
I don’t fucking believe it. No way. He actually caught a fish with his bare hands. Is the pup instinct so strong in boys in that headspace that they can do stuff like that?? How is that even possible? Looks like he’s going to come over here now. Oh lord, he put it in his mouth. Kissing him later is going to be weird. But he seriously just caught dinner out of this lake. I’m so proud and impressed right now, but in a really weird way. It’s like one of those odd boners you get in totally unexpected situation.
“Did you really catch that boy? Bring it over here, don’t let it get away! Come! Good boy!”

Captions are fictional.


Ah shit, there’s another bruise on my thigh. Goddamn it, I’m so hung over. I can barely remember anything. Just how many guys did I let fuck me last night? I know there was that one guy in the red shirt… ugh my head. This light is too bright. I need an aspirin. And breakfast. And a shower. And probably an STD test though.”

Kyle reaches for his phone and glances at it. He hits the ‘Home’ button. Someone had set Kyle’s wallpaper to him sucking someone’s cock. Kyle stares at it. Guy had a green shirt. And a big bush.

Well, there’s two guys accounted for at least. Kyle stood up and winced in the light. Man, that was one fucking party. Christ I need an aspirin. And breakfast. And a shower. And maybe two STD tests. And adult supervision in the future.

Captions are fictional


“All of it?”
“Yep. All of it. I’m washing all your clothes because ALL of them smell like mildew. Your washer had a drainage issue I fixed, and you had too much lint in the dryer. You haven’t had clean clothes for a while now. So everything you’re wearing comes off.”
“Wait. You came over here to help organize my house. What do you mean you ‘fixed the washing machine?’“
“Listen, a houseboy does not do job half assed. I can’t organize your closet if your clothing smells like mildew, and I can’t donate stuff that isn’t clean either. I start from the 2nd floor down. I already organized your linen closet and bathroom, and now that you’re home we can finish the master bedroom.”

Jeremy stared at Anthony. He worked for Jeremy’s friend Steve…he’d heard what a bossy little thing he could be, but Jeremy was seeing why Steve adored him so much. Anthony was good at his job.
“You know what, I ain’t gonna argue.” Jeremy walked to the laundry room and took off clothes.
“I appreciate that.” Anthony leaned against the door and watched. “Damn those legs…”
Jeremy looked at him. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”
“I always wanted to see you naked.”
“What? Me?”
“Yeah. Started at Steve’s pool party. You’re real hot. Hot in a different way Steve is.”
Jeremy blushed. “Thank you.”
“Mmhmm. You wanna fuck me later, let me know.”
“Damn, aren’t you brazen!”
“I know what I want,” Anthony said with a grin.
Jeremy stood before him bare ass naked while Anthony ogled him. “Well this is gonna go both ways. You need to be naked too.”
Anthony thought. “I suppose that is fair. I’ve never organized a house naked before. This should be fun.” Anthony stripped out of his clothing too.

Anthony put the washer on and they both went upstairs to see what Anthony had been busy doing up there. They got a little distracted in the bedroom when Jeremy took Anthony up on his offer early.

Captions are fictional.


