


After a long morning of sex and intimacy, you enjoy a quiet skin-to-skin embrace with Rich as you two catch your breath. As your eyes meet, you see just how exhausted Rich is. That’s when you realize that you’ve found your man. No words need to be spoken, no gestures, no second guessing. Rich spent the entire morning working hard to make it feel good for you over himself. You were so lost in the extasy of sex and foreplay that you couldn’t spare any resource to give it consideration. Rich not only gave it consideration, he considered it from the start. Hell, he probably worked twice as hard as you did, and you had no clue until now. You acknowledge your awareness with a kiss and by giving him a nuzzle. You’re in awe of him and struggle to express your love. Simple words will do. “Thank you for this morning. You were amazing.”
Only then does Rich smile.

Captions are fictional.




This is Jock Manhood

Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

“Who the fuck are you?” David demanded.
“Uh.” James pulled the glass away from his mouth. “Your roommate’s side piece?”
“Oh you must be James.”
“Yeaaahh. Nice to meet you.”
David pulled a box of cereal out of the cabinet. “Likewise. Where’s Matt?”
“He went to pick up some stuff from the store and breakfast from some cafe down the street.”
“Oh.” David let his eyes rove from his tossed blond hair to that bubble ass. “Wanna fuck?”
James looked taken aback. “That’s brazen. He should be back soon.”
“Eh. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
James set the water down and watched David get a box of cereal out of the cupboard. “How fast can you cum?”
David grinned. “Thirty seconds, once hard.”
“How fast can you get hard?”
David turned. “Half way there.”
James thought. He dropped the towel. “Hurry up stud.”
“Oh fuck yeah, god you’re hung! Turn around.”
“Like a horse,” James boasted. He put his hands on the counter.
“Matt sure knows how to pick em.” David grabbed the jar of coconut oil out of the cupboard, poured some on his hand, and got to work. “You still stretched?”
“Yeah we fucked like three times last night.”
“Damn that little bastard sure has stamina…”
James laughed. “Yeah but he only came once.”
“That makes me feel better. Going in.”
“And you’re bigger!”
David groaned. “Only when hard. Fuck, your ass is a big ol peach!” He put his slick hands on his James’ hips and railed him hard against the counter. No time for finesse. He fucked him with the pace he took with his own hand, only this time that hand was wrapped around a rather perk prick that wasn’t his own. “Goddamn…”
“Keep going stud!”
David quickly began to pant as he fucked as if the world were ending. “Oh there it is…there it iiiiiis~” he exhaled in bliss as the orgasm peaked. He smacked that butt. “Nnnffff…. fuck. Yeah there it is. I can never last long with an ass gripping me like you did.”
James moaned. “Good. God, I love feeling that heat inside me.”
“I love putting it in you.” David pulled out, and tucked himself back in his shorts. “What was my time?”
“28 seconds.”
David punched the air.
“Finish me off, you jackass.”
“Oh right right.” David returned his hand to that pretty cock and gave him some twisting grips and hard pulls until his hand began to cramp. James sucked air between his teeth and shot all over the counter. “Awh yeah that’s it! I’m coming! Nnn! Aaahhh.”
“Is it all out stud?”
“Yeah there wasn’t much to start with.”
David borrowed a moment to cop a good feel of James’ cock and balls before dropping his hand. “Fuck, Matt is gonna be home any second.”
He ripped a piece of paper towel off and began to clean the cum up.
“Ah shit, the oil’s on my hips.”
“Use the dish towel. Wait, hold still, there’s some cum dripping down your crack…”
“Fuck we should have used a condom.”
“No time.”
They heard the key in the lock.
“Fuck,” David hissed. He threw the paper towel away and made sure his pants were buttoned.
James used the bath towel to wipe his hips, then tucked the towel around his waist and brushed back his hair.

Matt walked into David opening a box of cereal and James sipping water.
“Welcome back, babe,” James said. “Need help?”
“Nah, I got it. You’re up early David. I see you met James?”
“Yeah. Nice piece of eye candy.”
“He’s mine. Get your own.”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Come on, James, let’s go eat.”
David caught James’ gaze and they both grinned.

