow. A symbol of love if there ever was once. I tuck it in my robe pocket over my heart and brush tears out of my eyes with my sleeve. “Thank you Alastair.”
“You are welcome.” He sighs in relief and wraps his arms around me. I lift my wings so he could get around my back. I press myself up against him, enjoying the sensation of the hard glass between us. Alastair, all six and a half feet of him, feels like a strong tree against me. He kisses the top of my head. “There is something else too…”
I nuzzle his collarbone, enjoying the faint smokey scent clinging to him. “Hm? What is it?”
He begins to pet my wing distractedly. “I think I finally have the courage to ask my father if he would approve me mating with you. But I have to ask you first, duh.”
I pull back from him and stare at him with giant eyes. “Alastair Mephistopheles, are you spinning elven yarns?” The sight of him nervous and stammering and flushed at the base of his horns makes my knees weak.
“No, I’m not – I, I – I want you,” he whimpers. “I want you to rule next to me, and to give you eggs that you always wanted and-”
I can’t help it. I throw my arms around him and press my lips against his hard, trying to burn my love into him like a brand. Tears stream down my face. “Yes, Alastair, a thousand seas, yes!”
He coughs out a laugh of relief and releases the air he was holding in his chest. “Holy hell, I thought I was going to faint asking you that!”
“I’m – I’m in shock you did!” I squeak.
Alastair pushes his hair over the side of his head, making it go everywhere. "It wasn’t until I actually said it out loud did I actually convince myself I did the right thing. I don’t know why I find it so easy to lead in the bedroom, but I am so scared of fucking up our relationship.”
I kiss him again. “Oh don’t you worry. You are doing everything right.”
“Oh, that’s good,” he chuckles. “Cause I still might faint.” He quickly brushes tears away from his eyes. “Now just to just tell my dad…”
I take his hand. “We’ll do it together.”
Alastair looks relieved. “Thank god.”

A deep howl punctuates the air. Dawn is an hour away. “I think you have to go officiate the closing ceremonies soon,” I note.
Alastair sighs. “I don’t want to officiate again this year. Why do they always make me do it?”
“Cause you look super hot up there orating and making fire come out of your hands?”
Alastair gives me a look. “You are biased. Any demon chick or baby orc can do that.”
“I’m sitll right,” I insist.
He chuckles. “So biased. What I really want to be doing is to take you to my chambers, make you that tea you like, and make love to you from dawn to dusk.”
I raise my wings a little in interest; goosebumps break out everywhere. “I would like that. Especially since I’m wearing that pretty bit of metal you got for my birthday this year…”
That gets his attention. “What? You are? Like right now? You’ve been wearing the ring this entire time?”
“Yes,” I say non-chalantly.
“You mean while you were collecting?”
The corner of my mouth lifts and I shrug. “Being a bit aroused makes my senses heightened. My powers weaken a little when I cross the barrier. It keeps me strong.”

Alastair’s eyes glow like embers. “Fuck, that is just unbelievably sexy.” His hand gathers my robe at my thigh and pushes it up so he can slide it under. “I think they can wait a little longer.” Alastair dips his head and begins to kiss my neck as he grabs my ass and pulls me against him. I put a hand on his horn and thrust back against him. “Y-yeah,” I stammer as the bottle presses into my ribs. “They will have to wait. Dawn’s a while out yet. “Mmm goodness you are hard in your breaches.” The scent of burning cedar fills the air, which by now, gets me randy automatically. I’m pretty sure what we are about to do will be brief. Alastair will want to take his time with me later, and I am fine with that. I don’t want to wait to celebrate becoming his!

Captions are fictional. Oh yes, m-preg, I went there.


I yawn, ruffling my hair as I amble into the kitchen. I pause in the doorway, slightly startled to see a slightly older man cooking in the buff. His focus is on a pot on the stove. I tilt my head and rub my eyes. I didn’t think anyone else was home. George didn’t mention he had a houseboy. Well, some men don’t think to, they get so used to having them around.
“Morning, how about some coffee?” I say, sounding sluggish.
He glances in my direction, but doesn’t say anything back. I shrug it off, figuring he’s a silent type, then go about pouring some cereal into a bowl. I add the milk and sit down to read the paper. Halfway through on article on an all male ballet revue, I realize I still don’t smell coffee.
“Hey, do you mind making some c-” I tilt the paper back. The houseboy isn’t there. I look left and look right. I began to feel odd and the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. The stove is clear; the towel is hanging on the oven.

I put the paper down and glance out of the window toward the driveway; not a soul. I wander around the house, hoping to find him there or in the backyard. Feeling slightly frightened, I launched myself up the stairs to George’s room and find him safe and shaving in the bathroom.

“Hey um, George?” I pant.
“Hey is everything alright?” he asks, mid stroke.
“I …I don’t know. I ran into your houseboy downstairs and now he’s vanished. I was wondering if maybe I was wrong in thinking he’s your houseboy and someone broke in the house and….George why are you looking at me that way?”
He swallows hard. “I don’t have a houseboy.”
George’s eyes are wide. “Well, I mean…I did, but he…he passed away a couple years ago.”
“Christ,” I gasp and lean against the door-frame. “I swear, there was a guy I saw downstairs. He was cooking something on the stove.”
George finishes shaving as quickly as he can. He washes his face off and we scramble downstairs to the kitchen. The towel is on the floor when we get there.

George kneels and picks it up. “Ivan always used to wear this over his shoulder when cooking. I used to chide him when it fell off, which was often…” his voice catches in his throat.
“Jesus, George.”
George walks to the living room, clutching the towel, and gestures to a photo on the mantel. “That was us.”
My skin breaks out in small bumps. “That’s him!” I squeak, “That was him. He looked at me!”
“His name is Ivan,” George says, sniffling. “Oh god, why is this happening. Ivan passed away two years ago. He had cancer, it got into his brain. Why did he show himself to you and not me?”
Suddenly, George is crying and I’m embracing him, trying to comfort my new boyfriend. I’m soothing him and stroking the back of his head as he mourns when I smell it.

I sniff the air. George holds his breath and sniffs too.
“Do you smell that?” he asks, hesitant.
“Yeah I do,” I reply, swallowing my fear in my throat again. “It’s the smell of fresh coffee.”

We both look at each other and bolt to the kitchen. The scent is fading. There aren’t any full cups on the counter. No steam comes from the pot. However…the cupboard revealing the cups is open.

George and I are speechless.
“I …I think he wants me to make coffee,” I volunteer.
“Why would he want you to do that?”
I think. “Maybe he wants me to take care of you.”
George face lights up. “You think so? You think it’s his way of approving of you?”
“Perhaps so,” I say with a smile. I go about making coffee and a nice breakfast, looking over my shoulder the entire time.

George and I were on edge all morning, but there were no other traces of Ivan on that day or any other day. I kept dating George and eventually moved into his house. I mostly assumed Ivan had moved on. Although, once in a while, I would come into the kitchen to make dinner and find the towel on the floor, and I would wonder…

Text is fictional. Happy Halloween. Be nice to have a source for this.