“Sweetheat, don’t eat sand. Jemmy – Jemmy, don’t feed your brother sand. Don’t put sand in his pants! What? I suppose if you buried him in sand he’d get sand in there, so don’t bury him in sand. Please play nicely. Make some castles with moats.” Keagen exhales and we exchange a look.
I smile. “They keep trying to kill themselves.”
Keagen snorts. “They do. Hard to relax.”
“I’m watching them too, love. You do need to relax. Do what I’m doing.”
“And what is that?”
“Staring at something nice to look at it.”
Keagen realizes what I mean and smirks. “I’m still the hot stud at the beach?”
“Hot as hell, baby.”
“Well, that’s a relief. It’s hard to find time to eat and work out with these two. I’m worried about my body. Honestly I almost didn’t wear this Speedo out here. Maybe it’s not a ‘dad’ thing to do.”
I raise an eyebrow. “A ‘dad’ thing to do is to make sure their children have a safe day at the beach. Doesn’t matter what you wear. You still look great. That woman who walked past just oggled you.”
“Did she?” Keagen looked over his shoulder. “She’s got a nice butt, but yours is nicer.”
“Well that is nice of you to say.”
“It’s true. I stare at it when you pick up the kids. Makes your glutes bulge.” Keagen smirks and holds his hands up to make a ‘grabby’ gesture.
I put a hand over my chest in a gesture of faux-drama. “I was not aware I was being voyeur’ed upon.”
“Oh I voyeur plenty.” Keagen replies.
I flush and glance at the kids. “Jemmy don’t eat the algae! Take that shell out of your brother’s mouth please. If Beaudry’s hungry we have snacks up here.”
Keagen glances over at them. “Won’t eat their veggies, but eats algae. Such health conscience children.”
I chuckle. “We should be so grateful. “ Jemmy starts chatting at me again. “What do you want again, Jemmy? Sparkling water? What flavor? Ok, we have orange. You want one Keagen?”
“Sure, babe.”
I lean forward in the beach chair and open the cooler I’d been using as a footrest. I toss one to Keagen and open one for the kids, pouring them into tsippy cups. “Man, we are textbook urbans gays aren’t we, our kids are eating algae and drinking sparkling water.”
Keagen chuckles. “We’re a trope. Isn’t it also a trope that gay men are constantly horny?”
“It definitely is. One sec.” I get up and walk over to our kids to give them their drink, make sure no one is eating sand, and go back to our chair.
“You know Keagen.”
I lower my voice. “After we go home, our kids are going to go down for a nap. We’re gonna have to take our clothes off to shower…”
Keagen gets a smirk on his face. “Your ass is so mine.”
I bite my lip. “Promise you’ll dust the sand off first? I don’t want any abrasions.”
Keagen starts singing Taylor Swift’s “Shake it off”.
That makes me smile.
“Ok we’re basically every gay trope aren’t we?” Keagen realizes.
I sigh an exaggerated sigh. “I’m afraid so.”
“I don’t think we can fight it,” Keagen says.
“I”m afraid not.”
“I do think our children are eating things again.”
I’m already on my feet. “Honey, stop putting that in your mouth. You’re a mermaid? Mermaids don’t eat algae and sea shells. They eat fish. Whole. Skin and all. You want me to find you a fish?” I look at Keagen for help.
Keagen holds up his hands. “This one’s on you, Dad. Call me when you need your butt dusted. I’m gonna take a brief nap.”
“Good. Get that energy up for later.”
I leave Keagen to his nap and go hang out with the kids. I don’t mind. I’m glad I got Keagen to finally relax. He’s so over-tired he doesn’t even realize it anymore. This beach trip was for him to relax as much as it was for us as a family. And to my delight, it seems to have worked. Looks like I’m going to be rewarded later for my efforts too. I got this dad thing on lock-down.

Captions are fictional.



ALEJO OSPINA via Instagram

Jorge set is sparkling water on the end table and dropped onto the sofa with his Switch. He’d done all his tasks today – he’d worked out, prepped meals for the next two days, cleaned the kitchen, and had a consultation with a new client over his fitness goals.
Sweet, guilt-less leisure time until his boyfriend came home.

About twenty minutes later, Jorge heard the door open. He perked up. “Donovan?”
“I’m home~”
“Welcome home, kitten. How was your day?”
“Tiring,” Donovan whined.
Jorge paused his game and looked up as Donovan came into the room.

“I heard you get up early this morning. Did it catch up to you?”
“Yeah it did. I couldn’t sleep after that weird dream I had, so I thought I’d go for a jog and start my day early. Caught up to me after lunch. I nearly fell asleep at my desk, so I’m going to work from home the rest of the day.”
“You want something to eat? Dinner’s in the crockpot for later, be ready about 7.”
Donovan yawned. “No… just a nap.” He eyed Jorge on the sofa. “Fuck you’re a sight for sore eyes. Hm. I know what I’m going to do.”
Donovan held up a finger. “One moment.” He went to the bedroom. Jorge could hear him opening drawers. A few minutes later Donovan came back in his pajama pants and a soft tee shirt. He was also holding the seat from the reading chair by their big sun window.
“What are you doing with that kitten?”
Donovan smiled. “Cat nap.” He put the cushion on the floor between Jorge’s legs and sat down on it. He leaned his head against Jorge’s thigh and nuzzled the tight cotton briefs straining to contain Jorge’s package.
“Oh hello there. Is that where your nap spot is gonna be?”
“Mmmhm. I’m very comfortable. Also you smell good.”
Jorge tousled Donovan’s auburn curls. “I showered after my work out.”
“Ish nice.” Jorge then added, “This is so much better than my desk.”
Donovan smiled. “Get some rest kitten. I’m going to wear your ass out after dinner.”
Jorge pulled his sagging head up. “Buh? What did you say?”
“Nothing, nothing. Kitten. Get some rest.”
“I hope I heard that right…”
Donovan chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp. “Rest.”
“Oh that feels sooo good,” Donovan purred.