Matt paused. “What smells like coconut oil?”
David about died. “Uhh. I was telling James that I use it for my skin sometimes. We were talking about how his skin was dry for the shower.”
“Yeah he like slapped some on me too. Rude.”
“Pft. Sounds like David. Keep your hands to yourself.”
David stuck his tongue out at James. James smirked at him and went off to have breakfast with Matt.

Captions are fictional.



Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

“You brought me something to drink? That’s so thoughtful of you. You are such a good host.”
“Thank you Sir. I love serving men.”
“I love it. Are you shareable?”
“Shareable Sir…?” the young man asks. His eyes lingered on the silhouette of Ahmed’s cock in the wet underwear.
“When I dry off, I’d love for someone to come reapply sunscreen…but I wouldn’t want to offend Damien’s hospitality.”
The boy licks his lips. “You see this?” He pointed to his chastity cage.
“That’s the only thing Damien doesn’t like to share. He gave me clear instructions to accommodate his guests. I intend to obey that order.”
“Well I’d hate for Damien to think his sub isn’t doing his job. Come back in fifteen minutes. Mm this lemonade is good.”
“Yes sir!”

The lad came back a bit later to find Damien completely naked, sunning his furry body on the lounge chair with no shame at all. Good lord. Why did God make men so beautiful? Oh yeah. To be served.

Captions are fictional.


“I’m such a horny boy…” Dylan climbed onto the seat. “I need a really really experienced man to handle me.” Dylan pushed his ass out. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve been with a man, and not a boy.”
Roger twisted his wrist as he slid his grip up and down his cock. “God you are a slutty boy. You know what you want, know what you need, and you don’t have time to waste on someone just looking to get off.”
“No, I’m tired of boys and inexperienced beta men who don’t satisfy me.” Dylan arched his back. “Someone told me my ass is too small. Is it?”
“No you have a beautiful ass, boy. So round and peachy. I love a white boy’s ass. When you smack it, the red hand prints last for hours…”
Dylan parted his knees and brought himself up against the wall, with the intention of looking sultry and to get him into position for a butt shake. “Your cock looks so tempting… you think you can– Ew! There’s a bug back there.”
“Yeah I can – wait, what?” Roger blinked. “A bug?”
“Yeah it’s HUGE. And very dead. Ewwww!”
Roger grunted. “That’s not very sexy. Fucking cockblocked by a bug…”  He stood up, dick in hand, and sauntered over the little table. He peered behind it. “Oh yeah. Ew. It is huge. Looks like a palmetto bug. Or a cockroach.”
“Ew ew ew!” Dylan whined in a queeny tone, flailing his hands.

“I’ll get it,” Roger said. He pulled table out, pushed the bug into a paper cup with a tissue, shoved the tissue into the cup, and threw it out. He then bagged the trash up and set it outside the room, careful to not show his nudity.
“There! Vanquished.”
“My hero~” Dylan sighed. He was sitting on the seat like a mermaid. He clasped his hands together and pressed them against his own cheek. “You’re so brave.”
Roger chuffed and went to wash his hands. “Not that brave.”
“But brave enough that you’ve won my affection. I’ve decided, you may have my ass. Any man who can handle a palmetto bug can handle my ass.”
“Oh fuck yes. And I didn’t even have to slay a dragon! Saves on dry cleaning.”
Dylan giggled.
Roger made a muscular pose. “The brave knight has saved the kingdom and now – I can have my prize.” While Dylan ogled, Roger strode over, dick bobbing, to where Dylan was still perched on the seat and picked him up.
“Ayeeee!” He giggled.
Roger then chucked him on the bed. “You wanna be handled huh?” He flipped Dylan over, lifted his hips up. “Get your knees under you. Wide. Wider. That’s a good boy…” Roger smacked that butt hard. “I’m not gonna stop until we get a noise complaint from the front desk!”
Dylan moaned. “Oh fuck yeah, finally! Someone who gets it!”
Roger smiled. The thought of that bug was already out of Dylan’s head, just as intended. Now he only had one thing on his mind – dick. Roger had eight thick inches that would satisfy that.

Captions are fictional.



Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

He’s drinking out of the carton again! Must. Punish. Bad boy! But he’s not wearing pants. Butt…ass…cock…gorgeous legs… Must. Reward. Oh noes. The system is at an impasse. What the hell do you do in these situations? Oh wait. Spanking. Yeah. That’ll balance it out! A spanking that teases but is also firm. Yeah, perfect. Thank god I thought of that, I don’t want to seem weak to a boy wearing literally only a sweater and a milk mustache.

“BOY I told you not to do that, now get it over here and over my lap!”
He startles. “Sir! How long have you been standing there!”
”Now, boy!”

Captions are fictional.



Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I don’t wanna get up…..

Dude, you’re working from home, the only thing I need for you to get up is between your legs while you do that conference call……

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I don’t wanna get up…..”
“Dude, you’re working from home, the only thing I need for you to get up is between your legs while you do that conference call……”
Levi opens an eye. “Someone is horny this morning.”
“Sleeping next to a hot naked guy does that.”
“Pfft.” Levi waves his hand and let’s it drop to the comforter. “I have to go pee.”
He throws his legs off the bed and strides into the bathroom. I hear the sounds of water running, teeth being brushed. He yawns as he crawls back into bed. “I gotta dial in…”
“Can I suck your cock during the conference call?” I rub his thigh.
“Well. If I put it on mute. They won’t need me much.”
“Excellent.” I start stroking him with my hand to wake up his cock.
“Mmn that’s nice.” Levi punches in the call.
“Oh good morning Levi.”
“Good morning.” He yawns.

There’s some usual office banter and some usual boring office conversation. Levi props himself against the headboard and puts the phone on speakerphone and sets it on his chest. The conversation gets going and I can’t follow the trail of acronyms and jargon. What’s much more interesting is that Levi’s cock has decided it likes my attention, and I move on to laving it with my tongue and cupping his balls between my fingers. Levi seems to be out of the conversation. He mutes the call and lets out a soft groan as I play with him. “Fuck you are good at that…”
I move his foreskin with my lips and clean the tip of his hole with my tongue. He twists his fingers in my hair as I swallow him to the hilt and suck. He whimpers and his legs began to tremble. “I really should be focusing on the conference call…”
They’re talking about client proposals. I ignore Levi and roll his testicles in my fingers. He’s squirming and panting. His hips leap up and the orgasms crests like a wave over a smooth rock. Barely escaping gagging on his member, I catch his spunk in my mouth and swallow all of it, one hand holding him at the base, the other stroking his lower stomach. He doesn’t like his balls being touched during climax.
“Fuck! Oh good lord.” Levi goes limp onto the bed. He closes his eyes as his breathing regulates. “Fuck you’re so good at that.” The people on the phone are still chatting.
I smile around his shaft. I clean as I withdraw it, until the softening thing shrinks back into its hood.
“So Levi, what do you think of picking Polyworld over Pullman Technical Group? … Levi? You there?”
I look up. Oh fuck. Levi’s asleep. Fuck fuck fuck.
“Levi you there?”
I push the mute button. “Hi this is Levi’s roommate. He went downstairs to make some coffee and spilled it -”
”Oh goodness.”
There’s some giggling from a female voice.
I wipe the cum off my lips on the back of my hand. “But he uh… uh…” I glance around and spy the weed magazine I left on the nightstand last night. “He wanted me to tell you that he prefers Pullman. They’re almost certainly going to be acquiring Rosid this fall, and having access to the cannabis industry will be helpful if you – we?- want to diversify uh, your portfolio.”
There’s silence. Shit shit shit
“Cannabis? Now that’s an interesting idea we haven’t considered.”
”That’s some out-of-the-box thinking Levi.”
“Didn’t we discuss diversifying wasn’t going to happen until next year?”
“Yeah but I’m not sure if cannabis is an industry that fits into our business plan…”
“It’s so profitable though.”

I hit the mute button and exhale. Good grief. I watch Levi sleep. His cock even looks tucked in. You’re welcome, Levi. When the conference call ends, I wake him up to say good bye and he passes out again. I pull the sheet over him and go to brush my teeth. He’s gonna owe me his ass for this! But where to fuck him… hmmmm…

Captions are fictional. Story wrote itself.


“Sir? How much more longer is this going to last?”

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and rest my palm on his sternum. He raises his hand and curls his fingers around my fore arm.