Jorge messed around on his phone with one hand until he was sure Donovan was out, and then withdrew his hand from his boyfriend’s hair so he could use his Switch with both hands. Hard to focus though with such adorableness at his feet. Jorge glanced at the can on the end table. Good thing he thought to bring that. He was going to be stuck on the sofa for a while. Not like he had any complaints about it though…

Captions are fictional.


Gavin stopped on the stoop of his house. “Oh my god.”
“There you are. Good mornin!”
“What the…Khan, it’s 7:30 in the morning. Have you been up all night?”
“Yeah baby. The parties in Miami don’t stop!”
Gavin walked down the pathway to the sidewalk, his ankle boots making tapping noises on the cement as he walked. His face was a mask of astonishment. “Oh my god, Khan. Where are your pants? Children live in this neighborhood…”
“I was at a pool party last, no pants needed. This jacket makes all the statement I need.”
Gavin put his fingers over his mouth and took in the scene, cause it was a scene. “Khan. You need to go home and sleep this off. You’re trashed.”
“Nah, baby, I have to tell you something. That I love you so fuckin’ much. All these hot guys, these club guys – they ain’t got nothing on you. I’ve been thinkin’ about you all night, seeing your face on everyone in the room. Imagine you cuddling up to me, nuzzling my shoulder of his fuzzy coat… I want to be with you. I want you to be there when I’m home.”
Gavin sighed softly. “Khan. We hooked up a couple times. We had a spark. But I don’t date people who sell drugs.”
“Baby~ I told you it’s day trading.”
“Funny. The markets open at 9:30 am, and you are always asleep at that time.”
Khan made a tsk noise and looked away.
“Look, you’re hot, you’re hung. The sex was amazing. But you’re reckless. And you ain’t straight with me.” Gavin pointed at himself. “I’m not some stupid, hot piece of ass, gold diggin’ ho, whose dick overrides their brain. I’m embarrassed I gave you I gave you that impression enough that you’d think this little stunt would work, cause it clearly has on others before.”
Khan opened his mouth and held up his hands, but Gavin held up a manicured finger. “It’s 7:30 in the morning. You need to go to bed. I need to go work. You want to date me, you better work on yourself first.”

Gavin turned down the sidewalk and up his driveway. He heard applause and was startled to see his neighbor standing on the porch holding a chancla. “You tell him, Gavey! You want me to throw this at him?”
Gavin turned red. “No, Mama Maria, but thank you. He’s going now.”
“Oh come on Gavin,” Khan pleaded. “Think about it at least! Let’s just go out, I’ll work on myself, we can talk it through!”
Gavin stopped with his hand on his car. “I’ll think about you when I need a one night stand. But that’s all.” And then he got into his car and backed out.

At a red light, Gavin exhaled and tilted his head back. Hard to leave such a beautiful man and such a nice cock behind. Good sex wasn’t worth that drama though. “Guess this club boy has finally grown up.” Gavin felt a bit sad about that and changed the music to Daft Punk. “This club boy still has good taste in music at least.”

One week later, Gavin met the man he would eventually marry. He was, actually, a day trader, and owned a lovely pink cardigan.

Captions are fictional. I like the jacket tbh.




John was doing his leg exercises and advertising at the same time, but he was still surprised when someone walking past actually snapped his jock strap string! His head jerked back, but the stud was already walking past him with a wink and a wave. John blushed. He had a feeling he’d run into that guy in the locker room later… he increased the weight on the machine and repeated his exercises.

Captions are fictional.


I drink in the stunning sight of Nero reading on the sofa in the buff, utterly comfortably in himself. I love discovering all sides to this complex, quiet man. Seeing him at leisure is just as pleasurable as seeing him thrashing in ecstasy.  When he moved in, it was like getting a new pet. I was, and am, just so interested in what he was doing all the time. I try to give him his space during the day, because at night I just want him in my arms until dawn. I also use that time at night to think of more ways to fulfill Nero’s one requirement for moving in – that I bring more casual kink into his daily life.

Nero raises his gaze from his book to me, questioning.
“Show me your device,” I say.
Nero smirks and lifts up his book so I can see the pretty silver device around his cock. The sun glimmers off it.
I nod. “As you were.” And I move on to continue what I was doing. I couldn’t remember what that was though…

Captions are fictional.


“That’s a point! Woohoo! Off with those underwear. Let me see that sweet hot body of yours in the buff.”
“Ah, my fault.” Jackson sighs. He sits down and pushes those underwear off. “You really like lookin don’t you?”
I licked my lips. “You’re fucking hot and got a nice bulge, of course I’m gonna stare. Why do you think I like playing for stripping so much?”
Jackson sets his underwear on the bench with the rest of his clothes. “Cause you’re a horny fucker.”
I laugh. “That’s true. But luckily you won’t have to be embarrassed for long. Two more points and this game is mine.”
Jackson got an odd smirk on his face. “We’ll see about that.”
“What do you mean? You lost so much you’re naked! I still got my shorts on.”

What I did not know is that Jackson set me up. He completely destroyed me over the next few plays. I of course, was too distracted by his bare cock and balls, and his plays were sharp and vicious. I began to lose points, until the game was close – and soon I was naked and a loser! My pride was hurt, but I was almost impressed.

“Goddammit Jackson. You play dirty.” I took a swig of water.
“I like it dirty. And I like being naked.”
“Does that mean you’re gonna let me have you in the bathroom after this?”
Jackson raises an eyebrow. “I’m going to have you. You lost. Your ass is mine.”
I stammered, but I couldn’t come up with a decent rebuttal!

Captions are fictional.


“I have to say, I normally feel kind of ambivalent when company’s want to send me products, but I was already wearing House Arrest’s brand when they e-mailed me. And these boxer briefs are so goddamn comfy, and no wedg – oh hey everyone, it’s my boyfriend. Hi Jax.”
“Hey gorgeous. You streaming for Platform?”
“Yep. I’m doing a promo for underwear.”
“God your ass looks good in those, but it would look amazing in a paper bag.”
Tom giggles. “It would not. And it would crinkle if I even breathed. You’d get papercuts walking to the fridge. Fabric like this is much more comfortable. And soft.”
Jax climbs up on the bed.
“Oh hello there. Are you joining me on the stream?”
“I need to feel this for myself.” Jax cups Tom’s ass and squeezes. “Yeah that’s nice. Soft but I can still get a good grip…”
“Jax – woah, hey, just a reminder I’m still streaming,” Tom stammers.
“Let em watch,” Jax suggests. He kisses Tom’s neck and brings their bodies together.
Tom gasps. “Christ you are a madman!”
Jax slips his arm around Tom’s torso, and slides his hand down his thigh.
“Aah!” Tom arches against Jax. He puts an arm around his neck and gives in to the desire to kiss that man and let him ravish his mouth in return.

In a moment, streaming seems marginally less important than it was a moment ago. Tom lowers his hand with the phone as he gets distracted by the way Jax is making him feel. Jax cups Tom between the legs and squeezes. Tom makes a guttural cry. The phone falls to the bed. Jax guides Tom backwards to the bed and pulls the underwear off so he can stroke him properly. Tom twists his fingers into Jax’s hair and keens.

When they finish and the Earth stops spinning, Tom gets his wits back about him. “…Is my phone still streaming?” He wipes his hand on the sheets and picks it up; his face goes pale. “Oh shit it is. Uhhh hi everyone. Oh my god there’s so many people watching this. Um. Fuck uhh. Well that was a little unexpected. I- uh-”
Jax takes the phone. “Your boy’s a little busy now. Leave a message.” He shuts off the recording.
Tom covers his face with his hands and groans. “Thanks for doing that. Fuck, I may get decommissioned for that.”
“But people will be talking about it for a while.”
“Yeah I guess it’s true. Any press is good press right? Mmn I love it when you kiss me. Wanna take a shower together?” Tom asks.
“Oh hell yeah, we haven’t done that in a while.”

Tom later posts a photo on Instagram of the pair of underwear in front of the shower door. “Sorry to everyone who watched my stream on Platform last night. I didn’t intend to keep recording during an intimate moment with my boyfriend. I really apologize you had to listen to that. Some of you seemed to uhhh not mind so much, but others were upset. I apologize, but sometimes, real life interrupts the life we craft for ourselves, and those moments matter more than what you’re doing on your phone.”
To his surprise, the underwear company loves the photo and wants to use it for a campaign. Tom is less impressed when he gets offers to shoot porn, and turns them down. He has standards, really.

Captions are fictional.