“I don’t know, lad,” I answer. “Looks like things will start reopening soon though.”

“I love you Sir but…I miss people,” he says softly.

“That’s an ok thing to feel.”

I hear him exhale.

“I know how social you are. You have been very stoic in all of this and it hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“I’m happy we could spend this time together at least. Out of all the faces in the world, I’m glad I can see yours daily.”


“Yes. Hey, why don’t we ask some guys from the dungeon if they want to do a Zoom dinner party tonight? Get dressed up a little”

“Oh I’d like that Sir!”

I pat him on the chest. “Let’s do that. We gotta stay creative and stay strong right?”

He flexes. “Staying strong.”

“That’s my boy.” I kiss his cheek.


Captions are fictional. You guys got this! Stay safe everyone!Jacques Pougnet photographed by Mariano Vivanco for Man About Town



Let s go back to bed or we can do it on the stairs 🍆🖤✴💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦

Joseph paused on the stairs. “Sir?”
“Yes lad?”
“I hate this carpet. I’ve hated it for a long time. It clashes with the decor, it’s old, it’s flat, it sucks to vacuum, and it hides the beautiful wood of the stairs. If you want better grip, we can get a stair runner that I can put in the washing machine. But I hate this carpet. Especially now that we’re stuck inside looking at it. It has to go.” He paused. “Please.”
I raise an eyebrow. “The houseboy has spoken.”
“Heed my official declaration, Sir.”
“I heed, alright. Well if it’ll make you happy. But I will want a runner there. It gets cold in winter.”
“Yes sir! Hooray a task!” He ran into the garage to get his tools to rip up the carpet.
I watch him, sort of amused. “A happy houseboy means a happy home, I guess.”
“Oh Sir?” He asks, sticking his head back in the room.
“Yes lad?”
“Since we’re throwing it out… wanna have a good fuck on the stairs?”
“Mmmn. That is appealing. How about I unlock you, you hump the carpet, edging yourself closer until I tell you to stop, over and over again, and then I will mount you and breed you?
“UHhhhh. Do I get to cum?”
”My opinion is irrelevant in this isn’t it?”
”Yep! Fetch my keys, lad. We’re gonna have us some fun.”

Captions are fictional.


I crawled onto the bed while trying to will my erection away. I had bounded up the stairs when he texted me from the bedroom. “DTF?” Of course I was down to fuck. He’d been gone like 12 hours a day working on new road projects for the city. Now that quarantine was in effect, the city ramped up its efforts to fix all the damage over winter. Which meant I spent a lot of days alone. However, he came home early today. He went up to shower, then I got the text…

Alas, when I got upstairs, I found Jules passed out like a cat in a sunbeam. He didn’t even pull the comforter off the pillows. Just pulled off his jeans enough to tempt me with his ass…and click. He was out. I caressed the curve of his butt. “You’re exhausted aren’t you, baby? Poor Jules…” I sighed. God what a butt. I bit my lip. I could fuck him in his sleep. We’d done it before. No, he needed rest. My full balls could wait. I pulled off his jeans and boxer briefs. I pulled a blanket out of the closet and draped it over his nude form. Jules sighed in his sleep.
“Sleep well.” I kissed his temple. I figured he’d be up for dinner.

To my surprise, he slept until morning. At dawn, I was woken up by someone kissing my chest.
“Jules?” I slurred.
“Good morning.”
“The sun isn’t up…” I noted, one eye closed.
“Yeaah… too early to want your dick then?”
I thought. “No. Help your self.” I flung back the sheets and rolled onto my back.
He exhaled. “Oh god yess…”

I slipped in and out of sleep in a fog of pleasure as he stroked me to full hardness and rode me like a cowboy. His moans were beautiful, like angel song. I managed to open my eyes just to see him throw back his head in ecstasy as he came. I filled his tight ass, and the black spots in my vision over took me again.

I woke up some time later, under a very familiar blanket. Bed was empty though. Damn. Missed him before work. He did leave me a lovely breakfast in the fridge though, with a note:
“Thank you so much for letting me sleep and for the sex this morning. I feel AWESOME today! You’re such a great boyfriend. <3 Jules.”
I nearly cried. Loved that boy.

Captions are fictional.